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Big Joule Theif

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  • Big Joule Thief

    I have made the big joule thief successfully I have BUX48A as BUX80 was not available. I stay in a village and the power outing is very high, hence i wanted to know the following information:
    1. When I operate the big joule thief on 6v smf what is the maximum load it can handle?
    2. What is the protection I can use to protect the O/P and the battery?
    3. How can I get max benefit from this circuit in the village?

    I have made a 6v smf battery charger that was given in LED automatic emergency light. There is not way to read the status of the battery in this circuit. Please provide me with a simple battery condition indicator circuit that i can use with this circuit.

    Best regards


    • I have made the big joule thief successfully I have BUX48A as BUX80 was not available. I stay in a village and the power outing is very high, hence i wanted to know the following information:
      1. When I operate the big joule thief on 6v smf what is the maximum load it can handle?
      2. What is the protection I can use to protect the O/P and the battery?
      3. How can I get max benefit from this circuit in the village?

      Joule thief is not producing sufficient current when powered with 12v battery to light 25w bulb.

      I have made a 6v smf battery charger that was given in LED automatic emergency light. There is not way to read the status of the battery in this circuit. Please provide me with a simple battery condition indicator circuit that i can use with this circuit.

      Best regards


      • just wanted to see how low i could light a led..

        YouTube - microamp bw jt
        Attached Files


        • Hi folks, Hi kooler, thanks for sharing your latest work with your BWJT.
          I built the circuit using a trifilar coil i had made before with 24 gauge which has a cylinder ferrite core and each coil strand is 4.2 ohms, of course only used 2 strands.
          I used a green christmas led using 2 AA nimh at 2.7 volts.
          I used a 330 picofarad capacitor.
          used a 1 megaohm resistor.
          used a 2n2222 npn transistor.

          It's oscillating, since i can't light the led straight from the battery using the 1 megaohm resistor.
          It is using 125 microamps at the 2.7 volts for 338 microwatts.
          I'd say the led is 15-20% of full brightness.
          Here is a pic of it running

          Uploaded with
          peace love light


          • skywatcher
            looks good..
            the cap is the freq..
            and different transistors make huge jumps in draw..
            the tip3055 has brighter flashes than any transistor.. when its turn down to microamp range.. but their getting hard to find..
            if that spool of wire you got is trifillar with a core you can probably light the led on the secondary..



            • Hi kooler, thanks for the reply and suggestions.
              I tried hooking another green led across the secondary and it did light up, but it seemed to spilt the output between the two leds. Which made the light dimmer.
              I'm not sure if your suggesting changing something in the circuit or not connecting something else in order to run the led off the secondary at similar output levels.
              At any rate this sure seems promising.
              I wonder if this led can be lit at the brightness I'm seeing going direct to battery with resistor or some other way, while using such low power.
              338 microwatts sure seems low power to be getting this brightness, that's why I'm wondering if this can be done in some more traditional way or this is something special possibly.
              Have you tried powering anything else with this setup?
              I plan on making more tests with this circuit, sure seems worthy.
              peace love light


              • Hi folks, i've been watching some of your videos kooler and comments and such and have a better understanding.
                Also, I have noticed the volts on my batteries tending to climb as well.
                I plan to try some of my ferrite toroids next.
                peace love light


                • hey
                  this is when i first posted it..

                  in the video that i have the cfl in the dark..
                  it uses this circuit on a small flyback coil..
                  it uses high freq to do its job 106 khz and up..
                  so steel and iron powered core dont do the best..
                  the kool part of this circuit is that the freq is the same ..
                  ex; 106khz at 100ma's all the the way down to 2 ua's
                  just change the cap to get the freq, up or down..
                  theres alot of ways to build this..
                  glad you like it.. ..



                  • Hi kooler, thanks for the link, I have been to that thread in the past, though never studied it well enough.
                    I've been testing your more basic bwjt with led off primary flyback and it works well also. Also tried my ferrite toroid using a secondary which seems to draw more current.
                    I seem to recall you had a circuit to feedback to the battery also, i will try that also.
                    I'm lighting a white led at 1.34 volts AA nimh probably half brightness using .1 uf capacitor,
                    mpsA92 300 volt pnp high voltage transistor that works very well with a 10k resistor. Not sure the amp draw cause i blew the fuse in my meter. Though amp draw is low since battery is flipping between 1.343 and 1.344 volts for a long time now.
                    peace love light


                    • Halo Light Circuit by Lidmotor


                      I know that I'm very late to the party, but could anyone help with a copy of the circuit to the Halo Light by Lidmotor. I'm trying to duplicate his circuit.

                      Thanks in Advance


                      • The "Halo Light" circuit

                        Originally posted by rooster View Post

                        I know that I'm very late to the party, but could anyone help with a copy of the circuit to the Halo Light by Lidmotor. I'm trying to duplicate his circuit.

                        Thanks in Advance
                        Here is the circuit for the "Halo Light". I have used this thing many times but I eventually altered it to a simpler design. I completely abandoned the second battery and charging part of the circuit. It is really no better that a store bought fluorescent camping light now but I enjoy using something that I built. The whole project was fun and many people were involved. Ash took the idea and developed it further into a light, fan, and Bedini charger.




                        • Thanks none the less Lidmotor

                          I try replicating it this weekend.

                          Thanks again.


                          • Do care about that point? do you check it?

                            Hi and Happy new year to you!

                            I've seen many videos, including Lidmotors, but looks to me that something is not very seen and not really perfectly checked.

                            Using high frequencies, one increases ionisation phenomena and orders molecular oscillations (phonons) in the solid conductors or gas.

                            While doing this, we just drop down the resistance and THAT, could be taken for an a big surge of power, active power, while it's only an increase of passive power.

                            The other problem is that with high frequencies and very thin pics of voltage, normal measurement fails to give the real power or voltage nor currant, and any way, "power" as state just before, is not the right question, but "energy"!

                            So, I propose a very simple (and sheep because no need of expensive instruments! ) way to check if any real overunity or real Joules thief (some have merely done already but never as I could have seen until the end or completely):

                            Just make each time 2 experiments:

                            1. with the device need to be checked with the load, device powered by a battery,

                            2. without the device and directly powered by the battery with the same load.

                            in the tow case we just measure the time of complete discharge (if any discharge there is with the device ).

                            I know it's too simple and any body know well all this, but why so it's not really used? :/ Should be systematic and it's very standard process in laboratories, these kind of double test...

                            Up to you to follow my proposition but it could make everybody win precious time if we could immediacy know what really works or not as overunity systems, what do you think?

                            Trying to understand perfectly something, observing by one's self to check the truth, is the only way to skills and to protect oneself from false data and rumors.


                            • Blinking JT

                              Hi All,
                              Please help me, I try to replicate the BJT using 3055 & 20 mm diameter torroid to light up 3W LED Bulb, it just blinking.
                              Here is my vid.
                              Blinking JT ---- Need Help - YouTube

                              Thank a lot for your advice


                              • Toroidal Resonator Results

                                Hello Jeanna, Lidmotor and all... Included are the results from experiments on this resonator device.
                                The notes state that upon generating a spark gap, the base resistor will readily overheat.

                                Last edited by ekpod; 11-05-2012, 12:20 PM.

