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Workings of the gray tube

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  • #61
    Just a few points of order.

    Cset - conversion element switching tube. Not just a switch.

    Disruptive discharge - rfi? What exactly is being disrupted?
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • #62
      Disruptive Event

      During a disruptive event, it is the ether which is disrupted. Mystery Schools of the mid twentieth century taught that there are seven states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, atomic (plasma), sub atomic, etheric, and super etheric. The ether is a type of fluid which is composed of particles smaller than an electron or other sub atomic fragments, such as quarks. Tesla discovered that when HV is suddenly applied to a wire, it causes the ether to explode outwards, in the form of tiny particles or droplets. The ether penetrates all mass and entrains it, so when these tiny corpuscles of ether move outwards from a thin conductor, they carry the mass with them and the wire explodes. This explosive effect on small wires is why Tesla referred to it as a disruptive event. He later found that the same thing happens to the ether when larger conductors are used, such as a copper tubing hoop shaped like an Omega electrode even though the mass was too great to be carried outwards with the ether.

      Tesla believed that a certain minimum voltage was needed to produce the disruptive event, and he stated that this is around 15kV. Of course, this is much more than Edwin Gray was using. However, I've found that small wires will explode at a smaller voltage if bi polar energy is used. For instance, if I send my Puff Spark through a light bulb, one of the thin wires which support the filament will explode, blasting the light bulb, but leaving the filament intact. Also if I Puff a spark plug, when the bi polar energy hits the carbon, the ceramic body in that area explodes, breaking the plug in half. At much lower levels of bi polar energy, from both a cap and a coil, such as with the Water Sparkplug circuit, the carbon only blocks the expansive effect inside the spark. (That's why they use non resistor plugs.)

      With the Gray circuit, the bi polar energy passes through the long electrode before it reaches the carbon, so the disruptive event would be backed up, sending the ether outwards from the electrode through the grids. As the ether passes through the grids, it places a charge on them and also pulls a positive longitudinal pulse through the connected circuit. (A Pull Projects Longitudinal Energy - APPLE.) So the power is converted into longitudinal energy.

      At this point, we don't know for sure that the orignial Gray Tube incorporated a disruptive event, although the component can be used in that fashion.
      Last edited by Electrotek; 02-03-2009, 07:45 PM.


      • #63
        Let the master say about it ;-)

        "Of course, the higher the tension of the generator, the smaller need be the capacity of the condensers, and for this reason, principally, it is of advantage to employ a generator of very high tension. Besides, such a generator permits the attaining of greater rates of vibration.
        The rushes of current may be of the same direction under the conditions
        before assumed, but most generally there is an oscillation superimposed
        upon the fundamental vibration of the current. When the conditions are
        so determined that there are no oscillations, the current impulses are
        unidirectional and thus a means is provided of transforming a continuous
        current of high tension, into a direct current of lower tension,
        which I think may find employment in the arts."

        Nikola Tesla

        Interesting, huh? I believe that original Cole circuit (if it was Tesla transformer) has implemented a variable resistance to match resonance of capacitor+ spark gap circuit.Apparently Gray didn't know about it.By carefully adjusting self-induction and resistance of wires spark has an imprinted high frequency oscillations.


        • #64

          Reading this, I feel just like when I left high-school with the impression that I had a pretty good idea what mathematics was all about. Then I met mathematics professors at University....

          Can you say that my positrion-electron theory can be seen as a simplification of aether-theory, or would you say I'm just plain wrong?

          And, er, what is bi-polar energy?

          Hmm, it seems my theory already has a name: EPOLA:

          Introduction to epola

          Last edited by lamare; 02-04-2009, 02:41 PM. Reason: Added EPOLA info


          • #65
            @lamare: Bi-polar energy is energy from two sources, such as a cap and a coil. This is not the same as biphasic, or dipolar, energy since bi-polar energies can have the same polarity.

            I think your longitudinal shock wave theory has a LOT of merit, although I haven't thought all the way through it yet, to see if there are any cracks. Yesterday I was thinking about it and it occured to me that what you're describing might be even more pronounced when the wave is superluminal, which is the case with lower frequencies. Or, subluminal velocities might be required. (I'm getting a headache.)

            But there is a distinction in my mind between "ether" and "aether". True Believers who still want to bow to those who say there is no ether started putting the a on the front, to signify they're talking about something different from the original 'substance'. (Which has a positive charge, since the constituent particles are too small to include electrons.) Some say the aether is made up of bi directional Whittaker Waves. Others say it's the 'quantum foam' which rapidly vibrates into and out of existance - at any temperature and any pressure. But a dipole will move itself across a gradient. So who's right about what EM waves propagate through remains to be seen.


            • #66
              My thoughts.

              Originally posted by lamare View Post

              Reading this, I feel just like when I left high-school with the impression that I had a pretty good idea what mathematics was all about. Then I met mathematics professors at University....

              Can you say that my positrion-electron theory can be seen as a simplification of aether-theory, or would you say I'm just plain wrong?

              And, er, what is bi-polar energy?

              Hmm, it seems my theory already has a name: EPOLA:

              Introduction to epola
              Your theory is based off the current math setup designed to only explain one aspect of electricity. Anything else was striped off to not make the rest invalid.
              What you must do is look at what Gray was saying he was doing then look at where it came from. Here is a link to what i think he was doing. Read all of it and you will start to see the exact method that Gray didn't include in the tubes patent application.

              Nikola Tesla - The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla - The Man who invented the 20th Century

              This link when read fully completely describes the Gray tube. But only one half of the whole system. You need two tubes to get a complete polarity pair.

              If you try this without seperating the negative from the positive you ruin the effects. And if you don't use a carbon chuck on one end you won't have enough resistance to make sure it is a one way pulse with no current leak. Also you need to reincorporate the magnetic quenching part or the arc space which would allow for quicker pulsing automatically (by gap space and cap size). Using a pancake coil around the copper bussbar instead of the grid would make the effect much stronger.
              Please if you do these mods make sure you can deal with 100k voltages on the output or higher. The coil sizes are discussed in the same link and give a rudimentairy starting point to design the approriate output.
              I hope this helps some of you understand where this came from and who should be properly credited for the effects shown. I know I am building a small version to check it out but those of you who are experimenting with the Gray tube might learn why it isn't working for them.


              • #67
                I think I finally got it. The CSET suddenly makes a lot of sense in combination with driving a coil at it's natural resonance frequency. It just struck me today how it must be while I was working on an article in which I intended to describe the electret effect I think is the secret behind Meyers Water Fuel Cell. Anyway, here is what I think is the answer we were looking for for so long:

                Article:The Electret Effect - PESWiki

                Normally, when you drive a half open coil at its natural resonance frequency, such as in a transmitter, you connect one side of the coil to ground and that is the side you drive. This is what Dr. Stiffler does, for example. With this technique, you make a tap in the coil somewhere at about 25% of the coil and at exactly the right time, you pull that tap trough a transistor up to the positive of your power supply. That way you basically steer a current trough the coil, you move the charge carriers around. On the other, open, side of the coil obviously no current flows and as you can see from Dr. Stifflers experiments, there is high voltage at that side of the coil.

                Now let's get that straight. When you drive a half open coil at its natural resonance frequency, at one side of the coil you have zero voltage and high current, while at the other side you have zero current, but high voltage. Now this is obviously interesting, since we already know we can create high voltages almost for free. That is, we can create a strong electric field for free and as long as the charges outside our system that may be affected by this field cannot influence the charge carriers in our system, we can use that field for free.

                New enter Gray's "Conversion Switching Element Tube" (CSET). This consist of two rods, "connected" trough a spark gap, and concentric with those a grid in the shape of a tube. Now obviously, if you would connect that grid to the open end of a resonating coil, the voltage of the grid would go up and down in the rythm of the coil resonance frequency. However, because any current that could be flowing trough the rod in the centre of the tube would flow perpendicular to the tube, the voltage variations of the grid cannot induce a current in the rods. In other words: they cannot influence the charge carriers in the driving circuit going trough the rods. However, the other way round is completely different. When the voltage of the centre rod is suddenly risen, that will influence the voltage on the grid. In other words: this is in essence a way to drive a half open resonating coil from the other side. The side where the charge carriers are not moving, the side where there is only high voltage but no current. The side you can drive for free from the electric field.

                All it takes to do that is a sudden and sharp rise of the voltage of the rods in the centre at exactly the right moment. It would take little more than a pickup coil around the resonating coil and some circuitry to do that, much like you would normally drive the coil from the other side.

