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Nothing makes sense anymore.

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  • Nothing makes sense anymore.

    I'm in an awkward phase to say the least. It got sparked a few days ago. From day to day my logic fluctuates with what it knows and what makes sense. Today I might understand the concept of inductance the other it's a completely vague concept with some differential term that somehow has a relation to this and that while being bound here and there that relates to the whole circuit blablablablablabla...

    It just completely breaks down and I feel like I'm at square 1 understanding nothing of it. I keep trying to dissect it step by step and if I do this too long the train of thought also gets long and starts to fade and I end up asking myself "huh, what was I just doing?". It's completely chaotic. How is this supposed to be simple if the information out there is OVERWHELMING. There's just too much and imo the internet is not doing it justice.

    Everyday I feel like I have learned very little while I know I can do much more and better. I keep believing maybe one day something will snap in my brain and suddenly I would see the BIG PICTURE, but it didn't happen so far.

    Almost everything I read for research purpose makes it all the more chaotic. Every question is followed by 10 more and so on.

    I think I have exposed myself to this information-well for too long that I have forgotten the BEING part and need to take a step back and go meditate or something.

  • #2
    Hi Broli

    You are not alone!

    Many people are grappling around in the dark trying to understand and apply conventional EE electrical theory and at the same time supporting those trying to persuade others that EE has got it all wrong. Its a hopeless situation which is only going to result in confusion and tears. EE principles may prove to be wrong but until they are learnt they cannot be disproved any more than alternative theories can be proved correct by applying EE principles incorrectly.

    Time for a pint.



    • #3
      "One afternoon, which is ever present in my recollection, I was enjoying a walk with my friend in the city park and reciting poetry. At that age I knew entire books by heart, word for word. One of these was Goethe's Faust. The sun was just setting and reminded me of a glorious passage:

      The glow retreats, done is the day of toil;
      It yonder hastes, new fields of life exploring;
      Ah, that no wing can lift me from the soil
      Upon its track to follow, follow soaring!

      As I uttered these inspiring words the idea came like a flash of lightning and in an instant the truth was revealed. I drew with a stick on the sand the diagram shown six years later in my address before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and my companion understood them perfectly. The images I saw were wonderfully sharp and clear and had the solidity of metal and stone, so much so that I told him, "See my motor here; watch me reverse it." I cannot begin to describe my emotions. Pygmalion seeing his statue come to life could not have been more deeply moved. "

      Nikola Tesla

      "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

      “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
      Nikola Tesla


      • #4
        Broli you are overworked
        All things you learn, need time too, to seddle down.
        You cant allways eat and eat and have no Rest.
        And you need to sort all the Informations you got for yourself too.
        Plus you have a Biorythmus, where you have Phases of create and break from your Mind Body and Soul.
        When you are at the Restphase, you are lesser creative at this Areas from Mind Body and Soul.
        For this time do only smaller Things. That dont exhause you that much.
        And maybe concentrate more at one Thing, i think this World is to big for one Mind.
        Take a Break and some deep Breaths and look for some distraction.
        All the Things dont need to be done now and yet and today.
        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


        • #5

          Take your head off, and feel the feeling. There are more faculties at one's disposal than the conscious mind, which is good, because the poor thing is really very limited. Your mind is fighting you for control, trying to grasp what it cannot reach. The ego does not easily give up control - even the impulse to 'go and meditate' IMO is an attempt at control.

          Switch the mind off.

          Or, a good trick to play on your mind/ego is to read 'god I am' by peter o'erbe.

          If you send out 'i am trying to understand all this', the universe says 'ok, you are trying to understand this' and it is what you create the experience of.

          Better to realise that the knowing already IS. Sure, you may not comprehend it consciously, but like I said, the conscious mind has an inflated opinion of itself..


          Here is a good meditation though, if you want one.

          1; be mindful of your identity, say in your mind or vocalise, 'Om' (as in the au in aught and 'm') for one breath out, wait, then breath in with the return energy.

          2; be mindful of your body and on breath out say 'shakti' ( as in the shu sound in shan't and 'k' 'tee') wait and breath in with the return

          3; be mindful of the world/ or any concept you wish to resonate with, and again as above while having concept / image in mind, 'shakti'

          4; visualize the infinite, the all-there-is, 'shakti'

          5; be mindful of your heart, this time chanting 'aum' as before, and feeling the energy return on the inbreath

          What it is saying is, 'i am' 'at peace with my body' 'at peace with the world/concept' 'at peace with all there is' 'all of which I am love'

          Feels great...
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • #6
            be wigglely

            I know of what you speak of.
            I sometimes fear I'm learning invalid concepts that will only cloud my mind.
            You can't know what white is without knowing what black is, whatever that means.

            Knowledge does not always bring about understanding and also
            understanding does come sometimes without the knowledge.
            You've hear it before: "I don't know how it works, only that it does."

            Pieces of a puzzle don't always fit into the current picture you are
            trying to focus upon or at least then don't seem to fit at the time you looking at them.

            Take a break and Watch Alan Watts - A Conversation With Myself (Full)

            I have a beef about something not making sense which I can point my finger at.
            It's the NON-USE of the decimal point and replacing it with a comma in numbers.
            I'm seeing it occur more and more.
            From a data stand point, This is very bogus and very wrong! It has not a
            sound bases for it's use and it just another way to bring about confusion and
            lack of being able to search data. If it continues it will become impossible to
            scan and comprehend meaning of these numbers without contextual knowledge first being known.

            Hoping you of mind
            Remember to be kind to your mind ...
            Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


            • #7
              Originally posted by broli View Post
              I'm in an awkward phase to say the least. It got sparked a few days ago. From day to day my logic fluctuates with what it knows and what makes sense. Today I might understand the concept of inductance the other it's a completely vague concept with some differential term that somehow has a relation to this and that while being bound here and there that relates to the whole circuit blablablablablabla...

              It just completely breaks down and I feel like I'm at square 1 understanding nothing of it. I keep trying to dissect it step by step and if I do this too long the train of thought also gets long and starts to fade and I end up asking myself "huh, what was I just doing?". It's completely chaotic. How is this supposed to be simple if the information out there is OVERWHELMING. There's just too much and imo the internet is not doing it justice.

              Everyday I feel like I have learned very little while I know I can do much more and better. I keep believing maybe one day something will snap in my brain and suddenly I would see the BIG PICTURE, but it didn't happen so far.

              Almost everything I read for research purpose makes it all the more chaotic. Every question is followed by 10 more and so on.

              I think I have exposed myself to this information-well for too long that I have forgotten the BEING part and need to take a step back and go meditate or something.
              tell me about it its a nightmare round and round in circle. thinking i now whats happening then it all goes up in my face, me seeing it All wroung
              but you learn a little each time.
              But its easy too get side track by a link or a post.


              • #8
                Thanks guys. I'm much more relaxed and aware. It's amazing how easily and fast we can lose grip of it all. But I feel stable again now.


                • #9
                  Try to integrate all your small parts(L, C, R, Transformer) into one piece, I believe that is just what you need to do. Take a look at the late VIC of Meyer and the pancake coil of Tesla. Otherwise maybe too many factors will destabilize your circuit. Nature is simple, the planets are all el. components in one piece. You will receive the info needed, just take a step back and get some more books(Dollard, Meyl, Tesla etc) and sort out what makes sense and what does not. It will take time and it consumes you easily....

                  I just understood how Meyer´s gas processor/gas ignition works.

                  Took me a long time to get it because there is too much bad noise out there. Pen and paper and many information sources solve any trouble.

                  HHO is negatively charged, his laser/gas processor charges oxygen positive, his charged water mist injection is a catalyzer and temperature insulator and his water spark plug enhances the ignition. The recycled exhaust pipe water dampens the reaction.

                  So he really got it right and the logic is there now, not much HHO is needed since pos-neg implosion is so powerful. Just do the VIC and the rest will come easy. Finally the WFC secret is unfolding to everybody.


                  • #10
                    Hang in there!

                    This too shall pass

                    Hang in there for better days
                    "But ye shall receive power..."
                    Acts 1:8


                    • #11
                      Hi Broli,
                      Alternative energy research is not for the feint of heart. Just when you think you know something, you find out you don't. I can't tell you how many times I though I had a brilliant design for something, only to build it and find out it doesn't work.
                      The hardest part of this work for me is turning "failure" into learning steps. Looking back I can see the steps all leading up to where I am now, and looking forward I see more steps still. We all want the final step without having to climb the staircase. However, somebody has to initially find the way. That's what we're doing here. Besides, the value is in the journey, not in the destination.
                      There is nothing wrong with modern electrical theory. One just has to see it for what it is, which is limited. Radiant energy, negative electricity, magnetic current, are all variations of the same thing. They behave slightly differently, but all come from the same source.
                      Building is the best way I've found to really understand a concept. You don't need a lot of tools or money to build either. Scrounging up the parts initially takes some effort and imagination, but it's good practice. Scrounging, recycling and improvising are key talents that need to be finely honed, unless you have more money than sense. Dumpster diving will become second nature. A dumpster that provides a steady stream of salvageable equipment should be considered a natural resource, and mined accordingly.
                      Start modestly and build your way up. There is no lack of concepts to explore and discover. I have at least two years of experiments I want to try if I ever find the time. It's endless.
                      Alternative energy is a drug that is very addicting. There is no high like the moment of inspiration or success. Figuring out a new solution or design can be quite exhilarating. But, it also comes with the hangover of defeat, which can feel crushing at times.
                      Nevertheless, no self respecting junkie lets a hangover stop him from vigorously pursuing his addiction. Neither should we let minor irritations like lack of money, tools, supplies and space hinder our search for the ultimate fix. Hang in there buddy.


                      P.S. Be careful of information indigestion. It's easy to get overloaded and overwhelmed. Try sticking to one subject and read all you can about just that. Too much variety will make you crazy.


                      • #12
                        "I feel your pain" ... Bill Clinton

                        Not only was I schooled as an EE, but I haven't had to apply my technical knowledge for almost 20 years. So I'm in a position where I have to try to remember everything I was taught, and then FORGET IT! And I'm trying to digest way too many O/U concepts. They are all swimming around in my head. All I can say is, thank God for beer.

                        From the great comedy troupe Firesign Theater, "Everything You Know Is Wrong."


                        • #13

                          Very weird things have happened since that day I made the post. Everything is starting to come into place and I feel I have a very high understanding of what I couldn't grasp that day. There's a pattern. Fill yourself up and let it blow off .


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by broli View Post

                            Very weird things have happened since that day I made the post. Everything is starting to come into place and I feel I have a very high understanding of what I couldn't grasp that day. There's a pattern. Fill yourself up and let it blow off .
                            great news Broli I now know who to ask if I have any problems with inductance

                            "I feel your pain" ... Bill Clinton

                            Not only was I schooled as an EE, but I haven't had to apply my technical knowledge for almost 20 years. So I'm in a position where I have to try to remember everything I was taught, and then FORGET IT! And I'm trying to digest way too many O/U concepts. They are all swimming around in my head. All I can say is, thank God for beer.

                            From the great comedy troupe Firesign Theater, "Everything You Know Is Wrong."
                            Are you the brain specialist?

                            Sorry, couldn't resists!

                            (Monty Python referance)
                            "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

                            “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
                            Nikola Tesla


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Ted Ewert View Post
                              Hi Broli,
                              Alternative energy research is not for the feint of heart. Just when you think you know something, you find out you don't. I can't tell you how many times I though I had a brilliant design for something, only to build it and find out it doesn't work.
                              The hardest part of this work for me is turning "failure" into learning steps. Looking back I can see the steps all leading up to where I am now, and looking forward I see more steps still. We all want the final step without having to climb the staircase. However, somebody has to initially find the way. That's what we're doing here. Besides, the value is in the journey, not in the destination.
                              There is nothing wrong with modern electrical theory. One just has to see it for what it is, which is limited. Radiant energy, negative electricity, magnetic current, are all variations of the same thing. They behave slightly differently, but all come from the same source.
                              Building is the best way I've found to really understand a concept. You don't need a lot of tools or money to build either. Scrounging up the parts initially takes some effort and imagination, but it's good practice. Scrounging, recycling and improvising are key talents that need to be finely honed, unless you have more money than sense. Dumpster diving will become second nature. A dumpster that provides a steady stream of salvageable equipment should be considered a natural resource, and mined accordingly.
                              Start modestly and build your way up. There is no lack of concepts to explore and discover. I have at least two years of experiments I want to try if I ever find the time. It's endless.
                              Alternative energy is a drug that is very addicting. There is no high like the moment of inspiration or success. Figuring out a new solution or design can be quite exhilarating. But, it also comes with the hangover of defeat, which can feel crushing at times.
                              Nevertheless, no self respecting junkie lets a hangover stop him from vigorously pursuing his addiction. Neither should we let minor irritations like lack of money, tools, supplies and space hinder our search for the ultimate fix. Hang in there buddy.


                              P.S. Be careful of information indigestion. It's easy to get overloaded and overwhelmed. Try sticking to one subject and read all you can about just that. Too much variety will make you crazy.
                              the little ps at the bottom is the most important and useful advice.
                              niceone ted

