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Synchronicity/Coupled System

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  • Synchronicity/Coupled System

    When you look at free energy devices they tend to be made up of seperate sections which cynch and self tune with each part having its own phase. My question is how do people think that this effects the aether over using a system which mimicks the behaviour of the previous decribed system?

  • #2
    A little clarity

    Maybe i wasnt quite descriptive enough. What i was getting at is does area enveloped by synchronicity and self organization. Does it become treated as one point as so have reduced gravity.


    • #3
      In sync

      All systems are in sinc, else they come to a grinding halt, although even coming into a grinding halt is done in sinc.

      Most systems / machines nowadays are like throwing a ball, and catching a ball. If the shower and catcher are in sinc, there is a transfer of the ball (energy), however energy is expended in both sending and receiving the ball (energy)

      Our machines are a battle between forces: a wheel fights friction, an aircraft fights gravity, etc......

      OU is only achievable by stopping the fight, and recouperating any losses (like joule thief).

      Also, we need to stop throwing the ball (moving electrons). Instead, we transfer energy like newton's balls, where the balls in the middle don't move, but the end ones do.

      Nature rushes in and transfers the energy for us, without moving electrons, and supplies the energy for free from the aether or zpe.

      It's just that our technology doesn't use the aether / zpe, and so is NOT in sync with the wheel that drives the universe.

      When we design a machine that does exchange energy in sync with aether / zpe, it may well run OU.
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

