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Nothing makes sense anymore.

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  • Nothing makes sense anymore.

    I'm in an awkward phase to say the least. It got sparked a few days ago. From day to day my logic fluctuates with what it knows and what makes sense. Today I might understand the concept of inductance the other it's a completely vague concept with some differential term that somehow has a relation to this and that while being bound here and there that relates to the whole circuit blablablablablabla...

    It just completely breaks down and I feel like I'm at square 1 understanding nothing of it. I keep trying to dissect it step by step and if I do this too long the train of thought also gets long and starts to fade and I end up asking myself "huh, what was I just doing?". It's completely chaotic. How is this supposed to be simple if the information out there is OVERWHELMING. There's just too much and imo the internet is not doing it justice.

    Everyday I feel like I have learned very little while I know I can do much more and better. I keep believing maybe one day something will snap in my brain and suddenly I would see the BIG PICTURE, but it didn't happen so far.

    I think I have exposed myself to this information well for too long that I have forgotten the BEING part and need to take a step back and go meditate or something.

  • #2
    Broli, Hey dude, take a break, read a good novel, go fishin (or do anything elts you enjoy) You are suffering from a brain overload, or commonly called "a brain fart".
    The cure is sometimes instantaneous!!
    Last edited by Beshires1; 01-11-2009, 02:35 AM.


    • #3
      Ya I like the derivative thing.

      Take a read of the analogies about inductance and momentum.

      What I understand is that the Voltage is like force and the movement of current is like the movement of mass.

      If you try to stop the movement of a mass say like a car very fast ie the dv/dt is very high (like when it smashes into a brick wall) then the Force generated is huge. Same as the current ... if you try to stop it vary fast di/dt is high then the voltage generated is huge. The inductor is like the storage of energy similar to the energy storage in the moving massive car (f=m dv/dt similar to v= -L di/dt).

      AHHHHHH Who knows. Maybe going fishing is a good bet to clear the mind.


      • #4
        Warning: Cheesy philosophic musings ahead

        I think we've tapped into one of the major problems that Humankind faces when it comes to understanding science... And an explanation of how scientific... and even religious... dogma grows so powerful.

        People are often afraid of the unknown (unconsciously perhaps); daunted and disturbed by the confusion that comes from dealing with monumental riddles with so many possible solutions. It is much more comforting to arbitrarily accept one line of thought, one theory, one explanation... Maybe even one religion that explains it all... It allows us to put aside the unanswerable questions that we just can't quite comprehend because it is all too big and we are too small.

        Everything MUST have a label, everything MUST have a pat answer to it's "how" and "why"... That way we can rest easy and go on to more profitable endeavors. Maybe that's not such a bad thing altogether

        But perhaps that is also why scientific dogma is so strong, why so many will cling to it with such strength, even to the point of ignoring Scientific Method itself: Because the unacceptable alternative is "anarchy".

