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Healing properties of water
@Spearmaster, that is rather inefficient cell. Many better design is available now. The current best cell like B-cell, tubular series cell and dry cell can produce up to 1 liter per minute of hydroxy @ 10Amp, without electrolyte. The more exotic eagleresearch device also capable of delivering 3 liter per watt. Using this design, you won't have to add electrolyte / baking soda.
some example would be:
Building 12V parallel small tubular cell like mine cost under $5 and have better output than what you currently use. The trick is to reduce inefficient surface as much as possible. Leave only surface that produce gas, cover/insulate everything else from water including the connection wire.
Here is mine at just around 50mL per minute, almost tap water.
YouTube - Another 10A 12V 2 tube, showing water fluctuation
I think you can improve the effect of healing water by making the tube much longer, and made the bubble output finer and distributed.
@stephenafreter, I think we can bubble our drinking water and get the same result, although in much less pronounce.Last edited by sucahyo; 02-14-2009, 06:57 AM.
@sucahyo - In my car, I am producing 1 lpm using 10A with a custom built Lexan tank since I have almost no room under the hood. It gives me an increase from around 25mpg to a little over 30mpg. I futzed around with it for a while with MAP sensor, then with computerized EFIE, but the gains were very small. The big difference it made was NO EMISSIONS. When I run my finger around inside the tailpipe, I get absolutley nothing, which for me, at this time, is enough. I would, of course like to have even better mileage, but since I'm now involved in a project that requires most of my time, I have to be satisfied
As far as making healthy drinking water, I encourage you to come up with something better that what I have. Mine works and gives me great effects, but if you can make a better one, I will applaud you. Let us all know your progress.
@stephanafreter - this is based on a Water4Gas design which was one of the first things I got involved with. I quickly realized it wasn't as efficient as some of the other ones out there, so I eventually started using a design of my own based loosely on the SMACK Booster for my car. This, however, seemed more than sufficient for drinking water. To my surprise, it was more effective than I hoped for.
I usually let it bubble through clean distilled water for thirty to forty-five minutes.
@Spearmaster, I still puzzled.
If you have HHO device with such output, why wouldn't you use it for generating healing water?
If you insist that NaOH is toxic, why you keep using baking soda? Isn't it better if you use just distilled water and your smack booster? Baking soda would converted to NaOH after some time according to some site. So you may actually use NaOH unknowingly.
Baking Soda Electrolyte
I never try the healing property of water in bubbler, but I will try. I mention long pipe because many experienced people suggest us to use the pipe as short as possible for cars to avoid the H2 and O2 recombined together, which I believe is our main goal.
I read something about super ionisied Water, but at the Circuit the Water was between the to '-' of two Ignitioncoils.
It was made with Pulsed HV.
Further was, that ionised Water can seperate Toxic and Dirt from Water better.
But someonelse mentioned at a Brown Gas Generator, that to much of it can paralyze your Nerves, even not sure about, for how long.
So when you drink it, maybe never Pure, thinned, but shaked or stirred.
Viktor Schauberger's Work is about the same Theme, when you whirl Water, you can get it back to Life.
Just still not sure, wich Direction is prefered, left or right.
And i guess its the same Effect too, to ionise Water while whirling it.
So, better stir your Cup twice before you drink something.Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.
@sucahyo - There is no way that I would use my car device to produce drinking water. My opinion is that it would be awkward, inconvenient, and probably nasty. Since that means I already have to have another device to put in my house, then there's no use of making a big expensive thing like the car device when it's not necessary. My present drinking water unit can be run with a little 5V wall wart. The car unit requires an alternator at 10A to 30A to run.
With all due respect, what I am using now for drinking water works. Beyond my wildest dreams. Again, if you would like to experiment with this, and if you are able to come up with a better solution, I would be most happy to look at it.
If you truly believe that 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, used once or twice a year will harm you, then by all means use something else.
@Spearmaster, ok, I just give opinion. I never thought that smack booster would be more expensive than baking soda jar electrolysis. I thought it would be the same since you mention water4gas website.
As for power rating, there must be something wrong with the smack booster if it do not produce anything at 5volt input using only tap water.
I hope you agree that NaOH is not more dangerous than baking soda.
i made a small cell using a tube from my meyers cell setup i then connected it to a cordless drill battery and let it bubble into a cup of water until the battery went flat. after knocking it back i had a brief sense of being alert and basically the brain fog cleared but this lasted around an hour i had another cup later in the day and it had no effect.
@sucahyo - Sodium Hydroxide or NaOH plus water is Lye. If you drink lye, it will kill you.
If you drink one full teaspoon of baking soda and a cup of water, it's called Alka-Seltzer or bi-carbonate of soda and it relieves an upset stomach.
NaOH or Sodium Hydroxide is MUCH more dangerous than baking soda from a toxicity standpoint. My two cents.
@hhoexclusive - My very first water was the best, then afterward I just got sort of a feeling of well-being. The way I really notice it is that after being without the water for a few days, then having it again makes a noticeable difference. The real value, for me, is it's ability to relieve pain. YMMV.
@Spearmaster, I don't think we should drink the water in the electrolysis pot even if it's not contain any electrolyte, there is rust no matter how small. I mean to say that that baking soda will turn into NaOH after some hour. The electrolyte in your brown electrolysis water is NaOH. And you have to remember that the drinking directly and electrolizing it is different. Salt is safe to be used directly, but is very dangerous if you electrolize it since it will produce chlorine gas.
Please click the link I post previously.
On electrolysis of NaHCO3, the Na+ ion will rush to the cathode and you will get:-
2Na+ + 2e- + 2H2O -----> 2NaOH + H2 and HCO3- + H2O -------> H2CO3 + OH-
AlsoH2CO3 --------> H2O + CO2
AlsoCO2 + 2H+ + 2e- -----> CO + H2O
AlsoCO + 2H+ + 2e- ------> C + H2O
Conclusion: On adding NaHCO3 a whole range of chemical processes can take place but due to the nature of alkali metals, the one sure conclusion is that Hydroxides will be formed. DO NOT BE DECIVED into thinking that if you make a completely safe electrolytic solution using NaHCO3 or other carbonates that you end up with a completely safe electrolytic solution after use.
@hhoexclusive, did you bubble it again on your later cup? Maybe the effect won't be permanent.
@all, I think we should not forget the oxygen produced by electrolysis too. It also smell like my radiant oscillator HV secondary output. If anyone ever see the commercial of plasmacluster, where the device split water in the air into positive and negative ion, isn't that the same as electrolizing it?