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alternator secrets

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  • alternator secrets

    Wondering if anyone has any expertise in this area. I've found on the web a document on alternator secrets and understand the fundamentals of 3 phase alternating current. Thank you Nicola Tesla.

    So to get down to the nitty gritty I'm wondering if anyone has wired an alternator in a wye/star configuration. It seems to me that just wiring it one way or the other is counter productive for the same reason full wave bridge rectifiers are used for one phase ac. I don't have a spare alternator lying around and hope to pick one up in the near future to try. How would I wire it?


    Regards and Happy Holidays to everyone,
    Last edited by handyandy; 12-15-2008, 07:26 PM.

  • #2
    Re:Alternator Secrets

    I've ordered some toroids and rods to play with this idea. My goal is to attempt to not break the dipole using a 3 phase toroid wound coil and bifilar inductors wired as oscillators.

    Originally posted by handyandy View Post
    Wondering if anyone has any expertise in this area. I've found on the web a document on alternator secrets and understand the fundamentals of 3 phase alternating current. Thank you Nicola Tesla.

    So to get down to the nitty gritty I'm wondering if anyone has wired an alternator in a wye/star configuration. It seems to me that just wiring it one way or the other is counter productive for the same reason full wave bridge rectifiers are used for one phase ac. I don't have a spare alternator lying around and hope to pick one up in the near future to try. How would I wire it?


    Regards and Happy Holidays to everyone,


    • #3
      Originally posted by handyandy View Post
      I've found on the web a document on alternator secrets and understand the fundamentals of 3 phase alternating current.
      Hi handyandy.

      Interesting topic.
      Was this the webpage you were looking at? Alternator Secrets

      If so, or not I found it a good read as i am still quite novice in many areas of electronics and electrical engineering. I have a feeling i'm going to be working with an alternator in one of my projects in the future. Good time to learn more about what can be done with them.

      Anyway i'm interested in seeing what you have in mind here.

      thedude - Where technology goes Live! - Your Portal Here on Earth


      • #4
        i've done it and run my hho cell of it. you need to crack open the housing and remove the regulator and solder a wire to each phase of the stator and another wire to the neutral where all three windings collect into one. these will be your ac power out. then to power up the rotor you just need two wires for you to put in dc. if you need anymore info i'm happy to help just pm me.


        • #5
          Re: Alternator Secrets

          This week I ordered a used alternator that I can play with and if I don't burn it up with experiments I can rebuild it and have a spare for my car in case I need one. It's for a 1998 ford contour svt 130 amp. I believe it's a 3G alternator. And I ordered some toroids and rods for transformer/oscillators ala Tesla.

          My theory is based on the fact that depending on how you wire the stator you can optimize for volts or amps. The rotor is an electromagnet which energizes the stator producing a 3 phase alternating electric current. I'd like to investigate if I can wire one end of the stator winding with one configuration and the other end with another configuration and feed each into a full wave bridge rectifier for high volts and amps. Other things too hydroxy and water spark plug and tesla switch related.

          While waiting for parts I've been doing some reading. I just typed "what is (fill in blank)" into the search engine and found this about an electric ground. From here : What is a Ground?

          " ground, also called an earth, is a source of unlimited charge that remains at zero volts. It is the point from which all other potential differences in a circuit are measured, and can be used as the return path for current in a circuit."

          Also read that the ground has zero resistance but that may be we can't measure it. What does this mean? Seems there's lots of focus on the positive terminal and not so much on the negative. Maybe this is what Tom Bearden is ranting about and John Bedini is demonstrating. Don't destroy the dipole.

          Also interesting is the property of a rotary spark gap : "When the disk is rotated, the points align with the contacts and create an spark. This allows for higher voltages as the arcs are quickly broken and the moving points are cooled faster resulting in less erosion. Also see what Wikipedia says about a short circuit.

          Last edited by handyandy; 12-20-2008, 05:54 PM.


          • #6
            Fantastic wind generation opurtunity

            Is there any way to modify one of these alternators to some type of wind generator. I have seen something at...

            WindBlue | New Wave of Blue Wind

            There are some who have made thier own and run shops on them. Connection thru battery banks then to rectifiers and you know the rest...

            Can you share andy diagrams or pics of your findings
            "But ye shall receive power..."
            Acts 1:8


            • #7
              Re:Alternator Secrets

              This link among others is what got me started thinking. I found it by doing a search on bifilar alternators:

              Alternate Power

              and the previous post regarding alternator secrets document by an unknown author... and the work being done on the roto-verter AND the work being done by George Wiseman. See his site and there's some excerpts from his book regarding his HiZor product that can be found at the yahoo hydroxy or watercar group files section. You may find a design attributed to Dr. Lindermann(sp?) there.

              I'm not an engineer I'm just a plumber who also happens to have a college education but in the field of bio science. I began to realize that I've been trained to become a slave to the energy cartel similar to those coal miners who were driven into constant debt and slavery living in company housing and buying supplies in company stores only it's being enlarged into a global model. There's an old song about it. So, not being formally trained I don't have a box to think in.

              Also I'm not much of an artist but I may try to put something up on what I'm getting at. In patents I see alot of "those skilled in the art...".

              In conclusion this journey started for me over the past year when oil prices climbed and I wasn't making any more money being an employee not an employer even though my personal costs were climbing and something in me got to thinking this wasn't right and I started wondering why and searching on the internet for answers. I should have started this journey 20 years ago. I have a lot of time to make up. What I see when I look at motors and alternators is an electron pump and energizer. There should be more coming out than what is injected regardless of whether the rotor is an electromagnet or series of magnets. Geometry is important too.



              • #8
                Still waiting on my used alternator and bridge rectifiers. Also have George Wiseman's book about his HyZor system ordered. Bad time of the year for getting anything via mail. From excerpts of the book I've seen methods of using a primary or secondary alternator for making hydroxy. From the excerpt I read it stated that if the secondary alternator is not connected to a receiver of its output it will overheat and burn up. Sometimes there's a floating ground and sometimes there's a hard ground. If the ground is floating where are the electrons coming from? Hmmm...

