Feeling it
Aalborg a 'part time' flower essence practitioner, I know what you mean by feeling the energy flow. When people are triggered into different emotional / mental states when I put flower essences on the governing acu point on the head, their subtle bodies and vittri points, and to lesser extent chakras, enter into different states of activation / inactivation. You can feel this by running your hands above their body. It feels to me like a flow as in water along a river bed, and how different shapes on the river floor would change the flow of the water / energy around it... I also pick up on the actual mind states and emotions too, which can be tricky to disengage from sometimes.
I'm convinced this is all one and the same. Think of where humanity could go if this was not being supressed!
Aalborg a 'part time' flower essence practitioner, I know what you mean by feeling the energy flow. When people are triggered into different emotional / mental states when I put flower essences on the governing acu point on the head, their subtle bodies and vittri points, and to lesser extent chakras, enter into different states of activation / inactivation. You can feel this by running your hands above their body. It feels to me like a flow as in water along a river bed, and how different shapes on the river floor would change the flow of the water / energy around it... I also pick up on the actual mind states and emotions too, which can be tricky to disengage from sometimes.
I'm convinced this is all one and the same. Think of where humanity could go if this was not being supressed!