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Radiant Energy

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  • Radiant Energy

    Hi all. Just been examining the bedini matarial, and going over what tesla said and came up with this idea of how radiant energy is working the bedini setup. Its not complete as i have only gone into the energy aspect and not the system processes. I would appreciate any thoughts on the matarial and as well anything you can see wrong. There is only one thing i am not sure of and that is which of the two become under tension when the charging of the coil suddenly seases

    The thing is the magnetic field is the result of the radiant energy/matter becoming organized/taking on spin. You can say it is the made up of radiant energy because tesla himself said the radiant energy seeks outwards. It is not the electrons that are on the outside of the wire but instead the radiant matter. When you polarize the wire the radiant matter is pushed to the outter surface of the wire. The electrons are very slow and heavy while the radiant energy is not. The radiant energy wants nothing more that to return to ambient pressure in the wire however the polarization does not allow this. If the polariazation event occurs for long enough electrons will begin moving and as a result the radiant matter wanting to return to ambient pressure wille be caught up in this electron flow but never succeeding to come between these massive entities. The result of this is that the radiant energy takes on spin. Even when there is no potential and so polarization across the wire at al time the radiant energy wants to seeks ambient pressure which means that it is constantly trying to press its way into the electron.
    It may be that when you are charging a coil and suddenly switch of the power that the heavy electrons have inertia and over shoot putting tension on the radiant energy surrounding the coil. When the coil is discharged you are then left with a radiant energy discharge without the electron component.
    When you suddenly stop charging the coil the polarization is the first thing to drop off. The electrons having inertia continue to move despite the polarization not existing. The result being the creation of a dipole in the coil. A denisty of electrons and a density of radiant energy, the two having been seperated. Radiant discharge expresses itself as a high voltage discharge and is essentially electron free. An analogy of how it is used you could say that as electron flow is the characteristic of forward time in the battery then so radiant energy flow is the characteristic of reverse time in the battery.

  • #2
    Dark Matter

    I was just watching a video where some dude was lighting one of those light tubes, excuse my english i cant recall what the darn thing is called. He was powering his ignition coil with an audio amplifier. As soon as he lit it the bulb lit but the surrounding space became darker. This probably happens all the time its just that i just noticed it. Can anyone explain what is happening here. Maybe in terms of Crookes matarial. Heres the link to the video.
    YouTube - Audio amplifier powered ignition coil burning paper


    • #3
      another opinion

      I believe that radiant energy is a high density energy that travels across the electromagnetic fields rather than an electron flow. It is said that radiant energy converges on like current. The "tuning" of the bedini circuit allows you to "tune" the energy like a radio through the frequency of the oscillations on the circuit.

      I'm not a pro, it's just the only thing that makes sense.



      • #4
        Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
        I was just watching a video where some dude was lighting one of those light tubes, excuse my english i cant recall what the darn thing is called. He was powering his ignition coil with an audio amplifier. As soon as he lit it the bulb lit but the surrounding space became darker. This probably happens all the time its just that i just noticed it. Can anyone explain what is happening here. Maybe in terms of Crookes matarial. Heres the link to the video.
        YouTube - Audio amplifier powered ignition coil burning paper
        Hi dmonarch,
        its just the camera auto adjusting brightness in the video
        It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


        • #5
          Auto brightness

          Good good point. I didnt think of that.
          Cheers for that

          Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
          Hi dmonarch,
          its just the camera auto adjusting brightness in the video


          • #6
            Charging Coil Event

            One point that seems critical in allot of radiant energy stuff is the charging of a coil, suddenly stopping the charging event then discharging the coil to a battery or across a spark gap. I was wondering does this effect carry over to a capacitor. That is charging it and suddenly stopping the charging event then discharging the capacitor across a spark gap or battery.

            Take a look at this. This is the bedini circuit in mechanical form invented 1910 and was probably what tesla used.
            Induction Coil
            Last edited by dmonarch; 12-30-2008, 12:32 AM. Reason: Found a bit more info on coils


            • #7
              These ignition coils have to be tuned just right to produce the desired effect.

              We had three of the Model T ignition coils when I was a kid down on the farm in '61: one for me, one for my brother, and one to tear up and see what was inside. (Interresting.)

              One day when I was playing with mine out by the barn, a kindly old man in coveralls was suddenly there too, and he asked me if I wanted him to show me how to do it? I said "sure", so he took the pliers and turned the screw on the end of the reeds in a little ways, then slowly backed it back out, until the spark started making a frying sound. Then he said "now you do it". So I did, and got the same sound. Then I went back to playing with the spark and didn't even notice he wasn't there any more.

              The goal is to have two or more coils, with different but harmonious resonances. And the frying sound in each arc. But even with only one arc, the frying can be picked up by a nearby grid - similar to a Caduceus - or a bifilar coil. The operative effect is that the cap discharges backwards at the same time the next pulse is hitting it. Adjusting the tension of the reeds changes the length of the spark gap, but it also changes the frequency.
              Last edited by Electrotek; 12-30-2008, 03:16 AM.

