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  • #16

    The aether in my opinion is composed of both positive virtual photon potential and negative virtual photon potential. That is what the virtual photon flux of the quantum mechanical vacuum is. This is of course influenced by Tom Bearden's work. I believe I just put it in simple terms.

    When you have a dipole that breaks the symmetry of the fairly balanced but chaotic aether, the positive moves to the positive terminal. Negative moves to negative terminal. They move towards each other over the wires and this is the bi-directional potential flow.

    The flow over the wire is the aether that is "sticky" to a conductor is known as the Heaviside flow.

    The positive potential is what attracts the electrons from the copper's 3rd electron field and attracts them towards the positive terminal.

    There you have the 3 flows over a wire.

    The positive potential will meet resistance against any proton in the nucleus of any atom that makes up any mass. The negative potential will be drawn TOWARDS that point of resistance.

    The same happens with ANY resistance of anything including a simple resistor on a circuit...the positive potential will hit resistance there and will dissipate outwards as it breaks down back to chaos. At that same point of resistance, negative potential flows into that resistance.

    The aether is also the potential that makes up the morphic fields of thoughts and all consciousness. A thought breaks the symmetry of it causing asymmetrical form in the "thought field." etc... the workings of all of this totally applies to consciousness as it does to electrical circuits. But of course open systems resemble the natural systems of the mind or physical natural systems like trees, bees and you and me.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #17

      Ok.. Definitely next pay
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • #18
        Aaron your theory is very good


        • #19

          Thats a nice model aaron however it still remains that to be a theory and not proven. I dont mean to be a bastard I think its excellent work but everyone seems to have there own model and nothing to back it up experiment wise.
          The part that is annoying is that you can find it in such little experiments as the pk wheel and that its functioning is so integrated into who you are and yet we dont have a clue as to exactly how it is working. If we did we ould then be able to amplify our own aether manipulating abilities.


          • #20
            A Treatise on Astronomy - Google Book Search

            This is what Karl Schappeller base his work on.
            The ether is conscious-stimulated;if it were not,no life could be propagsted.

            I hope someone will read Karl Schappeller The Physics of the Primary State of Matter.
            Karl Schappeller Made a glowing magnetism sphere A SUN.
            the electron is a shadow of conscious-stimulated.
            No one is going to understand a word i say until you study

            Anyone who sees in his own occupation merely a means of earning money degrades it; but he that sees in it a service to mankind ennobles both his labour and himself.

            You wish a copy ben?


            • #21
              aether densities and pressures


              If you follow Bearden's references, you will see that the model or parts of it is not just theory...just about every component has been proven out with measurable results. That is what is amazing about it. It is measurable as claimed.

              You will of course need to spend thousands of hours over the years pouring over the research like some of us have and you will see much of it is not just ideas or is there as described.

              With the electrons flowing as I mentioned...that is the Drude Electron Gas...that is a model yes, but that is exactly what the electron current is and it flows a few inches an hour. A model CAN be accurate. Anyway, it is as accurate as what they believe electrons to be.

              With the "virtual photon flux of the quantum mechanical vacuum" as Bearden puts is there and it isn't just an idea that it is there.

              Some may see it and refer to it as a "neutral particle" but that could very well simply be the effect of a net 0 from a positive and negative canceling each other out.

              This Heaviside flow over the wire is not just an idea either...that is what is moving over the wire from one potential to another..(different terminals). That potential free of current is what is being harvested and is what the "raidant energy" is that is being captured. It is a gas with various pressure...voltage is measurement of the pressure of this gas.

              You put a small battery on the back end of the SG energizers and it slows down...that is because you put your foot over the exhaust and restricted the pressure flow of this voltage potential gas...if you stick a potato in a tailpipe of a car, the engine can slow down because there is too much back pressure backing up and the engine can't turn over.

              If you have a whole house fan sucking air in from a window and blowing it up through the attic to pull in a breeze and blow out hot air in the will slow the fan down if there if you reduce the outlet of the attic, etc... talking about matching impedances on the circuits, etc... you are simply balancing gas pressures. Sometimes you want the pressure balanced...sometimes you want to restrict the backend or sometimes you want it open wider...depends on what you want to do with it.

              If you cram a bunch of effort into a short period of time, you are increasing the pressure of that possibility of what you're trying to do...compressing potential into time...that increases the potential and therefore the probability of something happening. Then the output will really show some serious results because that pressure is let out that was built up. If you do a lot over a long period of time, nature will dissipate the effort in the morhpic field of your thought potential back to eqilibrium faster and you will see little to no results of the efforts.

              If you can make the connection to all of those, you see the exact way nature operates and that there is no difference when dealing with the aether that is the source of the potential. It can be thoughts and intentions, the Heaviside flow over a wire or anything else. When you use a model that continually explains everything without fail, it might be a hint that it is accurate or at least more accurate than something that doesn't hold up to any situation.

              You say there is nothing experiment wise to back it up. I would highly recommend spending the next 12 months following up on info at Tom Bearden's website. I don't mean to just take his word for it...follow his references...they are all published in scientific done by Nobel Prize winners going back decades...there is nothing stopping you from seeing that a lot of this stuff isn't just models people are coming up with that aren't backed by experiments. It will blow your mind to see what is actually known.

              Your question about low density aether moving to high density aether...there are different parts of the question that need to be addressed in my opinion.

              First, the positive potential moves to a lower potential. At the exact same time, the negative anti-photon potential moves to the higher potential.

              If you want to look at the blend of the pos and neg potentials that make up the aetheric soup as one aetheric substance...if you have space stretched so thin that the density of the aether is so thin that it goes creates a true vacuum meaning, there isn't even any positive potential there and therefore will draw to it with negative resistance anything in the higher density. That is why at the outer edge of the universe, it is speeding up exponentially faster than the speed of light. Space is stretched so thin, there is no more medium which could cause any resistance on any mass and any mass in that region can move without intertia because there is no aether to resist it. The positive potential which can push on the nucleus of the atom and give resistance is gone in the low denity area.

              The Green Plasma phenomena I found is from one side of a diode having super high pressure heaviside flow compress to higher potential then it moves to the spark gap leaving a negative pressure (low...actually negative density) at the cathode of the diode, which instantly sucks the high pressure potential out of the cap on the other side of the diode through a coil and out of the diode to add to the first compressed pressure against the diode. That is showing that the high density moves to the low density. This is in regards to the positive potential of the aether and not the negative potential. While all that happens, the negative energy of that vacuum moves into the cathode of the diode, out the annode, into the coil and into the capacitor.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #22

                Yep, sure do. Ps snail mail must have fallen off the edge of the universe Aaron's talking about..

                Ps, did you end up getting the videos to play?
                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                • #23

                  Hi Aaron. I am not convinced at all by what you have been talking about. Im sorry just because its topic important to all of us dosnt mean that I am going to make compromises.
                  I have read a alot of matarial myself over the years however it is all just words with very little evidence. Every one cries out that they have the answer but know one can show anything but the rudimentary. With what seem achieved being merely so by persaverance, and chance.
                  I know your very knowledgable and i respect that but if you were going door to door selling i wouldnt buy it. My somethings wrong meter would be flashing. Please dont take this as an atack on you, because its not.
                  Its just all to complicated made up of patch work models fixing other models. Its a mess


                  • #24
                    @Aaron, what do you think make the water move if we induce it with HV?

                    I just did an experiment with high voltage side of my radiant oscillator. The water move to the direction of the cable. Moving away from the cable point. I don't know wether this part of my cable is positive or negative though. I attach the circuit.

                    YouTube - High voltage can move water, using radiant oscillator

                    @dmonarch, I guess this is the kind of experiment you are hoping to see. But I think to be able to understand or make use of it would still need a lot of other information too. So theory that apply to many experiment would help us greatly.

                    About what we believe, I guess everyone different. I prefer something that explain what holy book mention. Meyl mention of duality, where everything has male and female is belivable. But there is some saying that if a male and female being alone there is always a third one. If this third one is invisible to the male and female, this third one must be at different level. Or if male is proton, female is electron, the third one is aether, or something like that.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by sucahyo; 02-14-2009, 04:36 AM.


                    • #25
                      Excellent Water Work

                      Excellent stuff Sucahyo. I remember seeing something like this as a child. However the arrangement was as follows. The water was in a metal container and one electrode placed on the metal of the bowl so the whole bowl was a big electrode and the other electrode placed in the center of the water water in bowl making sure not to touch the bowl so as to cause a short circuit. The result was that a vortex was formed. I can see small vortex in the experiment you did.


                      • #26
                        MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
                        you need to put in the code at the side of the download button
                        Karl Schappeller The Physics of the Primary State of Matter
                        I pretty much going to spead the rest of my life researching and working on this,
                        dmonarch please can you give it a look its ties in with crooks with his "Dark Space"
                        All we do at the moment is slap the ether and charge stuff with the result of it.

                        I thank You Arron for all the knowledge you have given up to myself and other but the road Parts Now for me.
                        The Present way of think on the Ether is from a stand point of the Academic and the Academics have run down a big Cul-de-sac of Numbers, Nature is not Numbers its CONSCIOUSNESS.

                        These a potential in this page, But potential difference only when a reader consults its, when the reader has read it, the potential difference has been equalised.

                        Ps sucahyo stressfield two a like in a unlike condition
                        Last edited by Bodkins; 02-14-2009, 04:39 AM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                          @ Sucahyo, tesla said aether moves pos to neg? I was thinking that for a long time.. Remember bodkins how the dual diodes to actual ground increased brightness of neon? And I've been thinking of it recently again, because since electron movement is opposite to traditional notation; how do the electrons coming off the battery negative 'know' to have high voltage before they get to the coil?
                          Maybe we will know more if that experiment do not use car coil or similar coil which has shared terminal. Using car coil practically made all part of the circuit to be high voltage.

                          Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
                          Excellent stuff Sucahyo. I remember seeing something like this as a child. However the arrangement was as follows. The water was in a metal container and one electrode placed on the metal of the bowl so the whole bowl was a big electrode and the other electrode placed in the center of the water water in bowl making sure not to touch the bowl so as to cause a short circuit. The result was that a vortex was formed. I can see small vortex in the experiment you did.
                          How many volt used for that kind of experiment? do the bowl safe to touch?

                          That experiment seems different than mine though. The water in my experiment do not move at right hand rule (or left hand?). It is the same/reverse? direction as current flow.

                          @Bodkins, thanks for the book. Do the book explain stressfield?
                          Last edited by sucahyo; 02-14-2009, 04:53 AM.


                          • #28
                            Yes its does but the books hard work Im on the secord reading


                            • #29

                              Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                              @Aaron, what do you think make the water move if we induce it with HV?
                              I saw your video.

                              It is electrostatic attraction and repulsion.

                              I made water move like that in some wfc experiments.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
                                Yes its does but the books hard work Im on the secord reading
                                Ok, thanks .

                                Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                                I saw your video.

                                It is electrostatic attraction and repulsion.

                                I made water move like that in some wfc experiments.
                                I see, thanks . What is the polarity of the cable that repels water?

                                Since the video don't show much of the water movement. I made another video which show it from top position.

                                It would show more clearly that water move being pushed by something came out from the cable.
                                YouTube - High voltage can move water #2 vertical shot

