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Tesla's wireless electricity transmission

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  • #46
    Reply to Glen:

    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    Ah ... now the best part ...on a "globe" not a flat map draw a line between the "Great Pyramid" and "Wardenclyffe Tower" (plus or minus the "Brookhaven" syndrome) .... the line will go through Cern, Switzerland (France border) ..... Falmouth, Cornwall England ..... to Shorham, New York .

    Yep .... call me crazy but it's true, should I be now looking for the MIB now??

    Hi Glen,

    I'm not sure if it will be the MIB or the MIW. Which would you prefer? Anyways, I was playing around in Google Earth tonight and went to look for the Great Pyramid of Giza using the coordinates you gave (29 degrees 58' 50.96" N, 31 degrees 09' 00.00" E). I zoomed in and it was not there. I did find it, centered on the peak of the pyramid at the coordinates 29 58 44.29" N, 31 08 02.11" E. I found the Wardenclyffe Tower foundation centered at 40 56 50.24" N, 72 53 53.69" W. If you start at the Pyramid, and point your finger at the center, then "fly" from the Pyramid to the Wardenclyffe Tower, that arc seems to enter the Atlantic Ocean around Rabat, Morocco (Africa), nowhere near Falmouth, England.

    Incidentally, I tried entering the same coordinates in Yahoo Maps, and the Wardenclyffe Tower was centered perfectly, but the Great Pyramid was just a little off center. In Yahoo Maps, it centers at 29 58 44.00" N, 31 08 04.30 E. Microsoft Virtual Earth centers nearly the same as Yahoo, except at 43.8" N. Again, the Wardenclyffe Tower (in Microsoft Virtual Earth Flash Earth ...satellite and aerial imagery of the Earth in Flash) is centered perfectly, as in Google and Yahoo. The MVE view shows the tower site with trees all leafed out, and makes the foundation somewhat more difficult to recognize than in the Google winter shot.

    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • #47
      Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      Hi Glen,

      I'm not sure if it will be the MIB or the MIW. Which would you prefer? Anyways, I was playing around in Google Earth tonight and went to look for the Great Pyramid of Giza using the coordinates you gave (29 degrees 58' 50.96" N, 31 degrees 09' 00.00" E). I zoomed in and it was not there. I did find it, centered on the peak of the pyramid at the coordinates 29 58 44.29" N, 31 08 02.11" E. I found the Wardenclyffe Tower foundation centered at 40 56 50.24" N, 72 53 53.69" W. If you start at the Pyramid, and point your finger at the center, then "fly" from the Pyramid to the Wardenclyffe Tower, that arc seems to enter the Atlantic Ocean around Rabat, Morocco (Africa), nowhere near Falmouth, England.

      Incidentally, I tried entering the same coordinates in Yahoo Maps, and the Wardenclyffe Tower was centered perfectly, but the Great Pyramid was just a little off center. In Yahoo Maps, it centers at 29 58 44.00" N, 31 08 04.30 E. Microsoft Virtual Earth centers nearly the same as Yahoo, except at 43.8" N. Again, the Wardenclyffe Tower (in Microsoft Virtual Earth Flash Earth ...satellite and aerial imagery of the Earth in Flash) is centered perfectly, as in Google and Yahoo. The MVE view shows the tower site with trees all leafed out, and makes the foundation somewhat more difficult to recognize than in the Google winter shot.

      Hi Rick,
      I noticed the same thing with some of the latitude and longitude differences so I took most of this information from the Tesla & The Great Pyramid to be consistent with the information and calculations from this article and explanation of the Earths "tropical year frequency" phenomenon it seem to be the only one that I could find like it with this information all together.

      As for the arc I not sure if its not a "elliptical arc" being both ends should originate from the equator probably similar to magnetic flux lines and there must be several of them.

      The fact that Tesla did work for government and may have set up the now know as "Echelon" system locations which may use this arc or elliptical arc.

      Tesla Technology: Top Secret Weapons & Covert Military Installations

      The better software would help I think given there are some points that can be referenced, below is a thumbnail of the Earth to show the proximity to France - Switzerland, England and New York. Than there is the other question is how wide is the phenomenon ... 2 miles wide or 100 miles.

      Also I added a thumbnail on the previous post of the strange tower that was erected at "Cern" (France side) which is the strangest thing I ever saw for a tower ... 46 degrees 14' 03.52" N (by) 06 degrees 02' 27.19" E (plus or minus)

      Attached Files
      Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 01-16-2009, 08:20 PM. Reason: spelling
      Open Source Experimentalist
      Open Source Research and Development


      • #48
        Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post

        Also I added a thumbnail on the previous post of the strange tower that was erected around March 18, 2008 at "Cern" (France side) which is the strangest thing I ever saw for a tower ... 46 degrees 14' 03.52" N (by) 06 degrees 02' 27.19" E (plus or minus)

        looks like an ordinary water tower. We have numerous those in our country in various shapes. We have even one in my town that is shaped like an UFO
        It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


        • #49

          Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
          looks like an ordinary water tower. We have numerous those in our country in various shapes. We have even one in my town that is shaped like an UFO
          Hi Jetijs,

          I stuck in another thumbnail with a little better detail and also noticed that the 2003 Ariel photograph shows it so it's been there for some time. I know what your saying about the design looking like a water tank with the better photograph you can see some type of ribs or flat sections around the circumference normally you cant see ribs at all or clearly on a tank thats a tube shape nothing really to support other than to keep it elevated above ground.

          The only other thing is that it's on the back side of the complex in France on a secured bypass road between Switzerland and France this would mean access by authorized personal only.

          You maybe totally correct I have seen some strange water tanks and have been in around and on top of a few as a contractor supplying power for stuff and changing red clearance lights .... but you could make a antenna look like a tank ??

          Ah .... maybe you guys are right ..... ops .... the MIW are at the door!

          Open Source Experimentalist
          Open Source Research and Development


          • #50
            Rick and Jetijs

            Here is several articals "The Magnifying Transmitter" and the "Cloudborne Electric Wavelets To Encircle the Globe: This Is Nicola Tesla's Latest Dream, and the Long Island Hamlet of Wardenclyffe Marvels Thereat" by the The New York Times (27 March, 1904) -

            Nikola Tesla: Magnifying Transmitter ~ Articles & Patents

            Quote:The New York Times (27 March, 1904) ~
            In the centre of the wide concrete platform which serves as a base for the structure there is a wooden affair very much like the companionway on an ocean steamer. The tower and the enclosure in which it has been built are being carefully guarded these days, and no one except Mr. Tesla's own men are allowed to approach it. Only they have been allowed as much as the briefest peep down the companionway. Mr. Scherff, the private secretary of the inventor, told an inquirer that the companionway led to a small drainage passage built for the purpose of keeping the ground about the tower dry.

            But such of the villagers as saw the tower constructed tell a different story. They declare that it leads to a well-like excavation as deep as the tower is high with walls of mason work and a circular stairway leading to the bottom.

            From there, they say, tunnels have been built in all directions, until the entire ground below the little plain on which the tower is raised has been honeycombed with subterranean passages.

            Humm ....... a few iron pipes huh

            Open Source Experimentalist
            Open Source Research and Development


            • #51

              Rick, After reading the article I posted and the

              Quote:The New York Times (27 March, 1904) ~

              From there, they say, tunnels have been built in all directions, until the entire ground below the little plain on which the tower is raised has been honeycombed with subterranean passages.

              I remembered your post #17


              The Wardenclyffe tower had a shaft sunk 120 ft into the ground, and below that it is said there are 16 iron pipes laid end to end for an additional 300 feet.

              Then it dawned on me many things in the past they stuck certain names to electrical equipment or electrical connections one of them was "STAR" as in a older (Tesla) poly phase motor type or model with a "star delta" electrical configuration as a example. There is another one called a "Grounding Star" system or today reconfigured and commonly known and a "Grounding Ring" for a low or high impedance grounding system depending on what additional equipment is used and how connected.

              A "Grounding Star" had 16 points of earth connections in a star configuration, oddly enough you posted there were 16 iron pipes .... the base of the tower was a octagon. I made a thumbnail sketch of what possibly was at the "Wardenclyffe Tower" location underground base shown in red" the grounding conductor in "blue" with a 150' (foot) to a 200' (foot) radius with the open end going to the main building and the "Black" dots represent the 16 iron pipes.

              Also there is a detector at the "Brookhaven National Laboratory" Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider called ....... "STAR"

              Attached Files
              Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 01-17-2009, 10:53 AM. Reason: spelling
              Open Source Experimentalist
              Open Source Research and Development


              • #52
                Reply to Glen:

                Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
                Ah .... maybe you guys are right ..... ops .... the MIW are at the door!

                Hey Glen,

                Watch out for those MIW and the MIB - you don't want to see either of them knocking at the door. Reminds me of something that happened here a few years ago. I was talking on the phone with a friend of mine who lives in upstate NY, and telling him about an Internet site that had reported tracking a downed UFO that had been taken to the Brunswick Maine Naval Air Station and then transported by truck to a defunct factory building near my home. Jokingly, I said to my friend that it would be interesting to have a look inside the building. Within 5 minutes, four government type sedans converged in the parking lot directly across the street from my home. They sure looked like the MIB type - suits & sunglasses, etc., and they stood there facing my home from about 100 ft away. It was really weird, and so I started telling my friend about it. The way these men were reacting, it almost seemed like they were listening in on our conversation, so I started laying it on real heavy. My friend knew it was all a joke, of course, but had anyone been listening then they would have thought that we were planning a midnight raid on the factry building. We talked to each other in that fashion for about ten minutes, and then I said, "Well, I hope those MIB's were actually listening to that line of bull****." We laughed loudly before we hung up the phone, and as I looked across the street the men climbed back into their cars, peeled out, and I have never seen any such sight again. I'm sure it was probably just coincidence, and more than likely just some businessmen who had stopped to talk about their route of travel or something, but it was strange how the timing of the whole thing worked out. Weird, huh?

                Hmm, getting a little off track here - that's just something that always comes to mind now whenever I see or hear MIB mentioned. Anyways, Glen, here's some more fuel to fan the flames of your theory. The first photo is a global view of the Earth, and I manipulated the angle of the view to the point where I could draw a path from Wardencliffe Tower (first yellow marker at left), and the Great Pyramid of Giza (last yellow marker to right). You can see that the path closely, though not perfectly, also intersects the Falmouth Cornwall area and the circular structure at Cern. It was kind of tough getting the best view angle, and then trying to draw the path line precisely with my mouse against an angled wood block, but you can see that I came pretty close after several tries. I later elongated the line towards Mexico. It entered Mexico at the coordinates 18 11 41.96" N, 94 35 50.53" W, and exited to the Pacific Ocean around La Crucecita, Oaxaca. With a line like this, drawn from such a high altitude, it could well be off some distance, but mid to southern Mexico appears to be the range. The pyramids closest to this line were Monte Alban (slightly west) and Comalcan (slightly east), both within 90 miles of the line. The Great Pyramid of Cholua was about 250 miles west of the line, while the Calakmul Pyramid was 275 miles east.

                The second picture is a flat Earth view where I overlaid a circular arc split at the equator. The arc passes approximately through Wardencliffe and Giza, wth Falmouth Cornwall and Cern not quite lining up that well. One could probably get the arc lined up a bit closer, and you might want to play around with that. Seems like it would be tough to get Mexico City into the arc, though. Seems to want to land around Guatemala, and not far off course from the Chichen Itza, Uxmal, or Calakmul pyramids. Calakmul is the tallest of the Maya pyramids, at 55 meters.

                Well there you go, Glen. Have fun with it,

                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • #53

                  I said it before and I'll say it again several times the man from "Maine" has done it again .... Thank You !

                  I'm sure this will "open" some eyes to anyone that has been following this subject and thread ....... it sure did mine this morning .... without my coffee yet !!!

                  I know one thing got to get some new and better software to follow the "paths" ( isn't that a energetic forum thing "paths" ).

                  Just for grinns and giggles here are some links to United States classified documents that have now been unclassified, there about what was taken from "Tesla's" apartment in New York "Right" after he died ...... this is really getting good !!

                  Nikola Tesla Resources and Images
                  Nikola Tesla Resources and Images
                  Nikola Tesla Resources and Images
                  Nikola Tesla Resources and Images
                  Nikola Tesla Resources and Images
                  Nikola Tesla Resources and Images

                  I hope you saw the sketch of the "grounding star" system ... the thinking behind it at the time, was equal potential between all 16 grounding points very rare to see one though.

                  Much more work ahead ..... this could also explain the pyramid power thing others work on so hard, some have very limited success and some don't using the same information .... maybe in order for them to function properly you have to be under or near these "flux" arcs or lines.

                  Best Regards,
                  Open Source Experimentalist
                  Open Source Research and Development


                  • #54
                    Baltra Island

                    Hi Rick and all,

                    After I saw the information from Rick and sat down for a few looking at the Images and wondering about this kinda verification of his of what my theory about the "tropical year frequency" magnetic flux elliptical arc phenomenon that radiate from the equator is what Tesla must have actually tapped into.

                    I have worked over the years with many engineers and scientist from Europe here in USA and know that their reputation means a lot. The old school ones like Tesla wouldn't say something that he couldn't prove, any ridicule and harm to his reputation being one of the most important things to him would be more than unbearable. This would leave me to believe that anything he published or personally said is 100% true including anything connected with the "Wardenclyffe Tower" and Laboratory.

                    I have carefully looked at now the illustrative images rick supplied and thought OK now what .... then I noticed it .... the arc that Rick had plotted near the equator there it was ... going through islands off of Ecuador the "Galapagos Islands". I was curious its a bunch of islands if anything is there it should be easy to find thinking this is "Darwin's" area and a National Park of Ecuador. So I started checking it out and started looking at the islands one by one with "Google Earth" and almost gave up and there it was.

                    Baltra Island in WW11 known as "Seymour Island" used by the USA military from 1941 to 1948 as defense for the "Panama Canal" 6,329 acres of arid landscape on a flat rock. This US military base housed one time 4,200 men, two heavy bomber groups for B24 - B29's, one pursuit squadron, camouflaged emplacements for planes and artillery, generator power, fuel and water storage for everything there.

                    U. S. Air Force Study
                    Seymour (Baltra) Island

                    This island is "NOT" part of "Galapagos Islands" National Park of Ecuador the only one. The land has been leased, 98% of it to the USA government and only 2% or 126.5 acres the FEA Ecuadorian Air Force it has control of a 8000' runway and airport, on arriving into Baltra, all visitors are immediately transported by bus to one of two docks.

                    The island second air strip 6,250' long is not used in USA control and is in bad condition many of the roads, structures and tanks you can still see but unused for years but "ONE" near the air strip .... the building newer shaped like a omega letter .... with a visible half circle in front of the building about 200' -250' in diameter. (grounding ring ??? on a rock in the ocean )

                    "Omega Building" (see thumbnail)
                    00 degrees 28' 02.50"S
                    90 degrees 17' 01.71 W

                    It appears we have the diameter of the "tropical year frequency" magnetic flux elliptical arc phenomenon that Tesla may have tapped into, there seems to be several points that can be connected now, the width of the phenomenon unknown at this time.

                    I'm going to start looking soon into "Colorado Springs" using the same diameter plus or minus of the "tropical year frequency" Rick came up with to see what paths that goes through. As you can see this is a appearing to be a large task and I may not be able to do this myself, anyone that wants to help or add information like Rick "please" do. ( Jetijs,Aaron, amigo, Ash ..... of course Rick )

                    Jetijs first post of a device to harness part of this power may infact work if under one of these flux elliptical arcs, submarines traveling under these using there long antenna behind them could possibly use this for communications, places like the "Bermuda Triangle" may be intercepting points of flux arcs we only need to look now. Everything Tesla said this could do I'm positive it can we just need to harness it ..... heck it goes over the whole east coast of the USA from New York to the Gulf of Mexico.

                    Thanks again Rick

                    Best to all,
                    Attached Files
                    Open Source Experimentalist
                    Open Source Research and Development


                    • #55
                      Reply to Glen:

                      Hey Glen,

                      If you liked my last post, I know you're going to love this. In locating the major pyramids that could have fallen somewhere near the arc that I drew (on the globe view of last post), and extended through Mexico, I noticed that my arc seemed to fall somewhere close to the central area of these pyramids. The picture below shows the pin-pointed locations of these pyramids. Some are shown in yellow pins with yellow labels, while others are green pins with green labels, and this is done purposely by me to avoid confusion over which label goes with which pin. While looking at the pins in the close view shown here, it struck me that one could draw two straight lines, each connecting 4 pyramids, and that the lines would cross at a point where both lines converged on the same pyramid (I labeled that Comalco, but it should be Comalcalco). So, I drew the lines, and here is the result.

                      Amazing symmetry, isn't it? I placed a protractor on my screen, and the two acute angles formed at the crossover, to east and west, both look to be about 32 degrees. In doing some measurements, using the Google ruler, I found that the pin point at the central pyramid (Comalcalco) is equidistant to both Chichen Itza and the Great Pyramid of Cholula (340 miles). The pin point at Comalcalco doesn't exactly align with the crossover point (and doesnt exactly line up with my arc line either - but close), but that may be the result of where I located the various pin points. Basically, I centered them on the main structure at each site, and the actual location where power may have been transmitted could be different. Many of these sites have huge complexes with many structures, and what now appears to be the tallest at each site may not have been the case when they were built. It's hard to tell, because many of the structures are in ruins now, and portions were scavenged and used to build newer structures. Take Comalcalco, shown below, for example. There are several structures besides the main pyramid, and some are built upon higher ground.

                      Now suppose that the pyramid array that we see in the satellite view above was in fact used to focus a convergent energy beam of some type, from the outlying pyramids to the pyramid of Comalcalco, which could gather and then refocus the multiple energy beams and send the resultant mega beam to the Great Pyramid of Giza, or to any other place. I guess you can imagine or theorize just about anything concerning these structures, and it would be difficult to impossible to prove or disprove what is theorized. Still, it is thought provoking, isn't it? And there definitely is something to pyramid power.

                      ps - The green pinpoint, slightly west of the Cholula pyramid site is the Cuicuilco pyramid. I don't know why the label doesn't show, as it does show when I view my Google Earth. If you feel like playing around with this stuff, here are the actual coordinates that I used. If you enter them into Google Earth, you can use the "Fly To" feature to leap from one location to another, and then zoom right down to the center of each structure.

                      19°18'06.00"N, 99°10'54.00"W Cuicuilco Pyramid, Mexico City
                      19°03'29.00"N, 98°18'06.10"W Great Pyramid of Cholula, Mexico
                      18°16'48.29"N, 93°12'06.31"W Comalcalco Pyramid, Tabasco, Mexico
                      18°06'19.41"N, 89°48'38.98"W Calakmul Pyramid, Campeche, Mexico
                      17°02'40.00"N, 96°46'05.20"W Monte Alban, Oaxaca, Mexico
                      20°21'34.00"N, 89°46'17.01"W Uxmal Pyramids, Yucatan, Mexico
                      20°40'58.44"N, 88°34'07.14"W Chichen Itza Pyramid, Yucatan, Mexico

                      Incidentally, if you take the baseline shown between Monte Alban and Calakmul, turn the globe until that line is perfectly horizontal, point at the crossover next to Comalcalcul, and then hold down your down arrow cursor key, the triangle will be bisected and the path will continue directly across your Baltra Island coordinates!

                      Last edited by rickoff; 01-22-2009, 08:16 AM. Reason: sp
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • #56
                        concave pyramid walls

                        Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        Now suppose that the pyramid array that we see in the satellite view above was in fact used to focus a convergent energy beam of some type, from the outlying pyramids to the pyramid of Comalcalco, which could gather and then refocus the multiple energy beams and send the resultant mega beam to the Great Pyramid of Giza, or to any other place. I guess you can imagine or theorize just about anything concerning these structures, and it would be difficult to impossible to prove or disprove what is theorized. Still, it is thought provoking, isn't it? And there definitely is something to pyramid power.
                        Rick, interesting idea!

                        Not sure if you posted about this but the Great Pyramid's 4 sides are concave. This wasn't known to our modern times until aerial photos. When the pyramid was smooth with white alabaster (before earthquake's that made cracks, which made it easy for it to be stolen to build walls elsewhere), 4 sides were dished like focusing lenses.

                        I believe on the summer solstice??? the pyramid casts no shadow as the sun is directly above. The sunshine would hit all 4 sides and a beam of sunlight was shone in all 4 directions. Supposedly these beams were visible for hundreds and hundreds of miles away.

                        Concave GP Faces
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #57
                          Reply to Aaron:

                          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                          Rick, interesting idea!

                          Not sure if you posted about this but the Great Pyramid's 4 sides are concave. This wasn't known to our modern times until aerial photos. When the pyramid was smooth with white alabaster (before earthquake's that made cracks, which made it easy for it to be stolen to build walls elsewhere), 4 sides were dished like focusing lenses.
                          Hi Aaron,

                          No, I hadn't mentioned the concave factor yet, although I did know about it and the fact that the Great Pyramid of Giza was originally surfaced in a smooth, bright white layer. While many have theorized as to the reasoning behind this concavity, there is no universally accepted basis of agreement, as the article which you linked to concludes - "The purpose for the concavity of the Great Pyramids remains a mystery and no satisfactory explanation for this feature has been offered. The indentation is so slight [given the scale of the pyramid - Rick] that any practical function is difficult to imagine."

                          Seems like the theorizers lacked some imagination, and as you point out - the slight concavity could well have been used to focus something over a very long distance.

                          What is most interesting to me is the fact that all of the major pyramid sites around the world have one particular thing in common. The sites have multiple structures laid out to conform to constellations. They don't precisely align with these constellations today, but there was a time when they did align perfectly - and that was 10,500 BC. Therefore, it is quite likely that these structures were actually built at that period of time, and are far older than most archeologists would have us believe. They were obviously designed and constructed by beings of superior intellect, with highly advanced knowledge of astronomy, physics, chemistry, and mathematics. The pyramids likely were built for several practical purposes, including - but not limited to - communications, water pumping, electrical power generation, and power distribution. Very interesting stuff, that's for sure.

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • #58
                            Meowza !!

                            Originally posted by rickoff View Post

                            Incidentally, if you take the baseline shown between Monte Alban and Calakmul, turn the globe until that line is perfectly horizontal, point at the crossover next to Comalcalcul, and then hold down your down arrow cursor key, the triangle will be bisected and the path will continue directly across your coordinates!

                            Well Rick ..... Really great stuff appears that what you may have unearthed in Mexico is a ancient "entrance point" because of the angles to one of the "tropical year frequency" magnetic flux elliptical arc phenomenons, similar to a "Circular or Cyclic" partial accelerator these are the highest form at this time of energy accelerators. These are located within the "arc" at "Brookhaven National Laboratory" in New York and "Cert" in Switzerland these are loosely linked with the "Theory of Relativity".

                            Particle accelerator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            One of the new designs of a "Linear" accelerator a ILC has been coined phrased "The gateway to the Quantum Universe" some really heavy duty stuff if your a Physics expert.


                            I was thinking some members may not quite understand this theory and have made a sketch of the earth with the "tropical year frequency" arcs illustrated. I showed for clarity not knowing how many there are and picked four of them radiating out from the equator. The left is a side view north up south down. the right is a top view looking down onto the north pole CCW rotation, blue is the Earth and red is the magnetic flux elliptical arc phenomenon CW rotation. This may give a better explanation of what my theory of what Tesla had found and tapped in to and governments are secretly using it today.

                            I think personally that many of what phrases we use today that Tesla used on inventions have a direct relationship to many things like star, poly, delta, ohm and so on. The use of the words poly and delta by definition, Tesla used mostly in motors but looking at the earth with the magnetic flux elliptical arcs reminds me of a "motor" which would led me to believe there are total of three of these arcs world wide intersecting.

                            I don't know if you have looked at the "Baltra Island" information yet but the "Omega" shaped building with a copper covered roof and the visible lines around it is very strange. I'm sure when it was constructed years ago there was no one in the USA government never ever thought there would be a "Google Earth" that anyone could go to and see a detailed satellite image anywhere in the world. I don't know but at the rate this going the arc path may go over the unexplained images in South America which would be really something else yet.

                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 01-19-2009, 05:27 AM. Reason: spelling - plus rotation directions
                            Open Source Experimentalist
                            Open Source Research and Development


                            • #59
                              Pyramid and Wireless Power


                              It is possible the Great Pyramid was a wireless transmitter and then some.

                              I also believe it was built 12-14,000 years ago and the setup in Giza mirrors that Orion Constellation (3 pyramids) being the belt and even the milky way is located proportionately to the Nile River. It was in alignment as that constellation was just above the horizon in whatever part of the year.

                              Above the Queen's Chamber, there are the monstrous granite slabs, which have incredible piezoelectric effects. I've talked to people were on the very top where the missing capstone is and say they can feel incredible energy surges through their body with a lot of tingling, etc...

                              It could be a teleporter to somewhere else with that kind of tension. I believe it was never a tomb as many people do.

                              But with that highly stressed space where the granite slabs are, perhaps there were remote receivers or other things powered remotely by it.

                              Tesla's father gave him a copy of the "Kolbrin Bible". The original was supposedly in the possession of Joseph of Arimathea. It was supposed to have been one of Tesla's greatest inspirations. It is VERY interesting. Virtually nothing in it is left to imagination - everything is spelled out in very straight terms.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #60
                                Tesla - Colorado Springs

                                Hi All,

                                I was just getting ahead so if anyone interested could start looking into the 2nd possible "tropical year frequency" magnetic flux elliptical arc phenomenon at the first experimental laboratory in "Teslas" wireless electricity transmission research. It appears we have the diameter ( plus or minus ) now from Rick that can somewhat be verified now.

                                I attached a thumbnail for clarity.....

                                The known site for the Colorado Springs, Colorado is located at -
                                Tesla & The Great Pyramid

                                38 degrees 50' 4.00" N
                                104 degrees 38' 30.60 W
                                ( red dot )

                                The 200 to 300 foot diameter grounding ring can be visibly seen several hundred feet away to the left -

                                38 degrees 50" 02.02" N
                                104 degrees 38' 35.40 W
                                ( blue dot )

                                The new location 2 1/2 miles away at "Peterson Air Force Base" -
                                Peterson Air Force Base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                38 degrees 48' 42.66" N
                                104 degrees 40' 48.33 W
                                ( green dot )

                                Looking at "Google Earth" note the "no name" circular facility with what looks like a canal system around it, three ends going under a roadway. The fan shaped parking lot is clean and appears to be blocked off with a dirt berm. There are two other parking lots on the right of the road with there access entrances blocked also and only tracks from some vehicles using it are apparent. All the entire parking lot areas appear to be a "HUGE" under ground facility.

                                Peterson AFB is home to the United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), Air Force Space Command (AFSPC), AFSPC's 21st Space Wing (21 SW), Army Space Command, and the Air Force Reserve's 302d Airlift Wing (302 AW). The 21 SW serves as host unit for Peterson AFB.

                                I will be posting information such as this ASAP for several reasons some of which you may understand why .... me paranoid .... not yet.

                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 01-19-2009, 08:46 AM. Reason: corrections and additions
                                Open Source Experimentalist
                                Open Source Research and Development

