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Tesla's wireless electricity transmission

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  • #91
    Originally posted by wpage View Post
    There is a real need for R&D in this area. Since Lightning has been observed in the sky thousands of years. Creatures have marveled at these fire falls and wondered how to master it.
    Since Tesla true concerted efforts toward wireless transmission of power have been rare. Conspiracy and history aside its time for some new developments in this arena

    It looked like the MIT picture shows copper tubing as the transmitter and receiver on their test bed device conductors.
    You might want to take a look at my theory to explain Tesla's wireless energy transmission, as well as "radiant" energy as well as Nemmann's motor:

    To make a long story short:

    Wireless transport of energy is simply the transmission of longitudinal electric waves, which apparantly have the ability to tap off energy from the ZPE (i.e. the sea of positron-electron pairs constantly popping in and out of existence according to Quantum theory) whereby these waves have the marvelous feature to strengthen themselves.

    Because this process creates electrons as well as positrons out of the vacuum, all the "radiant" energy phenomena appear to be a manifestation of electricity with positrons as charge carriers instead of electrons. Since these fellows most likely cannot drift into solid material, they can form a very thin conductive layer *outside* of conductive material, resulting in a very thin, (almost) super-conductive layer just *outside* the surface of conductors, creating a potential barrier not unlike what you see in a pn-junction (diode).


    • #92
      Originally posted by wpage View Post
      Here is what pc mag said about the MIT model...

      Today @ PC World "WiTricity" Delivers Wireless Power Transmission

      There is a real need for R&D in this area of power research. Since Lightning has been observed in the sky thousands of years. Creatures have marveled at these fire falls and wondered how to master it.
      Since Tesla like follow up true concerted efforts toward wireless transmission of power, sans death ray, have been rare. Conspiracy and history aside its time for some new developments in this arena

      It looked like the MIT picture shows copper tubing as the transmitter and receiver on their test bed device conductors. Alleged to have no death ray effect
      Hi wpage,

      Well this technology if you live in the United States has already started with the adoption of "Concrete Encased Electrode Grounding" by the NEC ( National Electrical Code ) 250-52 (A)(3) in 2005, and many states has made this the primary source of "Earth" ground in "all" remodel and new building construction concrete foundations. The present method was "Ground Rods" which one rod at best will give you 25 ohms resistance or a additional ground rod must be added for 25 ohms maximum ( NEC 250-56 ). The "Concrete Encased Electrode" will give you 5 ohms or less resistance and a better "Resonant Frequency" in a grounded transmission or reception device.

      Ufer Ground - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      During World War II, a retired Vice President of Underwriters Laboratories, Herbert G. Ufer, developed it for the U.S. Army. Igloo shaped bomb storage vaults were being built, and possible static and lightning induced detonation problems were of concern. Ground conductivity was poor, and to be effective enough, ground rods would have to be driven several hundred feet. After much research and testing Mr. Ufer advised the Army to make connection to the steel bar that would internally reinforce the concrete foundation. He had determined that concrete was more conductive than all but the best soil, and that this improved semiconducting characteristic would enhance surface area contact with the surrounding soil. The wire ties normally used would be extra secure, and attention would be given to bonding or welding the lattice- type network together. The Army adopted the idea, and built the vaults as specified.

      After construction ground resistance tests were made. No measurement exceeded five ohms. This value was considered extremely low for the local soil conductivity. Later tests confirmed stability. Mr. Ufer went on to develop the concept of concrete encased grounding electrodes. Many of his findings are detailed in IEEE Transactions paper # 63-1505. His system has since been used by the military and High Tec laboratories ever since.

      TESLA Colorado Springs -
      The transmitter produced thunder which was heard as far away as Cripple Creek. People near the lab would observe sparks emitting from the ground to their feet and through their shoes. Some have observed electrical sparks from the fire hydrants (Tesla for a time grounded out to the plumbing of the city). The area around the laboratory would glow with a blue corona (similar to St. Elmo's Fire). ( see thumbnails )

      TESLA'S Words -
      In this system that I have invented it is necessary for the machine to get a grip of the Earth, otherwise it cannot shake the Earth. It has to have a grip on the Earth so that the whole of this globe can quiver .....

      Wardencluffe Tower -
      The Wardenclyffe tower had a shaft sunk 120 ft into the ground, and below that it is said there are 16 iron pipes laid end to end for an additional 300 feet. At this depth (420 feet), Tesla determined that telluric currents (ELF) could easily be transceived from one station to another, at any point on Earth. ( see thumbnail )

      TODAY -
      These "Concrete Encased" grounding rings have been used for years incorporated in the construction of all "Circular or Cyclic Partial Accelerators" or "Gizmos" I call rings are made like a tire enter tube, the rubber concrete with re-enforced steel re-bar with the electronic equipment inside the tube. These concrete tubes are usually buried except for a portion of the top to be moistened by rain or water if needed to maintain 1-5 ohms resistance. There is one very distinct difference between the military and the civil ring "Gizmos" is the government has access to the center area for whatever purpose and the civil ring "Gizmos" have nothing in the centers only the ring. These include the areas of Tesla's work, government laboratories or funded by governments facilities, Camp Upton "Brookhaven National Laboratory New York, Colorado Springs, Colorado Peterson AFB and Fort Carson, a Egyptian Government Facility near the pyramids in "Gazi", Area 51, Cern just to name a few.

      We are already on the way to wireless electrical transmission most people don't know it yet though.

      Attached Files
      Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 02-03-2009, 03:45 AM.
      Open Source Experimentalist
      Open Source Research and Development


      • #93
        Interesting Ground information

        Thanks for the post on significance of grounding. That pic on far left is particularly interesting showing access points from the sides. And relation to natural aquifer.
        Standing on the shoulders of giants like Tesla and others this technology will go forward. It is the key to successful transmission of solar wind and other future energy solutions. Without Wireless transmission of power. It will be difficult to move alternate sources without obstructions.
        Jetijs probably has a prototype working in his garage by now

        "But ye shall receive power..."
        Acts 1:8


        • #94
          Resonance Experiments

          Hi All,
          It appears that some "High Power" resonance experiments may be happening at Colorado Springs, Colorado as I described earlier -

          The Tesla's sites in Colorado Springs, Peterson AFB, Fort Carson with possible Pyramid complex on base and Central Mexico Pyramids at "Wye" connections -

          W 35 degrees 00' Phase A center of circle
          E 85 degrees 00' Phase B center of circle
          W 155 degrees 00' Phase C center of circle

 - Unexplained ground heat burns boy’s feet
          KOAA CH5 NBC News Video

          Resonance in Colorado Springs

          "The highest temperature we got at the surface of the soil with the sun shining on it was 800 degrees, which is pretty darn significant. Radiant heat from the sun will get it up around 150, 160 degrees, but not to that level."

          This area is well within the 6679.17 Km Radius from W155, on the Equator in a 10 to 15 mile wide path in the circular radius ark. With all the circular arks in a CW rotation it seems that the facility at Fort Carson or Peterson AFB must have under shot the target by 16 miles after circling the Earth.

          Open Source Experimentalist
          Open Source Research and Development


          • #95
            Hi Everyone,

            There was an interesting article last week in the local newspaper about Wardenclyffe possibly becoming a museum.

            Plan would create Suffolk museum for physicist Tesla --
            2nd link is Steve Levy
            3rd link is Nikola Tesla


            Last edited by gmeat; 02-06-2009, 03:18 PM.


            • #96
              1901 Colorado Springs - Century Chest

              Hi All,
              I was digging through some historic Colorado Springs documents at -

              Colorado College Special Collections: Colorado Collection

              I found that there was a Colorado Springs "Century Chest" sealed in 1901 to be opened in 2001 and inside something quite interesting from the "Colorado Springs Electric Company" on the Lighting and Heating of Colorado Springs by Geo. Rex Buckman August 3rd, 1901

              It would appear that Tesla doing his experiments in Colorado Springs didn't have that much power to work with for the results he got or at least until the generators stopped producing power blacking out Colorado City and Colorado Springs one night during testing. The newer units the one at Camp Upton "Brookhaven National Laboratory" has four nuclear reactors on site to choose from, Cern, Peterson AFB and Fort Carson are right on the main power grids in there locations, looks as if they have more than enough power.

              QUOTE -

              Until Colorado Springs was about nine years old, its few inhabitants were compelled to depend for their light on the primitive candle or the more pretentious coal oil-lamp. In 1880 a local company was organized to supply the town with illuminating gas which was gradually introduced into the store and office buildings and the better class of dwellings. The gas, which was distributed in mains of cast and wrought iron laid through the principal streets, was at first made by the distillation of coal in clay retorts, the open flame burner with lava tip being generally employed. In 1890 the Lowe water gas process was introduced consisting of the breaking up of water into its constituent gasses by passing steam over burning coal and enriching the hydrogen by means of coal oil.

              Ten years later this process was abandoned and a return made of the old system which is in use at this present time. Many improvements have been made in burners, the most important being the Argaud which increased combustion by the introduction of air; and the Melsbach lamp. This latter, which marked a most important advance in gas lighting, consists essentially of a mantle of cotton web saturated with a solution of the rare earths, which surrounds the gas jet and is rendered incandescent by it. By the use of this burner the illuminating power of gas has been increased about six fold over the old open flame burner, a consumption of 3 1/2 cubic feet per hour being equivalent to from 80 to 100 candles. Gas is also extensively used for fuel, and this part of the subject will be treated under its appropriate head.

              At the present time the consumption of gas in Colorado Springs for light and fuel is about 37.500.000 cubic feet per annum. At this date there are 1916 meters in use. The price to the consumer is $1.80 per thousand cubic feet for illuminating gas, and $1.00 for fuel gas.

              Electric lighting was introduced into Colorado Springs in 1890. The system at first installed was the direct series arc light and the single phase transformer system, using small high speed generators of about 50 kilowatts each. The lamps used were the arc lamp in which the current passes from one carbon point to another, the two separated by a small space, the resistance of the air to the passage of the current producing a brilliant light; and the incandescent lamp in which the resistance is obtained by a delicate filament of carbon coiled in an elliptical glass and in a vacuum.

              In 1900 a new company, the Colorado Springs Electric Company obtained control of the electric lighting company and proceeded to extend the business , building a new generating plant at the coal fields recently opened on the Northern borders of the city, the system installed having in view the production of an electrical current suited for power as well as lighting purposes. The generating units at this new station, which was completed in the spring of 1901, are of 1000 kilowatts.

              The generators are keyed to the shafts of G.H. Corliss horizontal compound engines. The boilers are of the tubular form, made by the Babcock and Millcox Co. The current is a three phase high potential of 6600 volts, 60 p.p.s. which is transformed at the distributing station to 2000 volts. The transmission line is built of Idaho cedar poles, 35 to 50 feet in length. Each circuit consists of three No. 1 B and S gauge hard drawn copper wires arranged in an equilateral triangle with sides about 16 inches in length thus:


              The service is measured by induction watt meters, the unit of charge being a kilowatt hour. The present basis charge for lighting service is 12 1/2 cents per kilowatt hour.

              The use of electricity for power is growing rapidly and at present the extensive reduction mills at Colorado City are operated by the current from the generating station above described. On reaching the mills the current, which is of about 6200 volts, is transformed to 460 volts for the motors, a majority of which are three phase induction, with a few synchronous motors.


              The opening of the 20th century finds coal still the principal fuel used in Colorado Springs for heating and steam purposes. For the heating of dwellings and the smaller public buildings it is used for the most part in stoves in single rooms or in furnaces in basements or cellars whence the heated air is conveyed to the several rooms through flues. During recent years the systems of heating by steam or hot water have been rapidly perfected and are now extensively employed in Colorado Springs as elsewhere. By this system the steam is generated in boilers in the basement and the steam conveyed through wrought iron pipes under very low pressure to cast iron radiators in the several rooms.

              The systems now most commonly used are the so-called "one pipe circuit" the "one pipe over head" and the "webster," these differing in the method of conveying the steam and returning the water of condensation. Steam heating while by far the cheapest especially for large buildings is by no means as healthful as the old-fashioned fire place or the more modern furnace; and on the score of healthfulness the hot water system is preferable. During the past year a start has been made in the introduction into Colorado Springs of the "Holly System" of heating by which steam is generated at a certain station and distributed through pipes aid under the streets to the buildings to be heated. The pipes, which are of wrought steel are enclosed in a shell of wood made by boring a hole through a log, which latter is creosoted and covered with pitch and gravel and lined with tin, between which lining and the pipe is an air space. The water of condensation is not returned but is discharged into the sewers, but before being so discharged it is passed through water meters on which measurement the charge for the service is based. About 200 towns in the United States are now using the Holly System. The special devices in this system are manufactured by the American District Steam Co. of Lockport, New York. The coal used in Colorado Springs is the product of Colorado Mines, the very large proportion being hauled less than 100 miles, and almost one-half of the present consumption being mined at the northern borders of the city.

              In quality it ranges from lignite to a most excellent bituminous; and there is also used quite a little of the anthracite mined at points in the Elk Mountains in Western Colorado, and closely resembling the Lykeus Valley Coal of Pennsylvania. Present retail prices range from $3.00 for the lignite to $5.50 for the best bituminous and $7.50 for the anthracite.

              To large consumers the lignite and poorer bituminous grades are supplied by the car-load, "mine run" at $1.00 per ton or less. The utilization of gas for fuel purposes has made rapid progress during recent years, principally through the perfecting of the gas range for cooking. This has been brought to a point where it is nearly as economical as the coal burning range, while being vastly preferable on the score of cleanliness and convenience. For heating purposes gas has now a limited use, principally in fire places and under conditions where quickness of installation and portability are considerations. Wood and oil have also a limited use for fuel. Pitch pine and pinion are used in fire places; and oil stoves find occasional employment.

              What the heating and the lighting of a century hence will be is an interesting though I fear an idle speculation. Long before that time the rapid exhaustion of the coal beds of the world will have become a serious question. The marvellous results recently obtained in so-called wireless telegraphy point to the possibility of the perfecting of a system where-by electricity generated in enormous quantities at points where vast water power is available, will be so cheaply transmitted over distances now impossible, that it can be used both for heating and lighting. We look to electricity then which has already revolutionized modern industry in many of its departments, to solve this problem for the 21st century.

              Geo. R. Buckman

              Colorado Springs, Colorado
              August 3rd, 1901.

              Attached Files
              Open Source Experimentalist
              Open Source Research and Development


              • #97
                And will solve this problem I hope.


                • #98
                  Here's is a video of apparent wireless energy transfer to LEDs, by Dr. Stiffler.

                  YouTube - Spatial Energy Coherence, Cool White #6


                  • #99
                    Electrical Transmission Benefits

                    Hi All,

                    There is one tasty bit of information that has been discussed but over looked through the years, it's about grasshoppers. During the 1800's the "mesa" in Colorado Springs was infested with grasshoppers billions of them this is probably why the ancient Indian dwellers of the area went to the cliffs or left.

                    The grasshoppers would show up around the middle of April to May and stay around for four months eating everything in sight estimated 10 to 100 acres a day. It got so bad in 1885 that the governor of Colorado went to congress for help and got none, in 1899 it was the worse it had ever been more like a plague.

                    In the fall of 1899 is when Tesla did his "Electrical Transmission" experiment when he lighted 200 inductive lamps around 26 miles away in Larkspur or Palmer Lake, this was the night when the ground glowed around the Colorado Springs laboratory like "saint elmos fire" and sparks would jump from the ground to your feet when you were walking.

                    In the spring after Tesla left in 1900 the "Grasshoppers" were gone well almost they found one and the "Colorado Beetle" or common potato-bug was gone also. The grasshoppers were never to return again to the "mesa" of Colorado Springs ....

                    Open Source Experimentalist
                    Open Source Research and Development


                    • Hmmm, could Tesla's pest elimination method work to solve other problems?

                      That's quite interesting, Glen. I wonder ... ... could this work during the early summer months here in Maine to wipe out the biting Maine Blackfly population, mosquitos, deerflies, horesflies, mooseflies, etc.?


                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Rick and all

                        Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        That's quite interesting, Glen. I wonder ... ... could this work during the early summer months here in Maine to wipe out the biting Maine Blackfly population, mosquitos, deerflies, horesflies, mooseflies, etc.?


                        Hey Rick,

                        The use of the "Wireless Electrical Transmission " for possible extermination of insects is quite a concept, and worth looking into .... even if it was only to get rid of a few insects without the use of pesticides, just think of getting rid of mosquitos in every little water filled area or hidden hole world wide.

                        The news paper dated information on Tesla and the Colorado Springs area from the Outwest Printing Company, Colorado Mountaineer and the Colorado Springs Gazette after 1878 has been split up and sent over the four corners of the United States any available information is from Denver, Colorado if your lucky. The maps for all the surrounding area of Colorado Springs have also had the same demise, still in existence somewhere in a box or filing cabinet to be seen by appointment "if" you know what your looking for, hopefully its on what you requested to see.

                        Here is a list of the places that most of the information on Colorado Springs is, if you or anyone cares to research Tesla's work and time there -

                        Special Collections « Colorado College Tutt Library

                        Denver Public Library: Western History Genealogy: Digital Images

                        History of the American West (American Memory, Library of Congress)

                        The Colorado College Tutt Library: Colorado Springs Area Early Views Guide

                        City of Colorado Springs - Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum Homepage

                        Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection

                        The Library at the Colorado School of Mines - Arthur Lakes Library

                        IMLS Digital Collections and Content

                        I would have never found the "grasshopper" information if I hadn't looked at just about every photo available in Colorado Springs from 1880 to 1901 (1000's and 1000's) found some fantastic examples and as many news paper articles I could find.

                        The location of Tesla's lab for instance you were really close 2 blocks away because I found a photo of a "Historic" marker to Nikola Tesla in Memorial Park, marking the approximate site of his laboratory on North Foote Avenue and Pikes Peak Avenue. The marker has been removed as far as I can tell

                        There was another News Paper artical using a Tesla coil in a "wireless" configuration for "Electric Farming" which is something that could be another feasible use for "Wireless Electricity Transmission".

                        Article Window

                        The spookiest information kinda unrelated for me is what I found on a government study at the "Cave of the Winds" just miles out side of Colorado Springs on "Earths" magnetic pole reversals from the magnetic sediment found inside of these million year old caves ...... 5 to 10 times in earths history ...... I don't know what this means ...... it just can't be good not at all.

                        The magnetic field of the earth has reversed many times in the past (Tarling, 1983).

                        The bottom line for me is there has been a significant effort to silence Nikola Tesla and to make finding out any information a task to be reckoned with, the United States government has a 100 year head start on us all.

                        Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 02-17-2009, 06:16 AM. Reason: grammer
                        Open Source Experimentalist
                        Open Source Research and Development


                        • Long Island - New York

                          Hi All,

                          It's back to New York for some of the "rest of the story" ..... It appears as Nikola Tesla was having his problems with J.P. Morgan on the financing of the Wardenclyffe project in April of 1915 Tesla went to work for a German radio company "Telefunken" in Sayville, New York ( 40 44' 36.26"N, 73 6' 10.93"W ) only 18 miles from the Wardenclyffe laboratory in Shoreham, New York and 4.5 miles from A/PH-CL1 circular ark radius point.

                          The is the same circular ark set I talk about that ties together "Wardencleffe" Tesla's Laboratory facility in New York, Camp Upton "Brookhaven National Laboratory the Pyramids in "Gazi" lower Chile and Argentina and Thunguska at-

                          W 24 degrees 00' Phase A center of circle *A/PH-CL1
                          E 96 degrees 00' Phase B center of circle
                          W 144 degrees 00' Phase C center of circle

                          The US Navy took over this facility July 9, 1915 because of German spy's that were possibly using this station to communicate with the company's other transmitter in "Nauen" Germany built in 1905 ( 52 38' 49.07"N, 12 54' 30.50"E ) this is 23 miles from A/PH-CL1 circular ark radius point.

                          In 1915 the US Navy increased the "Spark-Gap" transmitter from 35 KW to 100 KW and added 3 new wooden pole towers and in July 1918 a new self contained power source and a new 200 KW "Spark-Gap" transmitter power source with more antennas. The station was operated by the US Navy from 1915 to 1995 when it was decommissioned and is still owned by the US government.

                          You can see one of the wooden pole antennas to the right of the road ...

                          Here are some good "YouTube" Videos of the area, and of the "Wooden Pole" antennas -

                          YouTube - TohNevo Urban Exploring: Telefunken
                          YouTube - Urban Explorers: Telefunken

                          With this letter I found it appears that Tesla worked non stop from "Telefunken" to the "US Navy" on this New York site.

                          Here is a Black and White Image from Terra Server dated April 1994 and a color Image from "Google Earth" dated May 2007 -

                          The wooden poles can be seen laying on the ground using "Google Earth" close up. The red dots on the above images is the two "Diamond" shape antenna arrays and the green dots are what looks like burnt ground possibly sterilized earth, because it appears the same over 15 years between images.

                          No wonder Tesla let the Architect designed "Wardenclyffe" tower get destroyed by the "US Navy" as he appears to have snuck in the engineering requirements in the "Telefunken" site not making the same mistake he did with J.P Morgan on details of construction.

                          This is where all the real action took place I think from the Ship Yard experiments to power for the 1931 Pierce Arrow that was converted by Tesla to run from a 12"x24"x6" box with a 6 foot antenna made from radio tubes and parts from a local hardware store.

                          The search continues .......

                          Open Source Experimentalist
                          Open Source Research and Development


                          • I just want to say that this is some great info guys, thank you and please continue. I'm sure everyone else reading is enjoying the postings as well.
                            Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                            • Re: Telefunken site

                              Very interesting, Glen.

                              Say, after dropping my wife off at the hairdressers today, I walked to our local library and just figured I would do a search on "Tesla" to see if they had anything. I didn't expect to find much, so I was quite pleasantly surprised to find a copy of the book, Tesla - Master of Lightning sitting on a shelf. It had only been lent out 4 times since 2002. A lot of excellent photographs, and some very interesting reading. I couldn't find anything in there about Telefunken, but it did mention that, before World War I, "a German firm had been licensed to use Tesla's wireless patents to builld a radio station for the US Naval Radio Service on Mystic Island near Tuckerton, New Jersey. The system far surpassed the single-channel transatlantic cable, since it was built to operate on several adjacent frequency channels and to transmit in multiplex mode. Chief Engineer Emil mayer reported to Tesla that messages from the station were being received at a a distance of nine thousand miles." The book says that the government closed the station when war broke out, "for fear that submarines could use it as a navigational beacon."

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Rick

                                Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                Very interesting, Glen.

                                Say, after dropping my wife off at the hairdressers today, I walked to our local library and just figured I would do a search on "Tesla" to see if they had anything. I didn't expect to find much, so I was quite pleasantly surprised to find a copy of the book, Tesla - Master of Lightning sitting on a shelf. It had only been lent out 4 times since 2002. A lot of excellent photographs, and some very interesting reading. I couldn't find anything in there about Telefunken, but it did mention that, before World War I, "a German firm had been licensed to use Tesla's wireless patents to builld a radio station for the US Naval Radio Service on Mystic Island near Tuckerton, New Jersey. The system far surpassed the single-channel transatlantic cable, since it was built to operate on several adjacent frequency channels and to transmit in multiplex mode. Chief Engineer Emil mayer reported to Tesla that messages from the station were being received at a a distance of nine thousand miles." The book says that the government closed the station when war broke out, "for fear that submarines could use it as a navigational beacon."

                                Hi Rick,
                                I almost missed the "Telefunken" site ..... the Colorado Springs got me side tracked looking for the brass ring. I can fairly be sure that the information on the closure in 1917 was the destruction of the Wardencluffe tower, the "Telefunken" site was full steam ahead until 1995 from the US Navy there total occupation in July 9,1915 the total seizure by the US Government on February 9, 1917 to the forfeiture of Germany for reparations of damages due to WW1 in November 1918.

                                U. S. Blows Up Tesla Radio Tower (1917)
                                Sayville History and Museums

                                The key appears to be the Alternator, Spark Wireless Transmitter -
                                Alternator, Arc and Spark - The First Wireless Transmitters

                                And the 1931 Pierce Arrow is a big part of the "Wireless Electrical" transmission of power ..... it's all has to be connected.

                                Best Regards,
                                Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 02-25-2009, 07:56 AM. Reason: spelling
                                Open Source Experimentalist
                                Open Source Research and Development

