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Resonance Effects For Everyone To Share

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  • Hi everyone,

    I have a new video and also started a new topic at the Overunity Forum since I now believe the effect can become an efficient electric magnetic motor. I now call it a AC Permanent Magnet Motor. I'll keep updating you in this topic for now of new videos and if I find it neccesary I'll also start a new topic here.

    FYI, link to new OU topic: AC Permenent Magnet Motor

    Her is my first post description at the OU topic:

    What I have found is using a Permanent Magnet with continuous Alternating Current (no commutator) going through an Air Core Coil with the magnet in the center as rotor can create motor rotation without switching the power on and off which is much like an induction motor. I also noticed a large amount of Torque compared to when the motor was previously using a commutator since using AC the coil is not really shutting off so the magnet rotor follows the coil activity. The big bonus is, since the rotor is a magnet as it rotates it makes the coil more and more efficient as the RPM increases. The other bonus is, contrary to the induction motor the more the load on the motor the less current it draws ... I don't understand this yet ... however there is a limit at this time due to slip (magnet rotor out of sync with coil) if the load is too much or the RPM is too high the rotor stops and can even reverse. However, I think that much improvements could be made considering the AC I'm using in the video is 50% duty cycle so who knows how far we can take this

    The video demonstrates the basic effect using a motor I made a year ago for another project. So please keep this in mind that nothing is optimized and I'm using off the shelve parts I had.

    Video: YouTube - AC Permanent Magnet Motor test 1

    Please post your comments

    Last edited by gotoluc; 04-13-2009, 01:35 AM.


    • Use frame by frame to view the magnet in
      Vibrating Magnet Coil test 1 or create a new video and use the tachometer.
      You will see the magnet is rotating, it is not vibrating up/down.

      That's what I'm seeing
      Remember to be kind to your mind ...
      Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


      • Hi Luc

        Interesting vid (the vibrating magnet one). It kind of reminds me of how the window motor works. You are pulsing with an AC square wave arent you? And if the magnet was smaller do you think it would flip completely upon each oscillation? A shaft through the center for the magnet to attach to and you have the makings of a tiny window motor

        The current draw I cant comment on however.

        "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


        • What I would like to see...

          what if you tried a sphere magnet in the coil..... would be interesting to see what would happen. Thanks for posting such interesting videos !
          See my experiments here...

          You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


          • Originally posted by Vortex View Post
            Use frame by frame to view the magnet in
            Vibrating Magnet Coil test 1 or create a new video and use the tachometer.
            You will see the magnet is rotating, it is not vibrating up/down.

            That's what I'm seeing
            Hi Randy,

            Thanks for posting your observation. I also noticed that when doing the video. This does need more research.

            Can you help with the study?

            Thanks for sharing



            • Originally posted by ren View Post
              Hi Luc

              Interesting vid (the vibrating magnet one). It kind of reminds me of how the window motor works. You are pulsing with an AC square wave arent you? And if the magnet was smaller do you think it would flip completely upon each oscillation? A shaft through the center for the magnet to attach to and you have the makings of a tiny window motor

              The current draw I cant comment on however.

              Hi Ren,

              thanks for your post.

              Yes AC square wave input to coil. Also yes!... the magnet would flip and this is demonstrated in this newer video: YouTube - AC Permanent Magnet Motor test 1



              • Originally posted by theremart View Post
                what if you tried a sphere magnet in the coil..... would be interesting to see what would happen. Thanks for posting such interesting videos !
                Hi theremart,

                thanks for looking and posting your comment.

                I had actually bought some small 1/4" sphere magnet some weeks ago just to do this test but the effect worked better with the larger magnet. It maybe that the sphere magnets I got are too small so more testing needs to be done on this to find the ideal magnet and coil geometry.

                Thanks for sharing.



                • @everyone,

                  For the first time I've I started experimenting with VERY LOW FREQUENCY RESONANCE to get an idea of using it in my AC magnet motor and I was able to get a coil to resonate as low as 17hz using sine wave. To get resonance this low I had to use two microwave oven transformer secondaries in series with a 10.6uf capacitor in parallel with the coil which are in total 7 Henrie's inductance and 146 Ohm DC resistance. Unfortunately I had to use the steel cores in the coil centers to raise the inductance to this level which leads me to believe that reaching 7 or 8 Henrie's without steel cores (Air Core) would take miles and miles of wire which would have too much resistance in the end and also be too costly not to mention also HEAVY

                  So It looks like I may not be able to build a resonating AIR CORE rotating magnet motor. No wonder Newman's motor weighs over a tonne

                  I'm quite positive that the effect would not be there if I used steel cores, as all this has been done

                  If anyone has anything to suggest please feel free to post.



                  • @ Luc,
                    Bonjour, I'm sorry I can't help you on the problem to resonate a coil at very low frequency, but I wanted to ask you if you made already the video like the German one, with a load on the resonating coil with the magnet inside ... where the current goes down when you add the load

                    If you can get 20W of light from 2W of power input, it's already a big deal Luc! Imagine reducing power consumption on resistive loads (light, heater) per 10 or even 5 would be a fantastic tech
                    Thanks for sharing,

                    PS: Have you seen the result recently on the Dr Stiffler circuit, here on Energeticforum ? I think it's the most promising tech we have those days They are breaking the wall of light now, lighting 40W Fluo Tubes from 1 or 2 W input power ... and charging capacitors !
                    IMO they must progress very fast before suppression ...


                    • Originally posted by stephenafreter View Post
                      @ Luc,
                      Bonjour, I'm sorry I can't help you on the problem to resonate a coil at very low frequency, but I wanted to ask you if you made already the video like the German one, with a load on the resonating coil with the magnet inside ... where the current goes down when you add the load

                      If you can get 20W of light from 2W of power input, it's already a big deal Luc! Imagine reducing power consumption on resistive loads (light, heater) per 10 or even 5 would be a fantastic tech
                      Thanks for sharing,

                      PS: Have you seen the result recently on the Dr Stiffler circuit, here on Energeticforum ? I think it's the most promising tech we have those days They are breaking the wall of light now, lighting 40W Fluo Tubes from 1 or 2 W input power ... and charging capacitors !
                      IMO they must progress very fast before suppression ...
                      Hi stephenafreter,

                      I did not make the 2nd video of the vibrating magnet inside the coil and load (small light bulb) attached since I though the 360 degrees rotating magnet inside the coil was more interesting. It demonstrated full rotations of the magnet instead of just vibrating. It made the power go down as the frequency goes up. It also demonstrated that under load (generator powering bulb) it used less power. It's essentially doing the same thing as the vibrating magnet would do but I thought since it also demonstrated a rotating motive force it was better than just the vibrating magnet.

                      At this time I cannot make a light show like in the German gentleman's video since I'm using a very small power source (signal generator output). We need to also keep in mind that he has not demonstrated power used and participated in open forum so how do we know the real information.

                      I don't know if this will lead to anything but it looks like an interesting effect and is worth studding to better understand it.

                      Dr. Stiffler also has found an interesting effect and for the past year has been doing his best to study, understand and share what he finds.

                      It takes time to let go of what we know to understand what is in front of us.



                      • Don't worry, be happy

                        thanks for reply Luc, I know you have a lot of things rolling over in your brain about that ZPE tech.
                        Don't worry, God willing we will get there

                        Have you seen the latest video from Lidmotor (1 hour ago) !!!!
                        YouTube - SEC running a JT charger wirelessly
                        sorry if it's off topic, but I found it too great
                        God blessings,


                        • From what I see, the magnet would like to flip over and over again, as a sinusoidal wave is a representation of a circle with time added (reason its a S curve)

                          So IMHO if you allow the magnet room to flip you will not see the effect. I see the odd effect as a magnetic lag, meaning the magnet is in a magnetic pathway and wants to orientate in a polarized manner. In your setup the magnet is stopped just shy of the crossover point by the inner coil dimensions, so the coil flips over polarity while fighting the magnetic drag...then when the coil flips polarity the potential energy stored up in the magnetic tension is released and reversed.

                          So in my mind I see a tension device much like a bow or spring board...I would be interested in seeing the results from a solid Permanent magnet core (maybe two different magnetized parallel and one perpendicular to the coils field direction).


                          • Originally posted by stephenafreter View Post
                            thanks for reply Luc, I know you have a lot of things rolling over in your brain about that ZPE tech.
                            Don't worry, God willing we will get there

                            Have you seen the latest video from Lidmotor (1 hour ago) !!!!
                            YouTube - SEC running a JT charger wirelessly
                            sorry if it's off topic, but I found it too great
                            God blessings,
                            Hi stephenafreter,

                            thanks for sharing Lidmotor new video ... looks like great stuff

                            Lidmotor is a very good and reliable researcher. I wish him the best.




                            • Originally posted by Radiant_Science View Post
                              From what I see, the magnet would like to flip over and over again, as a sinusoidal wave is a representation of a circle with time added (reason its a S curve)

                              So IMHO if you allow the magnet room to flip you will not see the effect. I see the odd effect as a magnetic lag, meaning the magnet is in a magnetic pathway and wants to orientate in a polarized manner. In your setup the magnet is stopped just shy of the crossover point by the inner coil dimensions, so the coil flips over polarity while fighting the magnetic drag...then when the coil flips polarity the potential energy stored up in the magnetic tension is released and reversed.

                              So in my mind I see a tension device much like a bow or spring board...I would be interested in seeing the results from a solid Permanent magnet core (maybe two different magnetized parallel and one perpendicular to the coils field direction).
                              Hi Radiant_Science,

                              Thank you for posting your great explanation. I would tend to agree with most everything you explained. Very well done. After rereading it a few times I could visualize it.

                              However I'm having a harder time to visualize your suggestion "I would be interested in seeing the results from a solid Permanent magnet core (maybe two different magnetized parallel and one perpendicular to the coils field direction)"

                              Are both these magnet fixed (not vibrating)?

                              Thanks for sharing



                              • @Gotoluc
                                However I'm having a harder time to visualize your suggestion "I would be interested in seeing the results from a solid Permanent magnet core (maybe two different magnetized parallel and one perpendicular to the coils field direction)"

                                Are both these magnet fixed (not vibrating)?
                                Yes I would be interested in seeing the result of a strong neo magnet fixed in the core area.
                                To get the two different angles you just get one magnetized through the thickness and one magnetized through the the N/S poles will be shifted 90 deg.
                                In theory the shifting AC field would be against the magnetic field and then along with it?
                                Just a suggestion, as I have seen interesting effects with magnets saturating cores, so maybe a magnetic core will do similar

