Reply to Wpage:
W, if you take the time to read and study the material presented in this post, I think you will find the answers to this and other questions. If not, and you request it, I will gladly offer some deeper perspective.
Glad that you mentioned that, W. One of the many alleged flight 93 cellphone calls was purported to be from a man named Mark Bingham. This is a partial transcript of the call:
A man claiming to be Mark Bingham called Bingham’s sister-in-law, Cathy Hoglan, who was being visited by Bingham’s mother, Alice. Cathy took the call and handed the phone to Alice with the remark, “Alice, talk to Mark. He’s been hijacked.”
Caller: “Mom? This is Mark Bingham.”
Now W, I ask you this - if you were talking to your mother over the phone, would you have used your last name to identify yourself, or would you even have stated your first name, since your sister had already told your mother who was calling? To read this and other strange transcripts, and to learn why cellphone usage may not even have been possible on flight 93, go here:
Physics911, by Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven, 9/11/2001
Even the mid to left side of the planes underbelly, which is partially shaded from sunlight, appears to be unpainted aluminum. And what about the stark difference in the tail lettering that I pointed out? I notice that no one is attempting to refute that.
W, I fully realize that the possibilities and probabilities being discussed are unthinkable to most Americans. No one wants to believe that our own government could have planned, condoned, and carried out an act as heinous as the 911 attacks. The mere thought of this actually occurring is, as you put it, ludicrous to most people, and especially to US citizens. I understand that feeling, and that belief, and simply ask that you calmly bear with me for a moment and listen to what I am about to tell you with an open mind. The following information is from historical and verifiable records and I will provide references. These are absolute facts, and can not be ascribed as belonging to any conspiracy theory.
First let me begin with a short history of events surrounding a well remembered era of our country's not too distant past. This is necessary in order for a clear understanding.
Let us step back in time to the year 1961, when John Kennedy was President of the United States. You will probably remember that there was a lot of tension between the US and Cuba, and that the US government favored the removal of Castro’s regime. The Bay of Pigs Cuba Invasion, planned by the US government, authorized by President Kennedy, and carried out with CIA and US armed forces support, had failed. Soon afterwards, Castro declared Cuba a Socialist Republic, and began reinforcing his military with direct funding from the Soviets. Tensions heightened, and the US government was more determined than ever to oust Castro. To accomplish that end, the US government needed a plan of action. It was the job (and still is today) of the Defense Department, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to draw up a set of plans and recommendations for accomplishing the intended goals, and then submit this plan to the Secretary of Defense (then Robert McNamara), who would in turn submit the proposal to the President for approval and authorization. The Joint Chiefs of Staff is comprised of a Chairman and Vice Chairman appointed by the President, and also includes the Chiefs of service from each of the four major military branches. The plan that was drawn up was aptly named “The Cuban Plan,” but also was given the codename Operation Mongoose
[i]In February of 1962, President Kennedy approved this plan of aggressive covert actions to be carried out against Castro’s government. The plans included the use of espionage, terrorism, sabotage, and assassinations of key Cuban officials, including Castro. The plans were to be carried out by the armed forces and CIA, with the assistance of the Mafia, which was entrusted to perform the assassinations. Early on in the exercise of these plans, it became apparent that the destabilization and overthrow of Castro’s regime from within Cuba would prove quite difficult. So even while Operation Mongoose continued, the Joint Chiefs of Staff drafted a supplementary plan of action under the codename Operation Northwoods [ii]
This plan was designed to use US government sponsored acts, and simulated acts, of terrorism. Unlike Operation Mongoose, however, these real and simulated acts were to be carried out upon various US civilian and military targets in several US cities, including Miami and Washington DC, and would be done in such a way as to place the blame for these attacks squarely against the Cuban government. The objective was to garner widespread support of US citizens, and the world community of nations, for a full scale US invasion of Cuba. The Joint Chiefs of Staff reasoned that after these acts of terrorism were carried out on US soil, the American public would not only condone use of full military force against Cuba, but would in fact demand it with a voice echoing throughout America that, “Something must be done!” This tactic is an age old ploy that has been used throughout recorded history by worldwide governmental powers to gain public support for carrying out their agendas. It is nothing new, and it is still widely used in present times, especially for the purpose of provoking military actions.
As you read the information at the following links, pay very close attention to the Contents section of Wikipedia’s Operation Northwoods page. I think it will both amaze and disgust you. You can read a copy of the full original Operation Northwoods proposal, which is kept at the National Security Archive of the George Washington University’s Gelman Library in Washington, DC.
-- Please read the continuation of this factual story in post #47, where additionally cited references will also be included -- Rick
Originally posted by wpage
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Originally posted by wpage
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A man claiming to be Mark Bingham called Bingham’s sister-in-law, Cathy Hoglan, who was being visited by Bingham’s mother, Alice. Cathy took the call and handed the phone to Alice with the remark, “Alice, talk to Mark. He’s been hijacked.”
Caller: “Mom? This is Mark Bingham.”
Now W, I ask you this - if you were talking to your mother over the phone, would you have used your last name to identify yourself, or would you even have stated your first name, since your sister had already told your mother who was calling? To read this and other strange transcripts, and to learn why cellphone usage may not even have been possible on flight 93, go here:
Physics911, by Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven, 9/11/2001
Originally posted by wpage
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Originally posted by wpage
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First let me begin with a short history of events surrounding a well remembered era of our country's not too distant past. This is necessary in order for a clear understanding.
Let us step back in time to the year 1961, when John Kennedy was President of the United States. You will probably remember that there was a lot of tension between the US and Cuba, and that the US government favored the removal of Castro’s regime. The Bay of Pigs Cuba Invasion, planned by the US government, authorized by President Kennedy, and carried out with CIA and US armed forces support, had failed. Soon afterwards, Castro declared Cuba a Socialist Republic, and began reinforcing his military with direct funding from the Soviets. Tensions heightened, and the US government was more determined than ever to oust Castro. To accomplish that end, the US government needed a plan of action. It was the job (and still is today) of the Defense Department, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to draw up a set of plans and recommendations for accomplishing the intended goals, and then submit this plan to the Secretary of Defense (then Robert McNamara), who would in turn submit the proposal to the President for approval and authorization. The Joint Chiefs of Staff is comprised of a Chairman and Vice Chairman appointed by the President, and also includes the Chiefs of service from each of the four major military branches. The plan that was drawn up was aptly named “The Cuban Plan,” but also was given the codename Operation Mongoose
[i]In February of 1962, President Kennedy approved this plan of aggressive covert actions to be carried out against Castro’s government. The plans included the use of espionage, terrorism, sabotage, and assassinations of key Cuban officials, including Castro. The plans were to be carried out by the armed forces and CIA, with the assistance of the Mafia, which was entrusted to perform the assassinations. Early on in the exercise of these plans, it became apparent that the destabilization and overthrow of Castro’s regime from within Cuba would prove quite difficult. So even while Operation Mongoose continued, the Joint Chiefs of Staff drafted a supplementary plan of action under the codename Operation Northwoods [ii]
This plan was designed to use US government sponsored acts, and simulated acts, of terrorism. Unlike Operation Mongoose, however, these real and simulated acts were to be carried out upon various US civilian and military targets in several US cities, including Miami and Washington DC, and would be done in such a way as to place the blame for these attacks squarely against the Cuban government. The objective was to garner widespread support of US citizens, and the world community of nations, for a full scale US invasion of Cuba. The Joint Chiefs of Staff reasoned that after these acts of terrorism were carried out on US soil, the American public would not only condone use of full military force against Cuba, but would in fact demand it with a voice echoing throughout America that, “Something must be done!” This tactic is an age old ploy that has been used throughout recorded history by worldwide governmental powers to gain public support for carrying out their agendas. It is nothing new, and it is still widely used in present times, especially for the purpose of provoking military actions.
As you read the information at the following links, pay very close attention to the Contents section of Wikipedia’s Operation Northwoods page. I think it will both amaze and disgust you. You can read a copy of the full original Operation Northwoods proposal, which is kept at the National Security Archive of the George Washington University’s Gelman Library in Washington, DC.
-- Please read the continuation of this factual story in post #47, where additionally cited references will also be included -- Rick