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The Mechanical Engine

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  • No, I didn't mean to come on like that, it's just a fact that we all do hold back bits of info. I would like to open up completely, but I can't seem to overcome some primal instinct, I guess. Anyway, I like your approach to these problems, and I have always admired unbiased opinion, whether I agree or not. That's what makes this site unique. Everyone can voice their opinions and tell their side. There is always two sides to everything. Good Luck. Stealth


    • No, I understood all that. Have a good one! We're straight.


      • Stealth, sometimes ya have to face facts of who you are and the limitations you have. Like, I had these ideas come to me a few months back. I could have kept them to myself but I decided that since I totally lacked the position in life to do anything with them what th' heck, THROW THE FRISBEE. So I let it fly. I tossed the boat onto the pond to see if it would float and sail or sink below the surface and remain there like a submarine, like so many other ideas I've had over the past 2 decades.

        The first idea was for using liquid metal salvos to explode over the Moon surface, spraying a layer of metal onto the ground. It would dry and then form a wide receiving antennae. Solar radiation collector type idea, collect solar, and feed into a laser for transmission to Earth you see. But wouldn't that be impossible to aim from the Moon to one point on Earth? Yes it would, especially since the Earth is a constantly moving target spinning 1,000 miles per hour. <> The 2nd followup idea to that -answering that problem- was to construct a 3,000 miles beam-receiving wall from say Boston over to California. Along the top of the wall (the entire top of the wall of whatever width) being basically from east to west would be facing the laser for 3 straight hours with some variation up & down but basically a very much easier and plausible target for the beamed energy. <> The 3rd idea for a good use of all that energy -besides the obvious- was to have a Mag-Lev system suspended underneath the wall's top, which in the document I wrote ~shortcut => I should have more correctly referred to the Mag-Lev as a monorail but I had brain lock that day and couldn't think of it so I used Mag-Lev instead.

        A couple months later President Obama began mentioning a national monorail system. Someone fed him my idea and took credit for it? Probably. So sometimes I release stuff #1 I can't do anything with to #2 test the water and see if anybody will move on it but also #3 to find out if they will say it was my ideas or will they omit its originator.

        You can accomplish a lot this way. Most the time I find out someone will reach #2 but they crap out in cowardice and/or Greed when they slam into #3. For instance, back in 1996 I suddenly realized how surgery could be done with a patient's skin without breaking the skin. I was really ill, poisoned by meds and other ills, at that time so since the system included mapping all the excess fat under the skin and needed MRI technology to do that, I looked up the manufacturer of the MRI machine and sent them an e-mail outlining my system for sculpting the human body and destroying excess adipose tissue.

        I wrote about it in this short single page pdf => or shortcut if you want. My health continued to deteriorate even much further til I had 3 separate seizures in 2000 and then I started also inventing more energy machines, so the ball was in their court. What did they do? They went on to develop it to do brain surgery, reaching deep tumors in a woman's brain that scalpels and cryogenic tools could not help, so a few years ago I read they had done the surgery successfully on a woman patient. They were supposed to make a Mass Obesity Solution for the masses I told them how to do => map all the fat and then zap it with just enough subdermal heat to expand the fat cells to where the adipose cell outer membrane would rupture, killing the fat cell (without boiling any cell water). Like Mr. Kostoff, they went for the big money and the big pedestal, save the unsavable brain cancer sufferer. They let the rest of float on into Obesity Epidemic Hell.

        My intention all along was to flush out Satan to be clearly visible, or if not Satan then an anti-Christ organization, whichever you prefer I have proved again & again for 20+ YEARS that my ideas on such a high order of magnitude were being deliberately withheld from all of humanity. They have seen my ideas but they repeatedly choose to cherry pick the ones they want for the purpose THEY WANT, so whoever they are and whatever name you give them they do exist.

        They send the majority of us over Niagara Falls in a barrel.
        So it was in that purpose I released "Stardust Energy".

        By next week my first Gravity Wheel will be running and it will suffer the same fate: toilet bowl obscurity. For me it will be just another ho-hum day, launching another ship into a toilet. The world's peoples will continue turning over in their collective coffin like so many pigs feet roasting on a barbecue spit without home-generated electricity and complete Energy Freedom even though its available. I'll have another feather in my hat and the march toward 2012 will continue => The Obese will continue needing expensive heart medications and operations, blood pressure meds that help them yet killing them at the same time, while physicians in America will save the few while the rest go up in healthcare flames funeral pyres.

        Several years ago, 2006 or maybe 2004 I forget, there was a national contest called Since Sliced Bread. You may have heard of it. I knew it was a setup just like a Poetry Contest, wanting ideas submitted that under the contest rules all submitted ideas would become their property. I knew it was a trap back then just like I knew vzon17 had baited me with a supposedly unbuilt device he knew was going into production.

        I decided to take the bait both times. I submitted 16 world class Ideas to the Sliced Bread Committee that was made up of a bunch of widely known people. Pat Buchanan was on it as well many major newspaper editors of the United States major papers plus many other notable people from Who's Who in America and even some scientists I think. One I told them was to take each prescription medication and coat it with whichever nutrition supplements were known to counter that specific prescription's known possible side effects. World Class. They could have prevented all those people from suffering from VIOXX deaths... Of late I have heard that aspirins are being made with some kind of coating like I suggested. Of course my name has been stripped off it and thrown on the fires of Time.

        They put some ringers on the patent line where it says Inventor sign here and they all go running to the bank each carrying a satchel full of money alongside the MRI people doing Star Trek-level underskin surgery, while I remain on a disability check. But, I have faith that all these instances of thievery are congealing into a boomerang, and like all boomerangs it's coming home. Point of fact is it's already come home => Bank of America instituted one of my ideas to enhance their bank cards. They called it "Keep the Change" That was a very close offshoot from mine. I told Wachovia the Bank of America's system was fraudulent because it was mine, so Wachovia put in place a similar system and didn't pay me either. You see what happened to both of them eh? The boomerang has already begun; I've proved there is a Truth Embargo on all ideas not just UFO's.

        I prefer to believe that God is bringing justice. But if not "God" then perhaps there is just some rule of the universe they have crossed, crimes against millions and millions of suffering miserable energy-starved Americans being deliberately kept ignorant dying like scum in the streets beggars living in a crappy artificial timeline life that should no longer exist.


        • Surgery through the skin without breaking the skin

          Pgh 4 should read doing surgery through the skin without breaking the skin. System refused to allow more than one Edit.


          • Do you think your respect has Value?


            • A lot more important people in this world than you have given up on muzzling me.


              • With all due respect, my fellow poster. Love and Light back at ya. Have a great day. In a few days I'll give you a design for a Gravity Wheel easily built by yourself in the privacy of your own garage, and no one will be able to stop you from having it as they have all my other previous ideas.

                After that I'm going to show you how to make 3 more.

                Save up your best insults til I fail.

                Woodrow Riley, Cloud Seeder


                • Compare my to this late-breaking SlashDot post => Slashdot | 220-mph Solar-Powered Train Proposed In Arizona <> It is starting, the rain is starting to pour like Morton's salt in Arizona.


                  • It's easy to skip over my posts.


                    • Mechanical Brain Engine:

                      Mechanical Brain is what I'm working on. Must not be perfected yet. I just got the rest of the parts, starting to work on it now. Engine, not Brain. DARPA is waiting for the brain...


                      • I've met my match CloudSeeder, you're actually worse than I am. Never thought I'd see the day. And I do have a bit of a reputation in anything a forum member can be accused for.
                        However, your inventing style as I've read you about it the past few days appeals to me (twisted minds think alike?) so I'm be keeping an eye out here and your other threads.
                        One weakness of human kind is that if it doesn't like the sound of the message, they'll ignore the message. Sure you've seen some of that. In your own world you'll be smarter than them all, but then, you probably already were, so little to win there. A buddy of mine is a great designer, but his big mouth is keeping his stuff off the market for now. Tough on the market, which doesn't know what it misses, but especially tough on him, he wants the results and the fame.


                        • Thanks Cloxxki. I'm a little outrageous sometimes and have a heavy dose of P. T. Barnum most of the time. I do that on purpose because I know the show I'm about to lay on the world. And you know, I think what I'm bringing is going to make people happy. So maybe I will suffer your friend's fate, but I think not, because people right now are living through a gut-straining DIRGE watching the world being flushed down a toilet.... I think when my wheel is out there people are going to latch onto it.

                          I've got people ticked off at me in San Diego and they aren't real happy with my posts on Current News: News Video Clips & Current News Articles // Current where I'm "Gravity_Man", but on the other hand Beijing studies every web page and post I've made because they have learned just how much wealth mining me can get them.

                          Perhaps yesterday you heard about the "new plan" for GM in China to begin reissuing older classic cars? hehehe That was my idea. I posted it a couple places about 3 or 4 years ago. According to what I heard, they plan to first come out with an Impala, probably 1960's with the owl wing design on the back I imagine, just maybe with an updated engine system and all that's required today like seat belts.

                          I figure it's their way of sticking me, producing my idea out of China. Doesn't bother me. When I set an idea out on the water hoping the wind will fills its sails, it will sail wherever it wants. It's out of my control, so where it drops anchor isn't my call. I don't expect everybody to love me. But I do state truth as closely as possible. I'd have my device half built now but I got too much sun yesterday and it seems to have really tired me out. Too much melatonin I guess. I'm resting up, probably get with it this evening.

                          How much happy can you stand? Zorro is coming.
                          Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-13-2009, 07:38 PM. Reason: How much happy can you stand? Zorro is coming.


                          • Cloudseeder, I wish you luck with your mechanical engine. I hope it works great, but like all inventors, you learn from what doesn't work. Try, try, again. I think it's our failures that humble us, but not defeat us. I think it would be great to start a FE movement that they couldn't stop. Good Luck. Stealth
                            Last edited by Stealth; 05-13-2009, 10:47 PM.


                            • Thanks Stealth. They did have it stopped, for a long time, but things have changed considerably. And on several fronts. I like to think that my ongoing willingness to throw them some very big Freebies ("carrots") had a softening effect. Kostoff is a sign in the wind, their allowing him to finish his and go into production. Not at all bragging; I just think they were waiting for someone somehow "different" than the normal inventor or another Tesla to come along. Plus that if our smaller devices work we don't steal any thunder or monies from Robert Kostoff, in itself a great departure from the normal inventors.

                              Kostoff is a critical show of a changed attitude.

                              Something zapped the energy out of me today. I think it was a recurring liver infection taking my energy, but I did get the rest of the parts I needed. Most mistakes I've made has been buying a few tools that didn't work, so I had to go back and buy better ones. And I did run into some hairy difficulties that took me all day several times this past week to grapple with and overcome, which I feel I did. But if I had already had the tools and hadn't bought a few parts I later figured I didn't need I really don't have $50.00 in this. Trying to choose pieces that will look best in any camera shots taken from any angle plus that won't come off looking like I've hidden something (LIKE WIRES AND A HIDDEN MOTOR) is the trick.

                              I had ordered some Cranberry Juice Concentrate that came in a few days ago and put some down earlier. It has wiped out whatever was hitting my liver. I'm back in the ring for the next round. Per chance this first choice decides to buck I'll move on to one of my others that has smack plates <> I've got 3 variations of those.

                              Behind them, #5 is one that will blow people away it's so great. By "great" I mean more than just functional, so great that it goes beyond just defying gravity. A design so wonderful that will make people literally laugh and laugh they're so refreshing to the soul. We need to step through a portal, not just functional like Kostoff which was a great accomplishment I agree, but we need devices that makes each person that watches them running feel like they personally just ascended the cliff face alongside William Shatner and Doctor McCoy... so we can all step forward <<> iInstead of feeling like spectators watching a movie we can never be in to being the movie.

                              I see that need in everybody! Like Arnold when he stepped into and out of the movie screen. We need to do something like that... a merging into; we need to be the 300 Spartans. We need to be Ben Hur Charlton Heston on the chariot behind a team of horses' hoofs pounding the ground ahead of us so hard we feel it in our feet coming up through the floor of the chariot. We need to be oldsters way past retirement age how Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas faced down young hoods on a sidewalk and easily dispatched them without breaking a sweat or messing up their ties.

                              Good as Kostoff was he couldn't do it alone, but his will add to mine for it to happen. And so will the other systems the rest of the guys here. We're going to be decathloners all, not inventors. Not gold medals around our necks but suits of gold given everybody in the stadium.

                              And finally, I think Peter will feel good about having been at the helm of this ship that at times he has felt was flailing wildly in a storm.
                              Last edited by CloudSeeder; 05-14-2009, 02:53 AM.


                              • The 300 Year Old Brake

                                I've decided to differ from Kostoff and not put a brake system on mine. Gravity Wheels have been suffering a 300 year brake already. Mine is however still on a shaft (axle) so I made the axle a bit extra long so that two wooden braking boards could be applied against the wooden dowel shaft. I don't plan to use them. Not on this one, the first of its kind.

