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Aromaz Radiant Energy Joint Research Group

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  • I have been trying to convey this message so many times.
    This is my view and motivation not to keep on re-inventing other people work.

    IF there is a possibility of tapping into the Universal Energy -
    and using that as our power source;

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> It has not been found yet <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    --------------------------- and THAT is telling me ----------------------
    XXXXX We are not looking at the right place or the right way. XXXXX

    Therefor we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


    • New

      @ Aromaz - Yes, you're right, following our own path is much more likely to produce fruit than trying to recreate other works, as ppl on gray tube thread are starting to realise. BUT now knowing Depalma and Tewari theory, as well as my own, I now know where to look to find anomalies, and understand enough now (I think) to further my research.

      When I had my first motorbike accident, I thought I knew to be cautious of other's limitations. By my third, I've realised how naive I'd been.

      Having my beliefs re electricity ZPE QM aether etc constantly demolished has shown me again how naive I've been.

      I've chosen my final? 'signature' below because it shows just how easy it is to make assumptions which limit our ability to imagine, and exemplifies how ready we must be to discard even the most precious of theories that we make or that we take on...

      My new 'assumption' is that energy can be created and destroyed. That the fundamental state of space is dynamic and intelligent, and that all energy is in a constant state of flux.

      The challenge as I see it is to create a system which harnesses more of the creative female aspect, and less of the masculine destructive aspect of creation.

      All it will take is time.
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • Tuned into same Signal Station!

        Bravo Brave Ben;

        Now we are at least two.
        Not so lonely anymore.
        Last edited by Aromaz; 02-02-2009, 02:59 AM.
        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


        • This is from Tewari, not Tawari:


          • Aromaz,

            The answers are right in front of you.

            Bedini demonstrated that his technology could be scaled to power a home.
            Many on this forum have seen similar power levels from solid state devices.

            One day we argue about the chicken or the egg, the next day we throw out both and suggest it may be easier to start over? To me, that smacks of obfuscation.

            -There is ample proof that technologies like the Joule thief can produce 50v from 1.5v.
            -There is ample proof that Bedini technologies can produce 500v from 12v.
            -Obviously the potential exist to discover working fundamentals in simple systems.
            I believe that this is the message of Mr. Bedini.

            Why not?
            Develop a basic operational working language consisting of terms of common interpretation.
            Develop a common understanding of simple operational mechanisms.
            Develop a staged device that blends the two, to power a load.
            Develop a practical technology (i.e. like a new light source) that utilizes the new energy source for operation. Demonstrate-Replicate.

            What has been lost over the ages is not the language consisting of the answers you seek, but the precise interpretations of terms and their relationships to each other.

            Eric Dollard is one of the few souls on earth that has discovered many of the source origin meanings and relationships of Tesla’s work. It is why he can create specific results of such technologies at will, he grasps the interpretive keys of many of the words many of us use flippantly each day.

            The major issue of the day is two fold. The consequences of broad acceptance of a new power source, rendering all prior technologies inert, once made available to the common man. The consequences to those currently in power, made wealthy by man’s dependence on current energy technologies.

            Man has everything to gain.
            Those who own man, have everything to lose.

            An epic historical battle. Developing answers is the easy part.
            Successfully bringing them forth, is where all stories to date have ended.

            So Aromaz, if the answer came to you in the mail… how would you suggest turning that into a global answer that may raise all boats?


            • I am sure the answer to these questions will be simple and elegant, just as the creations of Tesla were simple and elegant.

              The man himself was certainly elegant and he kept things simple, a spiritual man in touch with nature.

              We miss him.



              • I would be remiss if I failed to acknowledge John Bedini.

                His circuit, which started many of us on this quest, is the very essence of simplicity and elegance.



                • I think it is impossible to not be derivative to a point, we all are born way too late to be wholly original Yet there are always new ways of recombining existing elements in a unique way.

                  Take what we know has worked... Try to jumble them together in new forms, see what happens.

                  We know that DC pulses can create excess energy... We just don't know for sure exactly why, lol.

                  We know that capacitors can collect this energy perhaps better than batteries... Using potential instead of current flow. And that batteries can be charged much more efficiently than traditional dogma states (thanks to Mr. Bedini).

                  We know that there are ways to defeat Lenz (..Turns out he's really a pussy lol). This alone could revolutionize motor & generator design for the better if fully realized. Again, pulses are involved in this ( they are in so many F-E devices).

                  We strongly suspect that there are ways to collect static electrical (such as Testatika) and magnetic flux energies (without traditional coil generator arrangements, i mean; like in Col. Beardon's device).

                  We know that somehow, in the 1930's T. Henry Moray was able to tap into a source of energy that is totally unknown even today.

                  And we know LC resonance in AC can be a very powerful factor mainly overlooked for the last 100 years.

                  But to me, it always comes back to Tesla. How did he do so much, with what he had to work with? How could he see these things clearly in his head when they had never before existed in history? And how can we get some of what he was smokin' lol.
                  Last edited by jibbguy; 02-02-2009, 11:39 PM.


                  • @DavidE; ...............
                    There is ample proof that technologies like the Joule thief can produce 50v from 1.5v.
                    -There is ample proof that Bedini technologies can produce 500v from 12v.
                    -Obviously the potential exist to discover working fundamentals in simple systems.
                    I believe that this is the message of Mr. Bedini.....

                    What proof?

                    Then why did you - nor anybody else - present these wonderful answers to
                    the new American President. Surely it will be much easier to present a
                    working model than for the government to start all over again? Pres. Obama
                    is the most open minded people ever towards ANY concept that will reduce
                    oil purchases?

                    Do you know what is the best and only true test for overunity? What you
                    claim above is pure overunity; a wet dream for any human on earth
                    with a little common sense.

                    Give me a true OverUnity device - and you can name your price. A million
                    dollar a day for the rest of your life? You can get that. I have both the
                    contacts and access to governments. You think I am stupid? China and
                    India alone plans to build more than 800 coal power plant, on average
                    US$ 700 mil each, plus and additional 7 nuclear plants to start in same
                    period - all starting within 2009/2010.

                    Guess why I am working 16+ hours each day, 30 days a month ONLY on
                    alternative energy.

                    Come on wake up to the real world!
                    Last edited by Aromaz; 02-03-2009, 01:21 AM.
                    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                    • @all, let's forget mainstream science and learn from what successfull "overunity" inventor learn. If they say to forget maxwell, lets do that. If they say current atom model is wrong, lets relearn that. They all go back to religion, we follow them. Even if we con't copy their work, following their advice would at least put us closer to "overunity" device.

                      Trying to build "overunity" device with mainstream science won't make you progress.

                      Now, to find out which material is wrong according to successful overunity inventor..............
                      Last edited by sucahyo; 02-03-2009, 02:42 AM.


                      • @ Sucahyo

                        I can help you with that list!

                        Newtonian physics
                        General relativity
                        Special relativity
                        Quantum mechanical models - the math is correct
                        Big bang theory

                        What we need to assume, is tewari Depalma atomic model, and it's consequences
                        -using a superfluid model of aether
                        -with aether vortices being the electron

                        - and magnetism as time flow generated by electron movement/oscillation

                        - and inertia is stability of electron vortex in aether

                        -protons are made up out of electrons and positrons, nuetrons are one more electron.

                        -gravity is voltage potential polarization of electron vortex which makes vortex disturbances in the pos polarity easier / more likely.

                        -protons will wan to go opposite way, to neg polarity, but have MUCH more inertia

                        -photon is a shock or pressure wave set off by electron vortex reasserting stability which travels as longitudinal compression wave in superfluid aether. Magnetic field of photon is the time component to shockwave.

                        Electrons can be made

                        Last edited by Inquorate; 02-03-2009, 03:38 AM.
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • About working devices in FE

                          Hi guys, sorry for not being able to help you on the workshop.

                          I think you can find a few working devices that have worked and been suppressed on this page ...

                          Zero Point Energy - Index - review of available information - MDG 2007

                          Nowdays we have BlackLight Power, Chukanov, EBM, Lutec and a few others that are not yet suppressed, and still in the phase where they try to manufacture there working devices ... the suppression phase comes just when you finally are making to much noise and showing your working devices to too many people ...

                          It has been done by dozens of inventors, it is done today by dozens of others, but it is still blocked by the powers in place ... those who sell the coal and nuclear power plants, and that have billion to stop the small inventors and their companies.

                          Believe me, Obama can't do anything, nor any other President, King or Prime Minister on this planet.

                          (Edit: I took over the part on Thailand, because it's not much related to free energy (and it makes Aromaz very angry) except that I know many people there that would like to have free electricity and cars running on water ... like everywhere in the world anyway
                          So priority to work, and not to polemic or idle talks; sorry for the disturbance I might have created.)

                          God bless you,
                          Last edited by Jules Tresor; 02-03-2009, 03:28 PM.


                          • @Inquorate, thanks. here is article from Tewari which describing atoms, that suggest us to avoid current knowledge of atoms.
                            Paramhamasa Tewari, B.Sc. Engg.

                            1 Introduction
                            James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) had theoretically concluded that the oscillations of electric current in a straight conductor, or circulation in a loop of wire, “radiates away” energy, which is “lost” from the oscillating charges constituting the current. This concept, later, conflicted with the atom’s model of Rutherford in which electrons moved around the nucleus in closed orbits; and the question arose that like any other vibrating or revolving charge, the electrons should lose energy by emitting electromagnetic waves as per the classical electrodynamics, eventually falling into the nucleus. The quantum theory of light by Planck and Einstein had accepted the possibility of “emission” and “absorption” of light by electron; the atomic model of Bohr attempted partial solution to the aforesaid problem.

                            However, it is shown in this paper through the spacevortex structure of electron, which provides deeper insight into the basic nature of mass, inertia, energy, electrical charge and light; that during vibration, or revolution around a center , an electron does not lose either its structural or kinetic energy; though it produces electromagnet field (light), which is shown to be created due to mere cyclic changes in the magnitudes of its electrostatic and gravitational potentials in space; on account of to-and-fro displacement of the electron’s center(discussed further).

                            Thus, if loss of energy from the orbital electrons in an atom can be shown to be non existent, similar to the solar system in the Rutherford’s model of atom, the revolving electrons will have stable elliptical orbits; and this would lead to the right course of development of the atomic physics, provided an alternative explanation for the production of light from the vibrating atoms (rather than the orbital electrons) is given. The physical aspects of the process of electron’s creation and annihilation, wave length and frequency of light, briefly outlined in this paper (from author’s earlier works), enable drawing comparison with the corresponding ideas of quantum physics and, thereby, tracing down those phenomena of quantum theory that led to digressions, one after the other, from reality in the early years of this century.


                            During the motion of the electron, the electrostatic field at each point in space changes to magnetic field; there exists cause-effect relation ship between them [2]. It is to be noted that the inward acceleration field, and the spherical void in the above electron structure, remain undetected both in classical as well as quantum physics, leading to speculative theories as to why an electron does not split due to its own charge, or the self action of electron; also, the difficulty of infinite energy in the integration for the electrostatic potential of a point-charge, stands removed by the field less central void.
                            The last bolding should be the reason why we should eliminate magnetic induction and why we can get radiant energy from magnet.
                            Last edited by sucahyo; 10-26-2009, 09:01 AM.


                            • @stephenafreter; Thank you.
                              Last edited by Aromaz; 02-04-2009, 12:38 AM.
                              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                              • Aromaz

                                What proof?
                                -Joule thief technology is well known, but not really well understood. There are tutorials and test data posted on the web that are easy to replicate. This is one level of proof, that more from less is possible. I made no OU claim, but I wouldn't be surprised if the answer to much of what most seek could be found in such a small discreet circuit. The data is simple to produce, the interpretation of how and why is in debate.

                                Then why did you - nor anybody else - present these wonderful answers to
                                the new American President. Surely it will be much easier to present a
                                working model than for the government to start all over again? Pres. Obama
                                is the most open minded people ever towards ANY concept that will reduce
                                oil purchases?
                                -America Presidents have implied power, but very little actual power. Now I actually believe that Obama is a unique political figure with more common man morals than most politicians - but I wouldn't be quick to expect him to demonstrate in his first 100 days that UFO's are real. When an American president decides to step outside of his implied power to use what he believes is actual power, the consequences can be dire. History in this regard is explicit.

                                Do you know what is the best and only true test for overunity? What you
                                claim above is pure overunity; a wet dream for any human on earth
                                with a little common sense.
                                -Actually I prefer a nice photo of Natilie Wood.

                                Give me a true OverUnity device - and you can name your price. A million
                                dollar a day for the rest of your life? You can get that. I have both the
                                contacts and access to governments. You think I am stupid? China and
                                India alone plans to build more than 800 coal power plant, on average
                                US$ 700 mil each, plus and additional 7 nuclear plants to start in same
                                period - all starting within 2009/2010.
                                -Ambitious. Money or mankind, so much to do, so little time.

                                Guess why I am working 16+ hours each day, 30 days a month ONLY on alternative energy.
                                -I applaud your effort, but not clear about your motive. But as with any screenplay... by curtain fall, we will learn the truth.

                                Come on wake up to the real world!
                                -Pass the popcorn Corrie!

