What do we want?
My yocto-gram of understanding what we are trying to do. Again, I am a student thus I might be wrong too. Do not follow me!
Pre-Note: In cases where I am referring to aether, it is to you to read and interpreted the way you do. For me I am using that term as combination of all the smaller items like ions, neutrino’s, quarks, electrons, etc.
Most of the efforts so many people are doing to try and get ‘free energy’ are in vain. That I can qualify by the facts; 10,000’s of people tried and are trying, very few had success over the past 80 years. In these past months I have been looking, copying and analyzing many of these products and ideas. Of all the items/designs currently in some sort of operations there are only two that does have success:
A) John Bedini – in his publicly available devices there is a definite gain. But again I think most very few people actually understand what is happening there – including me. However there are a few small things that I do understand now: The typical much used and referred to SG and SSG does gain energy to the batteries – but what? This energy is good for lights – not motors.(Note: Edited until I can find the correct refference material) That should already clear the issue for all. All that does happen in that circuit, coils and magnets are the ability and promotion of electrons to capture and release more photons. Saturate the electrons with photons, push them into the charge battery on the NEG side, create a little void where they came from in the coil and capture more electrons from the atmosphere (Aether ?) into that conductors to fill the voilds.
>>>>> Radiant energy of JB is 'photon saturated' electrons <<<<<
B) Joseph Flynn’s PPT – it is a definite improvement on application and manipulation of magnetic force worth mentioning and in some cases does actually achieve COP +1. Where JB is radiant (gain of light) this PPT is motion force – manipulate magnetic fields.
I do accept and believe that there were other devices like Sweet, Adams, Gray, Baumann, etc – but whatever and however – we do not know today how exactly they did work - else we would have them in our shops. Thus it only serves one purpose; Motivation. If it was possible once, then it should be possible again.
As for all the rest, devices and circuits – they stand on the same side as conventional energy; uneconomic; not making gains.
So what I propose is for us to first understand what we are really trying to do, what are we ‘planning’ to work with.
Before that we have to know WHAT DO YOU WANT?
Light: That is the relatively easy one. You have to look at Photons. The ability of electrons to capture and release photons is giving light in both situations. One does release heat, the other absorbs heat. But photons are not necessarily to be associated with electrons, they are also completely free floating; thus we can look at options to use the free floating photons directly; such as exciting them in the air/aether.
Electricity: This one is more difficult to do, though the concepts are still easy. There is only one items to be used – Electrons. Fortunately this is the most freely available wave-particle. The quest will only be to find out how to get more electrons into our circuits. If you can achieve the capture of electrons, and better still – to enrich them with photons; then you will have absolute OU in electricity.
Motion and Levitation; Since we do not yet know exactly how gravity works, we definitely will never be able to create anti-gravity. At best we will be able to achieve levitation and motion, most likely by methods of magnetic fields, electrons and ions. Not much on this one for now.
My yocto-gram of understanding what we are trying to do. Again, I am a student thus I might be wrong too. Do not follow me!
Pre-Note: In cases where I am referring to aether, it is to you to read and interpreted the way you do. For me I am using that term as combination of all the smaller items like ions, neutrino’s, quarks, electrons, etc.
Most of the efforts so many people are doing to try and get ‘free energy’ are in vain. That I can qualify by the facts; 10,000’s of people tried and are trying, very few had success over the past 80 years. In these past months I have been looking, copying and analyzing many of these products and ideas. Of all the items/designs currently in some sort of operations there are only two that does have success:
A) John Bedini – in his publicly available devices there is a definite gain. But again I think most very few people actually understand what is happening there – including me. However there are a few small things that I do understand now: The typical much used and referred to SG and SSG does gain energy to the batteries – but what? This energy is good for lights – not motors.(Note: Edited until I can find the correct refference material) That should already clear the issue for all. All that does happen in that circuit, coils and magnets are the ability and promotion of electrons to capture and release more photons. Saturate the electrons with photons, push them into the charge battery on the NEG side, create a little void where they came from in the coil and capture more electrons from the atmosphere (Aether ?) into that conductors to fill the voilds.
>>>>> Radiant energy of JB is 'photon saturated' electrons <<<<<
B) Joseph Flynn’s PPT – it is a definite improvement on application and manipulation of magnetic force worth mentioning and in some cases does actually achieve COP +1. Where JB is radiant (gain of light) this PPT is motion force – manipulate magnetic fields.
I do accept and believe that there were other devices like Sweet, Adams, Gray, Baumann, etc – but whatever and however – we do not know today how exactly they did work - else we would have them in our shops. Thus it only serves one purpose; Motivation. If it was possible once, then it should be possible again.
As for all the rest, devices and circuits – they stand on the same side as conventional energy; uneconomic; not making gains.
So what I propose is for us to first understand what we are really trying to do, what are we ‘planning’ to work with.
Before that we have to know WHAT DO YOU WANT?
Light: That is the relatively easy one. You have to look at Photons. The ability of electrons to capture and release photons is giving light in both situations. One does release heat, the other absorbs heat. But photons are not necessarily to be associated with electrons, they are also completely free floating; thus we can look at options to use the free floating photons directly; such as exciting them in the air/aether.
Electricity: This one is more difficult to do, though the concepts are still easy. There is only one items to be used – Electrons. Fortunately this is the most freely available wave-particle. The quest will only be to find out how to get more electrons into our circuits. If you can achieve the capture of electrons, and better still – to enrich them with photons; then you will have absolute OU in electricity.
Motion and Levitation; Since we do not yet know exactly how gravity works, we definitely will never be able to create anti-gravity. At best we will be able to achieve levitation and motion, most likely by methods of magnetic fields, electrons and ions. Not much on this one for now.