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The Physics of the Primary State of Matter

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  • #16
    when did i talk of PD? I dont understand the question


    • #17
      Defs of PD and viz.

      Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
      when did i talk of PD? I dont understand the question
      PD is used over and over again in the book about PP
      and is not in the list of definitions. The book can not be search for words.

      To define something else I didn't know what it was:
      * viz. (videlicet) means "namely, to wit, precisely, that is to say".[1] In contradistinction to i.e. and e.g., viz. is used to indicate a detailed description of something stated before, and when it precedes a list of group members, it implies (near) completeness. Example: "The noble gases, viz. helium, neon, argon, xenon, krypton and radon, show a non-expected behaviour when exposed to this new element."
      Trying to pour water upon the blazing fire of my Ignorance
      Remember to be kind to your mind ...
      Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


      • #18
        Defs Keeper

        PDF page 115, same as, PP page 122
        Second to last paragraph uses the word keeper.
        What's a keeper?
        Is that like the bar you put on a horseshoe magnet?
        Remember to be kind to your mind ...
        Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


        • #19
          I see Randy

          Primary Phyics Definition (PD)Cosmos= An ordered system of finite and spherical form,form out of ultra-space

          Secondary Phyics Definition (SD)Cosmos=Harmony,any self inclusive charactised by order or harmony amid complexity of detail.

          Page 29

          Arron I waiting for you input, because if you aggree your words have more weight than mine.

          will get back to you on the keeper going away for a couple of days!
          Last edited by Bodkins; 02-21-2009, 09:49 AM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Vortex View Post
            PDF page 115, same as, PP page 122
            Second to last paragraph uses the word keeper.
            What's a keeper?
            Is that like the bar you put on a horseshoe magnet?
            I think your right on the keeper, will be studying the text again next week if different will update.


            • #21
              Ref. Link Along right hand side of web page, many ref. links.

              ... Do not use ‘electrical teaching’ to presuppose ...
              ... This is a recycling of a stabilized magnetic/electro energy not electro/magnetic
              because the field of force is not a case of electrical input, an input that created
              the magnetic, but rather a build-up of magnetic energy which caused an energy thrust. ...
              ... This power source is not predicated on a continuous flow of energy but
              predicated on the consistency of the transmutation process of the magnetic
              molecular structures within the Earth’s pressure flow.
              Sounds like PP (Primary Physics) to me.
              Strange how I wasn't even looking for this and I found it.

              Image of interest, makes ya go: ", that's different."


              This is the link given above in the quote.
              Free Energy Mini Romag Generator: How 50 HP Romag Generator Function.

              It's hours since I started this post and I'm still reading stuff at this web site.

              Remember to be kind to your mind ...
              Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


              • #22
                Nice I like it ! It pops out at you sometimes ......THATS PP!!!!!

                Im still on Algae
       earth's+magnetic+field&source=bl&ots=eQb62njQwl&si g=5dRy2EFXrsQuQJlxilNXQvt1iyQ&hl=en&ei=goqlSeb6CdS zjAf4vO3OBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=4&ct=result #PPA428,M1

                Looks like a good book abit pricey


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                  Sounds like PP (Primary Physics) to me.
                  Strange how I wasn't even looking for this and I found it.

                  Image of interest, makes ya go: ", that's different."


                  MINI-ROMAG GENERATOR
                  This is the link given above in the quote.
                  Free Energy Mini Romag Generator: How 50 HP Romag Generator Function.

                  It's hours since I started this post and I'm still reading stuff at this web site.

                  The Mini Romag generator from Magnetic Energy uses the principle of moving magnetic flow named the magnetic current

                  How To Build a Free Magnetic Energy Generator (Mini Romag) | Free Energy | The Green Optimistic


                  • #24
                    Magnetotaxis in Bacteria



                    • #25
                      karlsoen - NEXT PAGE 3
                      Electrical fields are incompatible with the entire earth system, causing numerous problems. We must and we will stop using electricity in the near future. There will be a shift in the earth's magnetic field that will prevent the generation of electricity. The earth's new polarity will not allow present generators to gather magnetic molecular structures from the ionosphere to form them into electrons.
                      Maybe it's time to error on the side of caution.
                      Unsure if cold electricity qualifies as a replacement.
                      Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                      Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                        Maybe it's time to error on the side of caution.
                        Unsure if cold electricity qualifies as a replacement.
                        The glowing sphere will replace all energy needs because it can be what you what it to be.

                        Great research, A very good read


                        • #27
                          Magnetic Energy To Heal

                          I shall duplicate a post here.

                          (source link)

                          EBook (pdf) Magnetic Energy To Heal The Planet

                          There are a lot of plans and drawings about:

                          Magnetic Water Purifier
                          Magnetic Water Purifier Drawings
                          Magnetic Water Pump
                          Magnetic Water Pump Drawings
                          Magnogen Motor
                          Magnogen Motor Drawings
                          Magnetic Current Generator
                          Magnetic Current Generator Drawings
                          Magnetic Light Box
                          Magnetic Light Box Drawings
                          Romag Generator
                          Romag Generator Drawings
                          Mini-Romag Generator
                          Mini-Romag Generator Drawings
                          Pyramid Unit
                          Pyramid Unit Drawings
                          Magnetic Piston
                          Magnetic Piston Drawings
                          Cold Fusion Motor
                          Cold Fusion Motor Drawings
                          TiAlCo-B Metal
                          Celestial Particle Transmuter
                          Celestial Particle Transmuter Drawings
                          Magnetic Motor
                          Magnetic Motor Drawings
                          Magnetic Heating Unit
                          Magnetic Heating Unit Drawings
                          Space Craft
                          Space Craft Drawings
                          I just obtained the book. I've yet to begin reading.

                          I've been reading other stuff than PP as it seems to be rounding off
                          the edges of understanding of PP .. as then I might better absorb
                          PP than I was during my initial readings.

                          Word of the Day: Diamagnetic

                          Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                          Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                          • #28
                            Magnetic Spin Reversal Units

                            Magnetic Spin Reversal Units - Science and Mechanics Magazine, Written by Jorma Hyypia for the Spring 1980 Edition

                            Web page above Commemorates
                            Mr. Howard R. Johnson (or Rory Johnson)
                            June 1st, 1919, – January 2nd, 2008.

                            an unsung magnet pioneer and visionary


                            Before Mr. Howard R. Johnson no one knew that a magnet can fire a momentary burst of energy a thousand times greater than its static field strength, repeatedly..... for the life of the magnet; potentially forever. Few people understand that today.

                            Mr. Johnson discovered that similar magnetic poles can be made to attract, not repel; and that standard texts teaching the patterns of iron filings around a magnet have mislead us about the larger nature of magnetic force fields, which are double helix vortexes of energy.

                            Mr. Johnson demonstrated that magnets meet all the requirements to be considered an example of room temperature super conductivity.

                            It is especially important to appreciate that Mr. Johnson did not utilize simple or ordinary concepts of magnetic repulsion and attraction in the design of his magnetic engines.

                            Johnson designed circuits to evoke exchange forces via sudden spin flipping, or reversals of magnetic forces, which can momentarily produce a reaction with hundreds or thousand times more force than the normal static field strength of the magnet.

                            When the "spin flipping" reaction is evoked, substantial macroscopic (clearly visible) exchange forces are generated.

                            Mr. Johnson discovered that through the assembly of magnetic materials in geometric patterns which he called "spin units" or "spin flipping units" such that when exposed to the magnetic field of another magnet in motion, would induce sudden spin flipping, or reversal of magnetic attraction into a magnetic release force such that a momentary and substantial release force would come into existence in the magnet circuit.

                            By controlling where this occurs in a rotor / stator relationship, this sudden energy impulse could be timed to produce remarkably strong linear or rotational propulsion force(s).
                            Story by someone that worked on the Johnson motor.
                            Rory Johnson Gallium-Deuterium Fusion Magnetic Motor
                            Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                            Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                              Story by someone that worked on the Johnson motor.
                              Rory Johnson Gallium-Deuterium Fusion Magnetic Motor
                              Similar prinsiple with kundel magnet?

                              It seem Dr Johnson already wrote a book:
                              The secret worlds of magnet
                              Last edited by sucahyo; 02-27-2009, 02:17 AM.


                              • #30
                                Vacuum + Sunlight = Vortexes .. What?

                                Sunlight causes vortex motion
                                We've been told light moves in a straight line, therefore this isn't light, is it.
                                Connect the DOTS.

                                Quote Link
                                Ehrenhaft and his colleague, Ernst Reeger, have proved that there is more than a little truth in the suspicion that tiny particles of dust tend to rotate when exposed to the rays of the sun. For they have not only reproduced this phenomenon in the laboratory, but they have succeeded in photographing it as well. In order to do this, Ehrenhaft placed tiny graphite particles into a glass flask, from which the air was completely evacuated. Then the flask was exposed to focused beams of sunlight. Instantly a large number of particles were seen to rise from the bottom of the flask and start to weave elliptical, circular and spiral-shaped paths, which were quite visible to the naked eye. The phenomenon ceased as soon as the light was weakened or cut off completely. Photographs taken at one-fifth and one-tenth of a second proved that not only were the particles orbiting, but more significantly, they were spinning on their own axis.

                                It is of interest to note that Ehrenhaft would like to relate the phenomenon to his own theory of a new type of physical force. He suggests that it is a purely ‘magnetic’ force which permeates throughout the known universe.
                                Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                                Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."

