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Tesla's Impulse Tech - Energy from the vacuum part 7 released

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  • Tesla's Impulse Tech - Energy from the vacuum part 7 released

    some of you might find the pictures, or the text on this page slightly interesting.
    i cant wait to see this one..

    PART 7


    Dialogues with JOHN BEDINI


    Just attempting to think about the notion of Nicola Tesla being able to shuttle energy at will around a single wire circuit causes most people to claim that such concepts are far beyond their comprehension.

    After all, don't we need two wires, just for a start?

    Well, it turns out that the problem is that existing electrical technology just does not have an adequate vocabulary to describe what the Great Man was doing.

    In this film, John Bedini meticulously teaches us the missing technology on the blackboard, while demonstrating it on the bench........AND adapting it to charge batteries, something no-one has ever done before.

    The DVD is a must for anyone seeking not only an understanding of our missing electrical science, but also for those seeking to put it to practical use.

    Chalk talk with John Bedini

    Checking the capacitor charge

    Load test

    Explaining the timing on the Bedini-Cole Window Motor

    The Window Motor generating the energy nodes

    Checking progress

    Simultaneous scope and voltage readings

    Rick Friedrich and John Bedini make the adjustments
    Flickr photosets (My visits to the Nikola Tesla&Viktor Schauberger Museums, Steorn Waterways 2009 Orbo demonstration, Earthship Brighton, and also Walter Russell images)
    My electronic music

  • #2
    Good to see Rick in there. To the best of my knowledge the window motor is OU, if they are doing a DC in and Dc out this is probably going to be the most controversial EFTV yet.


    • #3
      awesome, cant wait
      "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


      • #4
        Hi Everyone,

        EFTV part 8 trailer was just released for those that are interested.

        YouTube - "Energy from the Vacuum" Series - Trailer - Pt. 8



        • #5
          More controversial stuff...

          I searched youtube for the string

          "YouTube - "Energy from the Vacuum" Series - Trailer - Pt. 8"

          And down in the list of related links I found:

          Dear Illuminati! (Part 1 - Free Energy)
          new clean alternative energy source BlackLight Power Inc.


          new clean alternative energy source

          A technique using magnetic mechanical resonance is described

          Something unusual is a complete measuring report from TÜV and also UL describing a COP of 3. 200 w in 600w out.

          Apparently the Germans are opening up a bit. Sometime ago I had a talk with Meyl. He said I should have no fear, that more was with him than against him. He showed a picture of several German ministers, one of them holding a lit CFL without wires connected, but next to his experimental kit. The minister looked like a little boy who got a new amazing toy. I have also tried the set and it is amazing. only 5w excitation. I have seen the same at home but not with as little as 5w with my stuff described previously.

          If this has been told before somewhere else please excuse me. I have been a seldom visitor here since my postings about one wire lighting.

          Two days after Ash published my posts in a Panacea document, my computers connected to the Internet got infected.

          It is a long story, I will spare you, I can just say I made a lot of reinstalls wasting lots of time. My Internet traffic was filtered. My Internet provider supporter told me on the phone, that I must have some industrial secret with this kind of Internet trouble, but he could do nothing about it. He advised me to report it to the police.

          Strangely most of my two months nightmare was gone the next day. I told the supporter about it, and he said "they" don't want to get exposed by a police investigation.

          What I don't understand is why, I did not report anything new, all old stuff.
          I still have to surf anonymous, all encrypted to stay out of trouble, I guess I'm stuck with it.

          Despite of all my warnings, I experienced something that could have ended badly.

          I did some experiments drawing sparks out of the glass at the middle of a 4 foot CFL tube.
          I could feel no electrical shock, just a warm sensation. The whistling blue sparking between the CFL and a wire of a small NEO lamp was around 5 * 5 mm in area, smelling of ozone.

          I held the other NEO wire with my fingers. I experimented with this for days and felt confident it was safe.

          So my friend should try it also. When he did it, a red flame came out of the CFL, approx. 20 mm long and 10mm i diameter. My friend reacted with a strong reflex, and got a burn in his finger, you could see the wire location.

          The CFL did not light no more. There was a tiny hole in the glass where the flame appeared from, and and the inner coating at the opposite side of the tube was gone.

          So be extra careful, it is more complicated than I experienced in the first place.

          And by the way, thanks for a an inspiring forum with a lot of great experimenters.

          Ps. Ash, long ago I wrote a little about CO2, GEET and the french mate measuring the car emissions. I saw the need in the Panacea GEET document for charging the inlet air before the GEET to optimise the effect (down to 5% fuel).

          Maybe this idea could be useful:

          Use two water injectors (sprayers) arranged like the Lord Kelvin experiment. This will charge the water droplets, so maybe the 30kV high voltage supply could be avoided.
          I don't have the time to persuit this myself.


          • #6
            Hi All,

            Just watched the new dvd. Very good.

            What I'm not clear on is the message. Is JB saying that charging a battery this way is bad, or that so long as you continue to use a negative charge you will have no problems.

            Second, on the monopole setup, was the bridge rectifier connected to the power coil (not the trigger coil) or was a seperate single wire coil added somewhere?

            I'll have to watch it again (and again).



            (EDIT: just watched it again and answered my second Q)
            Last edited by dambit; 03-04-2009, 05:48 AM.
            You can view my vids here



            • #7
              Good Results

              I have just set this up with my existing monopole motor and the charging rate is phenominal. A few things i observed:

              1. Input power is just over double, i was using around 300ma with a 500k base resistance on the standard ssg setup. This setup draws around 650ma but is dependant on the condition of the charging batteries. With dead sulphated batteries, the input starts low but increases as the battery impedance drops.

              2. The transistor is warm with good charging batteries, cold with bad batteries.

              3. The AC voltage on the rectifier is lower than the charging battery voltage.

              4. The batteries charge much faster, im estimating 2-3 times faster and they last just as long if not longer when loading. Need to conduct a controlled experiment to verify this.

              5. Bad batteries seem to charge much quicker and last much longer after fewer cycles.

              It would seem that if the charging battery voltage is lower than the input voltage, during the ON phase and depending on the charging batteries impedance, the primary battery is pulsing conventional current to the charging battery followed by a radiant spike during the OFF period.

              2 x 12v 18ah SLA batteries connected in parallel on the charging side took around 10 hours to charge from 12v to 13.5v

              Has anyone here built one of these?
              Last edited by Zooty; 11-21-2009, 11:29 PM.


              • #8
                RE: monopole

                Originally posted by Zooty View Post
                I have just set this up with my existing monopole motor and the charging rate is phenominal. A few things i observed:

                1. Input power is just over double, i was using around 300ma with a 500k base resistance on the standard ssg setup. This setup draws around 650ma but is dependant on the condition of the charging batteries. With dead sulphated batteries, the input starts low but increases as the battery impedance drops.

                2. The transistor is warm with good charging batteries, cold with bad batteries.

                3. The AC voltage on the rectifier is lower than the charging battery voltage.

                4. The batteries charge much faster, im estimating 2-3 times faster and they last just as long if not longer when loading. Need to conduct a controlled experiment to verify this.

                5. Bad batteries seem to charge much quicker and last much longer after fewer cycles.

                It would seem that if the charging battery voltage is lower than the input voltage, during the ON phase and depending on the charging batteries impedance, the primary battery is pulsing conventional current to the charging battery followed by a radiant spike during the OFF period.

                2 x 12v 18ah SLA batteries connected in parallel on the charging side took around 10 hours to charge from 12v to 13.5v

                Has anyone here built one of these?
                Zooty there is a whole sub-board here on building these..


                I have built a couple and have decided to move to solid state because you don't have to mess with the bearings. I love to see the wheel turn but hate replacing bearings.

                Congrates on your build.
                See my experiments here...

                You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                • #9

                  The link you posted is for the tri filer monopole energizers. This is different, it's bi filer with a rectifier directly across the power coil. If you zoom in to the trigger signal on a scope, it's different from the standard ssg.. there are lots of very short pulses that come in slow waves. The same spikes appear on the output while the charge battery is connected. Definitely worth exploring. I'll post some scope shots in a while.

                  The scope shot below was taken across the power coil, I forgot to press the x10 on the scope but you can see the impulse just as John described.
                  Last edited by Zooty; 04-11-2010, 01:24 AM.

