Has anyone ever done any experimentation concerning charge denisty in fractal formation such as the pentagram or star of david. Using a process such as electrophorus you could charge a piece of metal which is in the shape of a pentagram. Before charging you could dip the edges in melted wax to stop leakage from the corners. Also instead of providing an esy path to ground during the creation of the charge point. This would act similar to a slow cooling process and allow for optimal charge organization.
Would such a charged shape have anomolous behaviour such as being able to create an ionic column at its center or maybe even a vortex or helix due to the fractal rotation. You could measure how long it takes for the charge to dissipate into the air against a circle of metal of the same area as the pentagram which has been waxed as well. Do plants grow better when subjected to such a field. What about crystals how are they effected. Of coursse we cant forget freezing water under such conditions if possible.
My mate Bodkins and I have been wondering such things. Bodkins came up with the idea of creating an electret in the shape of a pentagram. There just are heaps of possibilities
What do ya reckon
Would such a charged shape have anomolous behaviour such as being able to create an ionic column at its center or maybe even a vortex or helix due to the fractal rotation. You could measure how long it takes for the charge to dissipate into the air against a circle of metal of the same area as the pentagram which has been waxed as well. Do plants grow better when subjected to such a field. What about crystals how are they effected. Of coursse we cant forget freezing water under such conditions if possible.
My mate Bodkins and I have been wondering such things. Bodkins came up with the idea of creating an electret in the shape of a pentagram. There just are heaps of possibilities
What do ya reckon