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Self-Running Ambient Heat Engine

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    I am not up on the compressed air concepts like all of you but when you mention the pulsing or oscillating effects - it appears to be totally consistent with the concept of strong gradients in potential.

    These sharp gradient changes are known to violate closed system thermodynamics.

    Nature works at balancing things into equilibrium but when you have these sharp gradients - nature can't balance them as fast so you have a net gain in potential that can translate into extra work.

    I don't know if it is a requirement to have extra output but some systems with extra output are known to have these sharp gradients associated with them.
    Thanks Aaron,

    I'm was a bit cloudy in understanding what your answer was telling me.
    I was looking for something to hang my hat upon.
    Something to research and it seems it was right there, Gradient.
    The word Gradient seems to be a major word missing from
    the Energy - Wikipedia and my understanding.

    I'll get right on research of Gradients after I get
    through reading some other things I have been forgetting to read.
    If I had read those .. I'd probably not be asking these questions.

    Thanks Peter,
    I read John Huston patent and I'll have to read it again.
    I got a bit lost in all the pipes and what not.

    What was interesting to see on page 4 in the first paragraph:
    My estimates have led me to believe that
    the greatest efficiency may be obtained at
    relatively low pressures, -about 15 lbs PSI
    or lower
    , though it may be found expedient
    to increase the compression materially to cut
    down the sizes of the units employed ...
    Also worth noting: The air motor, compressor and electric motor are all driven by one shaft.
    Rudolf Steiner will have to wait also.

    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


    • #17
      sharp gradient or potential difference

      Hi Randy,

      The sharp gradient is another way of saying a big potential difference.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #18
        @ Vortex,

        you ask if the compressor is a fake. I don't know. To find out if a video is a fake is very difficult.

        The patent file of Perry is very interesting. I wonder if he gets more out than he gave in (I had several telephone calls with him, but I couldn't prove his claims).
        He has a very interesting valve system. His device works with super atmospheric pressure also with sub atmospheric pressure.

        @ Aaron

        For me it is also unclear what you mean with GRADIENT.

        @ everybody here.
        Thanks for the patent link (Houston). It is a little bit misleading what he really wants to say.


        • #19
          I'd like to point out that a gradient can be either Scalar or Vectorial. With a vector, a value has magnitude and direction. An example is concentric rings in which a larger ring has a higher applied voltage, relative to the nearby smaller ring. Consecutive metalic discs also work, when there is a potential difference from one to the next. Pressure gradients also exist. As do those related to velocity and lumen density. As long as there is a difference from one point to another, there is a gradient. In the context of the heat engine, the term gradient refers to a difference in the amount of heat from the top of the piston to the bottom.

          A gradient can also exist at a single point, without direction towards another point. For instance, a potential can vary from one moment to the next. In this case, there is a gradient in time, at the same point. Scalar means magnitude without direction, with sequentiallity not being considered a direction.

          Both types of gradients are important in the kind of work we do. The steeper gradients are more effective. That's why pulses with fast rise times are needed. And/or rapid fall off. The greater the change from one point to another, or from one instant to the next (or prior, since Scalar gradients work both ways in time) the greater the effect which can be derived from the gradient.

          Here's a simple gradient plate which is a capacitor without interconnections between the plates. Potential is applied at the needle electrode, and the far side of the plate is grounded. The potential is then spread out, gradually changing from one plate to the next. This is a mini particle accelerator which produces hot-carrier emission quite easily.

          My friend Kiril Chukanov has an ultra high powered compact particle accelerator which is based on a Ball Lightning gradient.
          Last edited by Electrotek; 01-01-2009, 04:14 PM.


          • #20
            sharp gradient

            Originally posted by Alana View Post
            @ Aaron

            For me it is also unclear what you mean with GRADIENT.
            Hi Alana,

            A gradient is a a slope.

            Lets say you're on a road with a 5% slope - that is a very shallow gradient. Not much potential difference there. A ball would roll down with low energy and would take its time to roll down.

            If you are climbing parts of Mount Everest and the slope is 89 degrees from some base point, that is a very, very steep or sharp slope or sharp gradient. The potential for a ball to roll with serious energy is much higher in addition to having the work done (ball rolling) in a smaller unit of time.

            In open system thermodynamics - many systems that show over 1.0 COP have very sharp gradients...the sharper the gradient (implying that it is also a very fast IMPULSE) - the more excess that can show up.

            This is a very simplified explanation and I hope it gives you an idea of the sharp gradient.

            Not only is the potential difference great, it happens as an event in a very short period of time.

            Anyway, don't want to take anything off topic here.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #21
              Finished reading Warmth Course

              Read online, Donations are requested.:
              Second Scientific Lecture-Course: Warmth Course
              The Theory of Heat - By Rudolf Steiner
              Lecture I on March 01, 1920 Thur Lecture XIV on March 14, 1920
              Second Scientific Lecture-Course: Warmth Course

              It was hard to follow (for me).
              I've read basically nothing like this before.
              I was and am still confused about a lot of what I read.
              The outline was holding together for me pretty good,
              I wasn't seeing how some of the pieces of the puzzle fit
              cleanly into the entire puzzle picture.

              I'm glad I read it because I know in the future it
              will help me understand relationships or other writings
              I'm sure over time as the information sinks in, the stuff
              I wasn't grasping will fall into place.

              Still reading info.
              Remember to be kind to your mind ...
              Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


              • #22
                Borrowed Comprossor

                I was under a the delusion I could squirt air into the cylinder inlet and make that work, wrong.
                I now have air which brings to light my newest issue.
                Attaching to the PVC cylinder some sort of air connection.
                First JB weld attempt failed to hold after the air was attached.
                Currently JB welding a fitting to the cylinder, maybe that will hold.
                Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                • #23
                  No experience to trouble shoot problems.
                  I don't know how tight is too tight and how loose is too loose
                  or if it just PVC pipe-dream.
                  I'm still waiting on a new web cam with LED lighting.

                  I'm going to try to hunt down some steam engine hobbyist around Houston area.
                  Someone with experience.

                  Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                  Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                  • #24
                    How to test getting air into the tank


                    I'm looking for feedback that would invalidate the statements made below!!

                    A steam injector using steam at boiler psi is merged with water at atm psi
                    and the water is forced into the boiler.
                    A steam injector is easy to test if it is working, you look at the Sight Glass to see if more water is in the boiler.

                    Am I missing something that only allows a steam/water injector to work or
                    does it work the same using air/air? Two, in your face, differences are water
                    is non-compressible and steam can obtain a higher vacuum which only effects
                    the ratio of the mix of the streams.
                    Otherwise steam/water and air/air function the same in an injector????

                    The Magic Valve or the moving of air at a lower psi into a tank at a higher psi
                    or The low to high valve (device, system, method) or to speak about it
                    without writing an entire sentence and call it something, the L2HV.

                    The compressed air tank would have to have a pressure release valve and
                    thus the psi in the tank would get up to, if not start at, the max psi of the release valve.

                    This release valve seems to be the only means of detecting a functional L2HV , otherwise
                    a every increasing air pressure in the tank would result if the L2HV does function.

                    So, without the release valve, the tank psi MUST RISE if the L2HV is working?

                    The injector does not have to be round, circular or nozzle shaped?
                    One can build a L2HV that is like a cross section of a 3D (round) injector
                    and the L2HV would be more like 2D. Say 1/4" tall and whatever wide and
                    could be made out of almost any material. All things governing how an
                    injector works has nothing to do with it being round, Bernoulli and Venturi
                    work in any shaped device.

                    Do not try to use the "de Laval nozzle" (converging-diverging nozzle)
                    equations on an injector for air/air because even though the injector is
                    shaped like a "de Laval nozzle" those equations are for sonic and supersonic
                    flows which do not apply to the subsonic use of a converging-diverging nozzle.
                    The equations that apply are those used for a simple nozzle.
                    The Venturi part is the same for subsonic, sonic and supersonic (I think).

                    I have the material and tanks but wondering if I've missed something
                    before continuing?

                    The L2HV is the first step which should be taken. There could be an issue
                    that pulsing or osculations would make a L2HV work or not work which is kinda
                    hard test without a motor that would be the source of the pulsing.

                    Currently but a bit
                    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                    • #25
                      Just throwing an idea in here since it doesn't appear to have been mentioned yet...

                      How about hooking up a stirling engine to a reverse stirling engine? Or is that just silly?

                      The stirling engine needs a temperature gradient to operate so it won't work with ambient heat (assuming the heat gradient is equal in all directions), but if the rotor is hooked up to a reverse stirling engine, then wouldn't that be able to create the temperature gradient needed to run the first engine?

                      I don't know if this will have the same problems as hooking a dynamo to an electric motor since it is an open system
                      "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

                      “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
                      Nikola Tesla


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
                        Just throwing an idea in here since it doesn't appear to have been mentioned yet...

                        How about hooking up a stirling engine to a reverse stirling engine? Or is that just silly?

                        The stirling engine needs a temperature gradient to operate so it won't work with ambient heat (assuming the heat gradient is equal in all directions), but if the rotor is hooked up to a reverse stirling engine, then wouldn't that be able to create the temperature gradient needed to run the first engine?

                        I don't know if this will have the same problems as hooking a dynamo to an electric motor since it is an open system
                        I agree there is potential.
                        Been there, looked hard and have not given up on the fluidyne,
                        a version of the stirling. Has a liquid piston.

                        Projects - DeSoto Solar
                        Development of a selfstarting and twice double Acting Alpha-Type Stirling Engine for Use with Heatsources of Low to Medium Temperatures.
                        Heat Engine Projects
                        the Discussion Board || Liquid Piston stirling water pump
                        YouTube - Fluidyne Lamina Flow stirling engine
                        Sustainable Resources, Inc. - The Kinetic Water Pump Introduction
                        Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                        Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                        • #27
                          Combination of forces

                          It seems my previous post was unnecessary due to there's another way?

                          I've seen the old inventions (pre 1900s) combining forces.
                          They don't pick one force and expect just one to get the job done.

                          Peter and Scott (aka Lutherman) come up with this idea (I did not) and this
                          concept was drilled home after I learned about Keely's work.

                          Using the redesigned Tesla Reciprocating Engine (motor or TRM)
                          which requires no governor, regulator or valves and runs the same speed using
                          10 psi or 100 psi. The speed could be changed externally via an external air spring.
                          Both these features make this motor easier to work with during system
                          prototyping, in that you are not having to fiddle around with settings
                          depending upon variations in pressures and temperatures that could have large variations.

                          So I took the liberty (climbing way out on this limb) to crudely create a
                          system layout of what, I think, Peter and Scott had thought would work
                          (at least at one point in time) without having any real knowledge of what they thought
                          it would look like, I made it up!! Their idea was to mix steam/air together but
                          that was too complex for my brain power to wonder about the math, etc. so I
                          kept the air and steam separated, making the over all system more complex I guess.

                          Comments welcome.
                          If no water jackets are placed around one or both TRMs then the heat
                          exchanger would be higher than the TRMs and no water pump would be required.

                          One way valves are required on, at least, all four pipes attached to each
                          air compressor. I did not bother to try to predetermine where one way valves
                          would be needed or if any at all would be needed. The TRMs by themselves
                          do not require one way valves.

                          Last edited by Vortex; 01-25-2009, 05:05 AM. Reason: My image wasn't updated to the lastest version
                          Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                          Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                          • #28
                            Compressed Air Power Secrets

                            Wow this discussion is still going on, for some reason my subscription to it isn't getting notices sent to me.

                            Hi Alana, I think I know who you are. I am now back into doing research though as usual I have no money to build anything.

                            I wanted to announce the publication online of my new book of compressed air calculations and theory with special emphasis on how to compress air with air and why this is possible.

                            374 pages and you will enjoy reading it. You will learn a lot. Please let me know what you think.

                            Now I have to read this discussion to see what I missed.

                            Pneumatic Options Research Library: Home Page


                            • #29
                              Why No Stirling assisted heat pump -> generator


                              Why are No Stirling assisted heat pumps out here???

                              Start it with electric and as the thermal separation happens,the stirling
                              engine should assist the electric (saving electric) OR better the more it
                              runs the larger the differential and the harder the Stirling pumps to
                              compensate. A looping cycle begins. The electric motor now can become
                              a generator. ?

                              The Normal Physics?
                              A blurb, some mental music of the 1st law..



                              • #30
                                Cold Regions

                                Its 15f here, Will this tech to keep going at -20f ambient?

