To sum it up
Now we know how to generate free electrons.
- Using electrical energy on magnetic minerals like Sodium, Barium. Etc.
We also know how to super charge and accelerate them.
- by using electromagnets in a vortex tube.
We know how to increase the frequency of the electron oscillations.
- by using gaseous material and charge them as required
We know hot to direct flow of ions to create counter gravity and motion.
- by the three lobed hub and drives
What do we still need to know?
1. Working of the drives that can in fact direct the ions – which will
Normally just pass through any mineral!
2. More exact mathematical calculations to determine the whole system.
And more brains, I am getting out of my league – or crazy.
Need to go and see a psychiatrist!
Talking of “Free energy” it is all there – as described above, plenty.
Now we know how to generate free electrons.
- Using electrical energy on magnetic minerals like Sodium, Barium. Etc.
We also know how to super charge and accelerate them.
- by using electromagnets in a vortex tube.
We know how to increase the frequency of the electron oscillations.
- by using gaseous material and charge them as required
We know hot to direct flow of ions to create counter gravity and motion.
- by the three lobed hub and drives
What do we still need to know?
1. Working of the drives that can in fact direct the ions – which will
Normally just pass through any mineral!
2. More exact mathematical calculations to determine the whole system.
And more brains, I am getting out of my league – or crazy.
Need to go and see a psychiatrist!
Talking of “Free energy” it is all there – as described above, plenty.