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Aromaz Radiant Energy Joint Research Group

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  • Extereme frequency

    On a question asked earlier about what is the maximum frequency.....

    I was searching for something else when I found this article dated 5 Dec 2008
    regarding a break through in frequency generators.

    Opening Up The Last Part Of Electromagnetic Spectrum

    Currently the highest frequency that can be reached with electronic generators is 0.3 THz. It turns out the highest frequency generation by
    human instruments will now shift to be 3.3 THz.
    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


    • The more I scratch, the more I am standing in awe to realize how easy ALL of the PROVEN "free energy" devices actually was and is. Best of all, once you scratch the paint off and you really do a little more intense research; you will find all the right guidelines. Of course one do need the right keywords which is just making this detective work so much easier. On the other hand, junk and useless information makes it time consuming.

      So in this, probably my last posting here I will give those of you who wants to work, the right guidelines. I always knew it should be some very simple thing after all, those people who invented devices that did work said it in exactly those meanings.

      The truth is dangerous. To make the working devices will force you first to go on an intensive learning curve. Secondly, there are some material that you are unlikely to be able to get; but there are optional material. This is not cheap, so if you can not invest a few thousand dollars, then better to have a nice party and enjoy your money. Always remember

      “It can be done; BECAUSE it was done”

      I can justify myself in this: Together with my associates in Thailand we copied 74 different designs from at least 62 different original 'inventors'. My investment into this venture is now standing on US$ 64,300.

      Un-categorically I can say two things:
      A: Some inventions like Bedini does reach COP 1+, but they are weak and will cost you more than what you will get in return or save on energy bill.
      B: The majority fail misserably; either because the design is pure stupid and foolish; or in a number of cases the people does not have all the information.
      C: In most cases we are fooling ourselves with is just a simple fact: We are changing one form of energy into another.

      On the issue of money I did spend: It is not all wasted, at least I learned a heck of a lot and some of those principals I did use in the new invention. How this will all turn out, I am not sure, we have a lot of fine tuning to do; but the results are already extremely impressive – as is. We have reached both counter-gravity and excess energy; much more energy out than in - measured with conventional meters. Best still, we only need a battery to start up, then the system generates its own power and continue building speed and output.

      Here are your guidelines:

      1. I came to this breakthrough because of the mineral RADIUM. EVERY WORKING DEVICE
      to date were using RADIUM in one or other format and volume. I will even dare to say it
      is very likely that some other ‘secret’ coils you all know about has Radium (or similar) in its core.
      2. It is NOT nuclear, but it does work on Alpha and Beta decay. It is also possible
      to go Gamma, but that depends on the minerals you use. It does not generate nuclear
      energy, it does not work on the principle of heat like nuclear reactors.
      3. To date I tried a few minerals like Lithium, Barium, Neon, Strontium, Cesium, Selenium;
      all of which are commonly available without restrictions. Yes, I do wish to get my hands
      on a few grams of Radium, but unless I go serious mining in Africa, I doubt this will happen
      – besides the optional minerals are at least half as good – not too bad; but more safe.
      4. The best results we have to date was with Boron and Thorium (which is quite a
      common mineral and at US$ 68 per kg; also one of the cheapest mentioned here).
      5. Next you need to look at methods of rotating magnets at extreme high speed
      – my latest conditioner is spinning the magnets up to 160,000 RPM, driven by a
      15,000 RPM DC motor, giving maximum 3.8 MHz.
      6. I am using Nitrogen, Argon and Mercury vapour in my gas tube. This device is similar to
      a coil, but in the place of the copper windings, I am using the gas mixture. The complete
      generation process is in glass and steel tubes, no use of coils or circuits other than control
      of rotary motor and as transformers at the end of the process.

      With this then, I consider that I have done more than my dues to those who helped me in the beginning.

      Honestly, my friends, there are no ‘secret’ neither the suppression conspiracy. Maybe there were a few threats before, but in most of the cases like Moray, Adams, Hubbert and possibly Sweet and others it is just a matter of they could not get their most important material – Radium.

      Please do not ask me questions or diagrams of the above. This was the result of more than 3,600 hours of my personal work crammed into the past 7 months, plus all my life’s experiences. It is not for free and I will not spoon feed any one on this. If you have something and need help where you are stuck, PersonalMessage me here or on my listed e-mail address and I will try my best to help you.

      God bless and good luck with all your ventures.

      PS. Vortex, Inquorate; have a look at this:
      Emc2 Fusion Development Corporation
      Magnetic power, green power, over unity, power for home, no wires, Richard Willis, Magnacoaster Motor Company Inc.
      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


      • The old theory of air molecules being shocked is still the majority; but the new experiments found that sound waves also travel through vacuum. So what do we find in all matter AND vacuum? Electrons.

        You are right Aromaz, the sound propagates through the vacuum. But instead of electrons, i will prefer call it virtual photons.

        Vacuum is filled with virtual state photons.

        The A field of a wire with electricity is a longitudinal wave , a excitation of virtual state photons. The A field creates sound and gravity/antigravity, and in certain times it creates light and matter.


        • Aromaz, I'm reading all your posts, i totally agree with you


          • Congrats!

            Aromaz, Congratulations on your successes! May you see many more, and prosper from your hard work!

            Can i suggest that you not drop off the net here: We will be very interested in hearing about your progress in getting something to market.

            And may i mention also, that "suppressions" are not the only problems you will face, as i am sure you well know. Remember that when the time is right, the Open Source people can help you with gaining credibility world-wide... Needed to break into the mainstream. This can be done without giving away too many "secrets" (possibly by use of NDA's)... And it can act as "free R&D" to eventually improve the technology and help to broaden it's scope for a wider range of parallel applications (..which will be one of your largest and most expensive challenges if you go the Patent route).

            It can also be an "insurance policy" for you and your associates... In case there really are forces out there that will ally against you to stop a device from reaching market.

            Please remember that competitors, naysayers, predator patent attorneys, crank inventors claiming prior rights, and investors that sue and claim fraud over the drop of a hat can be as big a plague as the mysterious "MIB's" and government militaries' jealous of their secrets could ever be


            • 3 pieces


              Stefan Marinov's self accelerating plasma tube has merit and is a high speed magnet rotation that induces current in the same direction to make it gain speed. This is along the lines of a Faraday kind of motor but the magnet is cut in half, one side flipped and glued back together.

              With gas in a tube, you may find allotropic nitrogen interesting and useful...will emit a golden light under high voltage stimulation and there is energy there before it decays back to normal.

              If you want a high speed system - look into the mechanics of an electromechanical battery. It uses passive free floating magnetic bearing systems and the simplest type is a Halbach Array, which defeats Earnshaw's theorem.

              I have references to all three of the above in this forum - I have been looking forward to getting some interest in these three things for a very specific purpose but no takers so far. I'll bump the posts if I can find them.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • It can be done - because it was done before.

                Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                Stefan Marinov's self accelerating plasma tube has merit and is a high speed magnet rotation that induces current in the same direction to make it gain speed. This is along the lines of a Faraday kind of motor but the magnet is cut in half, one side flipped and glued back together.
                This one sounds interesting, look forward to see your posting on this. Thank you Aaron.

                Originally posted by jibbguy
                And may i mention also, that "suppressions" are not the only problems you will face, as i am sure you well know.
                Thanks for the advice.

                This ‘re-invention’ is not perfect – yet. But working and doing amazing things. The first compound is now running for little over 10 days with no input and output of 1 KW. It is suppose to be active for more than 16 years, but we will have to test at least for a year and also get other compounds in testing.

                I do not foresee a problem with marketing or governments – after all there are 195+ counties, so while the USA and some other will most likely prevent, we will not be able to supply all the countries that will want this equipment.

                The general attitude in Asia is to jump on any new bandwagon. As I said before; there is much more freedom in most Asian countries than in any Western country. Besides, our biggest initial market is the 21 Middle East countries. There the 'grit' like you have it in USA is not an issue. Nobody got a monopoly, in some countries, literally each village or street block got their own diesel generators supplying electricity. Next will be Asia and in particular your good friend: China. No problem there and I hope we can go big scale is in MWatt - there China will be our major potential.

                On the other hand, it might still not work out as I wish or expect. The exact best material still got to be sorted out and then we need to get hold on that from the supply side.

                Anyway, we decided not to go the patent way, but only use Copyright Law.

                Have investors meeting next week, then we will know how much we can put in public domain and what we have to keep proprietary.

                It can be done - because it was done before.
                Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                • Conratulation . I hope you can finalize it soon and make electricity cheaper for everyone . Would it be affordable for common family?
                  Last edited by sucahyo; 02-28-2009, 02:45 AM.


                  • This ‘re-invention’ is not perfect – yet. But working and doing amazing things. The first compound is now running for little over 10 days with no input and output of 1 KW.



                    • Congratulations corrie!

                      Sorry I couldn't be there to see it, but congratulations! That's huge news!
                      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                      • I'm reading the post again, you are amazing !!!


                        • Originally posted by darkwizard View Post
                          I'm reading the post again, you are amazing
                          Nope, it is not me. It is all the people who did give all the information in the past 180 years; it has always been there. Today we have more knowledge, understanding and technology - so it is only a matter of reviewing their info and then see how we can use new technology to improve. You just have to read and read and read and bind all the clues together.

                          You can even go back much further in history: To the Old Testament book of Ezekiel is probably the oldest clue: Ez 1:16 - They sparkled like chrysolite, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel.
                          Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                          • Aromaz, i have read the bible, and i always believe that Ezekiel was saying that the ET had a device with free energy because he says that the spirit was moving the wheel and we know what the spirit is.

                            In my spanish bible says: It looks like the amber , or like the "ELECTRO STONE" , :P

                            Electrostatic Generators and Apparatus

                            Who called it ELEKTRON? The greek word for amber is Elektron.
                            Last edited by darkwizard; 03-01-2009, 06:11 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                              This one sounds interesting, look forward to see your posting on this. Thank you Aaron.
                              He already did here;


                              Congratulations on your success Aromaz. You've come a long since I last checked on your progress it seems. But when you talk about anti gravity did you actually achieve this in your lab or is it a theory you have on how to achieve it?


                              • Originally posted by broli View Post
                                He already did here;


                                Congratulations on your success Aromaz. You've come a long since I last checked on your progress it seems. But when you talk about anti gravity did you actually achieve this in your lab or is it a theory you have on how to achieve it?
                                Thank you.

                                There is a difference between ANTI-gravity and COUNTER-gravity.
                                The first one has not been done yet, anywhere in the world. It means
                                that it will destroy gravity - the opposite of gravity.
                                COUNTER-gravity is what I call my device that is not affected by gravity.

                                If you mean like float in the air; no we have not achieved that - yet.
                                What does happen is with the high speed gas cyclone and frequency the
                                'reactor' part is loosing weight. Best we had to day is down from 3.84Kg to 2.11 KG. So nearly 40%. It was accidental, the chamber was not built to be light.
                                Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

