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Healing properties of water

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  • Healing properties of water

    I was just wondering if anyone has bubbled the gas from the stanley cell or similar through water and has been drinking the water. I have read that it is extremely hydrating and healing. Would appreciate hearing from anyone who has.
    I am a bit of a health freak and always looking for an edge. This seems something valid.

  • #2
    I think Peter Lindemann already made a device for it. I wish to know it better too.

    I hope Peter Lindemann ok with this quote:
    Originally posted by Peter Lindeann, oranur1.pdf
    Reich's work was so vast that I concentrated on the energy and physics side of his discoveries. I speculated that if I could verify the basic behaviors and characteristics of this "orgone energy" he spokeof, then I could consider the rest of his pronouncements to be reliable. To do this, I built three orgone accumulators ...
    I also did a wide variety of experiments charging water in the medium size accumulator. ...
    If I drank a 16 oz glass of the water quickly, the energy charge would enter my body all at once. ...
    In contrast, using this water on potted, growing plants only made them stronger.


    • #3
      i have drank the water from my bubbler before to prove it was safe, did it do anything? i expected it to make me feel energised and it did whether it was just in my head is debateable though. i wouldn't try it if your cell uses any chemicals.


      • #4

        Wow thats excellent research. I absolutly concur with Peter on the warmth aspect of orgone. He is right in that the body can still be cold and yet feel warmth. Its a different kind of warmth which i know sounds nuts but i feel it when moving chi/orgone.
        Its darn funny stuff and the accumulator gives a kind of hint at its nature in that the condensor not only behaves as a condensor but as something which gives form to the orgone. The condensor provides for the environment to allow anealling or an organizing process. What ever is in the accumulator acts as a seed for the condensing orgone. Given this maybe a rectangle is not exactly the best shape in the world for a unit.
        A while ago i went through an chi crisis / kundalini awakeing which made me aware of the various natures of chi, everything Dr Peter Lindermann describes is dead on.


        • #5
          Borderlands journal pdfs

          Does anyone know where I can get more of these borderland journal pdf's. They are very good quality and a very enjoyable read.


          • #6
            Thanks for the file on Peter's research and oranur !!

            Where can we buy this kind of oranur cleaning device now ??

            Peter, are you still selling them ?
            If yes, did the price went down from USD 500 since then ?

            It looks very important, so I wish we can do something about it !

            I was going to start experimenting with Reich accumulators, but now I'm most interested in looking for oranur cleaning device FIRST !



            • #7
              Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
              Does anyone know where I can get more of these borderland journal pdf's. They are very good quality and a very enjoyable read.
              They are available in Peter web site:
              Free Energy | Dr. Peter Lindemann's Website

              I think it is better if you find it there.

              Or use this shortcut

              Wow, I have no idea that we can buy them.


              • #8
                Thanks for the links

                Thanks heaps sucahyo for the links, awesome stuff, also thanks peter


                • #9
                  I have built several of these drinking water units for my family. Just twist some SS wire around a small plexi tower, fasten it to a plastic lid with Goop and mount it in a canning jar. Add approx 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda and use a 5V wall wart to run it. Use a small fish tank bubbler to bubble water through the electrolyser into another jar of distilled water that you drink. It's best to use a glass canning jar for both vessels.



                  • #10
                    Any health improvements

                    Hi spearmaster did you notice any health improvements from bubbling hydrogen through water to make it super hydrating.


                    • #11
                      I think we shouldn't use baking sode, since it release CO gas too isn't it? Use KOH or NaOH, it should be cheap as well. I think to get the most of water created from electrolysis, do it with water torcher.

                      Read explanation of water torcher. It is said that when you allow the Hydrogen and Oxygen produced by electrolysis back to water, you will get live water, the same quality as rain water but without the toxic from industries around your area. I think it is not H2 nor O2 bubble that improve the water quality but it is the water created from H2 and O2 rejoined together.

                      Unfortunately I forget where I read it, it is said that plant will grow better using water output of water torcher.


                      • #12
                        The first time I drank the water, it was like drinking a large cup of coffee, only without the jitters. It gave me lots of energy and for quite a while. My parents are both in their eighties and swear by the water. I have ten brothers and a sister and they all wanted one of these units. I built several, but finally just showed them how to do it.
                        I have since discovered that putting some of this water on body parts that hurt can immediately relieve the pain. I got a really bad muscle spasm in my neck that I knew was going to last for a couple days. After holding a washcloth soaked in this water on it for only ten minutes, the pain completely disappeared and did not come back. I have tried it on other aches and pains with varying degrees of success. All in all, I'm very impressed with this water and I usually don't get that impressed with anything. I make and consume approx. a quart a day.



                        • #13
                          We need your design !
                          I want to build one system like yours, and as we say, a picture is worth 1000 words

                          Could you show us how it looks like?
                          Thanks in advance for all the pain release we will get !



                          • #14
                            Here is a picture of the unit I use. These can be purchased on ebay if you like, or you can make them. I have been using this unit for several months and the water is turning yellow due to rust leaching out of the stainless steel wire. I won't change it till it gets a dark orange.

                            The fish tank bubbler MUST be above the rest of the unit to keep from siphoning water back into itself. The lid of the electrolyser MUST be very tight to hold pressure from the fish tank pump. I make a cardboard gasket and wet it, then screw it on very tight to seal the electrolyser jar. I recommend baking soda as an electrolyte since NaOH and KOH are both toxic and I really don't want that in my electrolyser or anywhere near my drinking water. I use 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda to one quart of distilled water in the electrolyser. The tests for this unit are to plug it into power and look for very tiny bubbles to appear on the wire. Also test the outside temperature of the wall wart with your fingers. It should not be hot, although warm is OK. If it gets hot, then throw away the electrolyte solution and make another batch with less baking soda.

                            I bubble mine through distilled water for approx. 30 - 45 minutes. My experience indicates that this water goes flat in three days or less, so it's best to make a fresh batch every day. Keep a tight lid (metal canning jar type) on the glass jar at all times to preserve freshness. I use a 5V, 500mA wall wart. There are two hose outlets in the top of the unit. The input hose FROM the fish tank pump goes to the bottom of the acrylic tower (bottom of the jar) that holds the stainless wire and is fastened there. The outlet (to your water jar), goes only 1/4" into the top of the electrolyser since you only want released hho from the electrolyser to bubble through your drinking water.

                            If anyone has any other questions, I'll try to answer them.

                            Hope this image post OK.




                            • #15
                              Looks like my image didn't post. If anyone knows how to attach an image, please let me know.


