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  • #46

    Hi Bodkins,

    TRV is quite profound.

    Tesla used this too: "Used by many to increase their will power to supernatural powers. Said to have been used by Dr. Rudolf Steiner & Dr. Nikola Tesla. Some of the contents: Prayer of At. Ignatius, "Anima Christi"; Introduction to the Retreat; Introduction to Meditation."
    Manresa: The Spiritual Exercises of ... - Google Book Search

    His father supposedly had connections to the Vatican and also had access to The Kolbrin Bible. I have a copy of that and Manresa. Tesla used both for inspiration.

    Aside from those, the visualization is very key.

    I downloaded the Primary State of Matter from your link. Thank you! I faintly remember about 5 years ago that my search led me to his K.S. and I tried to pay someone to go the Library of Congress to get me two papers on vorticular physics and antigravity research but never got the personal to do it. It may have been K.S. but I'm not sure now.

    I think by your description of the stressfield, what I see it like this. You take a ball and put in in a bathtub. The ball displaces volume of water (aether). The water tries to rebound back towards the center of the mass that displaces it pushing back on it from all sides. That is what holds the matter together. The universe is pushing back onto the matter from all sides. That is microgravity. On the large scale...Earth for example displaces a certain volume of the aether. The aether tries to rebound back to the center of the mass. As it does, the positive potential of the ather pushes on the positive charges of the atoms that make up mass pushing them in the direction of the center of the mass...when the aether gets to the center of the is so dense that other "particles" are created...such as electrons and those rise to the surface of the Earth like artesian water. That is the cycle..otherwise if nothing came back up, it would be equilibrium and would just stop and there would be no gravitation effect.

    Wood is spacious atomix matrix. Lead is dense atomic matrix compared. As the aether is rebounding back towards the center of Earth, the positive potential pushes and resists the positive charges in the atom pushing it down. The wood has less to push on and the lead has more. So when you lift the wood up there is less resistance to the aether rebounding back to the center of Earth and lead has more resistance as you pull it up against the downward push of the aether. So there is no such thing as a gravitational pull...things are pushed to the surface.

    There is centrifugal force of the planet spinning but the downward or centripital force is a bit stronger..not much..that is why at 1G, gravity is very weak so we can jump up against it.

    Anyway, that is the interaction of mass, matter and its relation to a larger body that it rests upon and why the matter/mass is pushed to the surface.

    Bedini and Lindemann made a * HUGE * impact on my life but I don't want to mislead anyone into thinking they necessarily endorse my worldview. I asked them before and they are so open minded, more than most people that I've ever met and they both had the same answer. "Who knows what the right answer is?" lol. That is VERY rare for people that really have a deep understanding of their own fields and I'm lucky to have met a few of them.

    I just consider myself a young kid that is beyond manically excited about life with extreme wonder in my eyes and have no problem experessing it. I always realize that I could be totally incorrect and off my rocker about everything I believe, but at least I'm consciously aware of that and instead of being trapped into a dogmatic mindset, I constantly consider that I need to adjust anything I perceive as reasonable evidence presents itself.

    Algae is interesting with interesting synchronicities for myself. Anyone using PATHS needs spirulina or blue-green algae because PATHS is so powerful the brain needs to make new connection based on what the mind is receiving and it needs plenty of absorbable aminos to do that. Spirulina and AFA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae - invisible flower of the water or Blue-Green Algage) are the two most absorbable forms of it.

    Also, in some TRV work, it showed that the OPTIMUM fuel for the future - and when optimum is done in trv the matrix takes into account every single bit of data in the past, present or future in all timlines - and it said that it was algage. I would have guessed water but it is alage. It can be made into biodiesel or certain algae can offgas pure hydrogen as a with the right ones, it makes food while it makes fuel and this all happens at the highest output per area of space than any other source of fuel on the planet...water energy yes..but water isn't food.. Dave Wenbert of has a bunch of info on this.

    Anyway, I don't know exactly how it grows but those 2 things - for the brain food, regular food and fuel, that is what strikes me as interesting about algae and that you ask about it.
    Last edited by Aaron; 02-15-2009, 07:34 AM.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #47
      remote viewing guide

      Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
      Hey thanks heaps Aaron for the link, excellent stuff will be reading it tonight.

      There may be some other free how-to's on remote viewing but I can't really vouch for any of the them since I haven't tried them. I only have experience with TRV. But if you find something else if that one I posted don't cut it, let me know and I can look at it to see if it is at least in the same universe.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #48
        You got in in one with the stressfield, Its gets better the more you read with them, but anyway algae OPTIMUM fuel for the future Brillant

        I need to grow some in a magnet field like a Electret
        Thanks for the great replay
        Last edited by Bodkins; 02-15-2009, 01:35 PM.


        • #49
          Ask the right questions

          Algae would be the optimum fuel source, but what is the most efficient non-polluting energy source?


          Bodkins, sounds like you're cooking up something big :-)
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • #50

            This is actually more close to TRV as far as what it looks like in this free course:

            18 hours of audio to go along with it if you want:
            The Farsight Institute | SRV Audio Lessons Directions for Downloading Page
            Seems kind of extreme...TRV gen ii kit has about 7 vids or so
            not that long and there is the advanced protocol kit with another 7
            vids or so...not 18 hours. but it is free and if it helps you, then it is
            definitely worth the time.

            SRV - scientific remote viewing

            I've also seen - SRV - spiritual remote viewing, etc...

            They're all rooted in the same thing but TRV advanced it the furthest. But these others are still possibly valid. Anyway, that CRV compared to the SRV...the SRV looks way more user friendly and is free also. With the money to spend, I'd still recommend the TRV Gen II kit.

            No matter what method, we can all use the same target # and just use our own method. But at least have the method rooted in the fundaments of what remote viewing is really based on. Ideograms, etc... all the basics.

            Then if we have several people doing a few different styles, we can still bring the data together.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #51

              Thanks Aaron for the links. Excellent stuff. Just listening to the first audio now. I dont know if its just me but i think the presenting is using spatial keying to implant subliminal messages. He breaks his speech in strange places.


              • #52
                @dmonarch, good luck .

                about the water bowl, It is homopolar motor isn't it, somehow I can't replicate it. Maybe I miss something or maybe because my device output is AC. I can push the water no matter which side of the terminal is sunken and which side is hanging. But even when I add magnet, the water won't move when both cable is sunken.

                The electrostatic effect that Aaron mention is true, it pushes tissue paper on it's tip and draw them at it's side.

                I think there is two kind of aether device.

                First, a device that can be build by anyone following the specification. It will always work. A device that always work when physical specification is met. A device that work solely on nature's rule. This is the device I am hoping to build.

                Second, a device which Peter Lidemann refer as a device with emotion. A device which seems to have soul. A device that may have OU or even infinite COP, doing something out of "nothing". A device where it's performance depend on creator psychic ability or ordinary man with "luck". Which may not work if replicator do not posses the same ability or power as the original creator. A device that the creator himself may not be able to replicate. A device that may stop working when the creator is passed away. A device that work because of influence of soul from aether, not because of how nature works.

                I think we should not generalizing aether. Light aether would be different from plasma aether, and should not be assumed to follow the same set of rule, since god created world in seven level where each has it's own rule.

                About chaotic, I do not believe chaotic aether movement. Nature work in harmony. What happen in some places, may affect others. What happen now may affect future. Chaotic aether theory is denying the possibility of future prediction, which unfortunately is possible. But I guess if we can't figure out what affect something, we usually call it chaotic. For me, it is as chaotic as ocean wave, rain, sun light, or air. Once we know what affect them, we wouldn't call it chaotic anymore.

                About compressed time or time reversal, I don't believe there is world that move slower than us. At least I never know it's existence. Time move faster in our dream, people felt going to other world in a few minutes while in fact going in a few hours, people missing a few days while he actually felt going for few hours, legend where people trap in a cave and return after centuries. Slower world do not exist to support theory if there are still other way to explain it. I think we mortal do not have access to the world where future and past exist each other.

                I think TRV can have answer of everything, but I think there is limitation. I think anyone want to learn TRV should only do it with people guidance because it can be dangerous.
                Last edited by sucahyo; 02-17-2009, 12:58 AM.


                • #53

                  Hi Sucahyo
                  If you read Aarons book he goes into a model which he has created to explain the aether, gravity, mass, etc. Its a nice model and does fine. I dont wholy agree with it and think that there are some gaps to be filled. But that said its better than I what i or most could come up with. Dont ask me what the gaps are because i cant recall and I dont have the book any more. One thing i am good at though is being critical. Way too so in fact, most cant stand it.

                  Yeah the power supply was definitly dc that they used to create the vortex but i would have thought pulsed radiant would have done the job specially at those voltages. I wish i new what the effect was, maybe Peter or aaron have an idea on why the vortex forms.


                  • #54
                    EV gray

                    Arron from the little that I understand of the primary state I would say that the EV gray is a two alikes in a unlike condition. Still working on understanding that i can put forward that will be of some help to everyone.

                    The algea very interesting because if the brain is using it to connect to the matrix/ether directly then the use i see for it is correct. I need to do more research but it go on the lines of a Electret. With Electret you make a stressfield and solidify the wax in the stressfield, this them pulls from the air stressfield to recharge.
                    If algea grows inbetween stressfields, in a wayish, you could grow this stuff in a stressfield that would pull in form the earth stressfeild not the air stressfield, which would give you dense charge = amps not volts like the wax electret.
                    Like I say i need to do Lots of reasearch on the Algea.
                    So let say i did it.
                    now i have a sphere with magnet top and bottom gap in the middle and a coil inside the sphere shell (the coil is hollow tubes filled with aglea electre).
                    So i pulse the coil and we have two alikes in a unlike condition.

                    Tuning a nightmare as usual

                    I think all matter is Ether made by this process like in the sun and the earth.
                    the ether provides the information for the matter to give form.
                    If a stressfield hit no other stressfield it will return to the ether.
                    this would fit in will the TVR in that all information is there,We just need a way to stress it.
                    Once stressed I then write it on a page.
                    Last edited by Bodkins; 02-16-2009, 02:44 PM.


                    • #55

                      Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                      Second, a device which Peter Lidemann refer as a device with emotion. A device which seems to have soul. A device that may have OU or even infinite COP, doing something out of "nothing". A device where it's performance depend on creator psychic ability or ordinary man with "luck". Which may not work if replicator do not posses the same ability or power as the original creator. A device that the creator himself may not be able to replicate. A device that may stop working when the creator is passed away. A device that work because of influence of soul from aether, not because of how nature works.


                      I think this Is spot on
                      the right spirit is the key lets face it if you can create you become the creator.
                      The only way is to make it for the creator in the of the creator


                      • #56

                        Yeah thats the first thing i said after building a bedini ssg. Its alive, Its alive!! My mate didnt get what i saying and got rather annoyed but still thats life.

                        There are a myriad of ways reality could exist if you get past the idea of the things being actual. It is highly possible that the aether is the only thing in existance and we merely signals propogated through the quantum foam. Both annealing and synchronicity would allow for this.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
                          Yeah thats the first thing i said after building a bedini ssg. Its alive, Its alive!! My mate didnt get what i saying and got rather annoyed but still thats life.

                          There are a myriad of ways reality could exist if you get past the idea of the things being actual. It is highly possible that the aether is the only thing in existance and we merely signals propogated through the quantum foam. Both annealing and synchronicity would allow for this.
                          Yes Yes Yes
                          thats is the way to go it is life!!!!
                          Like the Ether is the middle man to the creator

                          called it the Ether conscious-physical, energy soil

                          ps cheers arron more to read life keeps getting better and better
                          Manresa: The Spiritual Exercises of ... - Google Book Search
                          Last edited by Bodkins; 02-16-2009, 08:57 PM.


                          • #58

                            Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
                            The algea very interesting because if the brain is using it to connect to the matrix/ether directly then the use i see for it is correct.
                            Hi Bodkins,

                            Our brain, the physical transceiver that interacts with the mind uses any amino source to also connect to the matrix by using them to create the connections and neurotransmitters, which are all breaking the symmetry of the aether. However, because of how primal algae is, it is more simple to break down and the aminos are extremely bio-available compared to just about all others. Protein in beef is maybe 20% bioavailable if even that and algae is like over 90%.

                            It is also the food of the far off future.

                            I think we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg with the potential of algae.

                            Sounds like you got something interesting cooking up lol
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #59
                              thoughts and machines

                              Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
                              I think this Is spot on
                              the right spirit is the key lets face it if you can create you become the creator.
                              The only way is to make it for the creator in the of the creator
                              That's an interesting conversation.

                              At least as far as Biblical reference, a soul is body + breath (breath of life / the aether). Therefore animals have souls and possibly trees have souls but not necessarily judgment as they go on instinct since they are perfectly being.

                              So perhaps the physical machine and the aether constitutes a soul.

                              There are psychotronic devices that store thoughts and psychic energies.

                              Wilhelm Reich had an orgone motor. depends on what Reich called the "Y Factor"...never revealed what it meant but appears after his archives were opened in 2008 possibly that he meant the YOU Factor. YOU are what made it work. The intention of the operator since it worked by the orgone energy. So people that didn't believe it couldn't get it to work.

                              Bedini can get some things to work when others can't but instead of it just being his mind power contributing, I think it is that he is just so profoundly tuned in that he has the subtle feel for the adjustments for tuning and that can't be taught. Everyone has to just get their own vibe on things.

                              Here is the first sci-fi book that referenced robots that thought...AI, etc... and rods/wands like orgone wands, etc...
                              Internet Archive: Details: The coming race [by E.G.E.L. Bulwer-Lytton].
                              About the power of Vril - life force energy. It is an incredible story and I'm not so sure it is all fiction.
                              Last edited by Aaron; 02-16-2009, 09:52 PM.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #60
                                Thanks for the book got it for £2.71 cheap as chips

                                In 2005, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute announced the results of research they'd done on certain bacteria that are known to carry magnetic crystals. These are called magnetotactic bacteria. In 1970, magnetotactic bacteria were also discovered in the Southern Hemisphere whose magnetic crystals were flipped around. The purpose of these tiny internal compasses has never been known, but since the 1970 discovery, the working hypothesis has been that they use the compasses to help navigate either up or down to find water with the best oxygen concentration. This would be consistent with the need for the polarity to be reversed in the Southern Hemisphere.

                                Alas for the pond magnet manufacturers, Woods Hole's research found that north-polarity and south-polarity bacteria are both found intermixed in both hemispheres, and also that there are numerous individuals who lack the crystals completely. All three types of bacteria navigate equally well to the water depths with the most desirable oxygen levels. The conclusion of the research is that the purpose of the magnetic crystals remains unknown, but it's clear that its reversal or even its total lack makes no difference to the health or life cycle of the bacteria. And, once the bar magnet was removed from the microscope slide, the magnetotactic bacteria realigned themselves normally with the earth's magnetic field, according to the polarity of each

