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Aromaz Radiant Energy Joint Research Group

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  • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
    @ Aromaz, interesting that link you posted - neither neon or argon gas produce the colour I see. And yet I see it...
    Unfortunately I can not see your colour exactly. But Argon covers spectrum of vissible light from red/orrange up to low invisible Ultra Violet. In the spectrum you see on that web page you can see the dominant colour of Ar is the high vissible blue to purple - intensity of band.

    However, the more practical questions are:
    1: Does it emit more energy?
    2: What is the light frequency; though there it might be some problem to measure without spectroscope and/or refractometer. Is there a mining company near you somewhere? Can try to have their lab attempt to measure the light or spectroscope it? They use spectroscopes all the time in rock analysis. Ask someone a favour.

    In the lectures of Prof Muller - Physics 10 - Lecture 18: Quantum II (See link above) he has quite a nice description of the phenomenon of changing the electrons, charge and discharge. Look around 40 minute mark. There he explains when electron gets 'super charged' it can actually do 2 or even 3 quantum jumps in one 'leap' - and emits UV or higher frequency light; whereas when it only does one quantum leap it emmits vissible light only.
    Last edited by Aromaz; 01-29-2009, 07:24 AM.
    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


    • Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
      I am me and me alone; both with my general all over used avitar and real name as below.

      My data of J Bedini projects are more than 3.4 GB; mostly text, plus I am member of three forum groups of Bedini. I have a reasonably sharp memory for facts though I do not always keep record of source unless same is source for many facts. To go around those massive amounts of date to get you an source reference --- nope, I definately do not have the time.

      However, once you have your batteries nicely conditioned and get somewhere like COP 1.27 on SSG, eat the pudding:

      Take the same rated battery, charge up normal,
      now get a small motor and run from that battery, time it.
      Run same motor from radiant charged battery and time that too.

      Then please come back and tell us your findings.
      As I get the time I will have to try your suugested experiment.

      The inquiry was not to piss anyone off. Your text was in quotes and I am always searching for more info and as such had thought you had something I had not read or watched and was hoping to locate the material.

      Keep up the good work. I have watched a lot of you videos and tried some of your experiments.

      Larry Friend (aka niidji)
      Virginia MInnesota USA


      • About Inquorate experiment, I just tried it with toroid core coil, neon and metal ball. Metal ball make purple flashes easier. Knocking metal ball against battery terminal. Maybe we have to make the spark directional or something. I will try it again with secondary coil part tomorrow.

        I attach my replication (I'll post the video if anyone interested). I choose the picture which show red and purple color at the same time for easier reference.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by sucahyo; 01-29-2009, 08:02 AM.


        • @ Sucahyo

          Until I work out why it's happening, I'm very interested :-) video would be welcome. Ps, where did you get your neons from? I got mine from here;

          Jaycar Electronics
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • I don't think I can name the store or the neon. It's the only one available. Sold in series with some K resistor. I'll post the video tomorrow.

            I did experiment using secondary coil. I put the metal ball on top of speaker ring magnet. I can consistently create purple light by sustaining the spark. Creating triangular spark touching the surface of metal ball, magnet and needle point. Unfortunately my webcam can not capture the purple light, because it surrounded by orange glow.

            The purple light is ball shapped and appear at random location of neon electrode. It is purple ball glow inside orange/red glow.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by sucahyo; 01-29-2009, 09:13 AM.


            • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
              Until I work out why it's happening, I'm very interested :-) video would be welcome. Ps, where did you get your neons from? I got mine from here;

              Jaycar Electronics
              Jaycar is a retail distributor. Not sure where they got their stock from.
              I have three different products and neither looks exactly like the one in
              their product photo (Nor do they look exactly the same). The tip of glass,
              glass at electrodes out and even the exact spacing of electrodes are not the
              same. All three types I have slope, slightly closer towards the tips.

              Got your video, but can not get any more details than what I presented
              earlier. I think I know more about NE-2 and NE-51 that I ever thought
              possible or needed!

              Back to photons and electrons; where the more I learn - the less I know
              is the moto of the story. Strange things; though I do understand the
              concepts and basic principles;
              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


              • Not bone-picking

                [QUOTE] Aromaz, post #331 (snip)
                A) John Bedini – in his publicly available devices there is a definite gain. But again I think most very few people actually understand what is happening there – including me. However there are a few small things that I do understand now: The typical much used and referred to SG and SSG does gain energy to the batteries – but what? As JB said himself – "this energy is good for lights – not motors". That should already clear the issue for all. All that does happen in that circuit, coils and magnets are the ability and promotion of electrons to capture and release more photons. Saturate the electrons with photons, push them into the charge battery on the NEG side, create a little void where they came from in the coil and capture more electrons from the atmosphere (Aether ?) into that conductors to fill the voilds.
                >>>>> Radiant energy of JB is 'photon saturated' electrons <<<<< (snip) [Unquote]

                Not to be bone-picking but putting something in quotes should be backed up either with a cite, where it came from and from whom, or the direct link to that cite. (Cite as opposed to site) As it happens, this forum is scientifically oriented. That is the attraction for me. There is ALWAYS evidence of what anyone is doing and how they did it. Your videos are a great example of that, Aromaz.

                I had already come to the same conclusion about the ability of radiant energy to run an electric motor and remarked about it somewhere on this forum awhile ago. Here; But I don’t remember JB ever saying that, or anyone else for that matter.

                The only reason I take issue with the remark is that I’ve come to the same conclusion and it would be really, really nice if it was backed up with someone with credentials. If JB actually did say what you quoted him as saying then I’d like to know the source so I can review something I missed.

                My mind is in low gear and the motor refuses to rev up. So, it takes some time between when I do something and when I have a conclusion about what I did. AND THEN, it takes some more time till I can decide what TO DO NEXT. In between times I do my chores and build other things.

                Something else that comes to mind is if that statement is true then the EV Gray motor can not work since it relies on radiant energy, or supposed to. At least that is MY understanding of it.

                Further down the above link I posted is another post by me where I recount my escapades with a 3 phase motor. I had that motor running, without load, on 100mA which normally requires 1.3 amps. The question I asked then was how low do I have to get the amps to run the motor on radiant energy.

                Back to my chores.


                If we are competing we can not work together towards a common goal.
                Men had been depending for too long on the authority of the great minds of the past and that they should rely more on their own resources in obtaining knowledge.
                Francis Bacon


                • Credentials

                  The best credentials anyone can have is hard earned facts gained thru experiment. Anyone who does this IMO has every right to declare a theory.

                  If we relied on ppl with quote credentials end quote, we'd have today's insane technology.

                  And I say that in a playful spirit :-)
                  Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                  • Very well, I will try to find that reference. For now, I have removed JB and quote marks; until I can find the right phrase and reference.

                    I think it might have been in one of the forums - probably the old one that
                    was run by Allen and suspended. Extracts are available on Scribd.

                    There are two forms of energy we are working with: (though there are other
                    like the two nuclear forces - but not applicable to our attempts here; yet)
                    A: Photon - which is light particle-wave - which is radiant; Omni present
                    in the universe. This consist of a very wide spectrum of energy from
                    very low IR to very high Gamma ray.
                    B: Electrons - which are also Particle-Waves; but the electron is more of a
                    binding force; attracted to nuclei and also available everywhere.

                    Photons are light PW's and has no charge nor magnetic force; well.......
                    Electrons are Electromagnetic PW's, has charge and magnetic force.

                    So what exactly is RADIANT ENERGY?
                    Last edited by Aromaz; 01-30-2009, 01:04 AM.
                    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                    • I am not going to spend time on this, but in a quick scan
                      I also found another similar reference:

                      a collection of posts by john bedini
                      10) …… "Some have asked about, how do you get motor torque. If you want torque then you give up the radiant charging. Another words if you add current to switch the north pole as a motor function you will lose the radiant charge and you only have what is normal reversal of the coil is….." "Again if you use the motor function you will have no radiant energy for charging, please do not confuse the two functions."

                      15) Radiant energy is like a gas the problem is in tapping that gas, because it does not follow standard electron theory, this is why the math does not work.
                      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                      • I still wonder about the Response about the Source.
                        There are so much Pages, what you can read about the Circuit, i dont think, this one is such a importend Thing.

                        But actually its a simple Thing at the Bedini Motor. why it is better for charging not for draw Amps.

                        When you ever did connect a Motor at the Diode from Collector, you see, that it need the same Power, or more, as when you connect it directly to a Source.
                        The BEMF, what usual goes at the Charge just go Puff into the Coils from a Motor.
                        I did once connect a Fan Circuit with 20mA drain connect to my other 1,2A.
                        But even this small and pulsed thing did slow the other Motor around at half down.
                        It is actually only waste of Energy, when you just wanna connect a Motor to it.
                        The sideeffect is, that at charging a Batterie trows Electron into the Plusside of the Circuit from the Minus from Charge,
                        and this is, what a Motor dont does.
                        Thats why it is more efficient with more Batteries( in Relation).

                        The Batterie is decharged at he Minus Side too, and that is, what he also Said.
                        It doesnt make Sence, all Time Push Electron only at one, the Plus, Side from a Charge, the Batteries starts boiling, and then they Die.
                        The Circuit is made for Charging Batteries, and thats all what he did want to do.
                        Charging Batteries.

                        And Peswiki is a good place for Research and the Links below, for all, who wanna get more Information.
                        I think they got all the importend Things together.
                        Maybe build it in different Variations with different Corematerial, then you can find out more by yourself.

                        And i am still waiting for a View from anyone of what the different Potential cause .
                        EM-Load or saturated Electrons or just sorted Electrons and Protons ( Neutrons sounds so 'Neutral'=) or sorted Electrons at one Side and Sorted Neutrons at the Other..
                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • Here is the video of purple neon flash. I finally able to sustain it longer. The purple color is better seen at reflection. Also notice the frequency which change when there is spark.

                          YouTube - Purple neon with spark ball

                          About Bedini statement, how if that only apply for positive BEMF like he currently use? Maybe it will be backward if we use negative BEMF. good for motor bad for light or something.

                          When I use negative bemf, the computer fan will reduce it speed when I reduce the frequency to max BEMF. It is hard to stop even at highest frequency (at 10100 ohm base resistance of Joule thief Tos MJ2955). I think I will redo negative BEMF and positive BEMF experiment and paying more attention to fan and light. Also wether the fan or light draw more amp when connected directly.

                          @mrbreau, try negative BEMF, reverse the source battery polarity and use PNP such as MJ2955. Reverse recovery charging part too.

                          About atom, still downloading the video but really want to know this:
                          - do atom have three component = electron, proton and neutron?
                          - do electron really rotating the proton and proton stick to neutron?

                          According to Keely, atom is consist of plus, minus and neutral which rotating the same dot at different angle. It is like plus component rotating in X axis, minus component in Y axis and neutral component in Z axis. This rotation is called vibration too. Radiant energy comes from neutral component.


                          • Another video showing BEMF in car coil using 1.5V battery. It is enough to light up modified CFL. The car coil is Mallory promaster, 1.2ohm primary, 12.7 kilo ohm secondary. I get it with the help from Inquorate, thanks Inquorate .

                            YouTube - BEMF from 1.5V battery light up CFL bulb

                            @Aromaz, related to this video.
                            - Do you agree that BEMF happen only on switch opening?
                            - Do you agree that BEMF happen either the coil is negative side or in positive side?


                            • @sucahyo; You really should get at least a scope, with that you will
                              be able to see so much better what the wave(s) exactly are doing.
                              And unless you are pulsing energy through coils AND magnets;
                              - LIKE in a rotating motor -
                              you do not have Back ElectroMotive Force (BEMF).

                              You are pulsing through a flyback
                              - that is Counter ElectroMagnetic Flow - CEMF

                              Are you pulsing through an induction coil? Flyback from TV/monitor?
                              i.e. pulse on one coil (Primary) and light on another (Secondary)?
                              Are the P and S sharing one of the same poles?

                              Then THINK what you are doing. Follow the path of the electron!
                              How does the energy get to you tube? From where? What does
                              it go through? How is the induction taking place in the coil?

                              John Bedini is not using BEMF neither CEMF - he only used such a
                              reference in his patent to 'fool' pattent office for registration of
                              his circuit. JB is using RADIANT ENERGY - Photons, no current -
                              'super charged' electrons inside the battery;
                              as Joit says it above - Charging Batteries.
                              Last edited by Aromaz; 01-30-2009, 08:52 AM.
                              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                              • @Aromaz, a scope is very expensive for me.

                                Please watch my video about BEMF, at least the LED version. Secondary coil is not necessary. LED experiment show that BEMF activate on switch opening, doesn't matter which pole is disconnected, reverse voltage is higher than source.

                                If you don't mind ,can you replicate my LED experiment and scope it? You only need:
                                - A LED
                                - A coil, single coil, without secondary, preferably toroid core but air core with long wire is OK. I test it various winding type with 1.5m wire.
                                - A battery

                                What should I call a reverse high voltage of disconnected coil then?

                                My first and second BEMF video do not use secondary (it's called flyback?).

                                Imhotep Radiant Oscillator doesn't have permanent magnet, it doesn't have BEMF?

                                I can't explain why there is back higher voltage on both coil on positive side and coil on negative side, as prooved on my LED BEMF. My understanding can only explain one of them and make the other "impossible".
                                Last edited by sucahyo; 01-31-2009, 12:58 AM.

