Hi Elias,
What can i say. The most i did, been not over 100% also.
I could make it one Time, that it showed the charging Effect,
where it runs 12 Hours at the same Speed.
It was more like, that it settled at a low RPM, maybe ~100.
The other attemps been all with different Coils and winding directions.
Even, do i make the first winding clockwise and then go left or right.
It seems like there is only one Combination for me right.
But thats why i wrote the Mail, to maybe get more Information about it.
He also mentioned that he use the right hand Rule,
The other thing is, to set the Commutator right, and here in this case,
even make more Interruptions, the Spikes what do appear should be mainly negative,
to charge the Batterie in that way as in the Shots from JNaudin.
Maybe you can have a different also when you try to connect the Coil otherwise,
usual Plus should be the inner End of the Coil, but not sure, if it is importend.
A other Aspect is still the duty Cycle, maybe you change something at the time, where it has a connection.
What Commutator do you use actually, one with one connection per revolution or more?
To sad, i can do not much at the moment, a lot things do break, what i need to fix,
then i dont have the wire what i want use, aso. Not my lucky days at the moment.
What can i say. The most i did, been not over 100% also.
I could make it one Time, that it showed the charging Effect,
where it runs 12 Hours at the same Speed.
It was more like, that it settled at a low RPM, maybe ~100.
The other attemps been all with different Coils and winding directions.
Even, do i make the first winding clockwise and then go left or right.
It seems like there is only one Combination for me right.
But thats why i wrote the Mail, to maybe get more Information about it.
He also mentioned that he use the right hand Rule,
The other thing is, to set the Commutator right, and here in this case,
even make more Interruptions, the Spikes what do appear should be mainly negative,
to charge the Batterie in that way as in the Shots from JNaudin.
Maybe you can have a different also when you try to connect the Coil otherwise,
usual Plus should be the inner End of the Coil, but not sure, if it is importend.
A other Aspect is still the duty Cycle, maybe you change something at the time, where it has a connection.
What Commutator do you use actually, one with one connection per revolution or more?
To sad, i can do not much at the moment, a lot things do break, what i need to fix,
then i dont have the wire what i want use, aso. Not my lucky days at the moment.