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Tesla's Stout copper bars "Hairpin Circuit"

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  • Originally posted by jerdee View Post
    So can I ask. What is your definition of radiant energy? You don't have to answer this. My point, is I respectfully disagree with you that this is not radiant energy. You just have not seen how to collect this form of energy or translate it yet.

    There is a lot to learn on this forum on how to collect from the potentials only!



    I believe we are going to have to agree to disagree. If the general consensus is that the circuit supplies any form of 'Radiant energy' then it must be noted that Lecher discovered this mysterious energy. I say this because Tesla did not devise the circuit. It was an advancement, by Lecher, of the Hertz resonator.

    As far as using it well I'll have to get back to you with that as I am still building experiments based on some new information I have. It should be noted that the 'bridge' bar on the circuit can be replaced with a coil specifically a 'primary' coil of a transformer.

    Please refer to Tesla patent #568,180. Figure 3 on the patent shows how this is done. The only difference is the 'Electrode spark gap' has been replaced with a 'mechanical spark gap'

    BTW - I am convinced that the road to 'Free Energy' is through the standing wave also known as a stationary wave.




    • what is the difference between standing and stationary waves ?


      • Hello everyone,
        I did a "hairpin circuit", to test the properties of electrecity cold, I thought it was one of the properties the way you prefer more impedance instead of the less resistive path. I thought the water was very conductive, so when you put a lamp in the water, she was glowing, it would be a proof of cold electrecitu, because the electricity to follow the path would be more resistive, and everything went well with hairpin circuit, but when the lamp connected to a submerged normal 12v battery is still glowing without any variation

        Then measure the resistance of the water and found it was much larger than the filament of the lamp, this being normal run on water.

        I wonder then how do you know if my circuit is to produce a component electrecity cold?

        then why do all this demonstration with the hairpin circuit is perfectly normal for a lamp shining under the water?


        • the bars of my circuit was not short-circuit



          • I could do with some help on the TESLA HAIR PIN circuit
            I have made one and the spark gap does fire fiercely from the 2000pF @40kV c doorknobs on the bottom of the 1m x 8mm coper tubes
            However, I can not get the same results as Karl Palsness in that I can not replicate the high and low voltage nodes on the legs
            It just seems to be all HV
            the spark gap is made from Tungsten rods at 4mm and the transformer is 6.7kV ( from 240V)
            Do I have to tune it in some way?
            If so How please.?


            • I could do with some help
              I have constructed a Hair pin circuit from (2) 1m x 8mm copper tubes
              Joined the across the top with 90deg bends of the same ( a shunt)
              The tungsten spark gap does what is should - sparking fiercely from the Capacitors on the bottom of the legs.
              The caps are 2000pF @40kV doorknobs
              The transformer is 6.7kV

              I can not get the hi lo voltage nodes to appear - the whole length of the legs seems to be High voltage

              If I take a 12V lamp and slide it up and down the lega it does not grow bright and the extinguish as in your videos
              You seem to be able to slide live connections up and down the legs with out any HV shock - I do get a shock!

              Please advise what may be wrong.. do I need to tune it in some way ?
              If so How do I do it?
              Last edited by sparkfishes; 08-18-2011, 05:07 PM. Reason: spelling


              • Questions on Hairpin circuit

                Just a couple of questions on the hairpin circuit, we built one and had some positive results, I did get a little shock, however, on contact, it did light up some bulbs and a florescent bulb as well. my questions, do I need to use copper bars? we used aluminium. Do the doorknob caps need to be matched? We used 500pf. Seems like most folks were using 2000pf.


                • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                  It's 3:40am here for me. And I can't sleep.

                  ""I'm thinking, 'does everybody know that the principle behind the hairpin circuit ...."
                  ""....Scrapping all previous projects. AGAIN.""

                  Love and light
                  LOL that is so funny eh? i know i have started one thing, then found another, then another LOL

                  I really like the hairpin idea, but WHERE is the original patent for it?
                  Tesla's stuff always has the Pat.# and title with the date.

                  All i need to do is remove some things from my Don Smith setup and there's a hairpin hehe
                  Love to know if that is in fact Tesla's work tho
                  In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                  In the expert's mind there are few.
                  -Shunryu Suzuki


                  • mr.clean

                    Tesla used Lecher lines Lecher lines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    "Austrian physicist Ernst Lecher, improving on techniques used by Oliver Lodge[2] and Heinrich Hertz, developed this method of measuring wavelength around 1888."

                    Of course we can dispute that, because Tesla was originator of various devices patented by others.


                    • This is the best info I can find on building the circuit. It also has the best copy of the circuit from one of Tesla's books or writings.

                      Tesla's Hairpin Circuit - Transformacomm

                      I'm really looking forward to replicating your Don Smith circuit slightly rearranged to make scalar waves.


                      • Se me acaba de ocurrir una idea genial que jamás he visto por ningún lado, como os he comentado antes mi propósito es crear 2 boquetes de chispa, el primero hará de VALVULA ANTI-RETORNO y tambien ELEVARÁ LA TENSIÓN creando un pulso CONTUNDENTE, el segundo boquete de chispa tiene la misión de DRENAR los 2 condensadores de electrones ya que al estar cargados la corriente deja de correr, esa es la misión de este boquete, el mayor problema es que veo es que ambos boquetes puedan estar conduciendo a la vez lo cual sería catastrófico... ahora viene lo bueno, imaginaos que podeis controlar el momento en el que salta la chispa en el boquete nº1 y hacer que no coincida con la chispa del boquete nº2 que es el que drena el sistema para volver a empezar, pues ese sencillo sistema es lo que se me acaba de ocurrir, de esta forma se podría hacer trabajar muy eficientemente mi sistema (otra cosa es que genere energía electro-radiante).

                        La idea que se me ha ocurrido consiste en un disco de mica agujereado que será el que conmute las descargas de ambo boquetes de chispa, he pensado en utilizar hojas de mica ya que aguanta muy bien el calor así como las elevadas tensiones, otra posibilidad es utilizar discos abrasivo finos de corte para metal.

                        Esta idea la he concebido para utilizar el sistema a base de fuente, rectificador y condensadores de alta tensión.


                        I just had a brilliant idea I've ever seen anywhere, as I have said before, my purpose is to create two spark gaps, will make the first check valve and also raise TENSION FORCEFUL creating a pulse, the second spark gap has the task of draining the 2 capacitors electrons since being charged the current stops flowing, that is the mission of this gap, the biggest problem is that I see is that both gaps may be leading to the time which would be catastrophic ... Now comes the good, imagine that you can control the time at which the spark in the gap 1 and do not match the spark gap # 2 that is draining the system to restart, because this simple system is it just occurred to me, so it might make my system work very efficiently (another thing that generates electromagnetic radiant energy).

                        The idea that occurred to me is a leaky mica disk that will commute downloads both spark gaps, I thought of using mica sheets as they hold heat well and heightened tensions, another possibility is using fine abrasive disks for metal cutting.

                        I conceived this idea to use the source-based system, rectifier and high voltage capacitor.
                        must first understand the nature .... and then imitate



                          Se me acaba de ocurrir una idea genial que jamás he visto por ningún lado, como os he comentado antes mi propósito es crear 2 boquetes de chispa, el primero hará de VALVULA ANTI-RETORNO y tambien ELEVARÁ LA TENSIÓN creando un pulso CONTUNDENTE, el segundo boquete de chispa tiene la misión de DRENAR los 2 condensadores de electrones ya que al estar cargados la corriente deja de correr, esa es la misión de este boquete, el mayor problema es que veo es que ambos boquetes puedan estar conduciendo a la vez lo cual sería catastrófico... ahora viene lo bueno, imaginaos que podeis controlar el momento en el que salta la chispa en el boquete nº1 y hacer que no coincida con la chispa del boquete nº2 que es el que drena el sistema para volver a empezar, pues ese sencillo sistema es lo que se me acaba de ocurrir, de esta forma se podría hacer trabajar muy eficientemente mi sistema (otra cosa es que genere energía electro-radiante).

                          La idea que se me ha ocurrido consiste en un disco de mica agujereado que será el que conmute las descargas de ambo boquetes de chispa, he pensado en utilizar hojas de mica ya que aguanta muy bien el calor así como las elevadas tensiones, otra posibilidad es utilizar discos abrasivo finos de corte para metal.

                          Esta idea la he concebido para utilizar el sistema a base de fuente, rectificador y condensadores de alta tensión.


                          I just had a brilliant idea I've ever seen anywhere, as I have said before, my purpose is to create two spark gaps, will make the first check valve and also raise TENSION FORCEFUL creating a pulse, the second spark gap has the task of draining the 2 capacitors electrons since being charged the current stops flowing, that is the mission of this gap, the biggest problem is that I see is that both gaps may be leading to the time which would be catastrophic ... Now comes the good, imagine that you can control the time at which the spark in the gap 1 and do not match the spark gap # 2 that is draining the system to restart, because this simple system is it just occurred to me, so it might make my system work very efficiently (another thing that generates electromagnetic radiant energy).

                          The idea that occurred to me is a leaky mica disk that will commute downloads both spark gaps, I thought of using mica sheets as they hold heat well and heightened tensions, another possibility is using fine abrasive disks for metal cutting.

                          I conceived this idea to use the source-based system, rectifier and high voltage capacitor.
                          must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                          • must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


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                              Una vista del sistema completamente acabado.

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                              Notese que cuando uno de los agujeros coincide con uno de los "spark gaps" el otro no coincide, de esta forma podemos controlar la carga y drenaje de energía de la horquilla de tesla.

                              Uploaded with
                              must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                              • Nice simple design for the spark gaps. I might use it. How well did the CD stand up to the voltage it was chopping?


                                Keep up the good work.

