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Beating lenz's law

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  • #16
    The only real thing that exist is aether, all derives from aether. Everything is illusion.


    • #17

      In my bath there is only water; when I pull the plug out, the resulting whirlpool is only an illusion.

      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
        In my bath there is only water; when I pull the plug out, the resulting whirlpool is only an illusion.

        Talking is the only thing;testing is only illusions

        Alain D
        Hope die last!!!


        • #19
          More talk

          I've realised that my purple flasher circuit Bifiliar coil is wired like the one on this link. Pancake coil coming up :-)

          Bifiliar pancake coils
          Tesla Bifilar Coil patent - Bedini Bifilar Coil usage in Schoolgirl Radiant Motor Charging devices |
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • #20
            Nothing new

            I just realised I've been neglecting my own thread: I've posted this video elsewhere, but thought I'd put it here too, for posterity.

            YouTube - lenzless bedini motor - no transistors
            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


            • #21
              Input current reduces below unloaded input current

              Hi folks, I've been testing a dual coil generator setup and found i dont even need the 2 coils one will suffice and with this design I can now have the coil right up to the face of one magnet while the other magnet needs to be a distance from coil to cause reduced input or speed/torque increase. This one coil is making 2.7A coil shorted and 7.5V unloaded not shorted. It is no where near what could be termed optimized however there is an effect here that is causing a reduced input current below unload input current draw. I know Peter Lindemann spoke of a Tesla dynamo that was based on a similar principle of setting back of a coil to bypass lentz. What you folks think

              peace, love, light
              Attached Files


              • #22
                heres a pic, take note theres 2 coils on the 1/2" x 3-1/4" bolt and only the front coil to right is used, coil is about .5 ohms 18awg.
                Last edited by SkyWatcher; 09-26-2009, 11:39 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                  This fits in somehow.

                  How to make the simplest electric motor - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories

                  I think I'll sit and meditate for a while on this before posting back.

                  could we put a joule thief curcuit in that for more power???


                  • #24

                    Does it still have same energy out / in ratio as 2 coils? What if the coil is in the middle of centre bar? What if you have more bar/coils? What's the significance of magnet spacing distance? Can you get high current off the spinning disks themselves with brushes and contact on axle? Are the disks metal for that matter?

                    Like I said above, very interesting. What happens if you use reed type switch to only let current develop in the coil after the bar has become completely magnetized, so no lenz drag, just catching BEMF of coil/core collapse?
                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • #25
                      Joule thief Homopolar motor

                      Probably, but would have to rectify the output?
                      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                      • #26
                        Hi Inquorate, I was testing the 2 coils originally as a motor setup so im only testing one coil at a time in this generator setup. With coil shorted centered between neo magnets there is no lentz drag in fact it speeds up to some degree as shown by the reduction in input current below that of no load input current meaning coil not shorted. Now when only the coil to the right is used, the one next to the right rotor, it outputs greater power and still no lentz drag is present, or should i say with max coil load which is shorted mode there is actually a decrease in input current roughly equal to what is drawn from coil and of course rotor speeds up proportionately. both rotors are wood and each have 6 1" dia. neo magnets embedded. As far as the relevance of the distance of the magnet to the coil, this i cannot say why for sure at this point but have my ideas and like i said Tesla's dynamo was using this effect to bypass lentz drag. also Bill Muller showed a video with a magnet and steel ball with another steel ball attracting and repelling violently this effect may be similar. All i can say is this works, why is another question at this point. By the way im measuring ac current, there is no need to use switching techniques to negate lentz here it works fine as it is, very simple hey.


                        • #27
                          @Skywatcher, nice experiment .

                          My conclusion:
                          Preventing electrostatic from converting to magnetic will allow OU

                          Resonating pancake coil will allow more energy stored on this coil to exceed normal coil many times.

                          To get OU we have to resonate pancake coil ?

                          I also interested with Peter article which mention the experiment with ball bearing motor which seems to work the same principle as homopolar motor, but without the magnet nor electromagnet.

                          I wonder if we can use the same tipe of homopolar motor to make it as oscillator circuit switch. But we power it with the source circuit and configure it in a way that the motor will self sustaining by switching the circuit.

                          I think about this idea when I notice my toy motor run faster when I use it as switch for coil oscillator. It usually stop when I hold the small shaft tightly. But when I use it as switch for tesla switch configuration, it just wont stop no matter how hot my hand become after trying to stop it. I do it with separate battery for the motor though. Just wondering if we can make it self sustain. Maybe anyone has better idea?
                          Last edited by sucahyo; 02-09-2009, 07:59 AM.


                          • #28

                            That sounds odd and cool, about the increase in torque when running tesla switch. Can you show schematic / video? I think I'll be coming across that effect soon.
                            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                            • #29

                              i have been thinking about this lenz problem and came to idea

                              ok when we move magnet near coil of wire we create magnetix flux in coil and current ok so far no problem

                              but the problem starts when we want to move further and move our magnet out from coil and then we have "oposition" right, so why dont we then switch our magnet pole! would it push oway from coil? sure it would !!

                              well if we apply N pole at begining so our coil is generating S pole so its acts as to keep the magnet in place but when we switch our magnet to S it will push away because like poles repel and unlike atract right!!!

                              maybe sketch will help to understand it better
                              cheers from poland


                              • #30
                                Hi wojwrobel, actually as far as i know what happens from my experience is that when say a north pole approaches a generator coil it creates a north pole in gen coil and when north pole departs it creates a south pole in gen coil. Now if you switch rotor polarities to south on departure as you've pointed out, then generator coil will create a north pole wanting to attract it back. Unless i have misunderstood your intention here. Now if your talking of a configuration where the gen coil is set back a distance from rotor magnet/coil then that may be a different situation as i have pointed out in previous posts.
                                peace love light

