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Aromaz Radiant Energy Joint Research Group

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  • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
    'Electrons are already there, lined up..'
    Yes, I agree. But what lines them up? Not the magnetic field, as there is one without actual current.
    My 'new' view and very plausible answer.

    The magnetic field is there; Electrons has spin effect cause magnetic.
    Where you get electrons you will have magnetism. That gives possible
    answer also to the effect of gravity. All matter has electrons.
    Thus electrons cause gravity.

    Spark gap = same effect as lightning. The electrons are already dancing
    BEFORE the spark, and start flowing BEFORE the spark;
    but not sufficient to cause the avalanche of sparks.

    Experiment system setup:
    1. Make spark gap very big, no spark.
    2. Now slowly adjust until your spark starts going.
    3. Slowly make the spark larger until it extinguish.
    Observe: What is the difference?

    Now repeat, with bigger gap and also when spark is going, play with
    Magnet – both N, S and center of flux.

    Why does the gap maintain park further than what is needed to initiate?
    Oh, I wish we can device a tool to actually see electrons! Maybe IR ?

    Anyway; since we can not see the minuscule electrons, let us look at the
    bigger scale – the universe. Have a look at these pictures from

    Spitzer Images
    In particular take a long look at 2nd, 4th, 6th
    ,7th, and third last photos.

    Media Images: Images from Spitzer

    The last one is title page – look at some of the other images.

    In your own mind change the word “Cloud” to “electron” and then look again.
    Amazing what you will realize.
    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


    • Ancient Electricity

      When you get this strange thoughts and start searching, the 'Knowledge'
      - (Internet); already has the answers waiting - you just got to ask the right questions!

      Ancient electricity - more and more and more....

      In 1936, while excavating ruins of a 2000-year-old village near Baghdad, workers discovered mysterious small vase. A 6-inch-high pot of bright yellow clay dating back two millennia contained a cylinder of sheet-copper 5 inches by 1.5 inches. The edge of the copper cylinder was soldered with a 60-40 lead-tin alloy comparable to today's solder. The bottom of the cylinder was capped with a crimped-in copper disk and sealed with bitumen or asphalt. Another insulating layer of asphalt sealed the top and also held in place an iron rod suspended into the center of the copper cylinder. The rod showed evidence of having been corroded with an acidic agent.

      Machines in ancient India | some thing different

      “Let this Anjana, which is got from the mountains, which creates four-fold energy, a brilliant light like the dawn. It help to hearing, make energy and spread light to all quarters" Sanskrit verses of the Indian Atharvaveda

      St. Augustine (354—430 A.D.) pointed out that in Egypt, “There was, and still is, a temple of Venus, in which a lamp burns so strongly in the open air that no storm or rain extinguishes it.” He blamed “the reality” of this marvelous lamp, which was likely an arc light, on the miracles of the “black arts” performed by demons and men. He wrote that the asbestos stone "has no fire of its own, and yet, when it has received fire, blazes so fiercely with a fire not its own that it cannot be quenched."

      B. Varity "Although the study of Electricity has only been developed within the last century, there is no doubt that its existence was known to the civilized world more than 2000 years ago. It may well be that Electricity was the magic of the Ancients, and that Tullus Hostilius, who, according to the Roman myth, incurred the wrath of Jove for practicing magical arts and was struck dead with a thunderbolt, may have met a more prosaic end through receiving a fatal shock while experimenting with a high pressure current."

      In her 1877 edition of Isis Unveiled, Madame H. P. Blavatsky wrote: "If we possess but little proof of the ancients having had any clear notions as to all the effects of electricity, there is very strong evidence, at all events, of their having been perfectly acquainted with electricity itself."

      'Ben David,' says the author of The Occult Sciences, ''has asserted that Moses possessed some knowledge of the phenomena of electricity.'

      Professor Hirt, of Berlin, is of this opinion."... that according to Josephus, a forest of points the colour of gold and very sharp, covered the roof of the temple. This roof communicated with the caverns in the hill upon which the temple was situated, by means of pipes in connection with the gilding which covered all the exterior of the building; in consequence of which the points would act as conductors.'”

      The great Egyptologist John Gardner Wilkinson pointed out that the ancient Egyptian “paintings offer few representations of lamps, torches, or any other kind of light.” Why—when they repeatedly illustrate almost every other Egyptian article? The answer lies in the fact that modern authorities are simply not looking for electric lights on the ancient monuments so they simply do not recognize them!

      Sir J. Norman Lockyer, who studied ancient Egyptian temples and tombs in depth, reported in 1894. In his Dawn of Astronomy, he pointed out an enigma—at the time—when he wrote: "In all freshly-opened tombs there are no traces whatever of any kind of combustion having taken place, even in the inner-most recesses. So strikingly evident is this that my friend M. Bouriant, while we were discussing this matter at Thebes, laughingly suggested the possibility that the electric light was known to the ancient Egyptians."

      Question then: If they did not use electric motors and generators
      like we are using today; What DID they use? How did they get
      electricity? Not only a little bit, but quite a lot! What did they use
      as light filaments?

      Batteries? Like the copper urns with electrode found in Babylon?
      Same of which there are drawing in the pyramids?
      YES - AND then you have to start digging into the Indian scriptures
      to find the descriptions of 'lightning bolts of fire'... 'levitation, speed....

      Want to get more intrigued: | Creation | Ancient Civilization 1

      Why do I post all of this here?
      Because we HAVE to get out of our BOX !!!
      By realizing there is a complete different path, maybe we will be able
      to achieve something better than grooving around the same spot all the time.

      The new recipe: 30% ancient technology, 50% new technology and 20% your own discovery.
      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


      • Nex Box

        MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
        you need to put in the code at the side of the download button
        Karl Schappeller The Physics of the Primary State of Matter
        I pretty much going to spead the rest of my life researching and working on this,
        if you wish me to post it you i will


        • Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
          MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
          you need to put in the code at the side of the download button
          Karl Schappeller The Physics of the Primary State of Matter
          I pretty much going to spead the rest of my life researching and working on this,
          if you wish me to post it you i will
          I didn't know I already knew the meaning of life
          LIFE SUCKS
          Remember to be kind to your mind ...
          Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


          • Originally posted by Vortex View Post
            LONG LIVE THE VACUUM...
            I didn't know I already knew the meaning of life
            LIFE SUCKS
            Welcome aboard the good ship change the world
            Think Algae When you need a plant

            ps read this first
            A Treatise on Astronomy - Google Book Search

            its a new education everybody thats what we need, new words new way of looking a the world e.g.
            space to the center of the earth is not
            1. space
            but stages of matter in stressfields
            Last edited by Bodkins; 02-15-2009, 02:16 PM.


            • The mystery deepens.

              Strangly I was thinking of you - together with VORTEX a few minutes ago.
              When I saw this, I had that typical feeling of heavy know "something important"

              What do you make of this:


              With some better photos here:

              The Mysterious Egyptian Tri-Lobed Disc ....Page 52

              5,000 years ago? Maybe a replica of something older?
              The Indian and Sumarian references to flying craft?

              Well, how would this perform as shape for a rotating heavy metal
              - something like a vortex of liqued? Grooves on the inside - act like
              fluid guides?

              Good night!
              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


              • Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                Strangly I was thinking of you - together with VORTEX a few minutes ago.
                When I saw this, I had that typical feeling of heavy know "something important"

                What do you make of this:


                With some better photos here:

                The Mysterious Egyptian Tri-Lobed Disc ....Page 52

                5,000 years ago? Maybe a replica of something older?
                The Indian and Sumarian references to flying craft?

                Well, how would this perform as shape for a rotating heavy metal
                - something like a vortex of liqued? Grooves on the inside - act like
                fluid guides?

                Good night!
                A Very ODD bowl.
                Fig. 7. Edge on view showing bowl's asymmetrical form

                ?ritualistic?.. I think not so, it is asymmetrical ..
                I would think something ritualistic would be symmetrical and made to perfection
                or the best that they could do.

                I would think anything requiring that much effort to create would be symmetrical,
                unless it was a requirement that it be asymmetrical.

                ?ornamental? Seems unlikely also. Way way too much effort to only
                be an eye-pleasing piece of rock.
                Again, an artisan would make it symmetrical , not asymmetrical.

                It does not add up that the tube in the center is for "mounting" the bowl
                on a post. So much effort, there are other ways to mount a bowl. Do
                we see any artifact bowls any where in the world with a tube in the center?

                I would love to see a replication of this spun under water.
                First bowl facing up and then bowl down down.
                The asymmetrical shape kinda looks as entire bowl is spiral as well.
                I didn't see if they said if all three lobes were the same size.
                Without great detail about the sizes of the lobes and measurements
                a replication would be worthless.

                Very ODD ..
                My Two Cents: looks like it could create vortexes to me, but the
                images given are lacking views that would show that for sure.
                Appears like something that was designed to rotate to me.

                Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                • Many interesting link to ancient knowledge, thanks . I hardly know any scientific history from India. What I know is mostly from phsychic side. It is amazing that many psychic skill mentioned in mahabharata still exist until today. I watch how people can do what hanuman do, head cutted, burried with man body carried around in jeep and still can be reattached together. It's named pancasona in Indonesia, have watch it at my teen and several years ago too. There is still other skill like what other character in Mahabharata mention that exist, even the self guiding arrow that Arjuna release. Mostly still exist underground and I am sure it will be the same in India. Maybe because Indonesia is part of what India call as suvarnabhumi.

                  Here is link with picture:
                  Hindu Wisdom - Yantras

                  I think this link about cosmology is relevant with thunderbold of gods
                  Hindu Wisdom - Hindu Cosmology


                  • Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                    A Very ODD bowl.
                    My Two Cents: looks like it could create vortexes to me, but the
                    images given are lacking views that would show that for sure.
                    Appears like something that was designed to rotate to me.
                    The minor asymetrical could be due to soft material, hand made, etc.
                    When you look careful, I would rather suspect all three portions to be
                    the same.

                    Notice one more oddity: The hub is flared out on the upper side; chamfer
                    which reminds me so exactly of a boats propeller hub.

                    Yes, it could just be ornamental, though I think there is a much more
                    interesting reason behand the design. If I saw it today in a decor shop,
                    I would just write it off as 'nice' - but 3,500 years ago?

                    I am actually visualizing the three turbulances, bounded together in center.

                    This thing is so disturbing on my peace, I am thinking of making one.
                    At least I will have a nice bed lamp!
                    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                    • Maybe on the right track

                      In one of the Ancient Indian translations I read about their lightning bolts and descriptions of how they were made. Amongst the interesting parts there is a description of forcing a small explosion though a magnet that has a venturi type of funnel. This will compress the magnetic force (flux) which will ignite gas to make a lightning bolt.

                      So What; mythology?
                      I went onto search about such possibility in science and FOUND IT TOO!

                      In nuclear science there is a 'white document' that describes a technique called "Flux Compression Generator" FCG. This will cause a huge Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP).

                      "The FCG is a device capable of producing electrical energies of tens of MegaJoules in tens to hundreds of microseconds of time, in a relatively compact package. With peak power levels of the order of TeraWatts to tens of TeraWatts, FCGs may be used directly, or as one shot pulse power supplies for microwave tubes. To place this in perspective, the current produced by a large FCG is between ten to a thousand times greater than that produced by a typical lightning stroke"

                      The central idea behind the construction of FCGs is that of using a fast explosive to rapidly compress a magnetic field, transferring much energy from the explosive into the magnetic field.

                      The initial magnetic field in the FCG prior to explosive initiation is produced by a start current. The start current is supplied by an external source, such a a high voltage capacitor bank (Marx bank), a smaller FCG or an MHD device. In principle, any device capable of producing a pulse of electrical current of the order of tens of kiloAmperes to MegaAmperes will be suitable.
                      A Handbook Series on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, Don White Consultants, Maryland, 1978

                      This exact kind of device was described in ancient Indian Vimana related mythology!

                      So, what are we looking at?
                      By some method - Maybe Resonance - use electrical force for compressing magnetic flux.......... thus creating EM pulse to turn generator.

                      For the simplicity of it all, see:
                      The Electromagnetic Bomb - a Weapon of Electrical Mass Destruction - APA Mirror

                      P.S. I am not looking at this to make a bomb or destructive device;
                      but this might just give us more of an idea on generating electricity.
                      In particular I like the idea of "small current plus magnetic flux = high energy"
                      Last edited by Aromaz; 02-16-2009, 10:12 AM.
                      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                      • The Russians; again

                        Regarding compressed magnetic flux and even the potential use
                        in generating power - 250 MAmp; Pulsed.

                        Why not developed?

                        Russian Collaborations
                        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                        • About the Mayancalender, well, it means, at this 21 Dec 2012, the last Cycle will start, and it takes 260 Days more, till it does End.

                          But anyway, i am more optimistic.
                          All the Time, when the Cyles did change, you, by yourself, didnt see much from it,
                          even more, it is more hidden then obviously, that there is such a Cycle.
                          But it affects more your Mind and Spirit, that you get better? Results after 'learning'.

                          And what i did see from Nature right now, i think more, the Cycle invert, that after that short Phase do follow a short Cyle again
                          after the one at Top, and then they go larger and larger.
                          Its unnatural, that one Extrem will fall at the other Side of Extrem or start over at the other End.
                          There is allways a swinging.
                          I see more Danger at the Humans, that, when they are at the Top of a Phase, and 'see/feel' that they lost her Energy, the common Memory,
                          or however you will call it, what there is around us, will act in a wrong Way.

                          Otherwise, there will be at this Time a Constellation of Planets,
                          what allways had and bring Wars beside with it, because, seems Humans or Common Mind is still to underdeveloped for a the Social Life.

                          And another These, what i have heared, is, that there will a Comet come very close to the Earth, and noone know, how close it come.
                          But anyway, i still think, the Humans are the biggest Danger for herself.

                          About the Energy fromt he Sky, when you did watch the Disclosure Files
                          there are Reports of Ufo's what been close to a Army Base,
                          and as they tried to fire at it, they cant hit them, or even her Weapon systems didnt work.
                          The same Effect was explained at a Theorie around the Kelvin Generator,
                          where the Waterdrops flow against gravity under high pressure.
                          And this showed, that if something has a high enough Frequency, it will work against slower moving Parts or even stop them to get hittet from them.
                          Well, this is now pretty common, but it shows, that this, what we know from Ufo's must be based on HV, and they use fuelless Technology too.

                          Bagdad Batterie, i think they used this Stuff for galvanise Metall in any Way, i think they dont been so far, to make a Lamp from it.
                          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                          • Other amazing thing about Ancient Indian is a one man flying machine. It seems they can go very high too.

                            @Aromaz, have you ever read the book that Peter Lindemann post here?

                            Tesla already did some of what your video show and more.

                            some quote:
                            "If the insulated plate P1 is disconnected, leaving one of the ends a of the primary insulated, the filament becomes dark or generally it diminishes in brightness (Fig. 14a)."

                            "If now the bulb be grasped with the hand, the capacity of the secondary with reference to the primary is augmented by the experimenter's body and the luminosity of the filament is increased, the Incandescence now being due partly to the flow of current through the filament and partly to the molecular
                            bombardment of the rarefied gas in the bulb."

                            "Since I can pass a current through an insulated wire merely by connecting one of its ends to the source of electrical energy, since I can induce by it another current, magnetize all iron core, and, in short perform all operations as though a return circuit were used, clearly I can also drive a motor by the aid of only one wire."


                            • Question about Frequency

                              Currently most of us are playing with Hz, kHz and few enter to realm of MHz.
                              There are two higher frequencies to tackle:

                              How in the world will it ever be possible to reach an oscilation or resonance
                              in the Terra or Pico Hertz range. In other words: 10 with 12 or 15 zeros added?

                              The only options I can think of now is to somehow use the natural frequencies
                              of gemstones (crystals) - but how to get that enhanced into applications
                              of ElectroMagnetic waves?

                              Yes, I know - we are talking of UViolet range of frequencies.
                              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                              • As i played around with the Joule thief, and pulsed the DC from thick to thin wire, i can figure it works at the other way too.
                                The JT has usual high frequency with equal Wires. i measured about 150 mhz sometimes.
                                So when you make it with thin wires to very thick one, it should get a high frequency.
                                For the JT, you got 2 Coils, connect 2 Ends from 2 Coils to plus,
                                the other end from one goes to the pot and base transistor,
                                the other end from 2nd Coil to C, E is minus again.
                                If it dont works, you need to switch the Wires at one Coil.
                                But maybe still need to have enough basic Power, to keep it oscillating.
                                Just the Question is, if our Transistors can go that high.
                                Last edited by Joit; 02-17-2009, 03:25 AM.
                                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.

