Hutchinson Effect?
I don't feel too bad going off-subject (...and maybe it's not so off-subject for this site after-all):
The most interesting aspect of the 9/11 attacks imo is the possibility of the "Hutchinson Effect", or something along the lines of Col. Beardon's "Scalar Interferometry" (ala HAARP) being used to drop the towers and Bldg 7.
The Journal of 9/11 Research and 9/11 Issues
I'm far from sold on this theory (although i believe it was an inside job no matter how it was done); but there are strange and seemingly unanswerable parallels to what happened to the structures and surrounding area and what John Hutchinson noted of his effect. The major proponent of this theory, Dr. Judy Wood, does not come out and say it was an energy weapon using the Hutchinson Effect on her website, but strongly implies it; and everyone knows that is what she is really saying.
If this technology is "real"... Then we know that the U.S. government has had it at least since the late 1970's / early 1980's when Hutchinson first went public with it. Or if we take into account Col. Beardon's work on the subject, the Soviets had it years before; since these two technologies would seem to be based on the same thing (intersecting & focused standing longitudinal wave fronts).... And in fact the genesis could go all the way back to Tesla's "Death Ray" from the 1930's .
Is this the reason they won't let us have free energy (...because of the awesome destructive power of this technology)? I don't believe it is; at least not generally. The study of "Magnetic Motors" or "Hydroxy" does not lead back to it; and LENR or plasma energy doesn't lead back to it any more than other "traditional" sciences would. But some have made this leap....
... And it leads some to a conclusion that we are "better off" without free energy: To that i say "Bull".
There is nothing that can be of greater help to us. And that is the problem: Those that would engineer "false-flag" operations for their own ends, obviously don't want what is best for us. And we certainly shouldn't believe anything they say unless we can verify it ourselves!
I don't feel too bad going off-subject (...and maybe it's not so off-subject for this site after-all):
The most interesting aspect of the 9/11 attacks imo is the possibility of the "Hutchinson Effect", or something along the lines of Col. Beardon's "Scalar Interferometry" (ala HAARP) being used to drop the towers and Bldg 7.
The Journal of 9/11 Research and 9/11 Issues
I'm far from sold on this theory (although i believe it was an inside job no matter how it was done); but there are strange and seemingly unanswerable parallels to what happened to the structures and surrounding area and what John Hutchinson noted of his effect. The major proponent of this theory, Dr. Judy Wood, does not come out and say it was an energy weapon using the Hutchinson Effect on her website, but strongly implies it; and everyone knows that is what she is really saying.
If this technology is "real"... Then we know that the U.S. government has had it at least since the late 1970's / early 1980's when Hutchinson first went public with it. Or if we take into account Col. Beardon's work on the subject, the Soviets had it years before; since these two technologies would seem to be based on the same thing (intersecting & focused standing longitudinal wave fronts).... And in fact the genesis could go all the way back to Tesla's "Death Ray" from the 1930's .
Is this the reason they won't let us have free energy (...because of the awesome destructive power of this technology)? I don't believe it is; at least not generally. The study of "Magnetic Motors" or "Hydroxy" does not lead back to it; and LENR or plasma energy doesn't lead back to it any more than other "traditional" sciences would. But some have made this leap....
... And it leads some to a conclusion that we are "better off" without free energy: To that i say "Bull".
