I have been trying to convey this message so many times.
This is my view and motivation not to keep on re-inventing other people work.
IF there is a possibility of tapping into the Universal Energy -
and using that as our power source;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It has not been found yet <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
--------------------------- and THAT is telling me ----------------------
XXXXX We are not looking at the right place or the right way. XXXXX
Therefor we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.
This is my view and motivation not to keep on re-inventing other people work.
IF there is a possibility of tapping into the Universal Energy -
and using that as our power source;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It has not been found yet <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
--------------------------- and THAT is telling me ----------------------
XXXXX We are not looking at the right place or the right way. XXXXX
Therefor we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.