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Aromaz Radiant Energy Joint Research Group

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  • #61
    Power supply suitable for inductive loads

    The above words fell into place in my mind after I saw the video from user that gotoluc posted in his resonance thread..

    The guy used pulses to a primary coil to excite a secondary inductively, and had another 'primary' on the other end of the secondary coil, also only linked inductively.

    he was able to run different motors, ie inductive loads from the output of the second primary without affecting the resonance of the first primary or the secondary.

    So that explains how tesla ran a motor with his black box? Or does it?

    Thinking about Aromaz's observation of hv wires not having magnetic field made me think possibly there's no electron current.. There is certainly no current (electrons) in my detector.

    So the difference between ed gray's system and moray's might be this absence of current / magnetic field.. Gray uses his cset to turn the radiant event back into electron flow.

    And we already know what gray meant by 'pulse out, pulse back' and '90% of the energy used is returned to the battery' - we saw this with Aromaz's circuit where he found the low amp draw was because of high voltage radiant spikes travelling back thru the circuit - between each pulse out -

    So, what I'm getting at is that moray's circuit must have no actual electron movement; which is why he could light bulbs but not run motors..

    His was an aether circuit much like I suspect my detector to be, but he tapped naturally occurring aether frequencies, much like tesla, and I suspect gotoluc except gotoluc is not destroying much of the dipole like tesla did.

    See my recent post in gotoluc's thread for how I hope to merge gotoluc's and imhotep's principles...

    This is getting quite a bit of momentum...
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • #62
      Diagram Circuits

      Radiant Energy can be conducted by lines drawn on a piece of paper, as well as by a string. A Radiant Energy circuit diagram works as well as the circuit built with vacuum tubes. The vacuum tubes have three grids. The vacuum tube circuit works whether it's plugged into a power socket or not.

      Radiant Energy can be received from the environment by a square spiral, or its diagram. A fluffy yarn ball on the end of a piece of yarn acts as a Radiant Energy capacitor.

      This information came from 1970's magazine articles about the Hieronymus Machine (Pat#2482773)


      • #63
        Cosmic ions?

        Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
        The older ceiling fan blades had decorative inlays which produce ions, with an applied biphasic field. The motor turns at just the right speed to spin these ions outwards, for aerodynamic effects.
        It is amazing that you brought this up now.

        I am learning and experimenting between all the time I have to spend with my guests.

        While demonstrating the corona effect I was wondering 'what is the possibility and how much of this might be ions and not radiant energy?' Then the question also came to mind How are we going to differentiate between Ions and radiant. Think for instance of the lifter-effect which we know is purely based on ionic flow - and corona and High Voltage.

        Just a while earlier I was reading somewhat about T.H. Moray - and there I found this sentence: "It's the ions, NOT the electrons" - so I am posting it here.

        Basic Radiant Energy Circuit

        Radiant, static or ionic - I do not care exactly what, as long as we can get it to A) Make Light and B) Move things. It would help to understand exactly what we are working with.

        Regardless of the 1,000's of websites, people and experiments - I will make a statement here: Nobody know exactly what we are working with. YES !!! ! It is a fact that there is something. But exactly WHAT it is and exactly WHAT it does, HOW it does it - nobody knows.

        Where it came from and why it is there, I think we do have a small window of understanding - provided we accept the Big Bang, black holes and white holes - all in one package.

        How can I say nobody knows? IF anybody knew or understood; we would be using Cosming energy now in our houses, cars - and be able to fly to the moon in less than 1 hour.
        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


        • #64
          Ions can produce EM type radiant energy through Hot-Carier Emission, if they are accelerated while conducting a current. It remains to be seen if this type of white light is, or can be converted into, electrostatic Radiant Energy. This "electrostatic" energy can operate through a Faraday Cage, but ionic forces can't.

          While ionic Lifters do produce a reaction against the environment, other systems - perhaps using a different kind of energy - do not require an atmosphere to operate. One such system is shown in Figs. 4 through 7 in Patent #3187206.

          Moray's Radiant Energy circuit is an interesting circuit and seems completely workable, based on the principle of beta voltaic decay. I've read differing reports as to the length of the antenna. Some stories say it was six feet long and L shaped. One other story said 200 feet and straight. I think the detector diode is a 1N29B. I have some of these and they're packaged in lead foil for shipment, so they may be radioactive as well. Used in a crystal radio, this diode will directly drive a loud speaker, without any other power.

          This was Moray's first Radiant Energy circuit. His later circuit didn't need an antenna. For this, he used a special Tube which is shown as Fig. 16 in Patent #2460707. This Tube produced internal X-rays which appear to be focused and refracted in such a way that might produce a voltage gradient on the output plate. Such a gradient might produce excess energy.

          This was Moray's only patent, and it also includes his "sparking condencer" which had a capacitance of around one Farad.(!) (Fig. 2) This Tube also used radioactive salts mixed into the dielectric.

          Moray owned the electric utylity company in Salt Lake City, but he was also a lisenced metalurgist. He developed a process for treating metals which increased the interstitial energy, raising the melting point. He could raise the melting point of lead to 850 degrees. He had one alloy with a melting point of over 10,000 degrees. The patent says that the circuit in Fig. 1 can be used for treating metals, such as lead, so this is likely how he did it.

          I'd like to see advanced energy and propulsion systems come out which aren't suppressed.


          • #65
            @Electrotek; - Thank you for that mountain of information and leads. Will take some time to go through that but as always in this venture - all leads are positive.
            Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


            • #66

              I just tried coiling the wire around the bamboo, cause you'd think it would 'pick up' more radiant energy eh. Nope. It didn't work very well. Tried single strand straight copper wire.... Not so good either, but better than coil. So I'm guessing a multi strand straight wire with plastic insulation, and maybe a ball on the other end to the bell?... Didn't have time today but will try later :-)
              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


              • #67

                I had also removed the electrical tape from the bell. That might have something to do with it
                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                  I had also removed the electrical tape from the bell. That might have something to do with it
                  Lonely road of experiments. Compliments to you Inquorate; keep up running with it and see how far you can get. I do not have a bel, but I did find similare effects with single wound coil and LED or NE-2. BUT - I do not get direction, so your bel seems to have something to do with it?
                  Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                  • #69
                    No bell

                    Lol, get it? Nobel! Ok, so it's not laugh out loud funny..

                    Aromaz, I was just showing your neon and coil video with compasses to a guy at my work. It occurred to me then that the similarities are: metal surface in direction of radiant flow and small capacitance..

                    Nat said a specific type of wire made his system run better (and then it boiled his coil) - I can't remember the name of it - but it's for speaker wire and actually makes a good Electret when treated that way (see dmonarch's Electrophorous thread)

                    That type of wire has multi strand inner wire, dielectric, woven strands around that and then more insulation.... (capacitance)

                    My detector experiments last night made me think the radiant is travelling inbetween the wire surface and the dielectric insulation..

                    Whenever I bent the alligator clip wire say halfway at right angle, the neon dimmed.

                    What I think is happening is the radiant (pure voltage, no current and thus no magnetic fields and thus no inductance) is meeting the surface inbetween wire and insulation and slightly crossing over the edges.

                    In a long straight wire (when my neon's legs weren't straight along the bamboo, the effect diminished) the aether (longitudinal compression waves? I suspect not in this case; it is the whorls that act like electrons we are seeing here, which is why this particular radiant effect acts like a gas or liquid) strikes enough electrons to get them swinging, as the wire is for all intents and purposes a thick metal shield, and this swinging em wave bounces or reflects off the end of the wire (because air at end is virtually infinite resistance) and oscillates with the other end, lighting the neon.

                    If it's pure radiant in the wire and is not affecting the electrons, a meter reading either side of neon will not show a reading.

                    But I suspect that it does wobble electrons which is why length and surface area are factors in brightness. And why when wire perpendicular it doesn't catch the radiant effect.

                    I am thinking of instead of using a bell, making a conical copper coil and housing it in an aluminium cone (from pie pan) with electrical tape on outside of aluminium cone. I suspect a brass wire thru centre of cone will catch the reflected radiant. A ball on end of this wire coming out of cone will reflect radiant, and angle of cone important. Then neon then coaxial cable (i remembered it's name) in straight line terminating in another ball.

                    What's interesting to note is that the radiant gas leaks all over my system (detector working a meter away) lessened when I put everything together (no alligator clips) and lessened again when I stopped magnetically quenching the spark gap... at that point, only the spark gap was emitting radiant.

                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • #70
                      A book on the aether

                      This guy is a creationist, I'm not. But his DATA looks good.

                      '' an agnostic dislexic insomniac lay awake in bed one night, and thought to himself, 'i wonder if there really is a dog?' ''

                      Ether / Aether Home Page - The Detection of Ether Book
                      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                      • #71

                        I am presently watching a video series about transmission lines.
                        Very well explained - though in some places getting a bit complicated for my mathematical deprived brains.
                        This is the second in the series and actually very applicable and related to our experiences.

                        YouTube - Lecture - 2 Transmission Lines

                        You are talking of impedance wire used in speakers (the way the Thai call it ??),
                        which in many ways are similar to the (Coaxial) TV antenna wire.

                        Impedance is multi strand core - which is very flexible but has slightly higher resistance
                        and coaxial is single strand core which does not like bending too much, but has less resistance.

                        I bought a roll each last Thursday because I want to observe if it will reduce the HV in the environment
                        – and the risks of shocks!

                        A suggestion: Not conical but rather hyperbolic like sat dish with your pick-up in the concentration point.
                        Use coaxial or impedance wire completely insulated but for a small blob of soldering on the tip for pick-up.
                        Last edited by Aromaz; 01-05-2009, 01:56 AM.
                        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                        • #72
                          @ Aromaz

                          Thanks for that suggestion.. That way the reflected (a mere portion) radiant will bounce at 90 degrees into the solder, or ball, and thence into the cable you said, the speaker cable stuff.

                          Ps chapter three in the book on aether I posted earlier says one cannot detect aether wind. I think we can, and homing pigeons, migratory animals etc......

                          So far it's a great read. I love the cut of the author's jib :-) though so far I don't think he knows about aether whorls, vortices, etc and how they make 'gravity' and 'inertia'...

                          I'll take a look at the video, tnx
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • #73
                            So many info .

                            The fact about diode can stop electron but can not stop radiant energy is also important. I decide to modify the original configuration and change the charging part negative connected to negative power source. To enable battery charging I use SB1040 diode to stop electron flow from BOTH DIRECTION.

                            According to normal accepted knowledge, there shouldn't be any electron passing the diode on that configuration. The best explanation is maybe a current leak that can make computer fan rotate

                            Edit: I modify the load:

                            Without load:
                            - Input is 12.5V from computer power supply, input current detected from battery negative is 50mA

                            Normal (1st picture) configuration using computer fan and 12V7Ah battery as load:
                            - Input is 12.5V from computer power supply, input current detected from battery negative above 130mA
                            - voltage = 12V, fan only = 0.2V
                            - current = 26mA, fan only = 2mA

                            Modified (2nd picture) configuration using computer fan and 12V7Ah battery as load:
                            - Input is 12.5V from computer power supply, input current detected from battery negative is 65mA
                            - voltage = 8.2V, fan only = 0.6V
                            - current = 2.8mA, fan only = 8ma

                            The spark in this experiment can be compared as:
                            no load > 1st config > 2nd config.

                            I don't think I can't afford car coil, so I hope someone can replicate this and see if second configuration really output more current to the load than the first one.
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by sucahyo; 01-05-2009, 03:14 AM.


                            • #74
                              @ Sucahyo

                              I'll check it out when I can. Ps an auto wreckers might give you an ignition coil dirt cheap

                              @ all, chapter 5, the author says magnetic field rotates with the earth. A magnetic field does not rotate with the magnet / earth but is a condition of the aether.

                              The earth's magnetic field creates IMO a static field in the aether around the planet, and explains the aetheric drag principle he outlines.

                              Which is a good thing, or the vortices resulting from passage of mass thru aether that contain our kinetic energy, and resist change (inertia) would be subject to celestial aether currents, and we'd be torn to pieces. Maybe, unless the streams changed very slowly.

                              The aetheric streams from the sun cause our planet to rotate and spin, and what comes thru this field or bubble of static aether around the earth from celestial sources CAN travel in the earth's axis - hence the northern lights. Otherwise, we are left with only a component of the celestial streams, longitudinal compression waves - which are polarized by the earth's electrical dipolarity (on average) causing excess electrons on entering the earth.

                              It would also explain the earth's molten core, or if the earth is hollow, there would be a 'sun' at it's centre.
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                              • #75
                                @ Inquorate:

                                Actualy, while the earth's magnetic field doesn't actually rotate, it does nutate, since the field isn't aligned with the poles. The only time a field remains stationary is when the magnet is rotated about it's magnetic axis.

