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The Physics of the Primary State of Matter

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  • mrbreau
    just been reading the more info and down the botton is this Nexus Crock & MexiStim article - 02/15/08
    With dave hudson
    Thanks again


    • Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
      cheers mrbreau
      will read tomorrow Ive got 10 pages open at the mo here are 2
      Randy get on this

      this one is a long one but I think needs reading from top to bottom

      It literally is the light of life. This is that part of your body that has
      been there all of this time, that scientists can't find because their
      instruments can't see it. They call it carbon because it has no absorption or
      emission spectra and they assume therefore that it is carbon when, in fact, it
      isn't carbon. That there are 11 elements that it could be but primarily
      rhodium and iridium are the elements that are in your body right now. And
      that literally they resonance connect and literally flow the light of life
      perpetually in your body. And around your body you have a non polar magnetic
      field which is called the Meissner field or they refer to it as the aura.
      The Rodin coil and torsion are two things I've tried to get people to look at
      but I didn't get much but a few comments. I never spoke of them together
      Torsion is a hard thing to detect/meter and I don't know what B-Field is.
      I've not researched B-Field. JLN Labs states: "More to come soon..."
      but that never happened.

      See Adam_ant eBook about this that Hudson speaks about.
      Search the ebook for ORMEs.

      Yes, Hudson. That's only a little bit of transcript.
      I have the audio recordings of these transcript somewhere, about 6+ hours as I remember.
      I came across this about 4+ years ago.
      At that time I had nothing to think about except the strange stories Hudson
      had to tell. I knew it was important at that time, but knew not what I could
      do with the information.
      Now with PP and other acquired information .. I should reexamine his stories.

      I'll have to see if I can find those audios on my off-line hard drives.
      Don't get your nuts in a tail-spin about this stuff.
      True, if true, this is PP, but it all boils down to detection and metering.

      Say you created "something" .. Just having a pile white power on a plate does
      not prove what it is. That's what most of the problem is most ANYTHING
      outside of current physics .. detection and metering.

      That's been my beef about nailing down all observations and wanting to look
      at all the "Yeah, but, what about this." It's the exceptions, the this doesn't fit
      .. those point to detection maybe of "something else" going on.

      So I don't lose this, link and this image

      Search phase "CONICAL WINDING"
      Remember to be kind to your mind ...
      Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


      • Trees

        YouTube - Tree stressfield
        I love trees


        • YouTube - Ion energies
          As soon as i find some dry ice Im doing this!!

          YouTube - High voltage "Air threads"


          • glowing ball of magnatism thats what i want and i have a feeling the rodin coil with the right geometery of cones may be a easy way of doing it
            Ideas anyone?


            • Ideas re magnetism

              @ Bodkins- I came across this book yesterday and bookmarked it on impulse.

              Magnetic Energy - Free Energy | Scribd

              What it has to do with my search which was ' centrifugal force ', I don't know.

              Might be just what you needed; more reading

              Love and light
              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


              • When the time is right the info will come! and it did
                Ben A big fat kiss at ya


                • Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
                  glowing ball of magnatism thats what i want and i have a feeling the rodin coil with the right geometery of cones may be a easy way of doing it
                  Ideas anyone?
                  The rodin coil is not easy to wind and it isn't wound how you would initially think it would be. I've posted something somewhere that has a link that explains how it is wound. I can't tell you how to wind the CONICAL WINDING, Peter knows.

                  That's why I posted my thoughts about the back/forth winding of normal coils wondering if that was counter-productive due to magnetic spin.
                  A toroid coil, be it normal or rodin windings does not have a back/forth winding.

                  The pdf Inquorate linked to can be found also at a UK website.
                  I've seen web pages where all words on the diagrams are readable at the web site. . link in this thread. Sorry I don't recall what words were used in the post to find it.
                  Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                  Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                  • Randy its on youtube how to wind the rodin.
                    I thinking more than one!


                    • Rodin Coil, stop, look, listen ... Please?

                      Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
                      Randy its on youtube how to wind the rodin.
                      I thinking more than one!
                      I salute you ... But <<BUT>>

                      The first instructional I found on the internet (youtube) is Wrong! Thus, I do not post the link here.

                      Too many windings are on the coil.
                      I don't know the stuff you know Richard, but I know how to follow instructions and this guy is doing it incorrectly.

                      Rodin calls it a Binary-Triplet coil.
                      The instructional is correct about the 36 points, 12 per winding.
                      You have two options: smaller wire or bigger toroid..
                      The option is not what this guy did, which is ..
                      just move the pins so he can get more windings on.
                      It might be easier if you take the time, using two colored pins to mark
                      two sets of pins, 1-12 (see Mark Rodin's video)
                      Label your toroid's top and bottom...This might be very important to know.

                      The sticky part is how to begin the second winding.. I don't remember.
                      If the first winding started out over the top, does the second winding
                      start out going under the bottom?
                      This very question was Asked at overunity, I believe.. there should be
                      a link to that and how it was resolved within this tread The Number Matrix and Rodin Coil

                      Marko Rodin's vortex-based mathematics part 1 of 44
                      Video #1 and #2 speak of the coil and it's winding.
                      Mark shows a Rodin coil and tells you he did not make it.
                      The coil Mark shows does not look like what he tells you it should be.. it too
                      looks as if it has too many windings on it.

                      You want the surface of the toroid to be covered by 3 equal sized areas.
                      2 of those are windings and the 3rd area is EMPTY.
                      It isn't a Rodin Coil without an equal area given for the Empty Winding.
                      The empty space is very important. (Mark's video explains why)
                      When you get done, your coil should look like you are 2/3rds done and
                      not finish.

                      Suggest having multiple pre-cut cut pieces of tape handy so you can stop
                      and rest .. or you get interrupted during the winding.

                      I'm not just this time ..
                      Love and Light
                      Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                      Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                      • Good to see your not just this time i need help with this and the future maybe here with this, I thing the geometery as you said is the most important part the size of the ring and the wing need to be perfect just like nature is perfect.
                        We need someone good at maths for the ring total area and wire size.
                        Im getting a signal generater for this too.
                        Randy...... making a vortex is the point to this geeting the aether moving then pulling it a part, maybe at the center of the ring the stuff ben linked to may have the answer for the geometry on the final setup.
                        take care
                        Richard x


                        • dark Soil

                          Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, “The Secret of El Dorado”

                          YouTube - Allotment
                          YouTube - Dark Soil


                          • Sweet spread .. That Bodkins, he be one of the folk now.
                            And it's Holy Smoke-n Time

                            Serious Charcoal Making DIY - make your own charcoal
                            I'll make a video of the woodgas stove I made. It makes great charcoal.
                            You can make these the size of bean cans and those work real good too.
                            It's more efficient, using less wood and makes a great cooking stove too.
                            It burns top down or Downdraft Gasification and there's no guess work
                            when your charcoal is done. The gas stops burns, your done.
                            Same way the old timers created charcoal in the video, but on a faster and smaller scale.
                            What's nice, but takes longer to burn is you can use green wood which
                            burns about twice as long.
                            It took me a very long time to get enough solid details to make one that worked without a fan.. When they work right, there isn't any smoke,
                            the smoke is in the burning gases.
                            You can be using charcoal for filtering drinking water also, not just growing
                            plants. If you have sand for planting.. save some, just in case.
                            Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                            Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                            • Im hijacking the thread for 5 mins with biochar

                              I can get tons of sawdust when i say tons I mean tons
                              big oil drum one pipe from top to bottom to feed the heating of the drum with biogas. repeat lots of times give the stuff to all down the allotment everyones happy, I live in hut down allotment making biochar winding rodin coil making freeenergy and flying ship antigrav time shifting thingy .
                              At the same time world planet freq. shift world peace only objective of world .
                              One second later everone here flys over to allotment cracks open beers or whatever you like (no laws) big party ,lifes beatiful,Mother nature joins in party and tree dances to YouTube - Jeff Buckley - Lilac Wine

                              One Day

                              Ben See What Happens when My Batterys are Charged


                              • Charged batteries

                                Sure do :-) it's good to see! Pretty soon, we (mechanical engine thread) will figure out gravity powered perpetual motion, and you can have lights, heat and music at your allotment's shindigs

                                Love and light
                                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

