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Aromaz Radiant Energy Joint Research Group

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  • I'm stupid

    I bought an electric motor with gearbox yesterday, 32 rpm. I didn't know why. I also got a plywood circle (for craft; placement) 30cm diameter, and picked up a small table from council cleanup.

    Duh. The motor is of course to turn the coil winder. Thanks for giving my brain a good knock :-)
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
      I bought an electric motor with gearbox yesterday, 32 rpm. I didn't know why. I also got a plywood circle (for craft; placement) 30cm diameter, and picked up a small table from council cleanup.

      Duh. The motor is of course to turn the coil winder. Thanks for giving my brain a good knock :-)
      I LIKE your new quote!
      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


      • @Aromaz, Isn't pulsed DC act the same as AC? pass pulsed DC to a transformer and we have AC at the secondary part.


        • Ac/dc

          Dc is like pushing a wheelbarrow constantly. Pulsed dc is like successive pushing and stopping. Ac is pushing then pulling the wheelbarrow. The reason we have ac at 2nd coil of transformer is due to BEMF when magnetic field of transformer core collapses when we stop dc in primary, thus inducing current in opposite direction in secondary.
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • Eloptic Energy

            Just a thought and A quick test.
            Wrap up the neon energy detection "wand" in clear plastic, the bulb, the wand and the lead-off wire too.
            Does it still light up?

            T. Galen Hieronymus did experiments with plants. Growing them in the DARK without sunlight, using copper wire to feed in what he called Chlorophyl energy
            (and it seems a lot of other names)

            The plants created chlorophyll and if over exposed, expressed sun-burnt like effects. Hieronymus states this energy is non-magnetic.

            Ref links: Dr Thomas G. Hieronymous Cosmiculture (bottom of page, experiments in 1930)
            An Interview with T. Galen Hieronymus January, 1977 speaks of plastic as a shield
            Ive done any number of experiments along these lines and theyve consistently proven the effectiveness of thin plastic sheeting as a radionic shield.
            But he speaks of eloptic radiation too, is shielded also, I don't know.
            Eloptic Energy with patent

            Remember to be kind to your mind ...
            Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


            • Thin plastic and neon detector

              @ vortex - I've done that.

              Check this out; Deep thoughts

              One neon is connected to the foil on the outside, the other neon to the foil on the inside. Each neon has it's own (half of) the insulated wires in the handle. The pie tin foil inside the plastic rarely lights up, unless I put the pickup end over and around something radiant. like my spark gap (pic is on the same page, scroll down) - specifically the adjusting screw.

              The spark gap itself is surrounded by plastic, and won't light up the neons on detector wand (much), whereas a spark gap open to the air will light up the neons on detector (lots)..

              I also noticed that the rest of the circuit gets more radiant if the spark gap is enclosed in plastic.

              Also, I touched the wires at the handle end and got a shock, so it's 'picking up' real electricity?
              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


              • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                @ vortex - I've done that.

                Check this out; Deep thoughts

                One neon is connected to the foil on the outside, the other neon to the foil on the inside. Each neon has it's own (half of) the insulated wires in the handle. The pie tin foil inside the plastic rarely lights up, unless I put the pickup end over and around something radiant. like my spark gap (pic is on the same page, scroll down) - specifically the adjusting screw.

                The spark gap itself is surrounded by plastic, and won't light up the neons on detector wand (much), whereas a spark gap open to the air will light up the neons on detector (lots)..

                I also noticed that the rest of the circuit gets more radiant if the spark gap is enclosed in plastic.

                Also, I touched the wires at the handle end and got a shock, so it's 'picking up' real electricity?
                Very Good
                I've not been keeping up with what you guys have been doing as of late.
                Had you already discovered this plastic shielding effect and you are just
                showing it to me again because I missed it the first time?

                So am I understanding you have a double-detector wand now!!
                One that is easier to observe the effects of energy level?

                Hieronymous said this energy shielded by plastic was not usable.
                He said it was kinda like light and kinda like electricity but wasn't either 100%.
                So, is it a side-effect, direct-effect or cascading-effect that lights the neon .. hmmm.
                Ok, Hieronymous said magnetic fields can effect the energy he spoke about.

                "more radiant if the spark gap is enclosed in plastic.", dang dude, is that a
                shielding or reflecting effect? .. Hieronymous might have been wrong saying it was a shield.
                This could effect the Gray Tube Replication research, plastic vs. glass, etc.
                How would the same Gray Tube circuit react if the tube used the other material?

                "Also, I touched the wires at the handle end and got a shock, so it's 'picking up' real electricity?"
                You want all the answers don't ya
                Ah, do you get shocked if the plastic is removed from the wand, have you
                ever been shocked by the wand before the plastic was used?
                See the question becomes is it a combination of effects.. one upon the other.

                cool beans.
                Last edited by Vortex; 02-07-2009, 10:30 AM. Reason: bad proof reading
                Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                • Vortex

                  I think I made mention of the spark gap enclosed in the plastic tube and plastic washers; that it did not radiate at spark gap (according to detector) but more elsewhere.. Also, the bolt I use to adjust spark length radiated more than the spark gap wether the gap was enclosed or not.. The wand not lighting up on both neons was more a disappointment to me, I had not realised the significance until your post. Then the penny dropped :-)

                  Come to think of it, I had not been shocked by the insulated wires of the detector before being enclosed in plastic, and definitely not shocked by enamel coated copper wire....

                  And the shock was not as 'sharp' as the shock I got from purple flasher circuit on the transistor emitter. More like 'woah, that's real electricity' than 'fu**'.. And about same neon brightness, 200v - ish of neon brightness.

                  Of course that could be saying more about purple flasher circuit than the detector checking out the imhotep oscillator..

                  There's something in all this, definitely short wires, definitely straight lines and right angles, components close, and, now plastic tubing.

                  If anyone wants, I'll burn some of the pipe I've used, to narrow down which family of plastics it's made of.

                  Oh and randy, yes, I want ALL the answers.
                  Every single one :-)

                  you say cool beans! That's peachy keen.
                  Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                  • Plastic is dielectric and since we know the radiant energy is more an effect of electrons emited from the circuit;
                    is it not that the plastic shield will then prevent the electrons from passing?

                    That reference regarding the copper sheets and aluminum plates that allows for plants to live in darkness is
                    a true eye opener. I have a bathroom, no window, I have Mrs who loves flowers in bathroom, but has to take them
                    out for a bit of energy every few days. Thus; I am going to copy that experiments and see.

                    IF this is working, I think we will have to reconsider aether/electron/chlorophyll somehow. Very interesting indeed!

                    Thanks for that pointer!
                    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                    • @Aromaz
                      Don't forget you need the potential height differences between the earth and the receiver plate, else it will fail.
                      Too large of a receiver plate proved to be harmful to the plant growth also.

                      I'll need a "control" plant in the bathroom to see the diff between one receiving and one not so you can
                      tell if the one receiving is looking funny because it is getting too much energy.

                      See this link Eloptic Energy for more details about that.
                      For flowers, al-foil would work, for eatable plants .. ah, I don't think so.

                      Yes, keep us informed of your bathroom experiment.

                      Last edited by Vortex; 02-07-2009, 01:04 PM. Reason: add comment about "control" plant
                      Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                      Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                      • Plastic is dielectric, Yep, but ...

                        Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                        Plastic is dielectric and since we know the radiant energy is more an effect of electrons emited from the circuit;
                        is it not that the plastic shield will then prevent the electrons from passing?
                        No, the energy Hieronymus speaks of normally travels through almost anything!! Plastic was the only exception he found, if I remember correctly.

                        What got me thinking was the weirdness of the energy he spoke about.
                        Kinda like light but not, kinda like electricity but not, non-magnetic but is effected by magnetic fields.
                        Was this energy involved in or magnified by or combining with .. to cause effects being observed.
                        Could or would shielding it change observed effects?
                        Is this energy involved when a human touches a CFL?

                        Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                        Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                        • Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                          No, the energy Hieronymus speaks of normally travels through almost anything!! Plastic was the only exception he found, if I remember correctly...........
                          That portion was in relation to Inquorate's experiments.

                          Hieronymus; I do in fact suspect what he found is electron related; that is
                          all that fits the complete properties; but it could be that it is Muons or
                          Gluons. IF NOT electrons, then this will be very strange. Aether it is not;
                          if it was aether, it would be present anywhere anyway since aether is not
                          restricted by any material. If plants was usiing aether, then they would have
                          grown green and lush in complete darkness. On the other hand, electrons are
                          alo everywhere - even darkness; so what the heck is it then. The baffeling
                          part is that whatever it is, it is transported/transmitted by conductor?

                          Anyway, first task will be to duplicate the experiment. Somehow it sounds
                          like something I am/was suppose to know - like weirdly familiar
                          Weird, truely weird feeling.
                          Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                          • Supposed to know

                            Yeah, it's getting a bit like that eh. Mind you, my grandmother was aboriginal, and she could send her kids messages to come around and visit, or would phone them when they got back home if they'd been close by but hadn't visited, saying'why didn't you come and see me?' - lots of stuff like that. she told my dad she wouldn't see him again when we moved interstate.. He said of course you will, we'll visit next year at xmas.. And she passed away before that. I remember the night she died (i was 7) because she came to me in a dream and told me to let my mum and dad know not to worry, that she was in a better place where she was happy, and would drop in now and then to make sure we were ok.. When I woke up, my mum and dad were beside the phone crying and I remember seeing them and saying, 'i know, grandma said not to worry, that she is in a nice place'.

                            All my life, I've felt like say picking up a pair of scissors and so I do, and when I walk into the next room, someone says, have we got any scissors.. That sort of thing.

                            So anyway, Aromaz, my grandmother who I feel very strongly just now, says (I was going to say 'used to always say') ''what will be, will be, so let (allow) it be''

                            Love and light
                            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                            • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                              Dc is like pushing a wheelbarrow constantly. Pulsed dc is like successive pushing and stopping. Ac is pushing then pulling the wheelbarrow. The reason we have ac at 2nd coil of transformer is due to BEMF when magnetic field of transformer core collapses when we stop dc in primary, thus inducing current in opposite direction in secondary.
                              Some time we can also get DC output at secondary if we use coil induction. I get it when I try my 555 the first time, can't replicate it though . It light up the neon bulb only on one electrode.

                              Manage to replicate DC at secondary, the key is duty cycle pot at my circuit. Currently replicating with my capacitive discharge lighter.

                              About telephatic power, my wife has a grand mother like that too. In Java tribe (each tribe in Indonesia has each own science), that kind of power is related to kejawen science. It is properly documented guide to obtain paranormal ability.
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by sucahyo; 02-10-2009, 06:22 AM.


                              • So much information

                                The internet is huge and has a lot of very interesting information – hidden amongst a lot of junk too.
                                As stated before in this and other threads, I have gone form small atoms to big universe, back to small atoms. All along there seems to be more questions than answers.

                                Problem for me is that I never just accept what people say, unless I can also verify it from various directions. So in mainstream science there are so many ‘facts’ that are to this day only ‘proven’ by mathematics. Yes, math is very important, but unless it can be verified by practice – it is just another theory. Once scientists accept a wrong math, all others based on that wrong ‘fact’ will continue to be wrong – nuclear chain reaction.

                                I have studied VERY hard into the normal acceptable science of atoms and electricity; but there are so many aspects that are even on this stage; just theory; and more often than not turns out more questions than answers, which leads to more theory. Because we humans are group dependant, we act like sheep. Soonest one seems to be a little more intelligent in a direction; a large group follows like dumb sheep.

                                For a long time I do believe that what happens on small scale, is also happening on large scale – Nature is just that.

                                The same as with war: The conqueror writes the history, the one with the best writes tells his side of the story ‘as good man’ while the looser becomes the ‘bad man’. In science the one that is in the ‘right group’ with the right support – will write the science direction and he will be taken as right. Even Albert Einstein doubted his relativity theory – because there were things that do not fit in, but because that suited the mainstream; the doubts has been swept away.
                                Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

