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Gravity Explanation & More

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  • Gravity Explanation & More

    Here is one section of the book Cosmic Consiusness by Stan Deyo whom im sure your all familiar with. The book gives some very nice explanations on gravity, magnetism and other. Why they are nice is because of there simplicity and logic.
    The Cosmic Conspiracy - Stan Deyo

  • #2
    Conspiricy theorys abound

    Like the Kennedy assassination there are always naysayers. The facts prove that Oswald was a wako and did it.

    Making theory's a reality takes something more than some clips from the 60's and 70's. Einstein and Tesla were true genius however they were not applications guys.

    There is little mystery regarding Tom Edison, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, & Bill Gates. They turned their dreams to action...

    The devil is in the details. Consequently there is much to be done here
    "But ye shall receive power..."
    Acts 1:8


    • #3
      You are comparing Tesla with Einstein? I think that's a very wrong comparison. Unlike Einstein, Tesla didn't use theories or formulas to find what he has found. All his findings were made through experiments. And I also highly disagree by Tesla not being an application guy. Every thing he discovered he wanted to be commercial and make it usable for the population. He had always many applications for what he just discovered. Unlike current "science".


      • #4
        Ooops, DO NOT COMPARE TESLA WITH EINSTEIN! Tesla was the best engineer ever, DO NOT MESS WITH HIM and his performances. He is really above all other people that I have heard of.

        Einstein is not even on the same chart of importance like Tesla. Tesla called him the emperor without clothes, rightly so!

        Einstein developed the theory of relativity stolen from the Jesuit priest Boscovich. It has no more relevance and it is developed in a closed capacitor system which we are not living in but looking out from. That is why the telescopes in space give a different view..

        Konstantin Meyl has finally settled the score with Einstein with his brilliant Theory of Objectivity, Einstein´s theories will soon be almost completely discredited with the aether energy applications coming into the picture. He was a PR man and dreamer but very far from reality.

        Some interesting spice from Eric Dollard: Tesla demanded that his condensor plates would be coated with water.

        Make a conjugate Tesla coil and make a plasma generator according to Dollard. With the conjugate coils you will surely achieve transmutation, all the energy is trapped between the resonating coils. Super capacitance I think he calls it.


        • #5
          Conjugate tesla coil?

          Enlighten me please :-)
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • #6
            I think it's in order to set the record straight on some accounts...

            It is said that Einstien took someone else's paper and re-wrote it as his own. The name skips my mind at the moment but if you search the Web it's there. This other person was a scientist as well I believe who worked on it a year before Einstein did or at least some months.
            I also suspect that Mileva Maric (Einstein's wife) did a lot of math for Einstein since he couldn't wrap his head around it.

            Although, yes Boskovic came up with all that stuff 100 years earlier so he gets prior art...err boot in the butt out of history. That's what you get for being poor and nobody. :P

            Then we have Edison who most likely did not invent anything and neither did Bell. They were both enterpreneurs primarely and used dirty tricks to make money from someone else's hard labour.

            Edison got credit for the light bulb, when in actuallity it appears he bought it for $5 from someone else and then paddled it as his own. Further more half the other things, if not more, Edison gets credited for were made by Tesla, but by some kind of a "miracle" (money talks) school books totally ignore Tesla as if he never existed.

            Bell did not invent the telephone, Antonio Meucci invented the telephone when Bell was 3 years old or so. Meucci was not wealthy and could not afford to patent his inventions, so decades later Bell used his powers to swindle Meucci from his priority in art and rightful place in history. Even today most people do not know about Meucci...especially Italians who should be proud of their countryman's achievenments (although back then they did not want to give him time of the day and invest in his discoveries).

            Marconi is another enterprenuer who's real skill was appropriating other people's works (mostly Tesla's, but also others) and making minor changes then patenting them as his own. Once again, money did talk, for Marconi came from a well off family with ties to the British crown and was able to secure lucrative radio contracts with militaries of several countries in Europe.

            Marconi "repented" in his later/final years and did invent/discover other things in the radio field that he should get credit for, but in the minds of most people he still gets the title of the inventor of the radio, unjustifiably.

            Now let's get back to Eric Dollard, I do not recall hearing this before about capacitor plates coated with water or conjugate let's hear it please.
            Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


            • #7
              The Details

              It would seem all we have is details. Details coming out cazoo. Because what is obviously a massivly flawed model of reality we are constantly having to create new details to make the model work.
              I think that reality is beutifully simple it is us who make it very complex. As much as our imaginations are a benefit to us they are as well our down fall. They allow us to live in our own personal little reality and get away with what ever we want to in the name of x. Our ability to learn as well is a benefit but at the same time a curse. It is very difficult to just forget everything you are and know and observe with new eyes, without which we are stuck forever in a loop.
              Details are the first sign something is wrong as far as i am concerned. You'll know when you have it right because the one part you do have will lead flawlessly to the rest. It is how it is, reallity is self organization which as a requirement requires fractalness.

              Originally posted by wpage View Post
              Like the Kennedy assassination there are always naysayers. The facts prove that Oswald was a wako and did it.

              Making theory's a reality takes something more than some clips from the 60's and 70's. Einstein and Tesla were true genius however they were not applications guys.

              There is little mystery regarding Tom Edison, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, & Bill Gates. They turned their dreams to action...

              The devil is in the details. Consequently there is much to be done here


              • #8
                I have also read about Einstein's plagiarism and non-validity of his theories.

                I read that the formula E = mc2 was printed in 1903 and Einstein reprinted it in 1905 claiming it as his.

                The press was on his side and every criticism was attacked as anti-semitism.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
                  It would seem all we have is details. Details coming out cazoo. Because what is obviously a massivly flawed model of reality we are constantly having to create new details to make the model work.
                  I think that reality is beutifully simple it is us who make it very complex. As much as our imaginations are a benefit to us they are as well our down fall. They allow us to live in our own personal little reality and get away with what ever we want to in the name of x. Our ability to learn as well is a benefit but at the same time a curse. It is very difficult to just forget everything you are and know and observe with new eyes, without which we are stuck forever in a loop.
                  Details are the first sign something is wrong as far as i am concerned. You'll know when you have it right because the one part you do have will lead flawlessly to the rest. It is how it is, reallity is self organization which as a requirement requires fractalness.
                  Aww don't say that!! It reminds me of the Quantum Physics field where particles are invented on a daily basis to fill the holes in a terribly flawed theory. Yet people perpetuate, preach and repeat it like it's Gospel without question and accept it as if it's a matter of fact. The famous "Quantum Physics tells us..."

                  After hearing that nonsense, it tells me to stay the heck away from it. Here's another subscriber of the "fractalness"...
                  Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?

