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Aromaz Radiant Energy Joint Research Group

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  • Vapor

    Sound interesting, I hope you post your results.

    Great to have you back Aromaz. While you were away, dr Stiffler joined us. Very interesting work and worth reading the thread here on the forum.

    Ps, my partner is 16 weeks pregnant. Can you imagine, a little ben.. I only hope he or she asks as many questions as I did.

    That also happened while you were away!

    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
      Just some interesting pointers

      In my videos 22/23 I was using a fluorecent tube with HV pulses which is picked up by the copper wire coil around that tube - and in fact has higher energy than going into the tube.
      I'd say that's a very interesting pointer. What do you mean by 'higher energy'?

      Love and light
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • Not away, just been silent on this forum a while. I did follow your adventures with the SEC of Dr. Siffler. Been back in daily working with boat factory and did two designs of common items which are now in production. Heavy duty 5Kw inverter and in-complete but functional drive control for boats.

        Most my experiments were with different soils I got from Indonesia and India to see about 'activating' them - or should I say 'Nuke' them with microwave. Most of the suitable minerals are actually falling in the forbidden range - that is one true and effective measurement from the governments to suppress devellopments in this directions.

        With my current line - Thorium and Mercury is getting difficult and restricted; even in the truely free Thailand!

        ..... and on top of it all, now I actually registered a company dedicated to this research and planning on building a full dedicated lab of some 200sqm. From next week all will be official in Thailand as "Nibiru Engineering." Because all are now packed in boxes, I have only the computer to play with till new building is operational in some 3 months.
        Last edited by Aromaz; 10-17-2009, 06:25 AM.
        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


        • Radioactive

          I looked into places to acquire radioactive sources, or how to make them, while looking into electrets. I had a hunch that maybe tesla did it to steel.

          Perhaps the energy derived from radioactive sources is more than the energy required to make the source radioactive.

          As for making radioactive sources create useable electricity (for the want of a better name) I looked into early radio, and found Galena (lead sulfate) or copper sulfate, and maybe copper oxide or lead oxide are very radio sensitive.

          Maybe treat your copper wire with heat, causing copper oxides.

          Also Germanium, and I acquired Galena crystals and Germanium diodes as well as copper sulfate and zinc oxide powder. All very inexpensive. I can find out where my dad got the copper sulfate and zinc oxide; the others can be tracked down by searching google and including the word paypal.

          As for the radioactive source, all I could find is that smoke detectors often have americanium etc..

          But getting large quantities?

          I'd really like to find out how to make stuff radioactive, all I have is my own memory banks telling me that I read somewhere that copper left in sunlight starts developing unstable isotopes.

          Love and light
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
            I'd say that's a very interesting pointer. What do you mean by 'higher energy'?

            Love and light
            One of the failures I had then was not to check on amps/watts - and did not went back to that particular setup since.

            We had more volts (Input 12K - output 4K and 71K) and that at extreme high frequency when it went into that St Elmo's mode; higher than any of my instruments could read.

            Last week when I packed up I had a little bug biting me. I actually put that tube on a carat balancing scale (mechanical and very sensitive). When it goes into the purple mode, it's weight reduced - in my stupid excitment I bumped the scale and all went to the floor. Still have the 'coil' - but not the tube and time to remake that unit. Excitement is in the air and my blood.
            Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


            • Inquorate; I had a hunch that maybe tesla did it to steel. I agree that it seems to me there were a lot more 'radioactive' experioments from Tesla, but he did never elaborate on it. Besides, Nathan Stubblefiled would really have triggered Tesla too.

              Perhaps the energy derived from radioactive sources is more than the energy required to make the source radioactive. Yes, it always is. Once the element becomes unstable, it continuesly releases Alpha, Betta and possibly neutrons.

              As for making radioactive sources create useable electricity (for the want of a better name) I looked into early radio, and found Galena (lead sulfate) or copper sulfate, and maybe copper oxide or lead oxide are very radio sensitive.
              They are good as receivers - lack of particles; but does not radiate.

              Maybe treat your copper wire with heat, causing copper oxides.

              Also Germanium, and I acquired Galena crystals and Germanium diodes as well as copper sulfate and zinc oxide powder. All very inexpensive. I can find out where my dad got the copper sulfate (easy to make: Copper and Sulphuric acid, then dry and pulverize) and zinc oxide (Zinc in salt water with low current, scratch the white powder stuff off. Or buy from any shop that polishes glass or gemstones); the others can be tracked down by searching google and including the word paypal.

              As for the radioactive source, all I could find is that smoke detectors often have americanium etc..

              But getting large quantities? I would be happy with 200gr! But that will require me to destroy some 3,000 smoke detectors!

              I'd really like to find out how to make stuff radioactive, all I have is my own memory banks telling me that I read somewhere that copper left in sunlight starts developing unstable isotopes. ??? First time I hear this. But then it might be possible since sunlight is: Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation. Gamma is mostly due to neutrons, which might react with the copper molecule and cause minute train reaction from time to time.
              Love and light
              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


              • Mercury

                I don't know how much mercury you need, but if you're stumped for sources you could get it here

                SPST Mercury Switch - Jaycar Electronics

                Congratulations on getting your own lab. Sooooooo jealous.

                If you figure out how to make stuff radioactive, I would sign a hush form and share research with you from here.

                Still have skype, unlimited hours now.
                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                • Connecting the dots

                  It's interesting to note that tesla believed (rightly or wrongly - let's not get into that) that radioactivity in some elements was caused by the element's atomic lattice interacting with the aether, or specifically the 'cosmic rays'.

                  And that he also said he had harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device.

                  // treating lead (quite interactive with radiation) in some way may prove worthy of research.

                  Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                  • Radioactive copper

                    Stolen Copper Radioactive|ABC 13
                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • Old notes revisited


                      Sometimes one has to go back to your own old notes. I did a re-look at some issues with regards to Nathan Stubblefield and actually came to find some reference that I did see but did not 'realize' then.

                      "Mysterious lights, weird sounds" from his farm ?

                      "Hillside lit with a weird light"
                      ... In their own words "the light seemed to come out from the ground itself".

                      In March 1928, two weeks before his death Stubblefield visited with a neighbor, Mrs. L. E. Owen:

                      "I've lived fifty years before my time. The past is nothing. I have perfected now the greatest invention the world has ever known. I've taken light from the air and the earth as I did with sound ... I want you to know about making a whole hillside blossom with light..."

                      After his death town officials found in his cabin " two highly polished metal mirrors which faced each other, radiating a very great heat in rippling waves"

                      Pitchblende or not pitchblende; there is still much to learn from this ellusive gent. In particular what interest me is the 'light from the soil'.

                      Is it somehow possible that NS did actually re-vitalize the pitchblende?
                      Or is it something completely else.

                      What about the weird sounds? Maybe some device that actually caused a resonance? After all this was part of his lifes work in wireless telephony.

                      How much of this weird light can also be in relation to what Tesla tried?

                      I can only lie down on my thinking couch and ponder ...
                      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                      • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                        ... that radioactivity in some elements was caused by the element's atomic lattice interacting with the aether, or specifically the 'cosmic rays'.
                        Nope, it is not so far fetched. I lately came to realize accepted science is on the wrong track with atomic structure, aether and cosmic radiation - and in particular with energy.

                        Ever been able to explain 'gravity' for yourself in such a way that it DOES make sense? Boy oh Boy - THAT is where your real brain burners will take off. What is gravity? Why is Gravity? How does it work?

                        You go from atom to universe and back into a black hole. THIS is the key to all, yet so many people were close to the real, ever since past 400 years, but never seems to get over the last hurdle.

                        So what does have to do with your reference above? Just absolutely everything!

                        Sadly, I am still defining and trying to work out how I will present this understanding. Mathematics does not work. I need to have working devices and models ... LAB coming up!
                        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                        • Seeking more answers and some answers on old questions

                          It has been a very long time since I asked this question.
                          Yet, to date I have not seen a good answer. So many people
                          Are looking / trying to capture et all ‘radiant energy’

                          “What exactly is RADIANT ENERGY”

                          Add to that the other term of Dr. Bearden “Energy from the vacuum”

                          Are these the same? No in fact I now realize they are two completely different things.

                          Unless you can actually define it in a plain KISS way you will never know exactly what you are trying to do. Once you know what it is, I think it will be easier to understand why so many contraptions are not working and will never work.

                          In truth it is not that much of a mystical energy at all. I will try to explain in my own stupid non-science way. Anyone is welcome to differ or to play devil on me.

                          RADIANT ENERGY:
                          This is any form of energy ‘radiate’ in the whole universe. Meaning that energy be it electromagnetic, light (photons), alpha, Betta, Gamma, magnetic – whatever form is all radiant energy. One important issue to remember here is that it is not only our sun that radiates energy; it is also radiated by the mobile phone you have in your pocket, the electric wires running past your house, even you yourself as human (or animal) is radiating energy.

                          More important to our research – radiant energy reaches the earth every moment in time from every possible direction in the universe. Such energy that is radiated from a galaxy, star or planet on the other side of the universe still reaches us on the earth.

                          Once we have a good nice look at all of these radiant energies we will also come to know that such energy is in many different forms. There is at least Alpha, Betta, Gamma, Photon, Electron, magnetic, gravitational and probably a few we do not know yet; all in the same package of radiant energy we receive. Some of these energy forms will pass right through us, earth and any other body. Some will penetrate and be absorbed and some will bounce back to space.

                          What we need to construct are devices that will enable us to capture the particular part of these energy packet we do receive and want to capture. Thus, if we can really build a device that can capture radiant energy, such will be able to travel anywhere in the universe without carrying any fuel. Solar cells (though very ineffective) are in fact exactly such a device.

                          VACUUM ENERGY:
                          Weather this is exactly what Dr. Bearden meant, I do not know but for the interesting fact that there are a few anomalities and maybe the word ‘vacuum’ is wrong. Besides the energy that we receive from all the universe, there is also another very powerful from of energy present in every atom. It is not the electron, proton or neutron – but it is that energy that actually binds them together. Some say ‘vacuum’ or gravitons – I say ‘light’. I am still working on this one and will post when I have it more defined.

                          What we are doing with normal electricity is to bounce electrons in and out of atomic orbits. Such does and can not give more energy, no mater what you do; it is a plain matter of “grab this one, release that one”. It is only once you release the actual binding force of that atom that you get energy – BREAK THE VACUUM.

                          How can we then access this kind of energy?

                          I think we will first need to know what that energy exactly is. Old people already gave it a name “Gravity” and now in this time of our existence we still do not even know how gravity works. Hmmm, maybe it is not gravity after all, maybe it is magnetic….Oh no, magnetic needs metal? No – it does not need metal, it needs only movement.

                          Whichever and however – on this day of 19 October 2009 there is no scientist that can explain with 100% accurate and acceptable provable manner:
                          A) What is gravity
                          B) What is magnetism

                          In order for us humans to reach the next step in our existence, we do need to know and understand these two issues.

                          DECEMBER 2012:
                          On a different note: Personally I do not believe in the destruction of the earth in 2012. I believe 2012 will be the year we ‘receive’ the next book of knowledge. That is the year in which we will come to know the secrets of Gravity and Magnetism – that is the new dispensation for us humans and the heavens will open for us to explore.
                          Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                          • good post!!

                            That was an excellent post Aromaz.

                            I think the term Radiant energy turns some people off because they
                            think of this "magical" Tesla notion of some new form of energy
                            that has yet to be discovered ...
                            rather than how you described it above ... energy arriving from the
                            cosmos in all forms.
                            I completely agree that Tesla was referring to ANY form of "received"
                            energy ...

                            Regarding this .. I was thinking that if you have several wide-band
                            "tuned" circuits -- an array of coil-capacitor tank circuits --
                            each attached to an array of antenna that are 1/4 wave for
                            each of the frequencies -- that you could some how SUM the voltages
                            received. If the AC is converted to DC -- for each -- the DC
                            is certainly easy to SUM.

                            It is well known by Ham radio operators that you can sustain
                            quite a ZAP from a good antenna.

                            I found this paper from the 60's done by Harvard which shows
                            that the largest signals from space range from 1Mhz to 5Mhz.
                            This would be a good range of frequencies to tune for energy.

                            re: zero point energy

                            Magnets are likely the catalyst to gain access to this.
                            I keep stumbling upon NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance --
                            which I think is still a field of study in its infancy.

                            It occurs to me that putting a magnet into resonance
                            (like "Sparky" Sweet, Hubbard or Hendershot), that
                            the magnetic waves emitted from it can put surrounding
                            magnetically sensitive mass into resonance as well.
                            From each of these resonating objects power could be
                            "received" by simply connecting to them (as if they were
                            a ground) and connecting to another mass that is NOT
                            subject to the oscillations. A potential would exist
                            between such objects.

                            So the key is to put a magnet into resonance with as little
                            power as possible ... and harvest the energy from the masses
                            it influences.

                            The issue with "rotating" magnets mechanically, in generators, is that
                            there are HUGE mechanical losses.
                            Just as sparks are bad and waste energy ... so too
                            is the heat caused by friction in mechanical machines.

                            So to "refine" or optimize power generation, we need to go
                            solid state, smaller scale (millimeter, micrometer, nanometer),
                            and we need to generate smaller amounts of power
                            for hand-held, personal appliances.

                            Also, conservation of energy is a HUGE untapped potential for

                            * Houses where each room has a thermostat and each room
                            has a heater/cooler just for that one room.

                            * Automobiles that have internal appliances power by AC currents --
                            not dumb ole' Edison DC.

                            * wireless reception of power to hand-held devices.

                            * florescent lighting in factories and warehouses and stores
                            run by low-power high-voltage, low current ... ala Tesla.

                            * skylights ... mirrors ... passive solutions for lighting, heat & cooling

                            * hand-held power generation -- gears and pulleys can amplify human power
                            I'm surprised there are not more lower-end personal generators that use
                            human powers. All we have a stupid flashlights you shake or
                            generators on a bicycle, etc. After all these years there hasn't been
                            much innovation in this area, yet we have all these
                            "health conscious" people exercising on machines that throw the
                            power away.

                            I'm sure if we brainstorm we could come up with many ways
                            of getting "low-cost" power.
                            The price of power is getting quite high now such that some
                            of these older ideas become attractive again.


                            • How I see the futunre system

                              @ morpher44; thanks for the compliment and additions!

                              I think we are still on the wrong track with 'copper wires and coils'
                              We WANT to control!

                              The direction I persieve to be followed is not wires - but gas. Plasma.
                              Forget about circuits, (I think) and start working with something completley new. Gas will be much easier 'effected' by radiant energy than solid coil. Remember, only a portion of the radiants does have the ability to penetrate.

                              Here I will refer to some of the experiments I did video before and then I stated: "There seems to be more energy outside than within the circuits."

                              Add in with this then the forces of magnets and resonance.

                              Did you ever had a careful look at the ancient Indian mythology? In particular look at the descriptions of their "Vimana Mercury engine" There is a heck of a lot more sence in that descriptions than what I find in common science about gravity.
                              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                              • negative resistance

                                Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                                The direction I persieve to be followed is not wires - but gas. Plasma.
                                Did you ever had a careful look at the ancient Indian mythology? In particular look at the descriptions of their "Vimana Mercury engine" There is a heck of a lot more sence in that descriptions than what I find in common science about gravity.
                                I was surprised recently to learn that NEON bulbs exhibit
                                negative resistance:
                                Negative-resistance circuits: Information from

                                This quote from above is interesting:
                                "If the curve did not fold but just continued forever, it would be possible to extract an infinite amount of power from the device."

                                Argon is said to have sudden jumps and hysteresis with a region
                                of negative resistance.

                                This article mentions negative resistance found between aligned
                                terminals as a 2D electron gas:
                                Negative resistance found in 2D electron gas -

                                and xenon, krypton and argon at high pressure
                                Negative Resistance in Rare Gases

