Aaron's post gave a RapidShare link which is no longer a valid link to the E-Book document.
I'm aware it was deleted once by accident and then given a replacement link.
The replacement link is also no longer valid.
Adam Ant's post speaks of this E-Book that is no longer available.
I was hoping a link to this E-Book could be reposted.
Byran (Adam Ant) did say it was ok for this group to have access to the E-Book
in this posting.
Does anyone still have a copy of this E-Book?
I'm aware it was deleted once by accident and then given a replacement link.
The replacement link is also no longer valid.
Adam Ant's post speaks of this E-Book that is no longer available.
I was hoping a link to this E-Book could be reposted.
Byran (Adam Ant) did say it was ok for this group to have access to the E-Book
in this posting.
Does anyone still have a copy of this E-Book?
