Originally posted by Aaron
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I'm was a bit cloudy in understanding what your answer was telling me.
I was looking for something to hang my hat upon.
Something to research and it seems it was right there, Gradient.

The word Gradient seems to be a major word missing from
the Energy - Wikipedia and my understanding.
I'll get right on research of Gradients after I get
through reading some other things I have been forgetting to read.
If I had read those .. I'd probably not be asking these questions.
Thanks Peter,
I read John Huston patent and I'll have to read it again.
I got a bit lost in all the pipes and what not.
What was interesting to see on page 4 in the first paragraph:
My estimates have led me to believe that
the greatest efficiency may be obtained at
relatively low pressures, -about 15 lbs PSI
or lower, though it may be found expedient
to increase the compression materially to cut
down the sizes of the units employed ...
the greatest efficiency may be obtained at
relatively low pressures, -about 15 lbs PSI
or lower, though it may be found expedient
to increase the compression materially to cut
down the sizes of the units employed ...
Rudolf Steiner will have to wait also.