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The Physics of the Primary State of Matter

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  • #46
    Bodkins and Amigo,
    Bermuda Triangle and the Devil's Sea/Triangle..
    Don't know. That's just it ..

    I can't picture how the 4 vortexes would be mapped upon the Earth sphere.
    Are the vortexes axis parallel to each other in opposite directions like the bar magnet?
    They can not overlap but there is a flow from South to North and North to South, that does happen.
    This must mean there has to be large voids between them, some where, unlike a flat bar magnet.

    I found a city Aurora in Brazil but no borealis ...

    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


    • #47
      Randy I was reading a research paper on firing radiowaves at the earth magnetic field, They found that if you fired the radiowaves at right angles to the magnetic field the signal came backish, they is no aurora in brazil, but the Magnetic field is the same as the poles it goes straight up, the double vortex works they too. Im uploading 3 videos with the way i see thing happening it base on the stuff you have put forward and my understanding of time and life.

      "If the anomaly is due to some new physical mechanism, this discovery would have a truly fundamental impact," Turyshev said.
      We have a better understanding then they do!


      • #48
        Gravity being a spoil brat .. misbehaving

        Bodkins, Please post link to what you were reading, "radiowaves at right angles",

        Ref Link
        first detected in 1980, but reported in Sept. 24, 1998 after detailed analysis of
        the Doppler shifted radio data from the spacecraft [6]:the probe is moving as if
        it were subject to a ”new, unknown force” pointing towards the Sun. The same
        constant acceleration imparted by this force has been detected in 2 more spacecraft:
        Pioneer 11 (launched in 1973) and Ulysses (launched in 1990). All probes
        are following trajectories that cannot be explained by conventional physics: based on General
        Relativity computations of their trajectories under the gravitational pull of the known bodies
        in the solar system (the Sun playing the major role), they are not in the position where they
        should be (the discrepancy amounts to approx. 248,500 miles (∼ 400, 000 km), almost the Earth-
        Moon distance).
        Before and after the 1954 and 1959 (partial) solar
        eclipses the plane of oscillation of a FP and of a ”paraconical” pendulum (one which is suspended
        via a small steel ball bearing, which is capable of rolling in all directions upon a plane horizontal
        surface) experienced normal constant clockwise rotation, with an average angular velocity of 0.19
        degrees per minute
        . But at the begining of the eclipse the angular velocity of the oscillation plane
        changed abruptedly an average of 13.5 degrees per minute, counterclockwise! (fig.1, a). This
        huge sudden change in the sense and in the rotation of the oscillation plane persisted throughout
        the length (2.5 hours) of the eclipse.
        Wrap your brain around this one.
        c = "speed" of light = 186,000 miles / second
        Constant = whatever speed of the observer
        Space and time are NOT constant ..
        but vary with the speed of the observer.

        observer velocity = 0% c light = 186,000 miles / 1 second
        observer velocity = 87% c light = 93,000 miles / 0.5 second or 186,000 / sec
        observer velocity = 99.5% c light = 18,600 miles / 0.1 second or 186,000 / sec
        observer velocity = 100% c light = 0 speed 0 time

        Light/photons from it's perspective (it's the observer)
        does not experience speed or time or have mass
        There is NO traveling from point A to point B .. it doesn't MOVE.

        Pretty COOL .....
        Ref Video Reality Emerges from Consciousness

        I've stop much, it's more like hunting for Easter eggs
        Life is very weird only because we keep thinking it's what we believe it is
        and it really isn't like that at all.
        Remember to be kind to your mind ...
        Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


        • #50
          Found two sort like it.
          J. Heading and R. T. P. Whipple
          The Oblique Reflexion of Long Wireless Waves from the Ionosphere
          at Places where the Earth's Magnetic Field is Regarded as Vertical
          Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A April 3, 1952 244:469-503; doi:10.1098/rsta.1952.0012

          Most of this thing is equations. You might get something from the words..
          I didn't even try to read it.

          The Ionosphere and Upper Atmospheric Electrodynamics
          The ionosphere's influence on radio-wave propagation ...

          Don't use the POST, use a carrier service, UPS, FedEx.
          Remember to be kind to your mind ...
          Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


          • #51
            Understanding Primary Phyics

            YouTube - Primary Phyics part 1

            This is the first part of three
            The intraction of the Stressfields can be seen Everywhere.
            Like boiling water you change the Fuel from matter to energy.Now this energy is a stressfield going from hot to cold. Once this field it hits another you will have change in the static field, because the energy in the active field is entering the static one.


            • #52
              Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
              YouTube - Primary Phyics part 1

              This is the first part of three
              The intraction of the Stressfields can be seen Everywhere.
              Like boiling water you change the Fuel from matter to energy.Now this energy is a stressfield going from hot to cold. Once this field it hits another you will have change in the static field, because the energy in the active field is entering the static one.
              Could you post some links or document the book titles your are referring to in your video.
              I'd like to look into those things which you are referring to.

              You are putting some pieces together, but I keep tossing new pieces all over
              like pick-up sticks ..

              Need Questions, fire sale going on now, get em while there hot
              Remember to be kind to your mind ...
              Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


              • #53
                House-size Space Balls

                This was reported in 1997, what happened to this? this requires a follow up.

                Is Earth Pelted by Space Snowballs
                NASA satellite suggest that Earth is bombarded every day by thousands of house-size snowballs

                "We find objects coming in about the rate of 20 every minute,
                one every three seconds," Frank said. "It looks like a small,
                small two bedroom house and it weighs 20 to 40 tons."

                Where's all the SPACE WATER coming from?
                Connect the Dots.
                Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                • #54
                  Satellite called IMAGE, say What?

                  Satellite studies Plasmasphere

                  EUV Images of the Plasmasphere

                  plasmasphere movies do not make any sense.
                  Why does the donut change sizes?

                  Why does it seem like the plasma is moving towards the sun
                  and it's not streaming away from the sun.

                  The sattelite was a 2 year misson and we only have access to
                  6 movies of non-sequential days

                  Where's the fireworks?, we are told it's like a coment very large
                  tail/trail of plasma

                  EUV Select Bibliography

                  Follow up required to understand what it is we are looking at.

         stops reporting Magnetospheric and Atmospheric News under
                  this heading just before this satellite was put into orbit.. curious..

                  Last edited by Vortex; 03-02-2009, 02:42 PM. Reason: Added link
                  Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                  Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                  • #55
                    YouTube - Primary Phyics part 2

                    once all the video are up i will put all the link i cant

                    this is what i have at hand

                    Chalice Well - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                    • #56
                      YouTube - Primary Phyics part 3


                      • #57
                        Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
                        YouTube - Primary Phyics part 2

                        once all the video are up i will put all the link i cant

                        this is what i have at hand

                        Chalice Well - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                        I know it's HARD man.
                        it's so unlike what we have been told .. the old thought patterns.
                        when you have that "FEELING" and you see .. there it is, here it is again.
                        but the ease of expression, what it is hasn't had time to sink in in
                        a way that makes it easy to speak about...

                        That's why I embarked upon this fact finding quest .. to find examples
                        where PP could explain a why and relationships to bridge the gap between PP and what we have been told.

                        I can relate, I'd would not be able to explain PP yet.
                        .. you have a better feel for PP than I do at this point.

                        It's like this, By some definitions of "word", the number of Eskimo words for
                        snow is approximately as large as the number of English sentences that can contain the word "snow".
                        It's like an Eskimo trying to speak about snow (PP) using the English language.

                        It's like a greased pig for me, I see it, I touch it, getting a grip on it is my problem. Each time I start to feel like I'm getting a hold on it, it slips away.

                        I need to get back to reading PP again.

                        I had just put down a post I'm working upon that involves King Arthur and the
                        Holy Grail. So you can imagine how your link kinda blew me away ..
                        Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                        Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                        • #58
                          Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                          I know it's HARD man.
                          it's so unlike what we have been told .. the old thought patterns.
                          when you have that "FEELING" and you see .. there it is, here it is again.
                          but the ease of expression, what it is hasn't had time to sink in in
                          a way that makes it easy to speak about...

                          That's why I embarked upon this fact finding quest .. to find examples
                          where PP could explain a why and relationships to bridge the gap between PP and what we have been told.

                          I can relate, I'd would not be able to explain PP yet.
                          .. you have a better feel for PP than I do at this point.

                          It's like this, By some definitions of "word", the number of Eskimo words for
                          snow is approximately as large as the number of English sentences that can contain the word "snow".
                          It's like an Eskimo trying to speak about snow (PP) using the English language.

                          It's like a greased pig for me, I see it, I touch it, getting a grip on it is my problem. Each time I start to feel like I'm getting a hold on it, it slips away.

                          I need to get back to reading PP again.

                          I had just put down a post I'm working upon that involves King Arthur and the
                          Holy Grail. So you can imagine how your link kinda blew me away ..

                          At time i cant talk about it , But when I find space in my head its easy.
                          YouTube - No Box

                          Surround your self with nature and it gets easyer.
                          Remenber to breath and think about breathing the air(oxygen) in and hits your lungs(earth).


                          • #59
                            Schauberger - Primary and Secondary Physics

                            Information keeps slapping me in the face and I'm getting beat up here.
                            (it's like SLAP: wake up, see there, look at that .. See!? .. told ya so)

                            Listen to the Laura Lee radio interview with Callum Coats
                            Audio in ASX or Audio in ASF Source Link
                            Hear Coats say Schauberger believed in Primary and
                            Secondary Physics .. dualities / opposites

                            Schauberger's devices include both dualities.

                            In the audio interview @ 1:23:00 you hear Coats say that Schauberger most
                            of the time made use of a catalyst in his devices.
                            Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                            Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                            • #60
                              Lorentz force and Water propulsion

                              This one is very special.. (I like anything to do with water)
                              Lorentz force and Water propulsion with out propeller
                              YouTube - Lorentz force and Water propulsion with out propeller

                              Woodward Effect.
                              Woodward effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                              Flux Capacitor

                              STAIF 2006: Andrew Palfreyman on Reactionless Drives (!! ?? !!)
                              STAIF 2006: Andrew Palfreyman on Reactionless Drives

                              Paul March on the STAIF 2006 Reactionless-Drive Presentation
                              Paul March on the STAIF 2006 Reactionless-Drive Presentation

                              wire wrap of special coil (Of special interest, ?coils?)
                              YouTube - wire wrap of special coil

                              Coreolis effect (very good video)
                              YouTube - Coreolis effect

                              Earth wind current (Stresses, Bodkins?)
                              YouTube - Earth wind current

                              Hamel Magnetic (what is this?)
                              YouTube - Hamel Magnetic

                              hyperbolic Vortex / Wirlwind Tornado Wirbelwind (Just cool to look at)
                              YouTube - hyperbolic Vortex / Wirlwind Tornado Wirbelwind

                              Induction Video (This for me, I need a visual)
                              YouTube - Induction

                              strange phenomena (star in a jar, Cool!)
                              YouTube - strange phenomena

                              Sorry about all the links, I couldn't help myself.
                              Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                              Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."

