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U.S. and Russian satellites collide

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  • #61
    Hi wpage,

    I tend to respect peoples individual opinions, and I do respect yours, but sometimes I wonder why I bother.

    To just dismiss overwhelming evidence that the official report is suspect, is like looking at a circle, having someone tell you it's a circle, but deciding to think it's a square because more people think it's a square. At least ask the question "could this actually be a circle?"



    P.S. How 'bout that space junk.
    You can view my vids here


    • #62
      Reply to wpage:

      Originally posted by wpage View Post
      Once a proven truth or de facto standard has been established. To disprove it requires evidence not speculations and hearsays...
      The major facts and evidence have been wieghed and measured against
      minor and some contra information. The results are what is accepted by most.
      I do appreciate the valuable information here however I accept the conclusions that were reached by the majority.

      Getting back to sattelites and space junk. Today a home in texas had a
      3" peice of junk come crashing thru its roof and ceiling today...
      Was it fallout from the sattelite?
      W, the government has failed miserably in their attempts to "prove" any of the 911 "truths" that they would have us believe. They would simply have us accept their De facto reports as authoratative and final truths, and that appears to be what you are willing to do, and without question. De facto means the same as "for all intents and purposes," and naturally the government's version of what happened on 911 is tailored to suit their intents and purposes. The information already brought forth in this thread is not based upon speculation or hearsay, as you suggest, but upon actual events and irrefutable facts. The government story of 911, on the other hand, is based upon so-called "evidence," "facts," and "eyewitness testimony" that just don't stand up under scrutiny and independent investigation. You may not realize it, but there is a huge movement underway in the USA, and around the world, dedicated to uncovering the real truths of what happened on September 11, 2001. At the forefront of this movement are well known and respected scientists, civil and aeronautical engineers, demolition experts, professional pilots, air crash investigation specialists, and many others who have the expertise to examine the existing evidence and determine what was actually possible, probable, faked, or real. A mountain of very convincing evidence has already been uncovered and publicly exposed, and so far we have only mentioned a small portion of that in this thread. I welcome any arguments that oppose this evidence, but to be reasonable and effective they must present at least equally compelling evidence that is contrary. So far, neither you nor anyone else here has offered such evidence, but I'm quite willing to listen if you do have some to offer. I respect your right to form your own opinions, and am not attempting to "sell" anyone on accepting any so-called "conspiracy theory." Instead, I am offering non-theoretical, factual information which I believe to be irrefutable. So please take the time to at least view, read, and study the information presented before drawing a conclusion that the information has no significance. And where you do find the information and evidence to have no significance, please bring evidence to the table that is supportive to your conclusion, rather than blanket statements of denial. Above all, please remember that those of us who have presented evidence that suggests that the "official" version of 911 events is false have no hidden agenda. We are only interested in determining the truths and facts regarding the 911 attacks, whatever they may be.

      Regarding the 3" piece of debris that fell through a Texas home's roof, I suspect that it certainly is likely to be space junk, unless it is something that inadvertently fell from a passing airplane, which should be easy to rule out. I also suspect that we will be hearing of many further reports of such incidents in the months and years to come. And keep in mind that for every piece of junk that does strike a dwelling, there are likely hundreds more that fall harmlessly to the ground, or into bodies of water. Still, the fact that a dwelling impact has already occurred does raise questions of great concern. The piece impacting the Dallas, Texas home weighed 6 pounds, had two drilled holes in it, and crashed through the roof, the upstairs ceiling, the second story floor, the first story ceiling, and imbedded itself in the top of the kitchen's refrigerator. Thankfully, no one was at home at the time. See more about this here:
      Space Debris? Metal Hits Texas House |

      Best regards to you,

      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • #63
        That piece of metal is burned, looks like it is aluminum or aluminum alloy. OUCH! And the speed to go through the upper parts of the house is more than when something falls from an aircraft.

        Would not even matter if you wear a hard hat! Good luck world, more are coming.

        I can already hear NASA explain "It is just a natural phenomenon, probably a meteorite” How do they explain the two holes? "Oh, that is because of some bacteria coming from Mars that corroded the meteorite and when it entered through Earth Atmosphere the high friction caused heat to burn the holes, See they are not perfectly round like when we made it"

        Off course, this is NASA and they are representing the Government, both very creditable and openly honest - so how can this not be true?
        Last edited by Aromaz; 02-28-2009, 02:00 AM.
        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


        • #64
          Reply to Aromaz:

          Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
          Of course, this is NASA and they are representing the Government, both very creditable and openly honest - so how can this not be true?
          Now that you mention NASA, this reminds me of something very strange that occurred on the day of the 911 attacks. A general grounding order had gone out at 9:45 requiring all aircraft to land. Three planes landed at Cleveland Ohio's Hopkins Airport between 10:00AM and 11:00AM. The first was a KC-135, which was a NASA plane, and that landed at 10:08, according to FAA records. Hopkins Airport is home to NASA's Glenn Research Center, which has 3500 employees. The next flight in was Delta 1989, which landed at 10:10, just 2 minutes behind the NASA plane. You may remember that Delta 1989 was originally suspected of possibly being a hijack target. This is because Cleveland air traffic controllers identified 1989 as flying in their air space during the time when they overheard a radio transmission where people were screaming. The controllers, though, had never lost contact or transponder data for Delta 1989, the flight had never gone off course, and the pilot of 1989 assured the controllers that there had been no problems or screaming on his flight. So keep in mind that controllers already knew that a problem with Delta 1989 was highly unlikely, and that authorities at Cleveland Hopkins could have determined very quickly, after the aircraft landed, that the affirmation from the pilot had been correct. For some reason, though, the 69 Delta 1989 passengers were required to remain on the plane until 12:30PM, when they were taken into the FAA headquarters. Passengers stated that they had to wait at least 2 hours after landing before the FBI came on board with bomb sniffing dogs. The entire airport was evacuated shortly after Delta 1989 had landed. People inside the airport were forced to leave on foot, and not allowed to take their cars. Bus drivers were forced to leave their buses and do the same. The employees at the NASA facility were all told to go home, as were all non-essential airport employees. So what was the reason for this extreme precaution? Well, ABC News aired a report that morning stating, "Now, just to deal with the possibility of the missing United Airlines flight [this would be United 93, which was considered missing because FAA had lost transponder data and radio contact with the plane - Rick], the mayor of Cleveland, Michael White, says that a Boeing 767 out of Boston has made an emergency landing at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport because of concerns that it may have a bomb aboard. There is some possibility that may be the missing United flight, but we do not know." --- Peter Jennings, ABC News, 11:50 am, 9/11/2001

          The third flight to land at Cleveland Hopkins Airport touched down at 10:45, and moved to a position next to the NASA building, which is located at a different side of the airport from where Delta 1989 was taken. The passengers were taken into the evacuated NASA center building at 11:15. Mayor White had stated that there were 200 passengers. WCPO TV, a station in Cincinnati Ohio, released the following report at about 11:44AM: "White said the plane had been moved to a secure area of the airport, and was evacuated. United identified the plane as Flight 93." For the complete WCPO report, go here: - The Web site of WCPO-TV in Cincinnati, Ohio

          Notice the WCPO report says the plane had been evacuated. They certainly weren't referring to Delta 1989, since those passengers would still remain onboard for another 46 minutes. Both WCPO and mayor White later retracted their statements, and United Airlines and FAA officials claim that no such information concerning UAL93 was ever released. Flight 93 was, of course, the plane that allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania, and the passenger list shows that there were 33 passengers aboard, not 200. Of course the 200 passenger story may have simply been purposeful disinformation from government sources and intended to cause confusion, since if the 200 passenger story were true then the plane certainly could not be United93. It is most interesting to note that no "official" explanation has ever been given as to the identity of the plane which landed at 10:45, and that this landing was never mentioned in the 911 Commission Report.

          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • #65
            WOW! That is a brand new HOT iron.

            First time I see this direction.

            Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


            • #66
              Reply to Sharyn

              Originally posted by Sharyn View Post
              911Truth is a very comprehensive site covering some of the information already mentioned in previous posts as well as a lot of other audios, videos, articles & reports.

              It also contains very interesting information about the Bali bombing & what allegedly actually occurred in Kuta as opposed to what the general populous has been led to believe.

              Love, Light & Blessings
              Look for a documentary called "fool me twice" it shows the Bali bomber who packed the explosives on camera stating that his bomb could not have caused as much damage as the shock wave created. Plus much more, the Bali incident has as many holes in it as the London ones and 911 one.

              Add ALL of them up, its time for Activism IMO


              • #67
                Hi Ash,

                Interesting about the Bali bombing. A pommy friend of mine was in one of the bars that blew up (Sari club). He and his wife survived and after a few months I asked him what it was like. He told me about all the usual stuff that happens when bombs go off, but what I found most interesting was this. He said that he was at the back of the club leaning againts a concrete pillar talking to another patron, and when the bomb went off the other guy just vapourised. He wasn't shielded by the pillar.

                What I found interesting is that some one inside the club could get vapourised by a van bomb that was supposed to be outside the club. Padi's Bar had a guy with a back pack bomb walk in and detonate but officially that did not happen to the Sari Club.

                Who know's what realy went down.


                You can view my vids here



                • #68
                  How funny is this?

                  This was at cryptogon today.

         » Archives » Russian General Says U.S. May Have Planned Satellite Collision
                  A Phenomenon is anything which can be apprehended by the senses.


                  • #69
                    Dambit makes sense, there was a NUCLEAR shock wave in the bali bombings mate seriously check out fool, me twice, they show the shock wave, it could not have been created by a Van bomb.

                    Look at the HOLE, also the Bali bomber said the Americans must have planted the extra bomb!


                    • #70
                      End Of The Space Age?

                      Here's an interesting article which predicts that the Space Station will have to be abanded within a year, due to the hazzard of the debris field:

                      Space Station's Future May End This Year

                      Now, the Russians are saying the US caused the collision, a typical "blame the victim" attitude. After all, it was the Russian satellite which was supposedly out of control.

                      It may be that the Space Age is over, as far as the Public will know. But there's more going on, behind the scenes. A contact tells me that the Russians have a new space ship which "can go anywhere in the universe". Also, I heard that the US successfully tested Alcubierre's Warp Drive, during the fourth test in deep space. After that, former President Bush (Jr.) started talking about "foriegn planets", "US Planets", and "non-US Planets".

                      And there's more. I've seen a lot of 'workable' advanced technology in sci-fi on TV. For instance, various episodes of Star Trek and its progeny showed little bits and pieces of that technology, which is, of course, different than Alcubierre's math. Maybe someone behind the scenes is trying to help us, the little guys?

                      I just did a preliminary test of my "plasma injector" and it works quite well. (This is based in part on information I was given in person, and "trusted" not to say anything about.) Now all I need is a blue Scalar acceleration field which will impart super luminal velocity to the plasma, producing a similar reaction against the mass of the ship.

                      If you're moving fast enough, a debris field will appear to be standing still.


                      • #71
                        @ Electrotek

                        Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
                        Here's an interesting article which predicts that the Space Station will have to be abanded within a year, due to the hazzard of the debris field:

                        Space Station's Future May End This Year

                        Now, the Russians are saying the US caused the collision, a typical "blame the victim" attitude. After all, it was the Russian satellite which was supposedly out of control.

                        It may be that the Space Age is over, as far as the Public will know. But there's more going on, behind the scenes. A contact tells me that the Russians have a new space ship which "can go anywhere in the universe". Also, I heard that the US successfully tested Alcubierre's Warp Drive, during the fourth test in deep space. After that, former President Bush (Jr.) started talking about "foriegn planets", "US Planets", and "non-US Planets".

                        And there's more. I've seen a lot of 'workable' advanced technology in sci-fi on TV. For instance, various episodes of Star Trek and its progeny showed little bits and pieces of that technology, which is, of course, different than Alcubierre's math. Maybe someone behind the scenes is trying to help us, the little guys?

                        I just did a preliminary test of my "plasma injector" and it works quite well. (This is based in part on information I was given in person, and "trusted" not to say anything about.) Now all I need is a blue Scalar acceleration field which will impart super luminal velocity to the plasma, producing a similar reaction against the mass of the ship.

                        If you're moving fast enough, a debris field will appear to be standing still.
                        Hi Electrotek,

                        Here is a site that has most all of "Ted Twietmeyer's" articles his web site and a book he trys to sell ..... some of his stuff is ..... diffrent

                        Ted Twietmeyer

                        Open Source Experimentalist
                        Open Source Research and Development


                        • #72
                          A 5 inch chunk of space junk in near collision with ISS

                          As many of you may know, the International Space Station came close on March 12 to being on a collision course with a 5 inch chunk of metal which was the remains of a satellite rocket engine. The space station crew was evacuated to the Soyuz capsule in readiness to depart from the station in the event that it was struck. While the station was not impacted by the space junk, the metallic chunk did approach within a distance of less than 3 miles, which is a bit too close for comfort. A piece of metal this size could easily have demolished the station. Bill Harwood, of Spaceflight Now points out that, "a 0.4-inch-wide sphere of aluminum moving at orbital speeds packs the same punch as a 400-pound safe moving at 60 mph." You can imagine what that 400 pound safe would do to your automobile if dropped on you from a freeway overpass as you travel at a speed of one mile per minute. Now consider what a 5 inch chunk of rocket engine, the equivalent of a 5,000 pound safe while traveling 300 miles per minute, would do to the space station. The space station does have the ability to maneuver somewhat to avoid collisions, and this has in fact been done in the past. This time, though, military trackers notified NASA of the impending collision too late to allow for evasive maneuvers. It appears that someone was asleep at the wheel again.

                          Many are now calling for clean up of space debris, but realisticially this isn't going to happen. It's not like you can simply launch a "Roomba" sweeper, or garbage truck type satellite to clean things up. And you don't want to simply blast larger pieces into hundreds of thousands of smaller pieces. Whatever the method, the cost would be way more than the world economy could bear. So it seems that we are stuck with a problem that can only worsen - a problem created by governments and scientists who either didn't understand the consequences of their actions, or who did understand but didn't care.

                          Here is a NASA depiction of the space junk currently in Earth orbit:

                          Pretty bad, isn't it?

                          Last edited by rickoff; 03-19-2009, 09:25 PM.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • #73
                            I don't understand why they always assume those objects are stationary? It it is able to maintain the same altitude then it should be moving with the similar speed. Am I wrong?



                            • #74
                              Reply to abcstore:

                              Anything placed into a relatively near Earth orbit has to maintain a velocity of about 18,000 mph just to remain in orbit. So satellites that have no maneuverability, or which previously had maneuverability but have now become defunct, such as the Russian satellite which recently collided with the Iridium satellite, are out of control. They cannot maintain their planned orbits, and are thus falling back toward Earth. In this process, they can come near to, or collide with, other orbiting objects. If those objects are basically in the same trajectory and at the same speed, then it is kind of like two cars side by side on the freeway - even if they touch there would be little damage other than a scrape or a side view mirror being ripped off. But such an ideal condition will almost never occur. The US and Russian satellites, for example, were on a near head on course when they collided, and the force of that collision broke and scattered the two craft into perhaps a thousand or more pieces of space junk traveling in a multitude of directions. Each one of those pieces is an accident waiting to happen. Because of this one collision, the chance for catastrophe to any space mission has now been nearly doubled, and the collisions that do occur as a result will only further the chances for future catastrophic events.

                              Last edited by rickoff; 09-25-2016, 05:47 PM. Reason: sp
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • #75
                                Orbital Space Debris

                                Rick: That picture sure is pretty. At present, this doesn't look insurmountable. Especially if a ground based tracking facility keeps the pilot updated. It's the "unauthorized" ships which will have the hazard. Which is as it should be.

                                Eventually, as the eons go by, any of this debris which doesn't fall to the planet will become equatorial rings, due to gravitational mechanics.

