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Open loop resonance

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  • Open loop resonance

    I was sitting think about resonance and was wondering how you could cause resonance in a coil of wire which is open at both ends. The solution i though of is to the place one end of a coil between two plates both having the same polarity. By pulsing the charge in and out of the plates you would create pressure waves in the wire. If times correctly it would cause a resonance. HV with no current. By having a spark gap at each of the coil you could collect the radiant discharge when it jumped the gap.
    I would assume you could measure the pressure wave by having something at the end to measure the electric field. You couldnt have anything in the connected directly to the coil thus the spark gap

    Ok this is not a statement and yes it is a theory, but is seems valid and i would like to hear your thoughts on the idea. I know i do allot theory talk but my equipment hasnt arived yet

  • #2
    Capacitor variant

    Sounds like a type of home made capacitor
    "But ye shall receive power..."
    Acts 1:8


    • #3
      Type of Home Made Capacitor

      Sought of in that its capacity comes from resonance in the wire rather than polarization. By applying very short duration pulses to the wire at resonant frequency of the wire what you would have is a very smal scalar packet of energy running down the wire. If the energy in it want enough to jump the gap it would just bounce back. Each time it comes back you apply another electrostatic pulse though not actually using any charge on the plates. So essentially you should be able to get something for nothing. The event as well i think would be radiant. I has all the hallmarks. It is scalar and involves no current.

      Originally posted by wpage View Post
      Sounds like a type of home made capacitor


      • #4
        Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
        Sought of in that its capacity comes from resonance in the wire rather than polarization. By applying very short duration pulses to the wire at resonant frequency of the wire what you would have is a very smal scalar packet of energy running down the wire. If the energy in it want enough to jump the gap it would just bounce back. Each time it comes back you apply another electrostatic pulse though not actually using any charge on the plates. So essentially you should be able to get something for nothing. The event as well i think would be radiant. I has all the hallmarks. It is scalar and involves no current.
        Hello you
        got a video for you I think this is what your talking about yes?
        YouTube - Bodkins 50 spheres
        it what ive been going on the imhotep thread.
        talk you ya soon Matey


        • #5
          Some Questions

          Good to see you back. Hope you had a good christmas.

          A few questions
          The coil at the bottom is that in circuit
          The connection at the top what are the two components
          Whats the idea of the spheres

          Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
          Hello you
          got a video for you I think this is what your talking about yes?
          YouTube - Bodkins 50 spheres
          it what ive been going on the imhotep thread.
          talk you ya soon Matey


          • #6
            its all base on this

