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That was unexpected.... (Magnacoaster)

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  • Originally posted by darkwizard View Post
    it seems a lie
    You may be right, but I wouldn't be so sure. Ive been down the road trying to make electricity from the type of device he is working with. It's not easy! It will not naturally generate current until the phase of the B and H fields are altered.
    This can be done by moving a magnet, but then you have to expend physical energy.
    He could have solved this problem some other way, in which case his device would produce lots of power. There's no way to tell through studying the patent.
    The jury is still out as far as I'm concerned.



    • Magnet Generator

      Hey you may want to take a look at this. It's a magnet generator I designed where input = output on the wheel, but with anomalous hot current production on the coils. I did some small tests and the concept seems to hold, I will be building a larger prototype sometime this month.


      • did this thread on magnacoaster end at 137?

        I started following this thread and left it. Came back to it now and looks
        like it ended at #137. Has anyone purchased any of the units or do they
        Is the thread maybe continued elsewhere under a different name.
        Can anybody help me out here or has everyone given up on magnacoaster?


        • Fat people are harder to kidnap.


          I haven't read this thread however, I did watch the video's posted by the utube user "Magnacoastermotors" just last night after following a link from another thread.

          If you follow a link on this page to the peswiki story, there will be a link to a European patent document. In the European patent document there is a reference to a US patent application 20040100099. Plug that number into and you'll get some pics and drawings of what could be a device like the one demonstrated in the video.

          Looks a lot like a Newman machine to me.

          Last edited by sigzidfit; 02-08-2010, 09:49 AM. Reason: I thought my post needed a title.
          A Phenomenon is anything which can be apprehended by the senses.


          • Originally posted by sigzidfit View Post

            I haven't read this thread however, I did watch the video's posted by the utube user "Magnacoastermotors" just last night after following a link from another thread.

            If you follow a link on this page to the peswiki story, there will be a link to a European patent document. In the European patent document there is a reference to a US patent application 20040100099. Plug that number into and you'll get some pics and drawings of what could be a device like the one demonstrated in the video.

            Looks a lot like a Newman machine to me.


            Nah read the pattent and you should see that he in fact has made a pump for voltage and current. Face two mags poles north and south at each other and creat a magnetic stream in between. Make the coil go in the opposit direction of that stream shutting it off and the resulting back spike is so fast like a regular bemf spike but turbo charged by the magnets facing the same way. Between the two magnets and coil on that and you have a bemf pump like no other! Not only are you getting the normal bemf from the environmental magnetic field but you are pushing it with natures own super conductor, the Magnet.
            Think of it like this: You have a balloon, fill it with air and let it go. It goes pretty far. But now instead of letting it go sqeeze the air out of it as well. I think you are starting to get the picture now?
            No wonder he has a coil temperature device. It would make sure it wouldn't burn itself out.
            So here is my take on this. We now know what it is. Now lets try it out and see for ourselves.


            • Does it not use the Flynn parrallel path method. Something like permanent magnet flux switching.
              Directory:Flynn Parallel Path principle device - PESWiki


              • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
                Does it not use the Flynn parrallel path method. Something like permanent magnet flux switching.
                Directory:Flynn Parallel Path principle device - PESWiki
                Sorta but not. It's exactly what they are calling it. It is a magnetic amplifier. The more force pushing past the coils the more energy generation. Not only force but speed as well.... I always knew there was something about the bemf but couldn't quite put my finger on it. It has to be magnetic and magnets in that situation would add to the normal bemf generation thru compression. The resulting generation would be out rageous compared to the using the normal (Bedini) environmental compression. The magnets not only surpass normal back ground fields but might even boost the process which it apparently does. Maybe Magnets are the focal points to make that possible. But to tell you the truth I have to experiment more. I almost have a bench unit completed.
                The only thing I see limiting this is the normal process of making a field. Could using the bemf from an outside set of coils each firing bemf to the mag coil increase the impressive reported results even further. Since the bemf spike is actually time compressed by the back ground field you might be able to go way beyond what they have already by using pure bemf into the mag coil.
                Think of it another way it is like loading a sling shot in a way. The more you pull back the farther it goes.
                Magnetics have little resistances except for other fields and of course the chanels (steel, Iron) <- Steering.
                Just a few more things to think about....
                Last edited by Jbignes5; 02-08-2010, 08:35 PM.


                • Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                  Nah read the pattent and you should see that he in fact has made a pump for voltage and current. Face two mags poles north and south at each other and creat a magnetic stream in between. Make the coil go in the opposit direction of that stream shutting it off and the resulting back spike is so fast like a regular bemf spike but turbo charged by the magnets facing the same way. Between the two magnets and coil on that and you have a bemf pump like no other! Not only are you getting the normal bemf from the environmental magnetic field but you are pushing it with natures own super conductor, the Magnet.
                  Hi Jbignes5,

                  I have been studying and experimenting with Richard's device concept.

                  I do believe the magnets are both oriented on core with same poles (North)

                  Also, If you look at the patent fig.1 you will see the magnet on the top of the core is closer to the core then the bottom magnet, so I think the bottom magnet has an air gap. You will also notice that the size of the top magnet is larger then the bottom. I think the top magnet needs to be twice or more the force of the bottom magnet which has an air gap.

                  You can also see that the negative leg of the coil is wound anticlockwise, which maybe important.

                  I don't have a working replication but hopefully will one or something similar in some time.

                  All the best to you in your experiments



                  • Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                    Hi Jbignes5,

                    I have been studying and experimenting with Richard's device concept.

                    I do believe the magnets are both oriented on core with same poles (North)

                    Also, If you look at the patent fig.1 you will see the magnet on the top of the core is closer to the core then the bottom magnet, so I think the bottom magnet has an air gap. You will also notice that the size of the top magnet is larger then the bottom. I think the top magnet needs to be twice or more the force of the bottom magnet which has an air gap.

                    You can also see that the negative leg of the coil is wound anticlockwise, which maybe important.

                    I don't have a working replication but hopefully will one or something similar in some time.

                    All the best to you in your experiments

                    Thank you.

                    I have to disagree with the same poles facing each other. For the simple fact that it is a regular coil in that diagram and when you flip the poles of the coil it would apose the poles with it being oriented in the (n-s)==coil==(n-s).
                    If it were the other way around it wouldn't have the same effect. I also suspect that from the pictures compared with the diagram from the patent that I am correct about the orientation. Since the north facing each other would already create an artificial seperation between those poles that the stream analogy would fit best. Concidering you could generate 100% of the voltage thru the full coil with the stream analogy it only makes sense that the poles are complimentary and not oposing.
                    I might be wrong but I will see with my experiments. Like most patents they use deception and even very simple first runs of the concepts to usually put in there to not give the best modifications away that they did to the original concept. Only to preserve the current concept.
                    The weird thing is they really think they are gonna be able to profit from this instead of giving it to the people of this world. Again this concerns me as we should be moving away from this corperate greed.
                    Time will tell all things. Including weather we hit the OU device finally.


                    • Originally posted by lazyfarmer View Post
                      I started following this thread and left it. Came back to it now and looks
                      like it ended at #137. Has anyone purchased any of the units or do they
                      Is the thread maybe continued elsewhere under a different name.
                      Can anybody help me out here or has everyone given up on magnacoaster?
                      I did receive word from someone (I'm not at liberty to say who) that they ordered one of these units many months ago, but that Richard Willis couldn't deliver. He had promised delivery by a certain date, but that came and went months ago. He kept making up excuses why he couldn't complete the order. I advised this person to be the first in line to get their money back, but I don't know if he has tried or been successful. Sure smells like a scam to me.

                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • I also heared that they could not deliver
                        I think it is something like the this John Bedini patent
                        US Patent # 6,392,370
                        Device and method of a back EMF ... - Google Patent Search


                        • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
                          I also heared that they could not deliver
                          I think it is something like the this John Bedini patent
                          US Patent # 6,392,370
                          Device and method of a back EMF ... - Google Patent Search
                          For what it's worth... I built a replication of Beidni's BEMF motor which didn't work real well. The problem is with the big magnet being on the opposite side of the coils with respect to the rotor. You lose a lot of field strength in that short distance through the coil cores. I found it's best to have the magnets as close to the rotor as possible. I put mine between the coil and the rotor which works much better.




                          • I cannot go into detail for legal reasons, however do not touch Richard Willis. He has recieved well over 6 figures in order to complete research and squandered all of it.

                            I have seen his origional patent application, he had to switch diodes around at the patent office to make it correct!

                            Please take his concept for its merit only, and stay far away from the inventor.

                            Surround yourself with good people...


                            • Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
                              I cannot go into detail for legal reasons, however do not touch Richard Willis. He has recieved well over 6 figures in order to complete research and squandered all of it.

                              I have seen his origional patent application, he had to switch diodes around at the patent office to make it correct!

                              Please take his concept for its merit only, and stay far away from the inventor.

                              Surround yourself with good people...
                              Absolutely gonna stay away from the man but this concept seems interesting enough to me to look into it.
                              What I really think he is doing is pushing the coil field well into the magnets with such force that it rebounds even faster then could be using the background field to compress the field.
                              It's like creating a bubble of compressed magnetic field to shoot back across the coil to generate way more because the magnetic field has no real resistance but for a channel in between the mags. Kinda like the action of a drum skin (magnetic field inside of the magnet). Compress the skin enough and it can shoot things way away. (mag1(_<-)_coil field_(->_)mag2)
                              ()=full physical mag when the field goes into the mag the compression must be at it's highest hence why the way over unity.
                              Now when the strength of the mags are of the n52 it would take more to push that coil field into the mag making the gain that much more compared to weaker mags. I only have 4 ceramic mags but I will get n42's next to play with.
                              Of course getting the strength of the coil field to the correct mag strength can be done on paper but I am no good at calculations. If someone could help with that it would make reproducing the desired effect that much easier to rough out a prototype of any size.
                              I think if I go with the bigger stronger mags I will increase the whole size of the unit to handle the bigger currents and forces generated by the pushing of the field into such powerful mags. Right now my laminates are from old tranformers and I don't think I have a good enough of a channel and coil to facilitate the entire fields that will be needed to push the field into the mags.
                              Could someone do a magnetic simulation and let me know how big of a core I would need for n50 1*1*1 cubes. It would have to pass enough field to over-ride the magnets field inside the unit. Lets say a n50 has a strength of 14.5k gauss. So I would need a coil that could pass 14.5k gauss+(1-3k gauss extra) and a core that should wrap around the cube and negate the exposed end of the cubes so that it will not be a threat to people. The core should look like a sideways H.
                              I'll see if I can make a few drawings of what I am thinking about.

                              Something that concerns me is weather this will degrade the magnet? by pushing the field into the magnet would it create a weakness? I would assume no until it heated up. since a magnet looses strength when heated. Cooling the ends thru the cap might help with the life of the mags..
                              Last edited by Jbignes5; 02-09-2010, 06:19 PM. Reason: added picture


                              • Originally posted by sigzidfit View Post

                                I haven't read this thread however, I did watch the video's posted by the utube user "Magnacoastermotors" just last night after following a link from another thread.

                                If you follow a link on this page to the peswiki story, there will be a link to a European patent document. In the European patent document there is a reference to a US patent application 20040100099. Plug that number into and you'll get some pics and drawings of what could be a device like the one demonstrated in the video.

                                Looks a lot like a Newman machine to me.

                                This is a Newman machine. I read the patent, and if this is what Willis is trying to sell it's unbelievable. Nothing new in that patent.
                                The only thing that's different is the dual coils. These are probably included because the motor is switched twice during one revolution. The second coil is apparently easier than reversing the current through one coil. Two coils also lend themselves to more efficient energy recovery, but I don't see any evidence of that in the patent.


