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Aromaz Radiant Energy Joint Research Group

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  • Example of where aether appears

    In my mind's eye, there is only the aether. Tiny little stationary little balls that spin on one or more axis. Imagine an electron is a basketball. Fill the basket ball with tiny plastic balls. Then put the basketball in a container 1 sq kilometre in size that is also filled with same tiny plastic balls. Imagine the plastic balls have no friction, but must spin, always at a changing rate (heisenberg's uncertainty principle). Then get rid of the basketball rubber. Now imagine that the tiny balls that were in the basketball must define themselves as different. So they spin clockwise on a horizontal axis. The electron is just aether spin.

    Ie, aether is a tuning fork, the electron is the sound it makes when struck. The tuning fork doesn't have to be ringing, but it can, and when it is, viola, mass / force.

    In this model, using quantum mechanics 'laws', everything described and predicted by quantum physics MUST be the way it is. Quantum jitters, quantums, quantum foam, voltage, gravity, magnetism......

    Where is aether? It is everywhere. It sings your song as you travel in it...
    Last edited by Inquorate; 01-27-2009, 07:00 AM.
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • Solid aether

      The aether is solid. Mass and force travel through the aether like sound travels along a metal beam. Metal beam = aether , sound (aether spin) = mass / force.

      When michaelson and morley 'measured' the proposed movement thru aether, they failed to find it because they believed the aether was a separate entity like another lighter element.

      What they actually did was try and measure the sound moving thru the beam, without realising all force / mass IS sound moving thru the beam. So they got a null result.

      They then theorised that the earth was moving in a bubble of aether it carries around with it... They were wrong again, because of exactly the same assumption; that aether is a lighter element.

      It is not.

      They were right about the 'bubble of aether carried with the earth' BUT it is only a state of spin that moves with the earth. In my previous example of tiny plastic balls, the spinning is what travels as an electron, not the balls / aether.

      kinetic energy is the rate of change of spinning aether. The rate of change of spinning (ie how many new aether particles must represent a particle by their spin each second) is in itself energetic.

      Inertia is the time it takes to change this condition of transmission of spin energy of the aether.

      @ Sucahyo, have I answered your questions yet? :-)
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • @Inquorate,
        - why aether is solid?
        - are all electron same? electron of hydrogen and electron of gold are same?
        - what is the smallest particle? do electron is smallest particle? or electron can be divided more?


        • Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
          - why aether is solid?
          - are all electron same? electron of hydrogen and electron of gold are same?
          - what is the smallest particle? do electron is smallest particle? or electron can be divided more?
          1. As for myself: I stand on the side regarding aether.

          2. Yes, all electrons,proton, neutrons and other things are exactly the same.
          An electron is around 1,863 times smaller than Proton or Neutron.
          Combinations of these makes for the atoms of various elements.
          Combination of various elements makes molecules....

          3. Everything smaller than Proton and Neutron = unsure weather it is particle or wave.
          A particle means some solid thing with at least mass.
          A wave refers to something that is more an field of something rather than the physical something.

          There are many things smaller than Electrons (I think 11 'things'). Electrons has never been seen yet; at best only the 'electron cloud' which is in fact called 'electron shell'.

          Preferred reference at present is Wave-Particle. Smallest item presently know is Neutrino - which is so small and fast, they move through you, any metal including lead, earth etc. with no effort whatsoever - though their effects are potentially serious.
          Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


          • Experiments

            @All; I am a strange kind of person, as you might see in my 'document' later.
            When I am following a thread, I do not like to divert. In practice; unless there is something seriously intriguing, I prefer to concentrate only on that which is my present task and direction.

            In practice it means I will read and contribute thoughts to all your postings, but for experiments at present; they are in line for later options. I am not so much interested in general lab-experiments. I am now trying to understand what we are trying to work with.

            Thus; please pardon me for not duplicating all your works to observe; as right now.
            On the other hand, I have some more very strange things happening here; but will only dare to post once I myself understand this better.
            Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


            • Some thought to investigate

              Possitive charge = Anti-clockwise spin ??
              Negative charge = Clockwise spin ??
              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


              • @ Sucahyo

                Aether is the smallest particle. Sort of. Aether is at every single point in the universe, and these points must spin. So it could be said that aether is spin in every point of space.

                Every observed particle / wave is in fact the bare minimum number of spinning points in space that can be self sustaining. For example, a cyclone that becomes too small geographically is considered weak, and will break up if it encounters another weather system. But a large cyclone will sustain itself.

                So, half of the required amount of spinning points is still energy, but only the required amount of spinning points spinning the right way will self sustain, ie an electron.

                Consider this analogy; the electron is like a resonating coil / capacitor. except because aether points have no friction / loss, this resonating LC circuit will not get less energetic like a real LC circuit. The energy will resonate back and forward between spin and rate of spin change (movement thru aether) like a perfect LC circuit. However, change the capacitance, and system will go out of resonance. unless it changes to a harmonic energetic state.

                In this way an electron (or any other particle / wave) is a base unit of aether resonance. Change the mass of the coil (amount of points of aether spinning) and the aether may go out of resonance. The energy is not destroyed, but it will not be organised enough to be what we see as an electron (or any other particle / wave)

                You can divide the places an electron state in the aether will show up (probability wave) and they have done this, but try divide an electron is like cutting a resonating coil in half. No more resonance. No more electron.

                Why is aether 'solid'? Because each point in space must have energy, else we would know the energy stored there (none) AND the rate of change of that energy (nil). This would defy heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which is a quantum mechanical concept shown to be inviolate. Try and trap an electron in one space so you would know both it's position and it's velocity (0), and since this would violate heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the electron will use heisenberg's uncertainty principle to borrow energy from the universe, and will use this increase the amount of places it 'can' be found in (probability waves) until one of those points exists outside of the 'trap'. It does this by using the same heisenberg's uncertainty principle. In short, we cannot know both the energetic state of a particle / wave AND how that energetic state is changing.. If we know one value completely, we can know nothing about the other value.

                SO, an electron can borrow energy from the universe to increase it's probability wave, so long as it pays it back quickly enough. If it does, the universe fails to notice.

                Etc...... Ultimately the behavior of all wave / particle probability waves must be dictated by the means by which they have their form.

                So points of spin in space must have the following properties; as soon as the amount of energy (spin) a pointment in space has is known (ie by being part of a particle) it must be changing it's energetic state. This creates quantum jitter, and perpetual atomic movement (heat / pressure)

                However, because all points of spin (aether 'particles') are the fundamental unit of energy, and more than one point is required to spin to create the condition of a particle / wave of force / mass, each point of spin is not individually subject to or responsible for any actual interaction.

                Aether is unaffected by force, so besides being a point of spin that may differ in direction / axis / speed of spin from it's neighboring point of spin, WILL NOT interact with that point.

                Since aether has no individual charge or individual force, it will be surrounded by other aether 'particles' and won't push or pull on them.

                Hence aether is the most solid solid I can think of. HOWEVER, states of change of spin in aether are dynamic and energetic. We will only ever be able to measure or observe states of change in the aether, and we have done this by observing sub atomic 'particles'

                Quantum mechanics does say electrons are made up out of up and down quarks etc, but these quarks are not observable. Might as well say electrons are made up of spin, speed of spin, and polarity of spin. All just words to pin on the same concept.

                Consider since all aether is same, but with different state, we can say (analogy) that all aether is stainless steel. All electrons require a specific a state of spin of aether. We will say arrangement of stainless steel. If this arrangement is a tuning fork, then all electrons are the same frequency of sound.

                Are all sounds made of same air molecules vibrating in your ear? No, but frequency of sound is experienced the same.

                In this way, all electrons are the same experience / dynamic aether state.
                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                • Clockwise / anticlockwise


                  I was waiting for someone to figure that out...

                  now you're starting to 'see' it...

                  Very elegant and very simple, in the brief moments the mind can grasp it... If I'm right, we'll soon be able to 'see' the system functioning in our minds just like tesla did.

                  At least a little bit :-)
                  Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                  • @Aromaz

                    As soon as you try make an electron spin the opposite way, you have an unstable positron, in that it will collapse OR head back in time. Or it's doing both?

                    I'm trying to figure out at the moment WHY negative charge (spin) is stable with smaller number of aether points (electrons are smaller than [i can't just now remember the positive 'particle' of atomic nucleus's name]) than positive charge, which to be a quantum (self resonant) seems to need to be bigger (more spinning aether points)......
                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post

                      I was waiting for someone to figure that out...

                      now you're starting to 'see' it...

                      Very elegant and very simple, in the brief moments the mind can grasp it... If I'm right, we'll soon be able to 'see' the system functioning in our minds just like tesla did.

                      At least a little bit :-)
                      Trap! When you look from the top something (particle) spins Clockwise, when you look from the bottom - the same spin is anti-clockwise. All depends on your point of view.
                      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                      • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                        As soon as you try make an electron spin the opposite way, you have an unstable positron, in that it will collapse OR head back in time. Or it's doing both?

                        I'm trying to figure out at the moment WHY negative charge (spin) is stable with smaller number of aether points (electrons are smaller than [i can't just now remember the positive 'particle' of atomic nucleus's name]) than positive charge, which to be a quantum (self resonant) seems to need to be bigger (more spinning aether points)......
                        Not quite correct. Both Electron and Positron are in fact equal and stable.
                        Only problem is that they are Anti - meaning soonest they come in contact with each other they both are annihilated; gone, disappear, missing.

                        Very interesting practical experiments regarding both electron and positron done at CERN in Switzerland. Thus far, all proves the theory to be correct - for a change.

                        Positive of nucleus is proton.
                        Last edited by Aromaz; 01-27-2009, 09:26 AM.
                        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                        • @Aromaz, I hope you can share your finding once it is replicable. I hope unexplainable thing won't prevent you from sharing your finding.

                          @Inquorate, when you mention spin. is it spin it self or spin in collection?

                          Self sustain meaning it won't radiate?

                          What is powering the aether to self sustain? What is universe energy?

                          What will happen when aether is out of resonance, what will be produced and what will change? Is there a gradient/step/level of out of resonance?

                          If aether has no friction, how are we suppose to catch it?

                          How aether interact each other?

                          Since light speed is differ from one location to another, one time to another. I guess the density of ether it self is also differ. Light may be carried by ether.


                          • Tired

                            Sucahyo and Aromaz

                            Spin is just a word. One could investigate calabi-yau spaces (11 dimensional shapes) and use them to describe spin right, spin left, axis up/down, axis right/left speed of spin, rate of change of speed of spin, change of direction of spin...

                            Aether is not visible and not observable so we are just pinning words on concepts of states of resonant energetic states.

                            The words 'spin' and 'axis' and 'speed' and 'rate of change' and 'direction' help us visualize what is going on, and conceptual models that support how a change in one state affect a change in another state will allow us to 'see' what to expect such changes of state to be, such as electron movement through voltage polarity / axis of spin allows us to envision said polarity causing spin causing transmission of magnetic state of aether..

                            Helps us predict what will happen, ie BEMF CEMF but who knows if negative charge is clockwise or anti clockwise? Only that if axis of spin is polarized a certain percentage (voltage) free electrons will tunnel thru voltage tubes, and positive spin particles will need huge voltage (percent of aligned axis of spin) to a)move and b) drag electrons with them against voltage...

                            BUT it does help us envision what is going on, explain quantum mechanical descriptions, explain why transistor switching after electron movement makes orange neon glow orange but magnetically quenched mechanical switch makes orange neon glow purple......

                            The description suffices for the moment, and I'm tired.

                            Ps, re quantum mechanics and string theory, I wrote a book/manuscript on that before I met the concept of aether. Anyone who wants a copy, pls PM me. Bodkins wanted it, it's currently stuck in my dvd drive of dead computer. I'm intending to liberate it though.
                            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                            • Hypothesis:

                              Hm, when you generate now Current, then you create a 'Drag" between the Poles and at the Wire,
                              like behind and in front of a Diode.
                              At the Middle is a Stop
                              Not quite sure, if it comes from direction of spinning from the Electrons.
                              But it can be a Point, that the magnetfield collapse, swap and give the Particles the negative Spin.
                              At a Influencemachine, you can collect the Particles at a second Plate opposite from turning Disk, and depends, wich Side this Disc is spinning.
                              So maybe first are the Force, what let the Particles turn, and that makes the Potential of them.
                              Or aint they only sorted to Electrons and Neutron,
                              Or, they its a certain Amount of Parts at one Side, like a structure at the grid.
                              When you look at a galvanic Batterie, there makes one Side of a Piece the Pole, like it is the atomic Structure.
                              And it depends, wich Material it is, and how big the Potential is between them.
                              Otherwise, ie, Alloy is Stuff for keep charge, because, especially alloy breakes Magnetism, and Electrons move slower in there.
                              Maybe its a Matter of slow and fast moving Parts, Resistance and Drag
                              (and Drag to one Side comes from turning Direction too ie, Tornado)

                              Physic says, its Electric charge from charge carrier.
                              Electric charge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              About the Coils, when you connect them at the Charge side from the Circuit, it mainly increase all.
                              Spikes seems still the same high, but you can get out more Amps at the Charge, at parallel.
                              You can connect more Coils parallel, to get a higher Draw,
                              but they should have about the same Impedance, ohms.
                              Actually, it runs more Current through and consume more Amp also.
                              But it depends too, if you connect them parallel or in serie.

                              I am so lost
                              Need to let settle down all this Things and i am get bit tired too.
                              Btw, did you know, when you 'think' wrong, you get tired?
                              So something there must not match at all.
                              Mainly when you think the right Way, your Energy is more Equal or increase.
                              Its a good Indication.
                              Last edited by Joit; 01-27-2009, 12:45 PM.
                              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                              • Aether


                                The patent office refuses to patent a so called perpetual motion device.

                                The they seem to be ignoring the biggest PMD ever.......the universe!

                                The aether is either driving the universe or the universe is generating it, by virtue of it's motion, or they are mutually dependent and sustaining each other.(or many other possibilities that haven't occurred to me)

                                One thing is for sure, the force is out there, keeping everything in order.

                                Now with all Creation staring them in the face how can they be denier's of PM?

                                Last edited by hh1341; 01-27-2009, 05:27 PM.

