Something to consider :
1 Scientists state that each electron has the same charge,mass, spin and so on
but they cannot explain why there are so many electrons with the same parameters.
On the other side : if you have a wave of certain parameters , it's only one wave, and by superposition of many such waves you can create a wave package which behave like a particle.
2 Some OU devices suggest that electrons may create stationary waves.But what if such a waves are really natural and just a metallic conductor is a imperfect path for them and a lot of wave reflections cause electrons to pop up as a wave packages ?
3. Scientists call static electricity as impractical, but did you ever saw how bright sparks can create your sweater at night if made of some non-natural material ? Do you know that such spark can jump to ground by touching metal radiator ?
4. HV arc can make a hole in glass or other dielectric, but Tesla experimented with HV sparks which tend to flow over the surface of the glass like a glowing mass. They were harmless and cold to touch.They sometimes tend to grow in time when circuit was properly adjusted and powered.Stationary waves without back reflections...Pure electricity
1 Scientists state that each electron has the same charge,mass, spin and so on
but they cannot explain why there are so many electrons with the same parameters.
On the other side : if you have a wave of certain parameters , it's only one wave, and by superposition of many such waves you can create a wave package which behave like a particle.
2 Some OU devices suggest that electrons may create stationary waves.But what if such a waves are really natural and just a metallic conductor is a imperfect path for them and a lot of wave reflections cause electrons to pop up as a wave packages ?
3. Scientists call static electricity as impractical, but did you ever saw how bright sparks can create your sweater at night if made of some non-natural material ? Do you know that such spark can jump to ground by touching metal radiator ?
4. HV arc can make a hole in glass or other dielectric, but Tesla experimented with HV sparks which tend to flow over the surface of the glass like a glowing mass. They were harmless and cold to touch.They sometimes tend to grow in time when circuit was properly adjusted and powered.Stationary waves without back reflections...Pure electricity