I dont know if any have read this but it is entirely on the subject of radiant energy Sir William Crookes - On Radiant Matter This appears to have been written before tesla did his work on radiant energy and was a follow up faradays theory of radiant energy. Tesla however was able to create it without pulling a vacuum which is remarkable. Tesla placed emphasis on the requirement for a unidirectional pulse which must be what the vacuum pulled on the gray tube allows. He never mentioned it i think but tesla probably discharged his hv from a coil as well.
So the one universal requirement then is to have the hv discharge from a coil and the required condition was to have a unidirecitonal pulse which in one case was done with a quenched spark gap and the other a vacuum in a tube. That would seem problem solved.
In the book it is mentioed faraday lectures on the topic. Would anyone know where i could get a copy
So the one universal requirement then is to have the hv discharge from a coil and the required condition was to have a unidirecitonal pulse which in one case was done with a quenched spark gap and the other a vacuum in a tube. That would seem problem solved.
In the book it is mentioed faraday lectures on the topic. Would anyone know where i could get a copy