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That was unexpected.... (Magnacoaster)

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  • #91
    Posts: 4

    Re: new magnetic motor goes 2000 rpm without load 1000 rpm with load
    « Reply #306 on: April 03, 2008, 06:22:30 AM »

    Quote from: MagnaTruth on April 03, 2008, 05:16:43 AM

    The fact is that you are using a video filmed by me on my camera for my personal use and using my voice over my specific objections and without compensating me. Copyright and other non-technical issues will be resolved in another forum.

    I understand that you are not the only individual with a copyright claim against him. In fact, I believe the "Magnacoaster" logo
    itself has been used without permission by the copyright holder.

    What I do find interesting is his reactions to critics - accusations of those having a personal vendetta against him when any form of professional accountability is requested. It seems that you have an axe to grind with him. If you look back a few pages you'll see that I am a drug addict who is in trouble with the law
    . Quite interesting, since I've never met the man and he can't possibly know anything about me. I know only what is available on the internet - it would be interesting to know more about what happens offline in these delusions of his.


    • #92
      I thought it looked like a reedswitch also.

      Also notice how the rotter is not attracted to the coil.


      • #93
        Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
        Hi Eric,

        thanks for your reply. That is an interesting conclusion but it looks like the casing is made of metal and if that is the case it would not work correctly as a magnetic reed switch I think ... if you are sure of what it is, could you find a picture of it with the description of what it is.

        Thank you for your time.

        Hi Luc, here at last after you suggested that I should.

        I am sure it is a heavy duty reed switch and the magnets are joined N+N or may be S+S in this config: you obtain a unipolar very strong magnet with nearly all the flux waves shooting out in a straight line apart from other anomalies like counteracting earth gravity

        Last edited by Michael John Nunnerley; 03-30-2009, 04:46 PM.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
          Hi Luc, here at last after you sujested that I should.

          I am sure it is a heavy duty reed switch and the magnets are joined N+N or may be S+S in this config: you obtain a unipolar very strong magnet with nearly all the flux waves shooting out in a straight line apart from other anomalies like counteracting earth gravity

          You need to clamp the two magnets VERY strongly together to get the full effect, you will be surprised at what this can do. Do not clam with any magnetic material, use brass nut and bolt and no glue, the metal has to make an electrical contact


          • #95
            Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
            Hi Luc, here at last after you sujested that I should.

            I am sure it is a heavy duty reed switch and the magnets are joined N+N or may be S+S in this config: you obtain a unipolar very strong magnet with nearly all the flux waves shooting out in a straight line apart from other anomalies like counteracting earth gravity

            I have tried a N-N with Ceramic Hard Ferrite Magnets and taped them together with duct tape with success.

            The magnets flux "Beam" is being emitted from the joined poles fields compressing and shoots out at that joint.

            This photo of Richards 2x2" block (NIB's?) magnets look to be in a typical N-S arrangement to increase the magnetic field strength going into the iron coil core.

            -Mike R.


            • #96
              @ gotoluc They are more anti-interference capacitors
              I had one, what did look like this one, but i think i trow it, and this one are maybe more older Forms.

              ImageShack® - Gallery

              For anyone else, who did not see a reedswitch before
              리드(Reed) - 스위치
              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


              • #97
                Originally posted by vrand View Post
                I have tried a N-N with Ceramic Hard Ferrite Magnets and taped them together with duct tape with success.

                The magnets flux "Beam" is being emitted from the joined poles fields compressing and shoots out at that joint.

                This photo of Richards 2x2" block (NIB's?) magnets look to be in a typical N-S arrangement to increase the magnetic field strength going into the iron coil core.

                -Mike R.

                Hi there, the two magnets have to be solidly connected, that is to say that once connected they will conduct electric from one mag: to the other, put a test meter accross. If you have a large field coming out at the join then they are not joined, you should get very little side flux in this config:



                • #98
                  Is possible test some about that concept?


                  ok. I see the rotor with high power magnets, I see a core relatively short, I see many super powerfull magnets behind the core.

                  Then, is in attraction mode?

                  Ok, then that motor is a Adams motor, only a Adams motor, the cinetic power created by the rotor attracted to the core throuth the magnets on the another side of the core, create a powerfull torque, you can buid it and measure how much torquet get from these magnets... After that, we have to measure how much Watts are necessary to desmagnetize the core in the precise time and pulse width, then magnets IS NOT PUSHED ONLY NEUTRALIZED, the motor run by the attraction to the core and powerfull magnets attraction.

                  If the watts necessary is relatively low then we got it, we have a powerfull mechanically overunity motor, you can attach a good quality STEPPER MOTOR with bridge diodes, and pulley reduction, stepper motors produce good current in low rpm, that's all.

                  Bill Muller Wrote about that


                  In the past, there were no large permanent magnet applications.
                  Until recently alnico or ceramic permanent magnets were the best magnets available. Alnico or ceramic type permanent magnets are about 1/10 as powerful and 8 times the size of today's super powerful rare earth permanent magnets.

                  Magnet motors and magnet generators could be built out of the older materials, but they had to be bigger and of course much heavier. It was cheaper to use electromagnetic coils, which could generate much stronger magnetic fields.

                  In 1982, the first rare earth cobalt based permanent magnet was introduced and four years later the introduction of the neodymium based rare earth permanent magnet. Rare earth permanent magnets can easily rearrange the field or depolarize a strong Alnico or ceramic magnet and can withstand higher operating temperatures. For example the tolerance to heat for the rare earth magnet is double that of a ceramic magnet.

                  The new permanent magnets have a higher power output and are lighter in weight and smaller in size as compared to conventional ceramic or alnico type permanent magnets. Ceramic or alnico permanent magnets are easily demagnetized by strong magnetic fields or by over heating. Rare earth permanent magnets are not easily demagnetized and can withstand higher operating temperatures than the ceramic or alnico permanent magnets.


                  When a magnetic pole is moved, work must be done against any force acting on it if it is moved in the direction opposite to the force, and conversely, work will be done (or can be extracted) by the magnetic pole when it moves in the direction of the force. In other words, when the magnet falls to another magnet, as when it pulls a rotor around, useful work (energy we can use) is obtained. But trying to move the magnet off of the magnet requires equal work, and so we end up with nothing useful left over.

                  However, if no work is done in moving a magnetic pole around a closed path in a magnetic field,
                  such as a rotor inside of a stator, the net effect would be that work could be extracted by the movement around the complete path without any other change in the system, giving the possibility of a perpetual motion machine that is seemingly contrary to the laws of mechanics.

                  When Odd and Even numbers of magnets and poles are used as in the Muller Dynamo,
                  there is no work necessary to move one pole from another.

                  The Muller Dynamo creates a "magnetic circuit" where there is no stable alignment of the poles,
                  no matter how much they attract each other. In effect, all attraction is canceled by clever counter-balancing.

                  Now we can add Muller's "special case". It is a question of timing.
                  If in the same device, you can eliminate the repelling action as well, UNTIL THE RIGHT TIME, AS WHEN THE ROTOR POLE IS IN POSITION TO LEAVE THE POLE, so that there is no drag to the motive force, NO MOTIVE FORCE IS NECESSARY, EXCEPT ACTION TO START THE FLOW OF ENERGY AND BRING IT UP TO A DESIRED STATE OF ACTION, such as a certain speed for a certain load.

                  Perpetual Motion is stored in the magnets. The Magnets ARE the motor.
                  Last edited by patmac; 03-27-2009, 06:58 PM.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


                  • #99
                    To get the kind of amp claimed by Richard the motor would have to make around 5 hp. I dont think it would be anywhere close to that.


                    • Joit, Yes it is, i remember Richard Willis saying that the coil was producing too much static and he was getting his coils hot, maybe he uses that capacitor to reduce the static inside the coil.

                      PD ; I know what is a reed sw,
                      Last edited by darkwizard; 03-27-2009, 06:57 PM.


                      • Originally posted by darkwizard View Post

                        PD ; I know what is a reed sw,

                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • Originally posted by vrand View Post
                          Hi Ted,

                          To add to the mystery to your question,

                          Dr. William J. HOOPER, discovered a third field called Motional Electric Field:

                          In his manuscript, "New Horizons in Electric, Magnetic, and
                          Gravitational Field Theory"

                          (online at William J. Hooper: New Horizons In Electric, Magnetic And Gravitational Field Theory )

                          Dr. Hooper defines three electric fields with distinct characteristics:

                          - the electrostatic

                          - the transformer electric field, which is produced by a changing magnetic field intensity (your original question)

                          - and the motionally induced electric field

                          The Late / Great Dr. William Hooper- a Brief Synopsis
                          The Late / Great Dr. William Hooper- a Brief Synopsis - Molecular Biology Forum Life Science Forums

                          Bob Boyce's 6.5" toroidal coils, he uses for his 100 cell hydroxy series cell design, produces a motional electric field Bob calls longitudinal energy, that sends a bias DC with AC pulses to the cell to efficiently create hydroxy gas output greater than Faraday. Water easily converts this energy to create hydroxy gas.

                          The fast switching required to create a motional electric field was done by Tesla to power his Pierce 50hp DC electric motor car from the transmitter in Colorado Springs. Tesla converted the motional electric field pulses, 1500 miles away in Pennsylvania, with an antenna and 16 vacuum tubes to get several thousand volts at 5 amps output per vacuum tube to power his DC motor.

                          How to do what Tesla did with vacuum tubes and try to do with modern solid state transistors is our current challenge.

                          -Mike R.
                          Thanks Mike, great article on Hooper's theory.


                          • Look at my youtube site, CENTRAFLOW, and look at the favorite, BOYD BUSHMAN part 1


                            • The "mystery" part is just a thermal cut-off...



                              • Originally posted by Altair View Post
                                The "mystery" part is just a thermal cut-off...

                                I agree, I had the same thing in my treadmill motor.
                                It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.

