I don't know if anyone has tried this variation:
use a flat bifilar pancake coil, with on both ends a series capacitor.
charge one capacitor with negative voltage, and discharge it.
the capacitors can be small size, small enough to make a disruptive discharge. And the frequency should be low enough, to keep the coip from ringing. So well below the resonant frequency. the voltage would not have to be very high, I want to try 300V. This makes it possible to avoid the sparkgap, and use a TVS diode
Not sure about all of this, but I'm going to give it a try.
use a flat bifilar pancake coil, with on both ends a series capacitor.
charge one capacitor with negative voltage, and discharge it.
the capacitors can be small size, small enough to make a disruptive discharge. And the frequency should be low enough, to keep the coip from ringing. So well below the resonant frequency. the voltage would not have to be very high, I want to try 300V. This makes it possible to avoid the sparkgap, and use a TVS diode
Not sure about all of this, but I'm going to give it a try.