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That was unexpected.... (Magnacoaster)

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  • #31
    'they' aren't ready to allow 'free energy' to the masses. They want a one world government first.
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • #32
      Very well stated Rickoff (or see my condensed verision, POST #7, of this thread).


      • #33
        Originally posted by rickoff View Post
        It's hardly a "dead plan" for Richard Willis, or for the $1 million investor, and it does focus on a "now" solution for those who can afford it.

        As for the rest of us, it might as well be dead unless we do something. Basically, as I see it, we have 4 choices:
        1. Buy one of the 3 Magnacoaster home power models now being offered for delivery in February. ($4,200 to $15,000 and 4.8kw to 12kw)
        2. Buy some other power generating device that is now available, or soon to be offered.
        3. Build your own device and make the best use of it that is possible.
        4. Do nothing now, and hope that a cheap and incredibly effective solution will come along soon and be available to everyone for next to nothing.

        Any of these may prove in the end to be the "right" decision. After all, as you say, someone else may possibly come up with something better (for producing electric power) than the Richard Willis device in the near future, and may offer it at a lower price. That's the way things go in the real world. So you may spend too much if you choose solution #1 or #2. You also run the risk of wasting too much time and money in pursuing choice #3, and end up with an inferior product. With choice #4, your risk is the greatest one of all, but then so is the reward if it proves to be the right choice.

        If, as you say, then what will you choose? What is the best choice - the right choice - to make NOW? And ten years from now, will you still be happy that you made this choice? That, undeniably, is an important question, unless you don't plan on living that long. If the Willis device is real, and the output is not severely overstated, it would probably be a choice that would not only make you happy today, but also ten years down the road because of the money you would have saved in being off-grid - not to mention the satisfaction of being energy independent. If you can build or buy something better, at a lower investment cost, then of course the Willis device wouldn't be your best choice. I'm not endorsing the Willis device, and I certainly am not suggesting that everyone rush to buy one, but it is certainly worthy of further investigation, based upon the very impressive claims that have been made. The claims may be nonsense, but they may also be real. None of us are in a position to pronounce this as a dead end alternative at this point in time, so let's keep our minds open to all possibilities.

        For everyone here, I know the choices will differ, and be dependent on various factors, such as affordability, skills, and knowledge. There are several threads here that offer valuable and viable methods for reducing or eliminating energy costs, and achieving energy independence. The smartest choice will probably be one that does not rely on any singular energy system, but on one which utilizes a variety of renewable energy devices. That, of course, would also be the most expensive way to go, unless you are already well on your way to reaching that goal. Those of us who are not in such a position can stick with choice #4 for a lille while longer, perhaps, while we study and compare our options. But, theoretically speaking, suppose that you had to make just one choice and had to make it today, and you knew that your choice would either greatly benefit or greatly detract from your (and your family's) well-being 10 years down the road. What would you choose as your one and only NOW solution?


        Best wishes to all in the New Year, and in ten years down the road as well,

        Your best NOW solution , if you wish to work on something promising and not totally out of the reach of the common man , you should buy some wire from me , . I layed it out using little evidence I had and analysis and tried to connect the dots with similar technology ...


        • #34
          Originally posted by dankie View Post
          Your best NOW solution , if you wish to work on something promising and not totally out of the reach of the common man , you should buy some wire from me , . I layed it out using little evidence I had and analysis and tried to connect the dots with similar technology ...
          Thanks , Dankie, but you have no more of an idea about what my best solution is than I would have about what yours or anyone else's is. I can certainly appreciate the research which you have done concerning the Meyer method for HHO production, and I applaud you for your efforts. I don't think you will see a rush to buy your wire, though, at least until you show some very successful results. I believe you said that you had already invested $3,000 just on the wire, and I would guess that by the time you finish your project you will have invested considerably more than that - perhaps $4200 or more? And how many LPM, and MMW do you realistically expect you can produce at a 12 volt, 1 ampere input level? The smallest magnacoaster model uses 1 ampere at 12 volts, and is said to produce 4.8 kw output 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, for a $4200 investment. With 4.8kw, you can fully power your home, or you can use the output to power an electric car, or to generate massive amounts of HHO with brute force or Meyer methods to fuel a powerful ICE. I don't think that $4200 is beyond the reach of the average Joe, as the investment would pay for itself in just 3 years if your electric bills are running around $116 a month, which is probably a reasonable average for household use.

          Bottom line is that it all depends on anyone's individual situation - their knowledge, skills, abilities, and resources (both financial and natural), as well as their current status towards gaining energy independence. That's why you cannot answer the question for anyone other than yourself. If you choose the Meyer method then that's choice #3, and that's fine by me. I have no problem with that - it's your choice, and I only asked what you would choose - not what you would choose for me. Okay?

          Best wishes to you with your Meyer project,

          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • #35
            From looking at some of the pictures on the magnacoaster thread, the motor coil looks like a simple arrangement of magnets which are controlled by a coil. I drew a diagram of my best guess:

            When the coil is not energized, the magnetic current flows through the casement between opposite poles. When the coil is energized (pulsed), the orientation of the molecules in the control area are polarized vertically. This causes the magnetic current to be directed through the coil instead of through the casement. This "turns on" the magnets. Reversing the polarity of the electrical pulse through the coil would also instantly "turn off" the magnets.
            The advantage here, besides the obvious control mechanism, is that it takes relatively little power to turn off and on the magnets. Most of the domains in the control area only have to be swung 90 degrees or less. You would get a LOT of gain with this configuration.
            The next step from motor to generator is an easy one.




            • #36
              Originally posted by rickoff View Post
              Thanks , Dankie, but you have no more of an idea about what my best solution is than I would have about what yours or anyone else's is. I can certainly appreciate the research which you have done concerning the Meyer method for HHO production, and I applaud you for your efforts. I don't think you will see a rush to buy your wire, though, at least until you show some very successful results. I believe you said that you had already invested $3,000 just on the wire, and I would guess that by the time you finish your project you will have invested considerably more than that - perhaps $4200 or more? And how many LPM, and MMW do you realistically expect you can produce at a 12 volt, 1 ampere input level? The smallest magnacoaster model uses 1 ampere at 12 volts, and is said to produce 4.8 kw output 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, for a $4200 investment. With 4.8kw, you can fully power your home, or you can use the output to power an electric car, or to generate massive amounts of HHO with brute force or Meyer methods to fuel a powerful ICE. I don't think that $4200 is beyond the reach of the average Joe, as the investment would pay for itself in just 3 years if your electric bills are running around $116 a month, which is probably a reasonable average for household use.

              Bottom line is that it all depends on anyone's individual situation - their knowledge, skills, abilities, and resources (both financial and natural), as well as their current status towards gaining energy independence. That's why you cannot answer the question for anyone other than yourself. If you choose the Meyer method then that's choice #3, and that's fine by me. I have no problem with that - it's your choice, and I only asked what you would choose - not what you would choose for me. Okay?

              Best wishes to you with your Meyer project,

              The magnacoaster is a fraud and will be made as an example for the public to never believe again in free energy and this incident will be laughed at in the future .

              As you said , it depends on your financial situation . But I see the number 4 choice as a pathetic excuse to stay inactive , you will never see no progress rom the marketplace , dont kid yourself . Your choice is either to go solar or wind , both are incredibly expensive when the small guy invests in this. Or you can try and invest in a free-energy product , but you need toi find something highly credible , my current project is the most credible thing out there. A small injector with a tiny coil and a signal generator or pwm , thats it.... No expensive machining required .

              So you have 3 choices , go renewable and pay the price the small guy pays , do nothing and keep dreaming and theorizing . Or get busy on a project that could uplift your situation .


              • #37
                Originally posted by dankie View Post
                The magnacoaster is a fraud and will be made as an example for the public to never believe again in free energy and this incident will be laughed at in the future .

                As you said , it depends on your financial situation . But I see the number 4 choice as a pathetic excuse to stay inactive , you will never see no progress rom the marketplace , dont kid yourself . Your choice is either to go solar or wind , both are incredibly expensive when the small guy invests in this. Or you can try and invest in a free-energy product , but you need toi find something highly credible , my current project is the most credible thing out there. A small injector with a tiny coil and a signal generator or pwm , thats it.... No expensive machining required .

                So you have 3 choices , go renewable and pay the price the small guy pays , do nothing and keep dreaming and theorizing . Or get busy on a project that could uplift your situation .
                That's a pretty depressing outlook.
                I will have to disagree with your general assessment that the Magnacoaster technology is a fraud. I'm not saying that what this guy has built works or not, because I don't know.
                However, I think controlling magnetic current holds great promise for power generation. I see no theoretical reason why it won't work.
                Here is a simple concept for generating power with this technology. You have to admit that the control of 4 magnets with one coil has a certain appeal to us FE types.

                The control coil could be wound bifiler with one winding used as a generator coil. The pulses would have to be both positive and negative to efficiently orient the domains within the core. Magnetic current would alternately flow through the casement and the control core, producing electrical power in the generator coils. The control coil core becomes a magnet that alternately changes polarity.
                I have a similar design that I am currently working on. Results should be forthcoming, which I will, good or bad, happily share with this group.


                P.S. Replace the control coil with a rotor containing alternately polarized magnets, and you have a mechanical generator. The alternating magnets would do just the same thing as the coil is doing, although probably not as efficiently.


                • #38
                  The magnacoaster is a fraud and will be made ...

                  Why do you know that, that its a Fraud?
                  Did you buy one or rebuild? Are you been there, as he showed a working Model?
                  Or do you think, he hat a Atomreactor at his Bag, where he powered all the Lamps.
                  And they start selling Things with Moneybackguarantee, for cheating Peoples?
                  When you do such Statements, show Proofs for that.
                  Any Link, where someonesays, its a cheat, but not only 'i am guessing'

                  Btw, there are now other working Models on Youtube with Parallel path.
                  So, dont blame Peoples without any Proof.
                  And you try again, to put Rick your Shoes on, when you say, he only got this Choice.
                  Maybe better, you let your Personal Feelings out and stay sane.
                  Everone shall do what it fits best for him, for Rick its maybe work on HHO,
                  but for you, maybe you go better to Ebay and start to be Reseller.
                  Peoples here try to Research and work at Ideas,
                  but all you do is complaing, make Things bad or cancel all as Nonsens.
                  You are no Researcher, just again someone, who waits for for a Device, what works, but you dont work out any of one Thing.
                  Its maybe better, you go to an other Forum, what fits for you, as to stay here, and make Peoples be bored.
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • #39
                    Hi Ted,

                    I think you could open a separate thread for this interesting setup you show, regardless of what magnacoaster is boiling...

                    Have you happened to do some measurements on what a relatively small power may mean to do the switching of the magnets?

                    Thanks, Gyula

                    Originally posted by Ted Ewert View Post
                    From looking at some of the pictures on the magnacoaster thread, the motor coil looks like a simple arrangement of magnets which are controlled by a coil. I drew a diagram of my best guess:

                    When the coil is not energized, the magnetic current flows through the casement between opposite poles. When the coil is energized (pulsed), the orientation of the molecules in the control area are polarized vertically. This causes the magnetic current to be directed through the coil instead of through the casement. This "turns on" the magnets. Reversing the polarity of the electrical pulse through the coil would also instantly "turn off" the magnets.
                    The advantage here, besides the obvious control mechanism, is that it takes relatively little power to turn off and on the magnets. Most of the domains in the control area only have to be swung 90 degrees or less. You would get a LOT of gain with this configuration.
                    The next step from motor to generator is an easy one.




                    • #40
                      Originally posted by gyula View Post
                      Hi Ted,

                      I think you could open a separate thread for this interesting setup you show, regardless of what magnacoaster is boiling...

                      Have you happened to do some measurements on what a relatively small power may mean to do the switching of the magnets?

                      Thanks, Gyula
                      Hi Gyula,
                      I just got finished doing some testing on another version of this type of device. While the theory is simple enough, it's all in the engineering. I wanted to try and get my drive coil to resonate, like a Bedini SS, but it wouldn't go into resonance no matter what I did. I think the coil was too small (too few turns) and I couldn't get enough voltage on the base of the transistor.
                      I put a 60 hz, 24 volt transformer into it, which worked, but not very well. I put a higher frequency motor driver into it and it worked even better, but still not optimally by a long shot.
                      My initial construction was marginal, the control coil was too small, it didn't get close to resonance, had poor efficiency and got rather warm. Otherwise it was a typical early effort.
                      I'll start on version 3 (above) which will hopefully work a little better. It should be a little easier to build and easier to modify. I'll try and take some better measurements once I get it running fairly well.



                      • #41
                        mmh, anyhow i cant figure out, why you didnt get enough voltage to the base of the Transistor.
                        Mine does work on the 3055 even with 0.2 mV. Maybe you can scope it, or measure, if there is any Voltage, when you turn the Coil on, maybe its only at the wrong Direction.
                        I saw at the scope, when there is a Minuscurve, the Transistor dont work, or maybe its only at the wrong Timing.
                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Joit View Post
                          mmh, anyhow i cant figure out, why you didnt get enough voltage to the base of the Transistor.
                          Mine does work on the 3055 even with 0.2 mV. Maybe you can scope it, or measure, if there is any Voltage, when you turn the Coil on, maybe its only at the wrong Direction.
                          I saw at the scope, when there is a Minuscurve, the Transistor dont work, or maybe its only at the wrong Timing.
                          I may have been getting enough voltage and it still wasn't oscillating. I touched the base with 12 volts to shock it into oscillation, but it still didn't want to start. I swapped the base leads, switched transistors, rebiased the base, unbiased the base and still couldn't get it to go. Maybe I had an internal short, who knows. If I didn't want it to oscillate you know it would be singing like a canary.
                          I'll build a new circuit for the next unit and I'll get it going for sure. Thanks for the tips.



                          • #43
                            Well, therfore i have more suggestions for a Coil.
                            When you wind them, and you look from top on it, let the Wire go clockwise.
                            Where you put Voltage in, at the opposite it will make a N pole.
                            You can put some more windings over it at the side, where you did start to wind.
                            It makes the Pole there Stronger.
                            Or go back to left side in 45°, when the Coil has more Layer.
                            Winding Direction can make a Different, i saw it at my Bedinicoils, what i did put behind eachother
                            When i dont have the right direction at winding them, it makes a Different.
                            Even, when one looks like it acts like a big Minuscoil, and is only for triggering the Transistor.

                            @ Gyula
                            I think, the low Voltage is for close the MAgnetpath
                            Look there Article:Joe Flynn's Parallel Path Magnetic Technology -- by Tim Harwood - PESWiki
                            at Figure 3, there are 3 Bars, one left one right, and one Bottom.
                            I think, at the Magnacoster he close and open the Bar with the lower Coil,
                            or he close upper and lower with a Rod alternate.
                            Inside are the Magnets, and you can bench the Flux, and get the AC-current from the Coils.
                            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                            • #44
                              Magnets and coils

                              I was going to post something to this effect previously but I do too much theory (heaps of spare time at work, none at home) and not enough actual experimentation...

                              I once posted a youtube video where I was using a relay to pulse an ignition coil. I now know that the power source I was using didn'tt have enough amperage and I should have used a condenser across the relay to supress sparking on the relay contacts..

                              BUT, I thought to myself, maybe I can make the 'on' time of the relay less, or reduce amps drawn, by putting a permanent magnet behind the relay coil, so less energy is needed to create a magnetic field strong enough to open the contacts.

                              I superglued the magnets (just ceramic ones, not neomagnets) onto the relay case, and it flipped over and stuck beside the coil near the sparking relay contacts.

                              I though, cool, I'll supress the sparking too so off time is quicker..

                              In the end I was just moving little magnets around the relay both north and south directions, watching the voltage output of the ignition coil to find sweet spots.

                              SO, when I was reading this thread and thinking of bedini systems that capture the voltage spike of a collapsing magnetic field in a coil, just like a stone dropped into a pond will create a particle column of water...

                              I started thinking, to throw the stone would create a bigger splash. Why not have a coil around a permanent magnet, with the coil collapse being reinforced by the magnetic field. Initially you would have to 'turn off' the magnet by cancelling out the magnetic field (exactly?) by pulsing the coil for just long enough for it to reach it's peak energetic state (i the coil's natural resonance time)

                              Then, possibly this coil could be bifiliar wound, and using the supported magnetic field collapse, capture the intense bemf.

                              If it breaks out of linear operation, and chaos takes over, the equations governing the relationship of electric circuits will no longer apply because it will be nonlinear.

                              Sorry if this post unintelligible, it just starts forming in my head when I write.
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                              • #45
                                You are right with doing a lot Theory and no practical.
                                Most is only Theory from you, like from 3 other User here, or are you the same.

                                Well, someone mentioned at Overuntiy(Honk) at the Magnacoaster thread, that he dont believe it too, because he worked a lot with Magnetfields.
                                He said, making a Coil equal to the Magnet, what you use, and get the same strong Field needs more Power, as you can get out from it.
                                Thats why he doubt the Magnacoaster.
                                But this is different. At the Parallelpath you actually only redirect the Field, and dont interact with it really.

                                I made for me last Days another Bedinimotor.
                                For the Core, i did take 2 U Shapes.
                                I put them togheter, put into the middle a stronger NE-Magnet, and at the End where the U is closed outside.

                                So i got Magnet, UShape, Magnet, Ushape, Open End
                                At the first is the Triggercoil, the 2nd is the Powercoil.
                                The Magnets face all into the same Direction.
                                I can get therefor a N-field at the End of the Core, close to the Rotor, what actually acts with the Magnet there.
                                Both have around 20 Ohms with 0.3-0,4mm Wire.
                                Before i did put them together, i did put some ironsheets at the open End and they sproad out like a Fan, when there is not a N Pole infront.
                                With N Pole, they form again, to face to the Pole.
                                So, actually, the Field opens and close, when the N Pole from the Roter pass it.

                                But at all, i dont see unfortunatly any increase of the Spikes or Voltage.
                                The Rotor runs some better, but even only too, when i did wind the Coils right. One is CW, the Trigger is CCW.
                                Maybe it can make a better effect, when you adjust the Coils more.
                                But more Turns at Coils do give anyway higher Spikes.
                                Its hard to say, where you get a Improvement, when you change something with the Coils.
                                Maybe its better, to let the Magnet drive the Field from the Coils.
                                But there, i think, the Parallelpath, as it is, is the easier Way.
                                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.

