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The Physics of the Primary State of Matter

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  • The Physics of the Primary State of Matter

    Please read
    Karl Schappeller The Physics of the Primary State of Matter
    MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
    you need to put in the code at the side of the download button
    A Treatise on Astronomy - Google Book Search
    by Herschel
    Please Read some
    The Plant Im sure is Algae if this is the case making anything out of nothing is possible.
    The Motive(Spirit) Is Here
    Last edited by Bodkins; 04-13-2009, 08:26 AM.

  • #2
    If You cancel out stressfields you could move Large Block of Stone


    • #3
      Missing page 112

      Ether is a carbon static potential it is a homogeneous mixture of its two components, Hydrogen and Oxygen energy.
      If stressed between two potential differences the two componets (as in magnetism)North (Hydrogen energy) and South (Oxtgen energy) we have suction, attraction to the centre which it carbon in the steel rod!

      EVERYTHING is made using this process the Trinity of the Three H and O Plus the carbon static potential all matter comes from this place.
      Like a number eight on its side 8 the center is the stressfield Meeting.
      All magnetic action is indepentent of pressure of air and occurs also in the vacuum. So magnetism is a state of space devoid of matter.
      i.e. A state of the Ether

      Aristole held that the four elements had two qualities, either hot (Hydrogen energy)or cold (Oxygen energy) PRIMARY PHYSICS and wet or dry (Secordary or Present Physics).
      Earth is cold and dry;
      Air is hot and wet;
      Fire is hot and dry;
      Water is cold and wet;
      If you cross the stressfield of H and O this changes the Secordary or Present Physics
      Fire crossing the stressfield of water,water is a resistor the water will boil.

      Arron Understanding so for!!
      I think by your description of the stressfield, what I see it like this. You take a ball and put in in a bathtub. The ball displaces volume of water (aether). The water tries to rebound back towards the center of the mass that displaces it pushing back on it from all sides. That is what holds the matter together. The universe is pushing back onto the matter from all sides. That is microgravity. On the large scale...Earth for example displaces a certain volume of the aether. The aether tries to rebound back to the center of the mass. As it does, the positive potential of the ather pushes on the positive charges of the atoms that make up mass pushing them in the direction of the center of the mass...when the aether gets to the center of the is so dense that other "particles" are created...such as electrons and those rise to the surface of the Earth like artesian water. That is the cycle..otherwise if nothing came back up, it would be equilibrium and would just stop and there would be no gravitation effect.

      One last thing we have a problem with some of the pages Missing if anyone Has a copy of the book or anyidea where it maybe found please look for page 112

      Take Care


      • #4

        In 2005, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute announced the results of research they'd done on certain bacteria that are known to carry magnetic crystals. These are called magnetotactic bacteria. In 1970, magnetotactic bacteria were also discovered in the Southern Hemisphere whose magnetic crystals were flipped around. The purpose of these tiny internal compasses has never been known, but since the 1970 discovery, the working hypothesis has been that they use the compasses to help navigate either up or down to find water with the best oxygen concentration. This would be consistent with the need for the polarity to be reversed in the Southern Hemisphere.

        Alas for the pond magnet manufacturers, Woods Hole's research found that north-polarity and south-polarity bacteria are both found intermixed in both hemispheres, and also that there are numerous individuals who lack the crystals completely. All three types of bacteria navigate equally well to the water depths with the most desirable oxygen levels. The conclusion of the research is that the purpose of the magnetic crystals remains unknown, but it's clear that its reversal or even its total lack makes no difference to the health or life cycle of the bacteria. And, once the bar magnet was removed from the microscope slide, the magnetotactic bacteria realigned themselves normally with the earth's magnetic field, according to the polarity of each.

        Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kz. was grown in Jaworski's algal culture medium and exposed to a fluctuating electromagnetic field which induced development of dark colouration, increased density and brittleness, After 4 weeks exposure, algae were unable to grow when transferred to unexposed culture medium. In addition, algal growth in culture medium exposed to a fluctuating magnetic field before the algae were introduced, was inhibited significantly compared with an appropriate control after 4 days, indicating a transfer of effect from the brief exposure to a magnetic field of less than 1 second to the 4-day period when growth was active.


        • #5
          Good reads

          Thanks for the links...

          Was there nothing more current than the 19th century book on elemental astro physics

          As Sherlock Holms always told Watson. "Elementary"
          "But ye shall receive power..."
          Acts 1:8


          • #6
            Chinese Space Seeds

            Evidence; of stressfield interaction

            Space Vegetables - NATURE archives - MDG 2008-09

            Futuristic greenhouses in southern China give birth to 15-stone pumpkins - 10 times their normal size - 160lb Chinese winter melons, chilli plants the size of small trees with fiery 9in-long fruit which look more like exotic peppers. Alongside are 14lb aubergines, 2lb tomatoes and 2ft cucumbers.

            Scientists have yet to offer a definitive explanation of why space causes the seeds to mutate but they believe that cosmic radiation, micro-gravity and magnetic fields may play a part, but beyond that guesswork, there's seemingly no reason that space seeds should be a miracle food. Our MINA correspondent, a physicist, believes micro gravity plays a major role.

            The scientists dont see it at all, so no wpage.

            but you can see evidence if you look for it, and the evidence is not for the places you may think?
            YouTube - Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah

            and a great brother of mine made this, hes reading the Book.

            YouTube - How Bacon Saves The Universe - 1
            YouTube - God Particle to God Field - Ultra Zoom - How Bacon Saves The Universe - 2
            Last edited by Bodkins; 02-18-2009, 09:10 AM.


            • #7

              This short and cryptic text was highly regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art, in particular of its Hermetic tradition.

              1) This is true and remote from all cover of falsehood.
              2) Whatever is below is similar to that which is above. Through this the marvels of the work of one thing are procured and perfected.
              3) Also, as all things are made from one, by the consideration of one, so all things were made from this one, by conjunction.
              4) The father of it is the sun, the mother the moon.
              5) The wind bore it in the womb. Its nurse is the earth, the mother of all perfection.
              6) Its power is perfected.
              7) If it is turned into earth,
              7) Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle and thin from the crude and coarse, prudently, with modesty and wisdom.
              8) This ascends from the earth into the sky and again descends from the sky to the earth, and receives the power and efficacy of things above and of things below.
              9) By this means you will acquire the glory of the whole world, and so you will drive away all shadows and blindness.
              10) For this by its fortitude snatches the palm from all other fortitude and power. For it is able to penetrate and subdue everything subtle and everything crude and hard.
              11) By this means the world was founded
              12) And hence the marvelous cojunctions of it and admirable effects, since this is the way by which these marvels may be brought about.
              13) And because of this they have called me Hermes Tristmegistus since I have the three parts of the wisdom and Philosophy of the whole universe.
              14) My speech is finished which I have spoken concerning the solar work.


              • #8
                Thanks for the link Bodkins, been looking for the full version of this for some time.

                Read it and re-read it mate, and then grab some others!
                "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                • #9
                  Flower of Life

                  If PP is the why it is, then the Flower of Life is the how it is, geometrically.
                  Everything we know of is created using shapes found in the Flower of Life.

                  This is the way everything works, geometrically.
                  Every part of the world has the Flower of Life in it's history and it
                  is the Sacred Geometry of the ancients.
                  Flower of Life contains the torus, 5 Platonic solids, golden ratio of phi / Fibonacci spiral (vortex / implosion).

                  Flower of Life
                  Golden ratio

                  I claim to know nothing beyond the Flower of Life is very important.
                  This can not be ignored, the entire ancient world had this knowledge.
                  (how is unknown ..)
                  One should study it as to know of the importance.

                  for being
                  Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                  Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                  • #10
                    Platonic Solids

                    five special polyhedra — known collectively as the Platonic solids — that are different from all the others.
                    What makes the Platonic solids special? Well, two things, actually.

                    1. They are the only polyhedra whose faces are all exactly the same. Every face is identical to every other face. For instance, a cube is a Platonic solid because all six of its faces are congruent squares.

                    2. The same number of faces meet at each vertex. Every vertex has the same number of adjacent faces as every other vertex. For example, three equilateral triangles meet at each vertex of a tetrahedron.

                    No other polyhedra satisfy both of these conditions

                    Interactive Platonic Solids And how to create them.
                    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bodkins
                      Just to Get a Idea Of what is Happening with the Ether.
                      YouTube - Think out of the BOX Primary Phyics
                      Yes, intersection of circles is a good visual.
                      Stress is +/-, 2 ways, pressure / suction, expansion / contraction, explosion / implosion. Everything has an opposite.
                      A triangle is a 2D visual of a 3D Tetrahedron.
                      A Tetrahedron is a shape, a visual which along it's edges can be drawn spiral or the vortex (pressure/suction).

                      Here is another visual that is along the lines of PP but is not.

                      I'm just looking, as you are, for a way to visualize this.
                      A way to wrap your head around the information.

                      I'm way behind you right now in reading. I got side tracked.

                      The Star Tetrahedron is said to be behind the 19.5 degree forces found on planets.
                      Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                      Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bodkins
                        Just to Get a Idea Of what is Happening with the Ether.
                        YouTube - Think out of the BOX Primary Phyics
                        What do you think about chinese 5 element?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                          What do you think about chinese 5 element?

                          its all the same just different words and styles


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                            Yes, intersection of circles is a good visual.
                            Stress is +/-, 2 ways, pressure / suction, expansion / contraction, explosion / implosion. Everything has an opposite.
                            A triangle is a 2D visual of a 3D Tetrahedron.
                            A Tetrahedron is a shape, a visual which along it's edges can be drawn spiral or the vortex (pressure/suction).
                            I'm just looking, as you are, for a way to visualize this.
                            Your looking for a way to visualize it yes and if it work for you it will work for many
                            but the heavenly bodys are spheres that all Im saying Randy
                            Your looking from the angle of HOW but if you have got WHY you dont need HOW.
                            HOW is because of WHY
                            Anyway I dont want to get in to this bit yet.

                            Has anyone got a fishbowl?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
                              Your looking for a way to visualize it yes and if it work for you it will work for many
                              but the heavenly bodys are spheres that all Im saying Randy
                              Your looking from the angle of HOW but if you have got WHY you dont need HOW.
                              HOW is because of WHY
                              Anyway I dont want to get in to this bit yet.

                              Has anyone got a fishbowl?
                              Don't we all live inside a fishbowl?

                              What's PD? .. I looked at the dictionary in the book does not have PD listed or I missed it

                              Stressfields / everything wants to be a sphere, as energy, yes.. The Why.
                              I'm still way behind on reading. I'm doing that now.

                              We must use matter to build a device that interfaces with the stressfields.
                              Putting matter into / under stress (potential) allows tapping into, ah, that energy-matter ..
                              I don't know yet how to say it, what the point is I'm trying to get at,
                              except no matter except matter in the void (space / air) is a sphere.
                              All (large) matter takes on a non-sphere shape, the HOW.

                              We can only see "glowing" energy.

                              Which brings up a thought / idea, about the energy we can see isn't the same as that we can't see.
                              It's different. A spark isn't the same energy that travels down a copper wire.
                              It must change into "glowing" energy state to cross the air, thus we can see it.

                              What's PD?

                              Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                              Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."

